First pair of New Balances, hoping to like it and buy other models 🙏🏻

2025.01.30 17:51 Anxious_Program_3127 First pair of New Balances, hoping to like it and buy other models 🙏🏻

submitted by Anxious_Program_3127 to Newbalance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Old_Combination1124 O Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova: Um Marco na Educação Brasileira

Introdução O Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova, publicado em 1932, representa um dos documentos mais importantes da história educacional brasileira. Criado por um grupo de educadores progressistas, o Manifesto defendia uma reforma profunda no sistema educacional, promovendo um ensino público, gratuito, laico e obrigatório. Seu objetivo era tornar a educação acessível a todas as classes sociais e formar cidadãos críticos e preparados para a vida em sociedade.
Os signatários do Manifesto, entre eles Anísio Teixeira, Fernando de Azevedo e Lourenço Filho, inspiraram-se nos ideais do movimento da Escola Nova, que propunha um ensino centrado no aluno, na experiência prática e na formação integral. Neste artigo, exploramos os princípios fundamentais do Manifesto, seu impacto na educação brasileira e os desafios que ainda persistem.
Contexto Histórico Na década de 1930, o Brasil enfrentava uma transição econômica e social, impulsionada pela industrialização e urbanização. No entanto, o sistema educacional permanecia atrasado, elitista e excludente. Apenas uma pequena parcela da população tinha acesso ao ensino formal, e a educação era frequentemente influenciada por instituições religiosas.
Diante desse cenário, os signatários do Manifesto denunciaram as deficiências do sistema e propuseram mudanças estruturais. Eles defendiam um modelo educacional democrático, que garantisse igualdade de oportunidades e valorizasse a formação de professores.
Princípios Fundamentais do Manifesto 1. Educação Pública e Gratuita Os pioneiros acreditavam que a educação deveria ser um direito universal, acessível a todos, independentemente de classe social. Isso significava expandir a rede de escolas públicas e garantir financiamento adequado para a educação.
2. Ensino Laico A separação entre educação e religião era um dos pilares do Manifesto. A escola deveria ser um espaço neutro, livre de doutrinas religiosas, focado no desenvolvimento do pensamento crítico e científico dos alunos.
3. Escola Única Os educadores defendiam um sistema unificado de ensino, eliminando a separação entre formação intelectual e formação profissional. Isso permitiria uma maior mobilidade social e reduziria as desigualdades educacionais.
4. Obrigatoriedade da Educação A universalização do ensino era vista como essencial para o progresso do país. O Manifesto defendia que todas as crianças e jovens tivessem acesso à educação básica, reduzindo os altos índices de analfabetismo da época.
5. Valorização do Professor A formação e capacitação dos docentes eram apontadas como essenciais para a qualidade do ensino. O Manifesto defendia melhores condições de trabalho, remuneração justa e investimentos na formação pedagógica.
Impacto do Manifesto na Educação Brasileira Reformas e Avanços O Manifesto influenciou diversas reformas educacionais ao longo do século XX. A Constituição de 1934 incorporou muitos de seus princípios, estabelecendo a educação como um dever do Estado.
Além disso, políticas públicas como o Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) foram inspiradas nos ideais dos pioneiros, promovendo avanços na universalização do ensino e na ampliação da rede pública.
Desafios Persistentes Apesar dos progressos, muitos desafios ainda afetam a educação brasileira:

Segundo Saviani (2008), "a luta por uma educação pública, gratuita e de qualidade ainda é um campo de disputa, exigindo o compromisso do Estado e da sociedade civil".
Comparação com Modelos Educacionais de Outros Países Finlândia A Finlândia é um dos países que mais se destacam na educação mundial. Seu sistema prioriza a valorização dos professores, um currículo flexível e métodos de ensino inovadores. O sucesso do modelo finlandês reforça a importância de investimentos contínuos na educação.
Estados Unidos Nos Estados Unidos, o ensino público é descentralizado, com cada estado responsável pela sua própria política educacional. Apesar do alto investimento, a qualidade da educação varia consideravelmente entre as regiões, refletindo desigualdades socioeconômicas.
A análise desses modelos mostra que o Brasil ainda tem muito a avançar, especialmente na valorização dos professores e na equidade do ensino.
Perguntas Frequentes (FAQ) O que significa educação laica? A educação laica é aquela que não possui vínculo com nenhuma religião, garantindo um ensino neutro e baseado no pensamento científico.
O Manifesto dos Pioneiros ainda influencia a educação brasileira? Sim. Muitos dos princípios defendidos em 1932 ainda orientam políticas públicas e debates educacionais no Brasil.
Quais são os principais desafios da educação pública no Brasil hoje? Os principais desafios incluem a infraestrutura precária, a desigualdade no acesso ao ensino de qualidade e a desvalorização dos professores.
Indicações de Vídeos Para aprofundar o tema, confira os seguintes vídeos:
Conclusão O Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Educação Nova foi um divisor de águas na história educacional do Brasil. Seus princípios continuam sendo fundamentais para a luta por um ensino público, gratuito e de qualidade.
Embora o país tenha avançado em muitas áreas, a educação ainda enfrenta desafios significativos. Investir em um ensino inclusivo e de qualidade é essencial para o desenvolvimento social e econômico do Brasil.
Como afirma Paulo Freire (1996), "se a educação sozinha não transforma a sociedade, sem ela tampouco a sociedade muda". Assim, garantir um sistema educacional eficiente e acessível deve ser uma prioridade contínua para o progresso nacional.
submitted by Old_Combination1124 to clubedeestudo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 SashaShelest I made lichen earrings

I made lichen earrings submitted by SashaShelest to etsypromos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 heathenboy_ LF offers on griffins :3

LF offers on griffins :3 these are my little goobers up for trade offers !
submitted by heathenboy_ to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 johannagalt Manhattan Review LSAT Prep Class

I am a 41-year old mid-career professional with a PhD in Political Science (from 2015) who wants to retrain as a lawyer. The part-time law school program I am targeting has a 70% acceptance rate and median LSAT score of 152. The 25th percentile LSAT score is 149, and the 75th percentile is 155. I live in a smaller city. Manhattan offers an 8 week in-person LSAT prep class for $1600.
The expense is well within my budget. But it's a big time commitment every Saturday afternoon for 8 weeks.
Will taking an in-person class help jumpstart my understanding of the LSAT? I want to score higher than the median LSAT at the school I'm targeting.
Or, should I take some practice tests and consult free online materials before dropping $1600?
submitted by johannagalt to LSAT [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 CryHarderCopeHarder La la la la la

La la la la la submitted by CryHarderCopeHarder to Jordan_Peterson_Memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 ProofMore1072 Waking from the dream

The Aiel are my favorite people in the series. The way RJ developed them with many unique aspects fascinates me. What are some of your favorite Aiel sayings? Or have you developed any of your own phrases? I know tell loved ones 'sleep well and wake' at night. I also appreciate the idealism in 'waking from the dream'. It makes sense to me on a deeper level (personally I survived a 2 month coma, and it opened my mind to different levels of spirit.)
submitted by ProofMore1072 to wheeloftime [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Illustrious-Sand-688 Batgirl or Oracle?

I wanted to get a tattoo in honor of Batgirl/Oracle... do you have any ideas?
submitted by Illustrious-Sand-688 to batgirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 farmerfs19 Special item trading between clubs

Hello, I have club that specializes in trading and I want to trade special items.
All I need are storage items
I can trade: (H:W)

So I am looking for mayors who would be interested in such thing, my club have dedicated storage account so I can easily switch clubs and come to you for trade.
What I have in mind is find some clubs with who I could do regular trades (like 1-2 times per week/month) by joining your club temporarily for trading.
If you're president/member of club and want to make some trades let me know your club id and name and I will visit for trades.
submitted by farmerfs19 to SCBuildIt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 RockyLovesEmily05 A federal judge in Manhattan sentenced former U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey) to 11 years in prison on Wednesday afternoon for multiple acts of corruption and serving as an agent of a foreign power while chairing the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

A federal judge in Manhattan sentenced former U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-New Jersey) to 11 years in prison on Wednesday afternoon for multiple acts of corruption and serving as an agent of a foreign power while chairing the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. submitted by RockyLovesEmily05 to whowatchesthewatchmen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 downrepu When Infinity for Reddit suddenly forgets your preferences... AGAIN

Ah, the sweet joy of opening Infinity for Reddit only to find all your settings are poof - gone! It’s like the app goes, "I decided today will be a fresh start for YOU!" But we know the real truth: Infinity just loves keeping us on our toes. Come on, Infinity, we’re not here for a plot twist! 😂 #InfinityProbs
submitted by downrepu to Infinity_For_Reddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Kswan2012 ESPN+ on meta quest

Is there a way to use bigscreen or Xstadium to watch espn+ specifically. I know xstadium has a espn section but its very niche and not at all what a library of espn+ has as well its not live. Bigscreen would be able to do it but I dont want to pay for a browser extention when i could just do it through the quests browser.
submitted by Kswan2012 to MetaQuestVR [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 rehfore I have a 3D-printed clamp that’s too stiff to snap onto a rod. How can I slightly open it in CAD without changing the inner diameter?

