2025.01.30 18:11 al4tu5 Update!
I made a post before about marking issues because they kept peeing next to their tunnel all along the side of it. I tried my best to clean it up every time they did but it kept getting worse. So, I made new arrangements in their pen. Unfortunately I took their beloved tunnel away, but they’ll be able to use it outside of the pen when they start to free roam. I moved one of their litter boxes where the tunnel used to be. I even changed their hay (they weren’t really eating the old hay), and it’s gotten so much better! Still having a few accidents, but they aren’t fixed and are only about 10 weeks old so I assume it’s probably normal. Pics because they’re so cuddly with each other & I’m gonna be so sad to separate them soon :( submitted by al4tu5 to Rabbits [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 New-Yesterday-5021 When Do I Start All My Seeds?
I've had troubles over the years starting all my seeds at the right times. I heard if you start everything early enough you can get a spring, summer and fall garden but have never been able to.
Where do you guys get your planting schedule from?
I've researched Almanac for the garden information and really like the look of Devin the gardener posters.
If you have more then one website, please link it to help me.
submitted by New-Yesterday-5021 to garden [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Affectionate-Ring104 Amazing Post!
submitted by Affectionate-Ring104 to toshicoin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 BOY_divers9 Zwei Stormzähler in Mietwohnung
Bin vor zwei Monaten in eine neue Wohnung eingezogen. Laut Übergabeprotokoll gibt es einen Stromzähler im Keller, der wurde notiert. Bei der Übergabe fiel auf, dass es auch in der Wohnungen einen anderen Stromzähler gibt. Der Hausmeister meinte, er wisse nicht, was es damit auf sich hat. Ich rief daraufhin bei den Stadtwerken an, die konnten mit dem Stromzähler in meiner Wohnung nichts anfangen, meldeten ihn aber trotzdem ohne mein Einverständnis eigenmächtig auf mich an (Widersprüche dagegen blieben bislang unbeantwortet). Das fiel mir erst auf, als ich wenig später den eigentlichen Stromzähler im Keller anmelden wollte. Das geht nun nicht, da die Stadtwerke meinen, der Zähler im Keller laufe auf jemand anderen und ich habe ja schon einen Zähler (den in der Wohnnung). Meine Hausverwaltung zeigt sich wenig kooperativ bei der Aufklärung, obwohl sie als Eigentümerin klar handeln muss. Aus meiner Sicht muss einer der beiden Zähler abgemeldet/abgeklemmt werden. Ich bin nun aber in einer Art Limbo zwischen Stadtwerken und Hausverwaltung gefangen, ohne dass sich jemand zuständig fühlt. Wie sollte ich am besten vorgehen, damit die Sache schnell geklärt wird? Ich möchte weder den Verbrauch, noch Grundgebühr für zwei Zähler zahlen müssen, zumal nicht mal geklärt ist, ob der Verbrauch doppelt gezählt wird oder nicht. Danke für Ratschläge im Voraus.
submitted by BOY_divers9 to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Significant-Data-240 Do you guys use Chat GPT to help you with math?
Has it worked for you guys or made it worse?
submitted by Significant-Data-240 to dyscalculia [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 DarkSoulsOfReddit My Opinion - Quest 3s vs Quest 3
I was provided a Quest 3s for work, I have a Quest 2, and a Vision Pro as well. The controllers were nice on the Quest 3s, and so was the color passthrough. One thing that was really hard for me to get past, was the inability to get a correct focus for the lenses, and the white on black brightness haloing and refractions/reflections. Even after adjusting the lenses width, I could never get all areas on screen to be in focus and clear. Besides those things, tracking, passthrough, and performance were all fine. It was enough to where I didn't really care to explore experiences on that device due to it being so distracting.
That being said, I recently picked up the Meta Quest 3. The difference in image quality is night and day for me. Everything is in focus correctly. There is no refractions or distortions in the image. It is a far better experience in all applications. If you can afford the extra $150-$200, pick up the Quest 3. Also, if you already have the 3s and you're looking to upgrade or have thought about it, I think the display as a whole is well worth it.
submitted by DarkSoulsOfReddit to virtualreality [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 rmff Book Tip - The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin
2025.01.30 18:11 wittyiron7247 Very little adoption of Stellar USDC
It's frustrating that the world's largest exchanges don't support USDC deposits via the Stellar Network.
