Choose any power but the first person to reply gets to give you a side effect and/or what happens after you attain it.

2025.01.30 06:40 Bananasarecool- Choose any power but the first person to reply gets to give you a side effect and/or what happens after you attain it.

“I control the earth and skies!” “You are kidnapped by aliens and taken to a planet without a atmosphere separate from earth” “i can create explosions! “Everytime you use it one of your loved ones will explode as well” the only rule is side effects must relate to what the power does instead of being sourceless bs like “You die”
submitted by Bananasarecool- to superpower [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 thedoo-dahman Can you ID?

Can you ID? submitted by thedoo-dahman to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 BibleAsk How do we know that Isaiah 53 was about Jesus?

How do we know that Isaiah 53 was about Jesus? submitted by BibleAsk to BibleAsk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 CierHikaru Ivan cosplay

Ivan cosplay Ivan costrial🤭
submitted by CierHikaru to AlienStage [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 amogussussyohio My Top 10 Favorite Flags!

My Top 10 Favorite Flags! submitted by amogussussyohio to JackSucksAtGeography [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Cultural_Way5584 Is it gammon for dinner?

Is it gammon for dinner? submitted by Cultural_Way5584 to BrexitMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 netocrat Для защиты побережья от российского мазута одесский порт закупит оборудования на почти 4,5 млн гривен

Для защиты побережья от российского мазута одесский порт закупит оборудования на почти 4,5 млн гривен submitted by netocrat to OdesaUkraine [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 ustinov-daniele Is it just me or this guy is broken?

Is it just me or this guy is broken? submitted by ustinov-daniele to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments]


Me perdoe pelo título acima, eu tô puto e triste.
Eu já colecionei uns 10 fora só no ano passado e esse ano já tô com 3 foras e eu ainda tô em janeirokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Eu converso bem, tento fazer rir, elogio, sempre que posso eu respondo ela.
Eu não vou mentir, sei que sou feio mas pelo menos eu sou arrumado e limpo, e mesmo assim sempre que eu chego em uma menina ela já me corta quando eu flerto ou mostro interesse.
Sobre minha aparência, sou o básico da feiúra, estatura mediana, magro, e de uma cabeça que me faz crer que tenho uma doença, porque não é possível alguém ter uma cabeça tão grande.
É só isso memo, mulher é um bixo do cão 😔.
submitted by LemomVert to RelatosDoReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Minute_Comedian_8156 how do I make the situation better in a way

the other day I realised that what my friend was doing to me was hurting me mentally but I didn't take time to realise alone but instead, with other people in our friendship group so we came together and started to talk about what this friend would do to us and insensitive she was. So I sat down with her and alongside our friend group and no one else spoke to her but me. So I started off the convo with " we don't want to be friends with you anymore" and before I could get another word in, she said "what did I even do" and she started crying which ending up her running away. Was I too harsh? This wasn't the way it was meant to go especially because we've been friends for a long time so any tips because I have her in some of my lessons .
submitted by Minute_Comedian_8156 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Responsible-Bar-3706 OVERLORD Albedo 1/7 Scale Figure(Pre-order Open)

Ami Ami link:
Price: 4,400 JPY
No typo the price is right! 🫶🏻
submitted by Responsible-Bar-3706 to overlord [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Round_Word691 New lanyards

New lanyards Made these two leather lanyards for my manker e05 ii copper. What do you think?
submitted by Round_Word691 to flashlight [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Important-Fox9415 Kde kupujete hutní materiál v maloobchodním množství?

Chtěl jsem koupit ocel L profil na výrobu ohýbacího přípravku, ale zjistil jsem, že buď bych musel objednat za balík dovoz 6m tyče, nebo jít do hornbachu, kde stojí metr trojnásobek ceny z železářství.
Možná prodejna ferony bude lepší, bohužel ale mají web jen tak aby se neřeklo, takže nevím cenu, ani v jakých delkách materiál prodávají.
Nemáte někdo s tímto zkušenosti?
submitted by Important-Fox9415 to czech [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 ScottEvilCheedew22 Brandon Ryan And Harry Terry PFP

submitted by ScottEvilCheedew22 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 abjinternational American English Consonants for Chinese Professionals

American English Consonants for Chinese Professionals submitted by abjinternational to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 abjinternational American English Consonants for Chinese Professionals

American English Consonants for Chinese Professionals submitted by abjinternational to udemycoursedaily [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Traditional_Lab_6754 Why do we say ‘heads up’ when we actually want someone to duck?

submitted by Traditional_Lab_6754 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 YouGottaStopStop_ In desperate need of tutor

I am desperate! I tried understanding how to install games downloaded on a PC to be played in Steam Deck but I am stuck into cluelessness because they suggest so much different apps and ways on YT. I was informed that some can be installed in the PC and then I just need to transfer the game files on my SD, some requires direct installing of the game in the SD. How do I get to know which is which?
I really need help how to get repacks from fitgirl and how to play it on my SD. Please help me, fellow redditors. Thank you so much.
submitted by YouGottaStopStop_ to FitGirlRepack [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 CBBuddha Let’s chat w/ the VFX folks in the horror community. Ask questions here and let’s get talking about the VFX in horror throughout film history!

My favorite magazine growing up was CineFX. I had a family friend who worked in film in the early 90’s who reached out to Howard Berger (who was with KNB at the time) and told him I was a fan of Army of Darkness and the Mask. He sent me a failed mold of the Mask “mask” in appreciation. I love VFX and love even more the story of how these brilliant innovations came to be.
submitted by CBBuddha to horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Gizmo87pl Redmi Pad SE (xun) HOS2?

Is the update available in any region? Xiaomi says it should be out in December. I think the update is already available in China. What about the rest of the world?
submitted by Gizmo87pl to HyperOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 litohise I'm looking for Medical school application consulting??

I just wanted to know if there are services that will help you in writing your medical school application. This is my first time applying, so I'm kind of scared to do something wrong. I've heard about BEMO, but there were so many negative comments about it. Has anyone ever used these types of things? How are they? Are they worth it?
submitted by litohise to premedcanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 BroMandi [Micro Center] Laview L2 Light Bulb Camera Indoor/Outdoor; 4MP Resolution; WiFi Connectivity; Light Blub Socket Powered $12.99 [Deal: $12.99, Actual: $39.99]

[Micro Center] Laview L2 Light Bulb Camera IndooOutdoor; 4MP Resolution; WiFi Connectivity; Light Blub Socket Powered $12.99 [Deal: $12.99, Actual: $39.99] submitted by BroMandi to RedditShoppingDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 abjinternational American English Consonants for Chinese Professionals

submitted by abjinternational to FreeUdemyCoupons [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Seemoriccu shard or team?

shard or team? my team and some of my toty players, should I shard Nico Williams and Rudiger or invest them into my team?
submitted by Seemoriccu to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Nimbous Rekordsnabbt brobygge – Järnvä

Rekordsnabbt brobygge – Järnvä submitted by Nimbous to kollektivtrafik [link] [comments]