The article that reported the arrest of Brett “Tommy Scoville” Miller for forcible sexual assault, stalking and harassment.

2025.01.27 04:01 BlueRidgeSpeaks The article that reported the arrest of Brett “Tommy Scoville” Miller for forcible sexual assault, stalking and harassment.

The article that reported the arrest of Brett “Tommy Scoville” Miller for forcible sexual assault, stalking and harassment. submitted by BlueRidgeSpeaks to SPTV_Grifters [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Chi-Chigettheyayo Great reward comes from greater risk

This is all a game
Find something for the low,get in and get out…
The Reddit crypto subs are full of pussy shit and hate..if you’re mad at the powers that be,play thier game and learn how to win and disappear
Good luck to all…never met so much hate on someone else making profit and possibly changing their families lives
God bless,that close enough to how I feel…I know one asked
submitted by Chi-Chigettheyayo to CryptoMarkets [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Moki_Loki_1 Need help. (Someone to talk to)

This girl and I had been dating until her parents found out. When they did we decided to break up. But that only lasted for a week and then we were back to texting and being in a relationship. Her parents are very strict. They don’t let her drive anywhere, see anyone (even her friends, because of which she basically has no friends now), and they control every part of her life. She can’t even listen to music. When we broke up for a week it was hell but she texted me and we got back together. We would basically see each other like once month only for like 30 mins (because we had to go behind her parents back). Her parents found out again and then again we stoped talking for a week. This happened like 4 times 💀. And each time her parents read all the texts too. Each time it happened we would just end up texting after week. But this time I said let’s not make it official. So we were kind of in a relationship. I love her and I know she loves me so this is why it hurts even more. We don’t even hate each other and like each other very much. So anyways today her dad somehow got hold of my brother’s number (thinking that it was my dad. He was basically trying to contact my dad). Her dad texted and basically said “hey we want your kid to stay away from our daughter and cut off all contact” 😭. My brother said I should do just that. I don’t know what to do! I don’t have any else to talk to. It’s awkward to talk to my brother (for reasons I will not get into as this post will be way too long).
submitted by Moki_Loki_1 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Isaac-8 checkmate

submitted by Isaac-8 to yotsuba [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 AutoModerator ⏳8 Days to SI25! Liquid Choking wins the 7th poll. Vote for the next team emoji!

⏳8 Days to SI25! Liquid Choking wins the 7th poll. Vote for the next team emoji! History:
Liquid Choking meme will get added soon as an emoji for SI25
Comment/upvote the next team you want featured as a usable emoji!
  1. Comment below the team you want featured! (preferably with photo).
  2. Most upvoted comment after 24hrs wins, and that team’s emoji will be featured.
  3. Only 15 emoji slots available for 20 SI teams. Make your upvotes count, only 8 slots remain!
submitted by AutoModerator to R6ProLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 tomii051 Problemas familiares y convivencia, que me recomiendan?

No sé que hacer así que les pregunto a ustedes si es q pasan o pasaron por la situación que estoy pasando ahora. A mis viejos se les ocurrió compartir el terreno con el resto de mis hermanos (somos 4 hijos), cuestión que ellos ya se hicieron la casa, uno vive arriba y otro en el fondo, o sea que ocuparon ya más de la mitad del terreno (yo también puedo construir para arriba y hacerme mi lugar) pero la cosa es que mi hermano del medio y la mujer se creen dueños del terreno y mis viejos no les dicen nada pq odian las confrontaciones. Por ejemplo mi vieja tiene un perro, y el plato de la comida de el quedó cerca de las escaleras de la casa de arriba, los otros que viven arriba tienen un gato, la situación es que el gato paso cerca del plato del perro y el perro hizo como que le iba a morder, pero solo fue una advertencia de que no se acerque al plato, cuestión que mi cuñada vio la situación y le dijo a mi vieja que si el perro mordía al gato lo iban a hacer desaparecer. (Mis viejos callados porque son re miedosos lamentablemente).
Otra situación es que mi novia hace trenzas o uñas y mi vieja le dió el permiso para llevar a las clientas ahí. Cuestión que llegó mi cuñada y le dijo a mi novia que se vaya a otro lado o que busque un alquiler para eso. Sumado a eso, los hijos son insoportables y malcriados y si te empiezan a tocar las cosas apenas los podes retar porque la madre salta a defenderlos.
Mis viejos no los aguantan y los critican de arriba a abajo, pero lo que me da bronca y me molesta es que después andan almorzando juntos o haciendo planes juntos. Yo no sé que hacer, me quiero mudar, pero estoy laburando y estoy ganando muy poco. La semana q viene voy a empezar a tirar currículum y ver q hacer. Perdón si escribí mucho pero gracias por leer.
submitted by tomii051 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: basilisk

basilisk: a fabulous serpent, or dragon. the ancients alleged that its hissing would drive away all other serpents, and that its breath, and even its look, was fatal. see cockatrice
See tree for basilisk:
submitted by sharewithme to funwithwords [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Simple-Taro1540 The main characters in Owl House be like...

The main characters in Owl House be like... Do you agree or disagree?
submitted by Simple-Taro1540 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Chance_That What yall think?

