Togekiss + Sabrina bug?

知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 如果以上二种方法都不能查就到电池健康,那使用以下终极方法。 方法三:在拨号界面,输入 *#*#284#*#* 字符,手机会生成Bug检测报告。 ICC2024的edas系统是否存在bug? win10的微软拼音按 shift键 进行 中英文切换,标点符号会自动切换中英文的。 但更新win11后,标点符号不会附带自动切换。可能是个小bug,需要单独切换中英文标点符号, 按“ctrl”+“.”切换到中文标点符号。 之后按shift键也能同步切换语言和标点符号,不影响使用。 关于切换后还打不出顿号的情况 ... 这不是个Bug,这(他XXXXX的)是个Feature。 骂完了。 简单点说,就是微软拼音会根据当前应用和输入焦点来自动切换中英文输入状态,在某些地方——如Word文档里,又是个中国用户,开着输入法,它就默认你下面要打中文了,就自动切换中文输入状态。 基本没几个回答正确的,微信「最小化」状态,不处于前台,但是你在不操作的情况下,自动弹出界面,不管有无消息,不过好像微信使用「置顶」后会有bug,取消「置顶」后就会频繁促发,只是根据之前操作回忆分析,不确定是由「置顶」触发,建议重新「置顶」一次然后再取消试试。 因为 bug 和 debug 已经属于 IT 领域专有名词,错误和除错这种词义宽泛的词语不足以准确描述其特指软件相关的含义,中文译名也「专有」一下未必… 比较典型的不同分辨率双屏导致的bug,修改下分辨率就好: 第一步,右键点击CS,选属性。 第二步,通用的启动项,输入以下代码。 - windowed -w 1920 -h 1080 之后游戏会以1080P分辨率的窗口模式运行,进游戏再调整下游戏内分辨率就好了。 通过本次投稿总结出以下三个结论供各位道友参考: 网传 CMT 的 bug 是千真万确靠谱的,前期卡 bug 的结果和最终录用结果完全一致 ICASSP 的认可度不高,在 ZJU 和一些学校甚至已经不作为毕业认可了,但是这不能改变它越来越卷的事实。接触这个会议大概有四年的时间,亲眼见证了投稿量从 4000- 飙升 ... 有几个网友反馈弹弹jj也有效。 最近很多朋友小米手机音量键失灵,音量自动最大或者最小,不受控制。 网上有很多解决办法,都是假的! 包括小米社区很多人问,都没个正确答案。 有说可能是短路了,去店里维修35块? 根本就不是! 哪有那么容易短路, 系统 ...

2025.01.30 18:11 ifschilling Togekiss + Sabrina bug?

Togekiss + Sabrina bug? I played a match using Togekiss: 1) I attacked with Togekiss in my turn 2) My opponent used Sabrina in their turn 3) I used Xspeed to get the SAME Togekiss back into play 4) Togekiss dealt only 60 damage, instead of the 120 I expected
Am I correct to assume it is a bug?
submitted by ifschilling to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 wrangler42069 Future dead bedroom

My bf (25m) and I (24f) have been dating for 8 months, we have a great relationship. Both cook both clean both work and have similar schedules. Cuddle hug kiss as much as we can, workout together, shower together literally everything together (he likes to do everything together I have a extra day off I enjoy as I like my alone time) It was great in the beginning at least once a day, after 3 months it slowed down, fair enough. At 6 months it was once a month so we had 2 conversations about it. It hasn’t really changed in those 2 months. I wouldn’t care if it was great once a month but now it’s 2 mins and he doesn’t seem to care about me being satisfied. I rejected him a few nights ago as I’m fed up, once a month for 2 mins, we’re young, no kids and not even a year in. I’m worried about our future
submitted by wrangler42069 to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 First_Question2797 Finally, finished my new Gaming Room!

Finally, finished my new Gaming Room! Tell me what I can improve please
submitted by First_Question2797 to LenovoLegion [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 IKickedJohnWicksDog Is there a market for boy/girl content on OF? The gf and I are thinking of trying it out. Pros? Cons?

submitted by IKickedJohnWicksDog to onlyfansadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 greenwitchbot The Children’s School: “The best way to predict the future is to design it.”

Greenwich Free Press
Like Buckminster Fuller’s innovative geodesic dome design of the 1960s, the School strives to create a paradigm shift in education. By integrating cutting-edge research in childhood development with proven practices, the School nurtures curiosity, respect, and a lifelong love of learning.
submitted by greenwitchbot to Greenwich [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 KiaraFloraRosa I don't have body/gender dysphoria, and I don't feel an intense or painful need to transition. I also feel like a bad and/or weird person for some of my feelings. Am I actually trans?

I feel conflicted, weird, and even feel bad for some of the feelings I have. Here's an attempt to describe it:

Because of all this, I feel conflicted. I feel as if I'm not really trans, as if I'm too reliant on stereotypes, and my intrusive thoughts and self-doubts tell me that I actually am making it all about attraction and that is fetishization and that I'm a bad person.
So, what do you think?
submitted by KiaraFloraRosa to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 Striking_Active_8762 Felipe pereira ou autoria linguagens?

