2025.01.30 08:42 Aspiring-retard-773 Experienced in finance but no luck hunting
I worked in the Merrill FADP program back in 2020, hired at age 18 and got fully licensed, worked a couple years. I quit to go finish my bachelors degree and got some government and political experience in the mean time while also getting a little bit of finance experience as well.
I don’t want to sound stuck up but I would’ve thought I’d be getting a bunch of interviews after graduating but it’s been a couple months and not a single interview or anything, nobody is even getting back to me to say I didn’t get the job.
Not sure where to go from here, things feel pretty hopeless and just need some guidance or advice. Hoping to shift from AM to PE or Hedge Fund analysis work. Thanks everybody :(
submitted by Aspiring-retard-773 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Nom-Requirement-4007 I made this Arabic meme
submitted by Nom-Requirement-4007 to arabfunny [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Frequent-Ad-7889 Nike Calm slides vs Nike Offcourt adjust vs Adidas Adilette comfort or something else ?
Hey guys, I'm looking for a slides around or below 3K, these 3 are the optikns I found are very good. Please help me choose one or should I consider something else other than these 3 ? submitted by Frequent-Ad-7889 to SneakersIndia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 lssqa3433 Test for Text PDS UI for 30/1/2025 08:41:16
Example text
submitted by lssqa3433 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 4ktJose 1100 Stones.
All it took was 1100 stones to get vegito to 55%. Dont even feel like summoning on ssj3 goku or evo vegeta since I have to save for you know who in the second part. Feeling like the mad titan himself with how bad the summons went.
submitted by 4ktJose to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Smokle Question for the coach's and ex coach's lurking
When u go to academy to become a coach? Do they teach yall to be a fucking dick and yell and scream at your associates when they ask a question? I ask this cause I've worked for walmart well over 15+ yrs and seem to always encounter this, I've also worked for several stores over the timeframe and each has had the same thing
I've also taken classes for teamlead and was a support manager and a teamlead for several yrs over the time I've spent at walmart.
Since when is it ok to plug a shelf? In my training it's never ok, but current store says to just leave it. When in doubt plug it out. Da fuq..
Also another question why do u place all the work on the ones whom are alrdy killing themselves to get the job done and let 3-4 other associates just stand around and do nothing but talk and bullshit
submitted by Smokle to walmart [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Charming-Brick7379 Need a player who can donate 10-15 K per season
https://preview.redd.it/u9l528pyf3ge1.jpg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95a5d8006b9fc38a988f24abc896131cafa0540e submitted by Charming-Brick7379 to eatventureofficial [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Puzzleheaded-Ball-35 Làm tuyên giáo chỉ cần học tới lớp 2
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Ball-35 to 3HoaChichChoe [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 LostCupcake6587 Info concert LDLC
Salut les lyonnais, je vais au concert de Justice à la LDLC mais j’ai une place gradin, est ce que la salle permet d’aller quand même en fosse ? Je sais que certaines salles laisse passer en fosse mais pas toute et j’y suis jamais allé à celle-là. Merci !
submitted by LostCupcake6587 to Lyon [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Ambitious-Guide-7694 Hair growing super fast after starting dut?
I have been on fin for 1,5 years and introduced dut 2x a week maybe 3 months ago, i also uae minox topical. But ever since starting to use dut my hair grows super fast, is this normal? I have had to go to barber 3 times this month (with medium length hair). Is this normal or am i just imagining things?
submitted by Ambitious-Guide-7694 to tressless [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 reddit_lss_3 Flair test 30/1/2025 08:41:07
submitted by reddit_lss_3 to SubredditExp [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Current_Fault1901 Hi all! Wana be my friend? 😁
submitted by Current_Fault1901 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 connecTe JCC Pokémon Pocket exchange
Hey trainers!
I'm looking to trade some Pokémon cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket. I have a few duplicates and I'm hoping to complete my collection. If you're interested, drop a comment or DM me, and we can figure something out!
