Check out this feature on Kevin Garnett's intensity, focusing on his mindset and passion for the game

2025.01.29 05:50 recessbadger45 Check out this feature on Kevin Garnett's intensity, focusing on his mindset and passion for the game

submitted by recessbadger45 to MSUSpartans [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 kid-dynamo- Why Deng Xiaoping avoided denouncing Mao like Khrushchev did to Stalin?

A follow up on my question yesterday which gave a lot of insights on how and why Mao avoided a "De-Stalinization" type outcome when he died.
Deng was after all a victim of one of Mao's purges despite being a loyal party member so he could've really held a lot of bad feelings towards his former leader.
He focused on denouncing the Gang of Four but stopped short of doing it to the memory of Mao much like what Khruschev did to Stalin
submitted by kid-dynamo- to AskHistory [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 Ghayb Hindu nationalist extremism and Khalistan movement considered new threats of extremism in UK: Leaked report | World News - The Times of India

Hindu nationalist extremism and Khalistan movement considered new threats of extremism in UK: Leaked report | World News - The Times of India submitted by Ghayb to indianmuslims [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 srinitata Folder Actions - getting rid of warning

Folder Actions - getting rid of warning I get this folder actions dispatcher warning once after every fresh start of the mac. is there any way to permanently get rid of it??
submitted by srinitata to MacOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 jvc72 Buy Signal KuCoin Token USD - 29 Jan 2025 @ 00:47 -> USD13.38

Ticker: KCSUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 29 Jan 2025 @ 00:47
Price: USD13.38
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 WinFew6556 2.0šŸ˜…

2.0šŸ˜… submitted by WinFew6556 to Ambien_Seller [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 MidCntryModernMillie Teenager receiving multiple calls a day. England.

From a withheld number from a child she knows, the same age (15), saying she is going to beat my child up. I have some of the conversations recorded and screenshots of the call records. I have let the police and school know. The police have not spoken to us or the girl and it's been three weeks since the calls started.
Are there any legal things I should be doing to ensure this girl is tret in a serious manner by the police?
submitted by MidCntryModernMillie to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 Aromatic-Ad-6382 Bambu A1 mini mit FW scheinbar Schrittverluste auf dem weg zum Purgen nach filament cut

ich hab vor kurzem den mini auf die geupdatet und jetzt hatte ich 3-4 mal einen Fehler der so die ganze zeit bisher nie auftrat und fĆ¼r mich eher unerklƤrlich und daher mit der FW zusammen hƤngen sollte.
Ich hab scheinbar wenn er nach dem Filament cut auf dem weg zum purgen ist sporadisch absolut nicht reproduzierbar schrittverluste, die ihn scheinbar dazu bringen kurz vor der trennwand zu purgen, dann hat der das an der DĆ¼se hƤngen und rammelt es logischerweise ans Druckteil ran. Mir hat es so schon 3 mal das druckbett schief geschoben...
Ziemlich wild, leider war ich nur einmal im raum als es passiert ist und es tritt zu selten auf, als dass ich das genau beurteilen kann.
Mir ist auch bei einem lƤngerem Druck mit Farbwechsel aufgefallen, dass purge hƤufchen Ć¼ber dem druckbett verteilt liegen, teilweise in wĆ¼rfeln innen drin. Ich hatte vorher noch nie hƤufchen irgendwo in der Richtung, mal dass eins neben dem Bucket landet ja, aber nie auf dem Bett.
Da der mini shcon Ć¼ber 150kilo durch hat wĆ¼rde ich schon meinen, dass ich weiƟ was der Drucker fĆ¼r Sperenzchen macht
kann das jemand bestƤtigen, dass dies bei ihm auch ist?
submitted by Aromatic-Ad-6382 to 3DDruck [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 haj206 Help!!

My friend recently travelled to another country and got head lice. My head had been itching for days and i thought it was just dryness due to the extreme cold. However i decided to fine comb today and found these. After reading this subreddit i have found that demethicone is the way to go. I have ordered cosmetic grade demethicone, iā€™d like to know how to use it. Do i just apply and leave ? Or do i rinse it? I am 9 weeks pregnant, is it safe? Thank you!!
submitted by haj206 to Lice [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 sameshwar Weird increase in battery percentage

I had charged my phone to 90% (with the limit set) and then saw that the 18.3 update was available. After updating, I noticed the battery percentage showed 91%. However, it quickly dropped back to 90% within about five minutes of use. I'm just puzzled by this strange behavior.
submitted by sameshwar to iPhone16ProMax [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 FiveLiamFrenzy Hot Tub Question

