Who’s your least favourite character from which Just Dance game?

2025.01.30 07:10 Saralily_Fairies09 Who’s your least favourite character from which Just Dance game?

submitted by Saralily_Fairies09 to JustDance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 bubballo_bubblegum Why all the posts (or most of them) in last few days are all about deepsake?

Don't we have other tech-related things to discuss? It seems that everyone here is just trying to show they fool deepsake?
submitted by bubballo_bubblegum to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Critical_Mention478 Is Safari not loading or loading really slow for any else?

I have great internet and cellular so I don’t know what the issue could be. It’s very frustrating.
submitted by Critical_Mention478 to iPhone16Pro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 EitherBeautiful9561 Does anybody know what Ivytech campuses are the most competitive for transitioning to ASN?

submitted by EitherBeautiful9561 to ivytech [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Haunting-Ad9844 Umm no? It was 20 minutes out 20 minutes back. For a $3 tip. I’m not gonna do it again for free. FOR SALAD DRESSING

Umm no? It was 20 minutes out 20 minutes back. For a $3 tip. I’m not gonna do it again for free. FOR SALAD DRESSING I’m not complaining either about the three dollar tip, the hourly time pays pretty well around here which helps make up for it, but don’t tip $3 and expect 80 minutes of work 😂 never in my several thousand deliveries have I ever had somebody ask me to GO BACK when the restaurant forgot something. This is isn’t dominoes 😂 You report it missing, get your money back, as far as I know anyways.
submitted by Haunting-Ad9844 to DoorDashDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 skyrimlo Remember 2019-20 when everyone was wearing those chunky white Fila Disruptor II?

submitted by skyrimlo to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Jaded_Arrival_8738 Recipe management software

I am looking for a recipe management software that would help us manage food costs and recipe management. We have a medium-sized catering service and a recipe management software would greatly help us in computing and basically doing all the maths for us. Sometimes doing it in Excel can be a pain. Any ideas are greatly appreciated.
submitted by Jaded_Arrival_8738 to restaurant [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 shadow2087 Testicles! At The Disco

Testicles! At The Disco submitted by shadow2087 to inspirobot [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 SteamShift 100% Silicon Oil question

100% Silicon Oil question https://preview.redd.it/0vepzlpwx2ge1.jpg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9bf7c1df2cc24c473f13dcc63195fc733ffe50c
I have a question about First Form Cell. The first one I got had a hip peg break in the first few minutes. Even after warming him up. When I got the replacement Cell his legs also made that tell tale squeak. I didn't hesitate to put the tiniest drop of silicone oil off of a stick pin on each hip. I've had lots of success doing this in the past with Teen Gohan and others. However, after doing this, his leg was so loose that he had a hard time standing. I carefully removed the legs from the hips and wiped away oil on 3 different attempts. (Its very hard to get off) Finally, he stands on his own but some of the squeak has come back, but somehow still feel loose? Has anyone else had this problem with him, and if so, what did you do?
submitted by SteamShift to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Next-Analysis8028 Is https://www.laserscopes.shop/ legit or a scam?

Is https://www.laserscopes.shop/ legit or a scam? I found this site for airsoft. It has items marked way down. A $490 GK Tactical CNC Aluminum M72A3 LAW 40mm Grenade Launcher is $95.99. It sounds way too food to be true. There are punction errors. After a period or a comma, there is no space in between to the next word. Also the item counter resets when the page is refreshed. The address listed in the contact us doesn't exist in NC according to google earth and google maps. The phone number according to searchpeoplefree says its registered to a odella conrad. To me this screams scam. Let me know your thoughts on this! Here's some pics.
submitted by Next-Analysis8028 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Arxusanion V-V-Vincent, lover of the Badlands Queen