I have a 3D-printed clamp that’s too stiff to snap onto a rod. How can I slightly open it in CAD without changing the inner diameter? submitted by rehfore to Fusion360 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Stone057 Let’s count the ways Trump blames everyone #antirepublican #antitrump #u...

Let’s count the ways Trump blames everyone #antirepublican #antitrump #u... submitted by Stone057 to antitrump [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Knowledgendary How do you deal with the feeling of being overwhelmed by everything?

submitted by Knowledgendary to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 theariesgem Terms of Service Violation

I’m so irritated. I got an email stating a customer reported that I didn’t follow delivery instructions and now it’s hitting my standings.
Have any of you appealed this and won? The block they are emailing me about is a block I worked down at my local state university and I had to deliver to a bunch of dorm rooms which required to access with a student ID. 🥲 which, I don’t have Hahahha
submitted by theariesgem to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 OkKaleidoscope9580 What breed is my dog?
Have had him for 3 years, going on 4, since he was a puppy. My family and I have been thinking he's either a lab mix with a border collie or a german shepherd. Looking to hear ya'll's thoughts!
submitted by OkKaleidoscope9580 to WhatBreedIsMyDog [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 JesterLavore88 Is the church selling our data?

A while ago I noticed a couple things that bothered me.

  1. Embedded data trackers our church apps
  2. Pixeled data trackers in our emails.
Today I was reading through the Church Privacy Policy and noticed that they provide our data to Third Parties and Church Entities for a variety of reasons:
"4. With whom do we share personal data?
We share your personal data with other parties in the following circumstances:
a. Third-party providers. We may provide personal data to third parties for their processing in performing functions on our behalf as data processors (for example, payment processing, maintenance, security, data analysis, hosting, measurement services, data-driven social media messaging, surveys, and so on). In such instances, in accordance with this Notice and applicable laws, the providers will be contractually required to protect personal data from additional processing (including for marketing purposes) and from transfer.
b. Church entities. We may transfer personal data to any Church entity to accomplish Church purposes."
And then I noticed the privacy policy on The Church News
Purposes For This Information. We and our third-party service providers use such Usage Data for a variety of purposes including to diagnose problems with our servers and software, to administer the Services, to gather demographic information and to target advertising to you on the Services and elsewhere online. Accordingly, our third-party advertising networks and ad servers will also provide us with information, including reports that will tell us how many ads were presented and clicked on the Services in a manner that does not identify personally any specific individual. The Usage Data we collect is generally non-identifying, but if we associate it with you as a specific and identifiable person, we will treat it as Personal Data.
So my question
So there they mention that they are contracting companies to collect our data for targeted advertising. So that they can advertise the church to us? It's members? But also, if they contract companies like Validity and Google to track data on us, is that data given only to the church? Or do Google and Validity and Chromebeat and all these other data brokers also get to sell our data as part of those deals?
submitted by JesterLavore88 to mormon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Mindless_Leading4368 هوا الفشل وراثه

وكيف أتخلص من هاذا الشعور واعرف قيمة نفسي
submitted by Mindless_Leading4368 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Foofoo14 Which Club Penguin to choose?

Ive seen New Club Penguin, Club Penguin Legacy, Club Penguin Journey... like, which one is the most popular one? Which one is the best? Thanks
submitted by Foofoo14 to ClubPenguin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 AedionMorris Blizzard Likely Earned Over $15 Million with a Single Mount - Trader's Gilded Brutosaur - ONLY AN ESTIMATION

Blizzard Likely Earned Over $15 Million with a Single Mount - Trader's Gilded Brutosaur - ONLY AN ESTIMATION submitted by AedionMorris to wow [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 DayAmazing9376 Pittsburgh’s first queer history landmark is up for review

submitted by DayAmazing9376 to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 PsychologicalSoil477 M23 Looking for some serious friends!