Gate.ioMEXC Bybit KuCoin
submitted by wittyiron7247 to xlm [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Bones_6 More natural basking area thoughts & advice
My wife and I have had our 'African side neck turtle' named Crush, since August now and we are starting to think about ways to improve or at least change up his tank for this new year.
Currently, as it is pictured, we have a basking platform suction-cupped to the tank on the right side with a hut on the opposite side and we were thinking of getting a slightly smaller hut, but encasing it in rocks and stone to build a natural ramp + basking area and getting rid of the basking platform entirely as it collects a lot of dirt.
This way he can have more of an area to walk around above water in and can have a wide area to play / swim in. For reference, the tank is a 75 gal tank 50% full of water and we are using a FX2 canister filter. Additionally, there are shrimp in the tank, hence why there are a lot of larger rocks and toys for them to hide in.
He does like to dig, so if I do this I would have to use a combo of small stones and large stones as my concern would be he'd get himself stuck digging. Does anyone have any experiences with this?
submitted by Bones_6 to turtle [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 One-Bookkeeper-1410 I guess we're making pixel enhancers now
submitted by One-Bookkeeper-1410 to TheTriangleFactory [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 reddit_lss_2 Regexp test 2025-01-30 18:09:43
123 test body
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to AutomationRulesRegEx [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Nite-Prow1er me_irl
submitted by Nite-Prow1er to me_irl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 mkmnbm Private steam room?
Where can I find a hot steamy room for hot sweaty sex for two?
submitted by mkmnbm to Seattle [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Gullible-Poem-5154 I would love a shower!
Can't find a way to switch it on .. submitted by Gullible-Poem-5154 to Starfield [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Dapper_Past8135 Need template
Anyone happen to have mk X template for free?
submitted by Dapper_Past8135 to 40kcosplay [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Hour_Consequence_746 Inspirational?!
submitted by Hour_Consequence_746 to NottaGlamawSnark [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 rubensheik Davy Jones....
submitted by rubensheik to jogatina [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Public-Swimming1298 Small business migration from Woo to Shopify Help!
We are a small eyewear business that primarily sells wholesale to independent bookstores. We have a current woo commerce site but never focused on ecommerce...until now! So we want to migrate from woo to Shopify, optimize the site and create a solid foundation to be able to grow the e-commerce business and engage in digital marketing, etc. On the new site, we also want to give our wholesale customers the ability to go onto a part of the site and put in their orders and will need to unify inventory for both wholesale and retail.
That all being said, can anyone recommend people, businesses, etc that can do this for me and with me for a reasonable cost? I want to be able to work with them and for them to want to want to work with me so we can feel good and confident about the site and handing it off so I can begin to execute our marketing plan.
Appreciate everyone's input and advice. Look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Public-Swimming1298 to woocommerce [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 VintageBlass AKAI MPC 3 LIVE 2 WORK… Be Vintage
submitted by VintageBlass to MPCLive [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Syrin_Richxson 7 Days Funny moments with the bois
submitted by Syrin_Richxson to 7daystodie [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Artistic-Mix2259 They see me floating
submitted by Artistic-Mix2259 to Awww [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:11 Middle-Palpitation93 FS 2x Yoshi Yamamoto (details in comments)
Selling as a pair Yoshi Yamamoto RC Auto Yoshi Yamamoto Japanese SP /20 Both cards MINT!! $350 Shipped submitted by Middle-Palpitation93 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Kwebbels Daily find the riven: day one
submitted by Kwebbels to okbuddyguardian [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Emperor_blorb_3rd The ACR in early June 2001 : nothing happened
submitted by Emperor_blorb_3rd to WorldboxWar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:11 Aggravating-List3941 Rejoice For We Are Seen
I was looking at this ad thinking something felt different. submitted by Aggravating-List3941 to lefthanded [link] [comments] |