Let me know what you're looking for and what you have to offer. Happy trading!
submitted by connecTe to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 owenisnotfunny Justice League DCU Fancast Part II
Bradley James as Arthur Curry/Aquaman Wyatt Russell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow Emily Armstrong as Dinah Lance/Black Canary Billy Magnussen as Captain Marvel Ryder Allen as Billy Batson Conner O’Malley as Patrick O’Brian/Plastic Man submitted by owenisnotfunny to Fancast [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 jalva Banca - Surroga mutuo - comportamento sleale e potenziale truffa
Buongiorno a Tutti,
mi sono rivolto ad inizio ottobre ad una nota banca per una surroga del mutuo sulla prima casa, mutuo che copre 50% della casa e rata inferiore al quinto dei due stipendi dei soggetti a cui è intestato il mutuo (io e la mia compagna).
Pratica abbastanza semplice, ma ritardata da reiterate richieste della banca, soprattutto inerenti a prodotti non strettamente connessi al mutuo (apertura conto corrente, accredito stipendi presso di loro, acquisto polizza).
Con una mail di metà dicembre la banca mi comunica via mail che la “NORMATIVA” prevede accredito degli stipendi (almeno uno).
Con altra mail ci viene segnalato che i deliberanti stanno decidendo, e ci richiedono conferma scritta che non ci sarà accredito stipendio e stipula polizza.
A gennaio riceviamo dalla banca conferma scritta che la delibera ha posto come “REQUISITO ESSENZIALE” per la surroga l’accredito di entrambi gli stipendi.
Il DLgs. 6.9.2005 n. 206 (c.d. “Codice del Consumo), all’articolo 21 disciplina le azioni ingannevoli nei rapporti tra consumatore privato e produttore di servizi. Viene individuata come pratica commerciale scorretta l’operato “di una banca, di un istituto di credito o di un intermediario finanziario che, ai fini della stipula di un contratto di mutuo, obbliga il cliente alla sottoscrizione di una polizza assicurativa erogata dalla medesima banca, istituto o intermediario ovvero all'apertura di un conto corrente presso la medesima banca, istituto o intermediario.”
L'art. del codice del consumo si può applicare anche alla surroga del mutuo? Posso considerare il comportamento della banca come pratica commerciale scorretta?
Oltre alla palese violazione del Codice del Consumo (se si dovesse applicare anche alla surroga), la banca mi ha scritto via mail che da normativa devo accreditare gli stipendi (quindi aprire anche il conto). Esiste una normativa del genere? Se non dovesse esistere, la banca avrebbe ingenerato nel cliente l’erronea convinzione di dover seguire, contro il proprio interesse, una normativa inventata. Potrebbe essere considerato un artifizio tramite il quale hanno indotto una scelta che non avrei preso.
Tutto questo comportamento ha portato a lungaggini, che non hanno fatto rispettare le tempistiche previste dall’art. 120-quater del Testo Unico Bancario.
Ritengo di aver subito un danno almeno pari alla differenza tra il tasso applicabile a dicembre e il tasso applicabile alla data del mutuo (spero il prossimo mese), più il tempo perso (nel mentre ho continuato a pagare una rata con interessi vecchi molto più alti).
Ho margine per fare un esposto all’Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato e a Banca d’Italia per opportuna verifica della violazione dell’art. 21 del codice del consumo o di altre norme rilevanti, informando anche l'intermediario che mi ha messo in contatto con la banca? O mi conviene prima scrivere alla banca le mie ragioni per capire se hanno intenzione di risolvere la questione in maniera bonaria? In ogni caso devo attendere la firma della surroga perché non posso permettermi altre lungaggini.
submitted by jalva to Avvocati [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 YumxYummy Mina & Nayeon
submitted by YumxYummy to Mimosa [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Harsh_1510 Insane album!