I know very little about electrics so I thought Iā€™d ask here! Thereā€™s a switch like this in a little panel next to a hot tub that was here when we moved in 6 years ago. Thereā€™s also one in the main breaker box next to the house (second picture). Iā€™m trying to get the spa going again and I am in the process of cleaning it up and balancing the water.
The pump and jets all seem to be working when I turn it on. Do I need someone to check it out or is the fact that itā€™s working and that it has these safety breakers enough to ensure I donā€™t get electro-stewed while in my Speedos?
Any help/thoughts welcomed! Thanks āœŒšŸ»
submitted by FiveLiamFrenzy to AskElectricians [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 Wonderful-Photo-9938 Top 3 Nba Players in 2025 MVP Racers are all Unexpected Superstars

A little trivia. Do you know that the Current Top 3 Players in MVP Race are all unexpected superstars?
In their respective draft nights. None of them are even in Top 10.
But look now,
2025 Stats(so far)
Jokic - 30, 13, 10
SGA - 32, 5, 6
Giannis - 31.5, 12, 6
They are by far the top 3 players in the league.
During their draft night up to their rookie/sophomore season. No one thought they will be Stars, let alone MVP Candidate Superstars.
Nba can be unpredictable sometimes.
submitted by Wonderful-Photo-9938 to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 reebokz Sleeping Training a Grazer

Is it possible to sleep train a baby that grazes and definitely isnā€™t getting enough calories during the day. My baby is 7.5 months and will not drink more than 4 oz in a sitting and I feel lucky if he even drinks that much. Not only that but he will only drink every 3-4 hours. I have the huckleberry app and there are some days that he isnā€™t even getting 10 oz before falling asleep for the night. I have been co-sleeping but he still wakes up every 2 hours and is hungry. Co-sleeping allowed me to get some sleep and be right there when he woke up and needed a bottle, but now he is starting to fuss/grunt ,toss and turn while smacking me in the face all night, this is all while his eyes are closed.
Tonight my husband and I tried to sleep train. We wanted to establish a good bed time routine but he refused a bottle at every turn and hasnā€™t really had a full bottle since 2 pm. He drank about 40 ml at 8 pm. We tried to start the routine with a bottle, he refused so we went to the next step, a bath, then bottle again, he refused, then the next step, reading some books etc. finally we got to the end of the routine and put him down awake and of course he was bawling. We only last 15 minutes before trying to feed him again cause Im worried is he starving. I just donā€™t know what to do, I know you arent suppose to pick him up or really feed him, but there is no way he isnt going to get hungry in the next hour or so.
Schedule right now is very loose with 2/2/2/3. Wake up at 8 am sleep at 9 pm.
submitted by reebokz to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 spookiespuds Nexplanon Removal

I just went through a pretty harrowing experience with Nexplanonā€¦ and it was my first time on birth control, so not the greatest first impression. Forewarning- if you have a PRE EXISTING ANXIETY DISORDER, DO NOT GO ON THIS BC WITHOUT CONSULTING YOUR DOC FIRST. I had my implant in for 2 weeks exactly, the first week was completely fine, just some minor cramping. Then the second week- right around the time I wouldā€™ve gotten my period, I started experiencing extreme fatigue, frequent anxiety and panic attacks, extreme mood swings. 5 days in to the second week, I experienced DEBILITATING anxiety and panic. It started & didnā€™t stop for 48 hours, until I had it removed. I felt like I couldnā€™t breathe, but yet I could take a full breath in and out just fine. Absolutely nothing I did would relieve it. I felt like I was dying. I felt pressure in my chest, so I went to my family doc. He saw nothing wrong, but sent me to get an ECG. They saw nothing of concern either, and said it was more than likely a hormonal side effect of my implant. My family doc couldnā€™t take out my implant, so I went to urgent care. The doc was the WORST there, didnā€™t listen to anything I had to say other than ā€œchest pressureā€. Sent me to emerg for a possible blood clot. My family doc had already ruled that out but urgent care wouldnā€™t listen and refused to take it out (shouldā€™ve looked online and read the reviewsā€¦ the place did NOT have a rep) Spent 5 hours in emerg, just for them to tell me I had to get the original clinic to take it out, they couldnā€™t (which was bs). The soonest appt the clinic had was a week laterā€¦ I couldnā€™t wait that long. I couldnā€™t sleep, I could hardly eat. I have a 4 month old son I could barely take care of because I had no focus and was in a constant battle with my own head and lungs. I BEGGED them to take it out, but they wouldnā€™t. So I went home. Tried to convince myself I could last for the week, Iā€™d be ok. Iā€™ll get through it. 2 hours later, full blown panic attack- hysterical crying, hot flash, my face, hands & feet were starting to numb, hyperventilating, in and out of consciousness, ā€œshortness of breathā€. Iā€™ve experienced this kind of panic attack before, but it had been a very, very long time. I was so desperate to get the implant out I was going to remove it myself if no medical pro would. I KNEW my implant was the only cause of it. So back to the emerg I went (thank god for my dad, he was with me through this whole thing, driving me everywhere trying to get this damn thing out). I was so weak I could hardly stand, I was fading in and out, one leg was numb from the knee down (sensation came back later). I had to be put in a wheelchair. My dad assured the nurses I would take the damn implant out myself if they didnā€™t. They tried to minimize it AGAIN. So my dad repeated it, and then said ā€œwould you rather her do it and cause irreparable harm to herself? If you donā€™t, she WILL.ā€ He wasnā€™t wrong. If they wouldnā€™t again, I was preparing to have to go old school and do it myself. The nurse reluctantly said ā€œno, we donā€™t want that.ā€ 6 hours later, a doc was able to remove it. It was 4:45am in the morning, but I GOT IT REMOVED. Doc wasnā€™t even familiar with the implant, but he figured it out and he did it (carefully) no problem, and no questions asked. Took him less than 5 mins. It was such a simple procedure, at least for a med professional. It was absurd how long it took to find someone to get this thing out, that it took my DAD saying TWICE Iā€™d do it if they didnā€™t. But fcking RAVE to the doc that helped me, he was a godsend. I wish I could remember his name. The anxiety didnā€™t stop immediately, but the weight from my chest did an hour after removal. I could SLEEP, and slept WELL. Was still a bit weak a couple days after, but majority of my anxiety symptoms lifted in less than 24 hours. It was insane how fast things resolved themselves after the implant was gone. So here we are, almost a week after removal- now Iā€™m starting to experience the drop in hormone symptoms. They are not very fun. Iā€™m experiencing headaches, physical fatigue, nausea, but also extreme hunger, but also lessening appetite (because of nausea) too, diarrhea, short dizzy/lightheaded spells, frequent urination. My libido went thru the roof for a hot minute, it comes and goes. This thing is taking the sht out of me. Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous, Iā€™m so frustrated and my body is so tired. HOWEVER- I will say my anxiety is once again manageable or hardly noticeable, so at least thereā€™s that. It is so frustrating how little the docs in my area are educated on mental health issues and disorders, and what can trigger them... Never trying an internal BC again, thatā€™s for sure. Will be trying a bc pill called Slynd instead, it was one of 2 (safe for pumping/breastfeeding, which I do for my 4 month old) options recommended to me by a friend that works at a womenā€™s clinic. Hereā€™s to hoping I have a much better experience on this birth controlā€¦ and if I donā€™t, at least I can stop it on my own immediately.
submitted by spookiespuds to Nexplanon [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:50 GlumSociety3700 Employee Training Tape