V V Vincent
There lived a certain man in NC long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a neon glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to NC chicks, he was such a legend here
He could hack a system like a netrunner Full of eddies and desire But he also was a merc for hire With an iron fist of fire
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
There lived a certain man in NC long ago He was big and strong, in his eyes a neon glow Most people looked at him with terror and with fear But to NC chicks, he was such a legend here
He could hack a system like a netrunner Full of eddies and desire But he also was a merc for hire With an iron fist of fire
V-V-Vincent Lover of the Badlands Queen There was a Bakenko that really was gone V-V-Vincent NC’s greatest killing machine It was a shame how he carried on
He ruled the streets and never mind the NCPD and the gangs But the corpo suits, he loved to stomp and hang In every gig and fix, he was the man to call And he got the job done, no matter what the mission's haul
For the Queen, he wasn’t just some city boy Though she knew all the shit he’d done She saw him as a prince in chrome A hero who’d fix everything she’d become
V-V-Vincent Lover of the Badlands Queen There was a Bakenko that really was gone V-V-Vincent NC’s greatest killing machine It was a shame how he carried on
{But when his running, and gunning, and hacking, Became known to more and more gonks and netrunners, The demands to do something about this outrageous man Became louder and louder}
Hey hey hey Hey hey hey Hey hey hey
"This man’s just got to go!" declared his enemies But every fixer in the city said, "Nah, don't think so" No doubt this V had a ton of hidden hacks and guns Though he was a brute, he always got shit done
Then every other night, the gonks in the shadows Set a trap, wired up in neon glow "Come to the fight" they said with cold disdain And he walked right in, ready for the pain
V-V-Vincent Lover of the Badlands Queen They put a chip into his brain V-V-Vincent NC’s greatest killing machine He just became deadlier and fought through the pain
V-V-Vincent Lover of the Badlands Queen They didn’t quit, they wanted his head V-V-Vincent NC’s greatest killing machine And he walked into the blaze of glory through it all
{Oh, those NC folks}
submitted by Arxusanion to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 mariaopeak [Amazon] $56.68: 19-Piece GEARWRENCH 1/2" Drive 6 Pt. Standard Impact Socket Set (SAE) at Amazon [Retail: $129]

submitted by mariaopeak to AmazonPrimeDeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Thechuckles79 Geography figured out

Ok, I'm a history and geography nerd. Black Company is filled with historical and cultural allegories. However, ever since reading Silver Spike and his description of the Eastern end of the Sea of Torments, I've been convinced that the Lady's empire is in Europe but how does that work, right?
Next shoe to drop was Cook's Instrumentalities of the Night, which might just be another world with a closed Shadowgate if you think about it.
Anyhow, that series makes no pretense or plays coy; it is Europe and the Middle East during a glacial maximum which sees seas dramatically lower (the Mediterranean is completely landlocked, as is the Black Sea, England is connected to Europe (ding ding!)
I couldn't place Charm for certain. Was it Milan, or Montpelier or further West or East?
Now, climate is different to a large degree but let's picture a Europe with England attached but not quite at glacial maximum, but colder than we are now.
The final piece drops listening to Sarah Paine talk about Alsace-Lorraine as The SALIENT into either France or Germany.
So, my hard theory is that Beryl is Carthage if it never fell, Opal is Rome and if Charm has rough terrain between the Salient and the tower, the the Stair of Tear is St Gotthard Pass. The other Italy-Switzerland pass is the inspiration for Charandaprash. Which is actually geographically better located for the stair, though St Gotthard LOOKS like the Stair.
Anyhow, I'm convinced.
Milan is Charm!
Juniper is Edinburgh, in a substantially colder Earth and somehow the country is inverted East-West (surrounded by mountains)
Dusk would have been Paris.
Forsberg is Germany/ Poland and Oar probably Berlin or Warsaw.
Roses is Liechtenstein.
The plain of fear would be roughly Belarus making Tally Ukraine.
The Great Escarpment of South Africa is the Dandha Presh.
The great river they take to Taglios is a geographic alteration of connecting the Congo to the Zambezi. The river that separates Taglios from the Shadowlands is the Orange River.
That makes Taglios Pretoria and Gea-Xle Kinshasa.
Cho'N Delor has no exact expy though the capital of Zambia seems closest if you look at jumps between rivers as the cataracts.
Any digressions? Seems like miles could throw it off but given the mathematical and lore inaccuracies in the story already, I'm not going to bust Cook's chops for overstating the distance between Berlin and Kiev. Or Milan and Alsace Lorraine using non-existent geographical routes through a desert in Eastern France and into a dry. Switzerland.
submitted by Thechuckles79 to theblackcompany [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 underpantsss Sydney, 2025

Sydney, 2025 submitted by underpantsss to streetphotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 tired-space-weasel Help me decide between 7800 XT and 3080 Ti.