Just discovered these guys , brilliant album with old school touch.. putting it out there , give it a listen guys ! submitted by Harsh_1510 to MetalForTheMasses [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 motorionline Formula 1 | Piero Ferrari rivela: “Hamilton non ha mai nascosto il desiderio di gareggiare per la Rossa”
submitted by motorionline to Formula1_ITA [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Ok_Collection1290 Drinking game: take a shot every time somebody says “I’m super excited” and perish
That’s the post really. I just can’t believe how many times they all say it 😂
submitted by Ok_Collection1290 to dubaibling [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 delijoe Pearl & The Oysters - Side Quest (2024)
This was put on the boat in the last episode and I don't usually disagree with them as much as I did for this song. This is not yacht rock to me, it feels like a throwback Buckner & Garcia song like Pac Man Fever. Yes it has a doobie-ish bounce but the overall sound just isn't there for me. Most of all the smooth just isn't there. Those bloops and bleeps near the end should be an automatic disqualifier as well as it just completely takes away from whatever smooth production it might have had.
I personally think too much stock is placed in a doobie or doobie like bounce sometimes and it shouldn't always be such a major determining factor.
submitted by delijoe to Yachtrock [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 doc_med Looking for a room to rent
Hello everyone I am Vinay Narodia from India. I am coming to san diego for my observership program at ucsd from may for atleast 2 months and can extend till august. I am looking to rent a room and also open for a roommate . If anybody has any link please DM me .
submitted by doc_med to sandiego [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 08:42 Hour_Project_5092 Is there a way to get rid of the filters tab?
https://preview.redd.it/hazme7ppf3ge1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=54db372ad470a3b0d1f4c1dcf32f7a00614f160d I know I can press the arrow to get rid of this tab, but would like to not do that every time I open a pack or collection of effects. Just kind of annoying tab ,and then you have to scroll down to get to what you want submitted by Hour_Project_5092 to ableton [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 Ikraaap Some favorite shots from London with the X100V
submitted by Ikraaap to x100v [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 CHESTYUSMC Why don't we see Occam, or FAB/IMI rails like we see Sureshot's?
I've been aware of these rail's for a hot minute, I haven't heard anyone say anything bad about the first two, but honestly I haven't really heard anything about the first two at all, except for a few one off mentions. What were the shortcomings that made people not use them? They're basically half the cost of the Sureshots and if they work you'd think that would account for something. (Honestly a decent part of the post is I just want to know about these rails since most the info from them appears to have gone away.) Fab doesn't even make it anymore and it looks like a company called IMI has taken control. I remember Waaaaaay back in ye olde 2008 days I saw a picture of one with basically no info on it. At the time it was just too early in the internet world to find any info on it. I have no clue if they were issued, I don't know if they were popular before my time, basically nothing. Rails mentioned below. (I don't believe Occam is as old as FAB, but they fall in the same boat as nobody mentioning them except the old AK forums which I can't really access. FAB defense. FAB defense. Occam Defense Occam submitted by CHESTYUSMC to ak47 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 08:42 No_Coconut8497 AITAH for using the return line?
Ok so I(24F) went to Ross to return 2 shirts that didn’t fit me. I enter the store and they have a sign for the lines saying the left is for returns and exchanges and the right is for purchases. The purchases line was kind of long like maybe 6 or 7 people but not too bad, the return line was empty and guess what I’m there to do… so I used the return line and am first up. The cashier calls for me “returns&exchanges” so I’m about to go up but the lady first up in the purchases line speaks up and says I need to go to the back of the line. I was a little shocked and confused so I said “oh I’m returning some things.” She started going on saying “We’ve been waiting forever… and you’re basically cutting all of us…” mind you no one else in the line gaf so I pointed out the sign and the separate line that says “returns and exchanges” and she said that didn’t matter and that they all should go first before I be helped. The cashier apologized to me and asked me to wait so she could handle their purchases first. I didn’t really care but she helped like 5 people in the other line before getting to me so at that point I could’ve gotten in the regular line. Pls tell me if itah for using that line and if I am tah why even have a separate line for returns anyway?
submitted by No_Coconut8497 to AITAH [link] [comments]