How some of y'all doo doo dupers be lookin with nothin butt booty on da mind 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️📉📉😔😔😔🤣

2025.01.30 07:53 Blastyschmoo How some of y'all doo doo dupers be lookin with nothin butt booty on da mind 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️📉📉😔😔😔🤣

How some of y'all doo doo dupers be lookin with nothin butt booty on da mind 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️📉📉😔😔😔🤣 submitted by Blastyschmoo to whothefuckup [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 PsychotropicArcanum Simple question from a beginner here!

How is the English adjective ‘abject’ translated in French? ‘Abject’ or ‘Abjecte’ ? Because I’ve seen both multiple times.
Does it depend on the object I’m describing, perhaps? (Male/Female)
For example, if I simply want to say “This was an abject dance performance” … What is the correct way of translating this sentence?
submitted by PsychotropicArcanum to French [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Chicplants My hoya sunrise.

My hoya sunrise. submitted by Chicplants to hoyas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Longjumping-Gap3330 Competitive play

Hii 26F here, have been playing ow for nearly a year mostly on unranked as tank mainly. Just recently started playing competitive so my current rank is low silver 5. Looking for fellow low rankers to level up with. GMT time zone
submitted by Longjumping-Gap3330 to overwatch2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 klaskc Don't know what to do

I fucking hate you Chávez, all those fucking reds ruined my family, we had money, I was studying in a decent school and I think the last thing I really learned something was in school cuz when I got to high school everything was already in shambles by that time, I fucking hate the leftist on the internet that support Fidel Castro or fucking Chavez cuz they thing that this is freedom, no this is not freedom and don't blame the fucking us, this are fucking authoritarian dictatorships.
Now my parents have almost no money, my mother used to have a decent job but guess what? The reds like always they just hate private enterprises so they shut it down helll yeah!!!!!! Fredooooommm, my father had a nice Armenian restaurant and now he literally sells ice creams and cheese, do y'all think this is fucking normal? I hate and blame this shitty ass country, I'm glad that my parents never vote for them, but now all those memories are gone, we've been robbed like six times, I was a weird shy nervous kid but I was or I could've improved but booom "socialism" I really hate this. And before someone says something like this is a life lesson like things are not permanent, bro, this is just being fucking unlucky, I know I don't live in Afghanistan but still, this shit is depressive, everyone is leaving, 8 millions of people have leaved, the fuck I'm a going to do now? Work? To get payed like 25$ per week 12hours at day, no man this is no life I really want to do something or I will end it all, I hate being a virgin with no friends and living here in this shitty country that got stuck in the eighties. This is not political.
submitted by klaskc to rant [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Mundane_Star_7594 I Need A Monitor Recommendation

I live in Australia, so keep that in mind and I have $200 AUD tops, I was thinking about:
Acer Nitro M3 24" FHD 180Hz 1ms Gaming Monitor QG241Y: (let me know if there is anything I need to look out for)
Lenovo 24" FHD 180Hz 0.5 ms Gaming Monitor R24e: (let me know if there is anything I need to look out for)
But I'm open to other recommendations
Thank you in advance
submitted by Mundane_Star_7594 to Monitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 suresht-113 Got myself the alpinist and absolutely loving it

Got myself the alpinist and absolutely loving it submitted by suresht-113 to watchesindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 BathSea2088 Tips to prepare for GMAT? (affordable/free)

So i’m currently a broke college student in 4th year on a co-op. I have time right now to get my GMAT done & over with & I’m set on doing it. I want to get a 650+ at least but I don’t have a big budget to pay for prep resources. If i can dedicate 4-5 hours per week, when should I attempt to write the GMAT? What resources are good enough to help me get a 650+ score which I can get for free/cheap?
submitted by BathSea2088 to GMAT [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 elazizia Eggs dropped and I don't know why

Eggs dropped and I don't know why Are there chances that new shrimp will come out of those green eggs? A few days ago, another female left eggs on the bottom of the aquarium. What's the problem with this happening? Is there something wrong with my aquarium?
submitted by elazizia to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Spiffchap LA inspired city I've started

LA inspired city I've started Any feedback/tips appreciated
submitted by Spiffchap to MinecraftCities [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 3RR0RFi3ND MSS Rl30 Invasion