Hi! I'm in the process of choosing a GPU for my new build, which has a 7600X CPU. For almost the same price (around 500-520 USD in my local currency) I could pick up a 7800 XT new or a 3080 Ti second hand. I'm not a very serious gamer, the most demanding game I'm currently playing is probably PUBG and Cities Skylines, although I can definitely see it changing if my PC will be able to run more difficult games. With that said, I think I don't care about Raytracing performance. I can definitely see myself using this PC for photo and video editing and similar things, but I don't know which GPU option could be better for this. I guess more VRAM could be better, but I'm really not sure.
Last, but not least: I started upgrading with the sole purpose of getting an Intel B580 and changing it in 2-3 years if it doesn't work out very well (I have an RX580 atm, any upgrade will be a big upgrade). In my country it's not that expensive to go for 7800 XT new instead of B580 new, but still I'd rather get a GPU for at least 4 years if I'm paying this amount of money, and I'm a little worried about the 12 GB of VRAM in the 3080 Ti.
Thanks for any advice! I feel like I'm still really lost, even after building most of my new PC.
submitted by tired-space-weasel to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Illustrious-Chest-52 Shilajit for a woman with PCOS?

So, I have chronic fatigue and figured I wanted to try shilajit. I saw that one of the benefits is that it boosts testosterone levels. But my levels of testosterone are somewhat high. My general practition said it was great for chronic fatigue but there isn't a lot of research, so she doesn't know how my body would react by taking it long-term.
submitted by Illustrious-Chest-52 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 LilyH27 Why can't I publish my invention?

Why can't I publish my invention? So I made this Mario sprite out of 149 individually placed cubes. I tried to turn it into an invention and it wouldn't let me. It said something about platform restrictions? Idk. Is it because I'm not a rec room plus member? What's going on? It won't give me the option to publish rooms either. I'm still very new to this game and trying to figure out a lot of stuff when it comes to building.
submitted by LilyH27 to RecRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 SwedishStockAddict 🇸🇪 SWEDEN-Scandinavia shareholder count

Week 5 2025 Nordnet Scandinavia: 15.477 -99 homans Avanza Swedes only: 16.516 -88 homans Total shareholders: 31.993 people
GS2C on Nordnet.
GS2C Nordnet week 5: 1011 - 1 homans
1011x 110 = 111.210 shares of GS2C
For fun: Let’s say every shareholder has at least ~20% of what I’m holding:
110 shares x 31.993 = 3.519.230 shares. We alone own the float ( 🦍 ) many times over, Easy. To elaborate, Avanza and Nordnet is just a small 💧 in the ocean compared to the rest of Europe, then we have the Us, Canada, Mexico and many more much bigger countries. This is financial advice. (I live in Sweden so SEC can sue my b4llsack.)
Thanks to user Linereck for the chart
I’ll do this weekly
submitted by SwedishStockAddict to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Rude-Effort-4363 Wokeup to Close comedones

Been getting CC's a lot recently when i wakeup. What could be the reason? wokeup to a huge CC near my nose and several small ones on neck and forehead. Can anyone help me out? Thanks! (F21, combination skin, clear skin with no acne issues nothing)
submitted by Rude-Effort-4363 to skincareaddictsindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 c365366 Chen's lift-up reading glasses

Chen's lift-up reading glasses Reading-glasses help elderly-people read books but also hinder their view of the ground, stairs, and distant vehicles. If the reading-glasses could be moved up to the forehead while walking, it would be very convenient and save. Existing flip-up reading glasses achieve such effect, but when flipped up, the lenses become horizontal and not obstructed in close proximity, thus can focus sun-light into a spot that might burn clothing or skin. So, I designed slide-up reading-glasses as the following pictures:
My slide-up reading-glasses
It helps reading, when slided-down
I made slide-up reading-glasses from normal readings and a clip
One of the handles is altered smaller
The smaller handle can be stuck into the mormal handle, thus become a bracket to support the slided-up state as shown in the 1st picture.
submitted by c365366 to SimplifyScience [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 ConnectSlice6696 Help my friend to buy a used car in uae

Hey guys could u help my friend to choose which car to buy under a budget of Aed30 Help him with brand pros and cons
submitted by ConnectSlice6696 to WhatCarShouldIBuyGULF [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Opposite_Hyena699 UK users please help

Can you help me out? I am trying to get a free gift. Hello friends, I need your help to click this link below to get more puppy snacks for my new pet!! https://onelink.shein.com/8/4dvzm0m7l2qv
submitted by Opposite_Hyena699 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 Only_Caramel7382 League of Extraordinary gentlemen 🥶🤯🥶 #neymar #sancho #skills #fc25 #co...

submitted by Only_Caramel7382 to CodeXtream [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 PrincessXFlair This! 💜 I'm glad you're here.

This! 💜 I'm glad you're here. submitted by PrincessXFlair to anxietymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:10 hollisacooke ($150+) Join CoinBase trade $1 or more earn $50 BTC also earn $100+ cash learning about crypto.

submitted by hollisacooke to Referral [link] [comments]