Employee Training Tape submitted by GlumSociety3700 to analog_horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 Top-Street-5309 Everything started to fade away?

Everything started to fade away? Just noticed there's only censored version of After Hours in his discography Did he remove the explicit version?
But it's available if you search for it, just can't see it under his discography..
submitted by Top-Street-5309 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 catstarzz 15 dpo faint line?

15 dpo faint line? i am one day late officially and i took this test in the evening. i previously took a FRER strip test yesterday and got a teeeeeny tiny faint line but idk if they are both indents or evaps. this is a generic test and said to wait 10 mins for results. the whole time it showed a pretty darn negative then the last minute this showed up. idk if it looks pigmented or not and could use a second set of eyes :p
submitted by catstarzz to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

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submitted by AdFlimsy5789 to TEMUpact [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 wardoned2 Beef stew preparation from meghalaya

submitted by wardoned2 to Northeastindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 _-mortex-_ What is the highest dmg u have achieved? No mega mush/rock bottom

What is the highest dmg u have achieved? No mega mush/rock bottom submitted by _-mortex-_ to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 onlyhereforelise How can I hate watch? Obviously not on twitch

Also waiting for when he plays mk1
submitted by onlyhereforelise to lowtiergod [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 the_loneliest_monk Favourite interaction in Auckland today?

A lady in an op shop told my mum she had a good sense of humour after she made a joke about bath bombs. Ended up in many laughs and just a really nice interaction. I love the little connections we get to make, so just wondering what your favourite interaction was today?
submitted by the_loneliest_monk to auckland [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 imno60dy Will I be able to swap phones with an active bill arrangement?

I want to switch my phone thats on my line. The phone is paid off so I won't be financing or making a purchase. In the past, when you make changes to your account, they require you to pay the past due balance first. Will i be able to do this without paying my payment arrangement first? It is scheduled for the 12th of February.
submitted by imno60dy to verizon [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 aaaanoon Slow leak from tap hinge

Slow leak from tap hinge I have a slow leak at the base of the handle on this tap. There is a small angle where it doesn't leak, but I presume it's just going to get worse. Any advice on whether it's a possible home fix?
submitted by aaaanoon to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2025.01.29 05:49 Quirky_Philosophy317 Didnā€™t hit on the initial drop, hit on the big size restock yesterday, and now I received this ā€œout of stockā€ cancellation today šŸ˜©

Didnā€™t hit on the initial drop, hit on the big size restock yesterday, and now I received this ā€œout of stockā€ cancellation today šŸ˜© I just saved myself $135 buckssss
submitted by Quirky_Philosophy317 to SNKRS [link] [comments]