Hi there! I'm 23M here trying to find some really compatible and genuine friendship!
One thing that can really make us compatible is if you really like playing minecraft. That's like what I do everyday :3 And I also definitely really like nintendo games and stuff. So like Pokemon, Zelda, Mario and etc...Especially Pokemon tho! If you really like these things then there's a high chance of us being real compatible!
And of course I do also like to chat for hours if we somehow wanted to. I really like to talk about philosophy, businesses, human nature/behaviors and etc...So if you like any of these stuff, we can definitely talk about them!
Thank for reading! If many of my interests also interests you then please give me a DM and I'll be happy to have a chat first! :3
submitted by PsychologicalSoil477 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 beebay0307 Why do people not like Brooke Schofield?

Why do people not like Brooke Schofield?
  1. Past Racist and Homophobic Tweets
One of the biggest reasons for criticism against Schofield is the resurfacing of old tweets that contained racist and homophobic language. Some of these tweets, which dated from 2012 to 2016, included support for Donald Trump and a defense of George Zimmerman, the man who fatally shot Trayvon Martin. These statements sparked major backlash, as they suggested an alignment with right-wing, racially insensitive ideologies.
Even though Schofield later apologized, many critics felt that her response was insufficient. She claimed that her views were a product of her conservative upbringing, but this excuse did little to satisfy those who believed she should have taken more accountability. Furthermore, given the fact that these tweets resurfaced in 2024—when she was already a public figure—many saw her apologies as a PR move rather than a genuine acknowledgment of wrongdoing.
  1. Betrayal of Female Friendships for Male Validation
Another reason why Schofield receives criticism is her pattern of prioritizing male attention over female friendships. This is evident in her falling out with Tana Mongeau. Tana, who had been close friends with Schofield, distanced herself after Schofield’s racist tweets came to light. Instead of owning up to her mistakes and repairing the damage, Schofield seemed to focus more on maintaining her relationships with men who had questionable reputations.
This pattern is not just limited to Tana. Many have accused Schofield of throwing other women under the bus to gain favor with men, particularly in the influencer space. By choosing to align herself with powerful men, even those with controversial pasts, she reinforces the idea that male validation is more important than female empowerment.
  1. Continued Support for David Dobrik and Other Problematic Men
One of the most significant criticisms of Schofield is her continued association with David Dobrik. Dobrik has been accused of enabling a toxic environment, with allegations ranging from covering up sexual misconduct within his friend group to exploiting his friends for content. Many influencers, including former members of Dobrik’s “Vlog Squad,” have cut ties with him due to these allegations.
Despite this, Schofield has maintained her friendship with Dobrik, which has led to accusations that she prioritizes connections with powerful men over ethical concerns. By continuing to support him, she indirectly contributes to the normalization of harmful behaviors in the influencer community. Critics argue that her association with Dobrik suggests a lack of concern for victims and a willingness to overlook serious allegations in order to maintain social status.
  1. Lack of Accountability and PR-Focused Apologies
While Schofield has issued apologies for her past tweets and behavior, many have criticized her for being more focused on damage control than genuine change. Her apologies often come across as rehearsed, and she has yet to take meaningful action to prove that she has changed. For example, she has not been vocal about supporting marginalized communities in a way that would indicate genuine growth. Instead, she seems to brush off criticism, moving on quickly without addressing the deeper concerns people have.
While Brooke Schofield still has a loyal fanbase, there are valid reasons why many people criticize her. From her past racist and homophobic tweets to her prioritization of problematic men over female friendships, Schofield has built a reputation that suggests she cares more about maintaining social clout than taking real accountability. Her continued association with figures like David Dobrik, coupled with her lack of genuine efforts to change, has further alienated those who once supported her. Ultimately, while people can decide for themselves whether they “hate” her, it’s clear that she has made choices that justify the criticism she receives.
submitted by beebay0307 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:51 Specter_Six Help with city buildings

Help with city buildings Hi everyone, I need some help with probably a noob thing. I’ve build this terminus station and I’m trying to go for a ski resort/mountain city kind of vibe but the visual always gets ruined by random skyscrapers popping out of the ground. Is there anyway to avoid these? I just want regular houses or chalets ideally (and maybe fed hotels). I have a mod for the building I want but they are “decorations” so they aren’t functional and bring down my population. Thanks for the help. (Also is there a way to lock the year? I have an 1960’s theme map but the cities have modern buildings which looks a bit weird)
submitted by Specter_Six to TransportFever2 [link] [comments]