What yall think? What yall think? Give me some feedback (Song unfinished and unmastered)
submitted by Chance_That to CrimeInTheD [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 corgis_are_cute_7777 me_irl

submitted by corgis_are_cute_7777 to me_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Revised_Copy-NFS grey uneditable "add [whatever mesh it was]" menu in completely new projects and old saves.

submitted by Revised_Copy-NFS to blenderhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 giaquinto25 Looking to upgrade my gaming pc

Hey y’all, I built my gaming pc about 10 years ago with some help from Reddit and family/friends with computer knowledge. I used it pretty often for a while then after a few years hiatus due to school/work/life I’m finally back where I can spend some free time on gaming again. However, where I was playing games that came out a decade ago on high or ultra quality, my pc now struggles to maintain most modern games on a medium or even low quality without massive frame rate drops or flat out crashing from being overworked. I’m not spending hours a day gaming like I used to but I would like to spend the couple hours I can get on to be less spent in loading screens lol. Any suggestions for one or more pieces to upgrade would be super appreciated, or if I’m just not tech savvy and there’s a solution I’m not thinking of please let me know haha, thank you!!
Here’s the hardware I’m working with: CPU - Intel Core i7-5820k RAM - 8 GB dual-channel DDR4 Motherboard - ASRock X99 Exteme3 Graphics Card - AMD Radeon R9 200 series Storage - 931 GB Western Digital WDC
submitted by giaquinto25 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Prudent-Ad-6097 watch how john cena lifts jimmy

submitted by Prudent-Ad-6097 to AdvertiseYourVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 No-Inevitable-5172 Still wanna elect liberals?

I thought people learned their lessons, but no - they are hoping Carney “the centrist” will be their saviour.
The policies won’t change, after the big announcement on refugees coming from USA here is another one:
To translate: - new PR program announced - you just need to be 12th grade educated - 5 band in IELTS - anyone can be your employer … even a family
submitted by No-Inevitable-5172 to AskCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 AlexKazGamer ROG PROJECT BLIZZARD Build

"Am Legally blind" It's been awhile since I made my first post maybe November 2023 when I created my ROG BUILD " Project Blizzard" but I wanted to update in November 2024 I upgraded to a ROG 4080 SUPER OC from my previous ROG 3060 OV V2 build. "I hope it looks nice "
submitted by AlexKazGamer to Corsair [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Loose-Outside-7737 Closing wrist thoughts

I’m fighting a wide open club face at impact due to lack of wrist closure during backswing. What thoughts have yall used or movements to help with this? Trying to fix my real bad push now that my slice is getting under control slightly. Thanks!
submitted by Loose-Outside-7737 to GolfSwing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 evenstar128 Should I get second opinion?

Spot on my leg started out looking like a small hive on Friday. Didn't bug me at all and I didn't notice anything significant through the night or through the day Saturday. On Saturday afternoon into evening it started to get itchy and it was red, hot and tender to the touch. I drew a circle to monitor it.
Next morning (Sunday), it had spread a bit so I went into urgent care just to be safe. I was seen and the doctor had said it was a bug/spider bite and prescribed some steroid cream to use for 7 days.
It's still continuing to spread and I'm just worried it might be more than a bite. No other symptoms besides redness, hot and tender to the touch. Should I get a second opinion or see how it goes?
First picture was 9pm on Saturday and the second is 24 hours later.
submitted by evenstar128 to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Unable-Atmosphere756 My player want to deal with the hag but previously stole them

Hello, like it said in the title one of my player want to deal with the hag (he is a half orc wild magic barbarian), he know that the woman in the windmill have magic item with one of his subclasse ability and want to deal for magic item but the rogue of the group stole one of them (a wand of magic missile) and i don t know what to do, what do you thing? Do the hag wi ll deal with the player or be mean and deal curse item or magic scroll that used the spell on the person who use the Scroll? I thought of that, maybe they bought a fireball scroll that go kboum when they use it. I like the idea of the hag being really evil and enjoying suffering but i don t know if they prefer to gain new customer and make more money or try to make the life of the pc miserable even if it mean gaining new ennemi or a least losing customer. What do you think, i already used the night haunting ability of the hag on my player on the previous long rest and they don t know that it is the hag.
submitted by Unable-Atmosphere756 to CurseofStrahd [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 bentmatt30 zoom in closely

zoom in closely submitted by bentmatt30 to cherryisland [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 aieea A1 Mini By A Drafty Window?

I work in an old warehouse where the offices are climate controlled, but our windows suck. I'm trying to find a permanent home for our A1 Mini and the only real space in the office is right by our full wall of single pane drafty windows. Would a pop up enclosure be enough to keep the temperature stable? We're in northern Illinois, so it can get pretty cold.
submitted by aieea to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 RAGE_CAKES For The NFCE Whiners Now Rooting For The Chiefs

For The NFCE Whiners Now Rooting For The Chiefs Commies Exempt For Obviously Reasons
submitted by RAGE_CAKES to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Small_Atmosphere_99 ? Treasure hunt

? Treasure hunt submitted by Small_Atmosphere_99 to HotWheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 Exiled1972 Guys, i want the Chiefs. Am i stupid?

submitted by Exiled1972 to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 rramsdennn 10 free gift

Can you accept my invitation so that I can get a free gift? Download Temu App and search the code below to accept my invitation! 88406340
submitted by rramsdennn to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 04:01 JohnSmithWithAggron What translation of the idol job do you use?

View Poll
submitted by JohnSmithWithAggron to DemonSchoolIrumakun [link] [comments]