Which tape you grabbing first? 📼📼📼 (ignore the closet dust😂)

2025.01.27 17:13 ZoraLynn5 Which tape you grabbing first? 📼📼📼 (ignore the closet dust😂)

Which tape you grabbing first? 📼📼📼 (ignore the closet dust😂) submitted by ZoraLynn5 to MeatCanyon [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Equal-Buffalo2910 Dettes des parents

Attention pavé, je vais faire de mon mieux pour être clair et concis malgré mon mauvais niveau de français. Mes parents divorcés depuis 2 ans ont contracté +/- 50.000€ de dette d’impôts privés sur les 10 dernières années. Mon père continue seul de payer le crédit pour encore 5 ans (1500€/mois). Mon père a énormément d’autre dette sur sa société EURL, environ 300.000€. Moi (25ans) à mon compte j’ai une société qui tourne correctement, j’ai en mesure de solder la dette d’impôt de mes parents, et solder le loyer en 1an. malgré que ça m’embête fortement d’avoir à gérer ça. ( je le fais surtout pour mon petit frère assez fragile émotionnellement qui ne s’en remettrait pas) Quelle solution s’offre à moi? Ma mère me met la pression pour que je solde la totalité en 10mois et me fait du chantage pour sinon vendre la maison (+- 500k) J’aurais voulu avoir un échéanciers sur au moins 5 ans, afin de ne pas claquer tout ce que j’ai mis de côté en si peu de temps. quelle est la probabilité pour qu’il est des saisies de bien privé avant la fin d’échéance des 5 ans, ai-je le droit de reprendre une dette qui ne m’appartient pas ? Biensur si je n’avais pas mon frère j’aurais balayer cette situation et fait d’autres projets..
submitted by Equal-Buffalo2910 to vosfinances [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 TheMooinCow1 What card do you relate with most so far?

What card do you relate with most so far? Let’s get some lightheartedness in this channel for a bit. Let me know your card!
submitted by TheMooinCow1 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 vinura_vema baahubali movie in an alternative timeline

baahubali movie in an alternative timeline submitted by vinura_vema to Ni_Bondha [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Light_Relpat Bloodborne x JJK

Bloodborne x JJK Thanks for the support on the Lil Hoonta, here's Mikolash-Kenjaku summoning a curse spirit amygdala!
submitted by Light_Relpat to bloodborne [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Badgerfaction5 Torrent creation issues

Hey folks! I used to do quite a bit of downloading and seeding but not a lot of uploading new torrents. I’ve created one on 1337x and it seems to be live. The nice folks there helped me out a bit.
I can find it and connect to it but when I try to test the download using magnet links it gets stuck on the metadata part of the download and never progresses. I used the trackers that I was told to use but I’m worried I’ve made some other kind of mistake when creating the torrent itself. The torrent just contains a bunch of pdfs.
Any ideas?
I’ve tried with and without blocklists but my other computers are stalling on it.
submitted by Badgerfaction5 to TPB [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 moizeus One Piece Online 2d

Okay. There used to be a fan made game called OnePieceOnline and it was 2D and used sprites from the gba games. The dev didnt do much with the game, but i cant find any screenshots or videos of it. Its been a looong time since. Can anyone help me or even give me a way backmachine link.
submitted by moizeus to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 joewatts1113 Ps5 Split Screen Issues Help

Hello all! New to this franchise and I love it! However, my wife and I are having some extreme issues through act one playing split screen. Frequently, a variety of issues will happen: her map will disappear, companions/familiars that are grouped will stop following randomly, and worst of all during combat. Sometimes the UI will just vanish, and she won’t be able to end her turn or do much of anything and just has to quit.
We’ve tried restarting, making sure everything is up-to-date, and troubleshot quite a bit with the forums, but player two has consistently been borderline unplayable and it’s ruining the experience for her especially. Is this something that will be fixed in the near future or has been addressed at all? Is there something that I can do as a PS5 player to remedy these issues? Thanks all!
submitted by joewatts1113 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Capable_Trade461 PLEASE USE MY REFERRAL LINK TO GET UP TO $1000 OFF A NEW TESLA!!! LINK: https:// www.tesla.com/referral/steven541797

Link: https://www.tesla.com/referral/steven541797
Discounts it you use my link:
Model 3: $500 off
Model Y: $500 off
Model S/X/Cybertruck: $1000 off
Happy new year! 😊
submitted by Capable_Trade461 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Cremfresh11 Worth anything?

