2025.01.30 08:20 BiggieCheese255 I had an epiphany yesterday and suddenly started feeling very bad for the poor guys I’m butchering
I just started to think how they were someone’s child, and how tragic it would be were they to die. I couldn’t bring myself to do lethal damage and just opted to making them surrender while doing the least possible physical harm to them. Never thought this game would make me empathise with the NPCs but here we are 😭
submitted by BiggieCheese255 to HalfSword [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 CupcakeProper5286 Bir Ayet, Bir Hadis, Bir Dua
submitted by CupcakeProper5286 to IslamTR_ [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 Acceptable_Insect476 Mobiltelefoner under flyvning
Jeg har i flere år undret mig over, at mine medpassagerer på diverse flyvninger, store som små fly, korte som lange ture, ikke længere respekterer meddelelsen om at mobiltelefoner skal på flytilstand. Jeg ser mange forskellige typer, der lystigt sms'er eller surfer videre, efter flyet er i luften og jeg selv artigt har puttet min telefon langt væk. Har aldrig selv bedt dem om at slukke, blandt andet fordi jeg også synes jeg ser kabinepersonalet gå forbi folk, der tydeligt bruger telefonen uden at den er på flytilstand, og de siger ingenting 🤷♀️
Er det en gammel 'skrøne' at mobiltelefoner skal slukkes under flyvninger? Altså, er det i virkeligheden ikke nødvendigt længere? En anden ting er at hvis det var vigtigt for sikkerheden, så ville de vel sætte mere ind på at sikre, at det også sker, og ikke bare lade det være op til alle mulige tilfældige flypassagerer?
Er der nogen der ved noget her, som jeg ikke ved? Hvad gør I, når I er ude og flyve?
Min tanke kom sig af, at jeg i forbindelse med nattens flystyrt så en artikel med en mand, der viser sin kones 'sidste sms fra flyet, som hun sendte 20 minutter inden landing'!?
(Jeg ved godt at der nogle gange er wifi på fly, og at det i princippet kunne være tilfældet i nat, men jeg har selv fløjet med American Airlines nogle gange, og det virker både sjældent og dårligt)
submitted by Acceptable_Insect476 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 davisxal Freeze to US aid hits Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar hard
submitted by davisxal to worldnews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 MauKoz3197 Title
submitted by MauKoz3197 to ProgRockCirclejerk [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Boring-Exchange7 {REQUEST} Mønster Matematikk 1T
its a norwegian high school math text book. i need the free online version or a pdf. thanks (first time trying this out hope it works)
submitted by Boring-Exchange7 to textbooksrequest [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 ContemporaryCorvid Nice detail in HZD
Likely been discussed before, but upon replay I noticed a neat chunk of text in a datapoint in the ZD facility:
“Before I examined these chambers, I considered the Odyssey to be a fool’s errand. But if the rest of FZ’s technology is at this level, well… a human colony around Sirius doesn’t seem so impossible after all.”
We’re told elsewhere in ZD that the ship exploded irc, but then here is a pretty clear indication otherwise. I don’t know how much of FW they had planned at this point, but still, neat. Makes me feel a little slow for not figuring this out earlier, I didn’t realize that the Odyssey survived until FW blatantly said so.
submitted by ContemporaryCorvid to horizon [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Limp_Research_482 IPE 2nd year
I fucked up last year and got 312/470.. I haven’t started studying for 2nd year yet, I barely know anything and I’m in panic. You guys keep telling how easy IPE is, what do yall do? What can I do? I have a problem with mugging up I can’t seem to do it.. how do I fix that? Help me 😭
submitted by Limp_Research_482 to tsbie [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 lecoeur-com Trump Média ( TMTG ) annonce le lancement d'une marque de services financiers anti woke « Truth.fi »
submitted by lecoeur-com to Infos_de_France [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 CharacterAttitude93 Not she complaining about her homework
She’s failing that school big time. She got so much homework that’s due today and she got school at 6am and kept going on live instead of focusing on her work and then complained about how many steps one assignment had. You should always take every assignment very serious as if you’re already working in the medical field.
submitted by CharacterAttitude93 to tLuhhshordiee1993 [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Sillybelphiah *Spoilers* A better ending would be…
So, we all love those crappy movies with the guy from Zombieland. Bill Murray. The Scrooge, Groundhog Day - he’s a repugnant, disrespectful, evil ass, that suffers something, and at the last moment gains some kind of redemption. We see it even in games like red dead redemption, with John Marston and Arthur Morgan. These hard headed evil people that “grow out of it” and gain morality at their last moment - to the point it’s cliche and boring.
I loved Jimmy. But he’s Saul. After all he’s been through, he’s Saul now.
Whether you agree artistically or not, having been in and out of institutions and gangs and with an upbringing of violence, there are totally morally reprehensible evil people who don’t learn their lesson. Someone set fire to a house because they thought I was in it because of an up and coming court case, despite pleading with me they were a changed person. I’m over the redemption arc, and it’s opposite what Tony Soprano and Clockwork Orange have showed us.