MSS Rl30 Invasion MSP RL30 invasion build
Need help and advice if this is even worth the point investment.
My weapons are +2/(+0)
Mostly focused on Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear. The AoW just to keep the Bloodflame buff on or use x3 as a finisher.
I could swap out Mirror for Bullgoat and would set me to 55 Poise.
Incantations are mostly flavor reasons.
I have Volcano pots, Kukiris, and Fan Daggers.
submitted by 3RR0RFi3ND to EldenRingBuilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Select-Regret3417 my cat has diarrhea

my cat just got diarrhea a few hours ago he’s fine eats and everything his stools were fine the past few days i switched the flavor of his food he usually eats i can’t take him to the vet till monday i’m worried he’s a indoooutdoor cat but has to stay inside for a week since he just had a abscess removed and is now recovering.
submitted by Select-Regret3417 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 AxeWitcher Season To Risk (US) - 8 Track Experimental [Promo-Tape] (1994) [Lossless FLAC]

submitted by AxeWitcher to HeavyMetalRarities [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 poprokx Hate how the train sounds going by.

I always took the train to visit my grandparents in college. Now my grandma is gone. I’m a senior in college and HATE hearing the train go by. It just makes me so sad now.
submitted by poprokx to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 vizziroli Theory's on papyrus in future chapters?

Theory's on papyrus in future chapters? Just wanted to know your ideas of papyrus in the future of deltarune
submitted by vizziroli to Deltarune [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Due_Beginning_6445 Glitch at spawn point

Does anyone know if this is a glitch or something the devs put in on purpose. I was holding a zombie at spawn point and I went on the black car next to the burning van, walking backwards from the rear to the front and i heard a laughing sound and got downed. Is this supposed to happen? If so why?
submitted by Due_Beginning_6445 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Lizrd_demon Confused legoshi

Confused legoshi submitted by Lizrd_demon to predprey [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 MarchDabrowski Condivisione di libri di MLOL

Ciao, sono un ragazzo argentino che tra poco viaggerà in Italia. Ho già in mio possesso un paio di guide del Touring Club, ma visto que sono troppo costose, non posso comprarle tutte. So che attraverso MLOL è possibile accedere alle Guide Verdi, in particolare, sarei grato se qualcuno può condividermi quelle di Roma e Città del Vaticano, Firenze e Venezia che ne sarò molto grato. Mi scuso se è troppo offtopic. Grazie mille.
submitted by MarchDabrowski to Universitaly [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Snowflake18233 So im a bit confused

Hello fellow skong enjoyers, So i have been a fan of hollow knight silksong since the trailer and stopped following the news up until the cake arg and now i am confusion. Has anyone got the time to summarise everything that happened after the cake arg fiasco.
submitted by Snowflake18233 to Silksong [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Mintywarhammer Reliving being a kid again by making sonic oc’s :)

Reliving being a kid again by making sonic oc’s :) When I was a lot younger I read the Archie Sonic comics religiously until the grocery store I bought them from stopped selling them, after which I begged my parents to buy me the comics in volumes. Some of my fondest memories include sitting at the kitchen table with a number two pencil and sharpies making my own Sonic ocs. The first (and worst) of them was essentially shadow but a woman. With all the terrible things going on in the world I decided to revisit that part of my childhood to relive the good times. As such, I present to you Spindle the stingray, a heavily reworked version of my first Sonic oc. It’s a really quick ten minute doodle, but if sharing my art can make any of you guys happy I’ll be happy! I dearly miss the days where you could find dozens and dozens of Sonic ocs online, and I really hope with the movies popularity and the games doing well again there’ll be a resurgence of Sonic ocs :) Feel free to share any of your own characters, here or in private messages!
submitted by Mintywarhammer to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 NecessaryBeat2767 How do i get spider evolution simulator from cary huang like seriously its just hard to get i tried to get it but i cant like seriously i cannot download it or run it in a browser and shit like can you help me get it submitted by NecessaryBeat2767 to bfdi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 voidwalker_0003 Recommendation: Legion (FX Series)

Recommendation: Legion (FX Series) submitted by voidwalker_0003 to SortaStupid [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 Advanced_Badger8134 Buchiya Pawauna

What does the phrase buchiya pawauna mean? Heard it in C walk by Navaan Sandhu
submitted by Advanced_Badger8134 to ThethPunjabi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 United_Revenue_7727 Please help, Please

Mera target april hai maine oc nhi padhi achhe se, Mere pass IIT School hai , par skm sir ke lecs kaafi bade hain, toh I am thinking of buying chem academy, kiske lecs better rahenge chem academy ke ya fir skm sir ke? Please help I need to decide fast.
Please don't recommend oneshots 🙏
submitted by United_Revenue_7727 to JEE [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:53 gothyvampira LF American Tycoon & Motion Capture 🩷

LF American Tycoon & Motion Capture 🩷 submitted by gothyvampira to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]