Worth anything? submitted by Cremfresh11 to D2R_Marketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 v_nevermore_v What color are my eyes?

What color are my eyes? I know the red doesn’t help but I don’t have a better one
submitted by v_nevermore_v to eyes [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 FabsFigures Jigsaw

Jigsaw submitted by FabsFigures to OneSixthEvolutionHT [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 neckofthedog Elon Musk tem um pesadelo com a morte. Preocupado, procura uma vidente...

Depois de examinar as cartas ela diz: - Sr. Musk, o senhor vai morrer num feriado judaico. - Qual deles? pergunta aflito o bilionário. - Qualquer dia que o senhor morrer será um feriado judaico.
submitted by neckofthedog to brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 BirdSpeakerHead [Debris Removal][debriseggs] Hop in, be active, have fun. Let’s knock this one out!

submitted by BirdSpeakerHead to EggsIncCoOp [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 brunobrad Economizei R$208.001,40 na faculdade, passei na federal do meu estado e estou realizado!

Imagina a faculdade mega conceituada privada que eu pensei em estudar e custear do meu próprio bolso tá com a mensalidade a R$3.466,69 EU NEM TENHO DINHEIRO PRA ISSO KKKKKKKKK. o montante aos 5 anos ia dar a soma de mais de 200 mil reais gastos com educação. Passei numa universidade federal mega conceituada no Brasil todo. Então eu tô realizadooooooooooooo. Tô feliz por ter persistido no caminho, de acreditar que poderia ser possível o reingresso na universidade pública que eu já entrara outra vez. Acreditem nos seus sonhos, e isso com vontade e gana própria, sem namorado, sem nada, venci tudo sozinho, sem ninguém pra motivar nem nada, todo mundo "tu já fez faculdade, pra quê vai fazer outra?" "ai olha lá ele de novo voltando pra universidade pública, coisa de adolescente". Eu consegui. Um alivio, precisava compartilhar essa alegria que eu tô no peito. Eu acredito nos meus sonhos, mesmo mais pra lá do que pra cá, acredite você também, o tempo ruim vai passar, se mantenha firme e tudo vai dar certo.
submitted by brunobrad to conversasserias [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Sure_Celebration_879 Anyone?

Anyone? submitted by Sure_Celebration_879 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Shaqlax Is it possible to make a beyblade

Is it possible to make a beyblade from metal series. I am talking about Phantom Orion etc. And would it be legal for me to sell them
submitted by Shaqlax to Beyblade [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 blasianbbg44 This top is my favorite!

This top is my favorite! submitted by blasianbbg44 to EbonySelfies [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Loser-boiii Sleepy sunny 6 months

Has coa! Still up for trade Not looking for anything specific!
submitted by Loser-boiii to reborndolls [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Nuze_YT "I'm sorry, ma'am, but due to your condition you'll have to spend the foreseeable future living with your husband so he can provide care for you."

While she was crying outside, her husband thanked his friend for pretending to be her doctor.
submitted by Nuze_YT to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 SiBryan what we think boys? is we cooking or nah

what we think boys? is we cooking or nah submitted by SiBryan to underdogfantasy [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 LiftingCode With Shedeur and Deion Sanders, do the Browns want another media show coming to town? Hey, Mary Kay! - cleveland.com

With Shedeur and Deion Sanders, do the Browns want another media show coming to town? Hey, Mary Kay! - cleveland.com submitted by LiftingCode to Browns [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Merchorito Error - "Unable to start the geometry editor"

Hi everyone.
I've been trying to fix this error for over a week now, but I can't seem to find it, so this is a desperate attempt to see if anyone else has encountered this.
I have a new computer, on which I downloaded ANSYS 2025 R1 (Student). I downloaded a model from a course and when I try to open the geometry by double clicking it shows me the message "Cannot start geometry editor".
Looked up information and tried the following:

Could anyone help me with this?
submitted by Merchorito to ANSYS [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 SpiritedPost7600 :3

submitted by SpiritedPost7600 to scene [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 17:13 Dannyhereandnow Advice needed about eyeliner on bottom lid. What looks best left or right eye?

Tried a different thing today. On the eye on the right I tight lined while on the left I tight lined with white pencil and then moved the black line slightly lower. What looks best?
submitted by Dannyhereandnow to TransLater [link] [comments]