It would have been wise for Saul to fight tooth and nail to get himself out of the situation, cause it would have been way cooler and a way better moral lesson to impart on the audience. There are people far gone. There are people who will betray, destroy, manipulate, and they’ll feel no remorse. That’s the actual way of the world, and if you disagree you’ve just not been around them. In the criminal underworld there are plenty.
And the story has been done before, even in the same universe. The hero has a last second moment of clarity, dignity, morality, and a sudden reverence for the harm they’ve done - eureka! Walter’s figured it out!
I would have loved this ending more than anything else.
Saul wins the seven years, forgets Kim Wexler and brushes off her moral midgetry, he can never be a lawyer but he offers a business of maneuvering the law and offering advice (not a legal practice, but who knows, he’d find a way around) and never learn his lesson.
It’s so Marvel and kind of lame to repeat the story twice with two different characters, and not only is it lame, it’s unrealistic to how the underworld works. Murderers will, and then they’ll lie, and then they’ll laugh getting away. You expect guilt, shame, or something will take toll - even a higher power - but in the real world it doesn’t.
I don’t know, I just finished Better Caul Saul and I was extremely disappointed. The entire episode was leading up to me screaming - YES THATS WHAT THEY DO, and then in the last moment they pull the rug from beneath you and he’s a good guy taking his sentence. Who sponsored this show? The prison industrial complex?
Walter is bad boy > Feels bad > does “right thing”. Saul is bad boy > Feels bad > does “right thing”.
It’s just lazy and unrealistic. One should have got away for their transformation. Jimmy becomes Saul. Become Saul all the way. We don’t learn lessons, we run laps around punks.
It’s bad for people to think all criminals are redeemable or capable of change, it’s toxic even, even in relationships. Someone’s abusive or toxic you see the glimmer of light you should still run away. Crooks and criminals don’t care. You’ll sooner die than get a redeeming moment from them. That’s all I wanted from either Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul. Sopranos, Wire, Clockwork Orange all showcased it. Evil people are evil people. Let one get away with it so people are aware.
The bad guys can and often do win, and there’s no redeeming qualities. Had Saul walked free and got his ice cream I’d be applauding. They threw away a perfect ending.
submitted by Sillybelphiah to betterCallSaul [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Iwanttobemyself23 what do you think?
submitted by Iwanttobemyself23 to WomanHands [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 DankAssPotatos Planning on adding a New Vegas tattoo as the next piece of my sleeve. Any ideas?
I thought a nightstalker would be sick in this area, climbing my arm or looking back. I'm just concerned about the coloring, since they're kind of monotone. This arm is all color, so I'd like to stick with that for this one. Any ideas for something else I could do?
submitted by DankAssPotatos to fnv [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Zestyclose-Bee-2995 Link for Link 😊
Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie https://onelink.shein.com/8/4dw6gvdew7jn
Leave yours below, thanks!
submitted by Zestyclose-Bee-2995 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 wheresmywifeuk Dibling Value?
To be clear, I am not suggesting that we should sell him, but how much should the interested parties be offering for Tyler Dibling?
submitted by wheresmywifeuk to SaintsFC [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 FrostcragCastle This game looks and plays amazing on the Switch IMO. I just got it on sale for $5 and it's my first time playing but it's made a big impression so far.
submitted by FrostcragCastle to TheTalosPrinciple [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 Brazzyxo2 MetalMark
These arrived, interesting to say the least! Here is a link, I did the subscription. Price is cheaper, I’ll cancel if they change price on me. Here is the website if anyone wants to look! https://mtlmrk.com/products/metalmark-standard submitted by Brazzyxo2 to StackPGMs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 suspeciouspotato My opinion on reddit
ngl, my subreddit feels like north korea, seriously bruh i cant post , and wth is this karma thing?
submitted by suspeciouspotato to anime [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 RedKing85 Destiny
submitted by RedKing85 to custommagic [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:20 YngSpcRck What is this
In north texas, second one I've seen in 2 weeks and both times i saw them they were crawling up the wall. Smaller than a penny but big enough to notice. Sorry if it was chill or something, it was in my room and it carried itself like a wasp so i had to go into epic battle with it (screaming and swinging my shoes), where only I emerged victorious. submitted by YngSpcRck to whatisthisbug [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 Percy0311 Original post from me on tumblr. Are there any other florets here who are into Stellaris?
submitted by Percy0311 to seed_irl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 nitev1 Wes Johnson, aktor dubbingowy, walczy o życie, a gracze zbierają pieniądze na jego leczenie
submitted by nitev1 to pograneeu [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 cric_point Highest average as a captain in Tests (min. 10 tons) Steve Smith - 67.93 Brian Lara - 57.84 Greg Chappell - 55.38 Virat Kohli - 54.80
submitted by cric_point to CricketDotComCDC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 Tageloehn It's time for feces
submitted by Tageloehn to SpeedOfLobsters [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:20 CherryBomb174 My Air Cadet Service medal (ACSM)
Got the medal for 4 years of service, and 1 bar for every year after that. 6 years total. submitted by CherryBomb174 to Medals [link] [comments] |