Eu vou começar a estudar semana que vem com base no cronograma do Ferreto vou substituir algumas matérias e vou utilizar bastante das questões que tem também na plataforma. Li alguns comentários de que linguagens não é o forte do Ferreto. Queria a opnião sobre Felipe pereira ou Autoria. Substitui matemática por Matemagicando, Geografia por Thais Formagi, Fisica por Ricci e Redação por Fernanda Pessoa
submitted by Striking_Active_8762 to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 Own_Garbage_9 Poll - Who is the leader of the Democratic Party? (Suffolk/USA Today)

Don't Know 30%
Nobody 19%
Kamala Harris 10%
Hakeem Jeffries 9%
Barack Obama 8%
Gavin Newsom 3%
Nancy Pelosi 3%
Chuck Schumer 3%
Joe Biden 2%
AOC 2%
The poll was conducted Jan 7-11, a little over two months from the election date in which Harris received 75 million votes. National poll, registered voters.
submitted by Own_Garbage_9 to YAPms [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 lss_web_1444 Link post title 777

Link post title 777 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 remotearmyio Remote DevOps and Sysadmin opportunity: Sr Cloud Architect

🚀 New remote opportunity: Sr Cloud Architect Job Category: DevOps and Sysadmin
Job summary:

👉 Learn more and apply here:
Register for free at for more remote opportunities and content to succeed at remote work!
submitted by remotearmyio to remotearmy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 HealthyDriver9088 SporeModAPI Help

So, learned you could take spore models and import them to blender. Tried to instal a mod to make it a bit easier, but it needed to be instaled through the SporeModAPI, not a problem I already have it instaled and have several mods I run through it. But now, Spore isn't working correctly, I open it through the launcher and I get through the loading screen and to the screen where you're supposed to put in the EA stuff, but when I x it off. It displays "Please close Spore and open it through the mod launcher" even though I did launch Spore through the mod launcher. I tried uninstalling the mod and still doesnt work. And I physically can't open Spore through steam because of the update and having to use an older version.
Am I just cooked? Should I try and uninstal and then reinstal all of my stuff? Already put out a message to the DavoOnline help board, but might as well ask here too.
submitted by HealthyDriver9088 to Spore [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 suerteinsan Forza Horizon 5 is the next title to make the leap from Xbox to PlayStation
submitted by suerteinsan to GamingLeaksAndRumours [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 freewallabees Favorite Kit

Looking for some new kit and wonder what your favorite brands may be and why. I’ve been wanting to try Rapha because I hear they have good quality and feel but a bit pricy. I currently use Pactimo bibs which I’m not super impressed with the longevity of, and Voler jerseys which fit me better than a comparable Pactimo.
I’m in the US if that makes a difference (maybe some brands don’t ship to or take returns from international buyers).
So, do you have a favorite brand? Doesn’t have to be cheap but I don’t want to just pay for the name. Maybe separate brands for tops or bottoms? I’m 5’9” 75kg with a shorter torso
submitted by freewallabees to cycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 ThrowRA_empty2 As a guy, have you found shirtless pics of yourself to be advantageous or hurtful?

On Bumble I have insights indicating that my shirtless pic gets lots of views.
But I always hear how girls don't like guys with shirtless pics/ gym pics.
The match difference isn't apparent on my profile.
submitted by ThrowRA_empty2 to DatingApps [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 PersonBehindAScreen [Fowler] #Cowboys are considering former #Browns OC Ken Dorsey for their offensive coordinator position, per source. Interview to be determined but logistics being discussed.

submitted by PersonBehindAScreen to cowboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 remotearmyio Remote Data & AI opportunity: Presales Data Science Architect – AWS Cloud

🚀 New remote opportunity: Presales Data Science Architect – AWS Cloud Job Category: Data & AI
Job summary:

👉 Learn more and apply here:
Register for free at for more remote opportunities and content to succeed at remote work!
submitted by remotearmyio to remotearmy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 No-Touch-4792 Rumors!

Rumors say there's a music player and video player apps available for TSP and people are already using it? Can anyone clarify this source? I'm not sure if anything said outside this subreddit is trustworthy!.
submitted by No-Touch-4792 to trimui [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 reddit_lss_1 New Image Post 2025-01-30

New Image Post 2025-01-30 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 blueberryandvanilla Meme dump: Zayne and Caleb fighting

Meme dump: Zayne and Caleb fighting Memes/stickers I find in xhs. I swear to mods that I respect the originality and tried to search for the sources, but everyone are using it and the sources are unknown. Please don’t remove this post 🙏
submitted by blueberryandvanilla to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 Excellent_Boss_2915 Prologue one pay lease special

6999 special on all ex and touring models one pay lease taxes and fees included. 8999 one pay on elite models. Lester Glenn Honda in sea girt nj
Ask for Omar.
Must qualify for conquest or Honda loyalty to save 1000 dollars or else add 1000 to lease special pricing
24 month lease 10k miles a year
submitted by Excellent_Boss_2915 to HondaPrologue [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 GooberMcNoober Advertisement guy 🪱🪱🪱

Advertisement guy 🪱🪱🪱 submitted by GooberMcNoober to 2sentence2horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 4ourthsin can I connect my hdd to this?

can I connect my hdd to this? is it possible to use the cable from my dvd drive cable to connect a ssd or hdd just to clone my hdd to another hardrive?
submitted by 4ourthsin to computers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 tenlefthands 29F Germany/EU looking for friends with similar interests

Hello! I'm in a relationship and I'm only looking for platonic friends thanks!
I'm looking for friends to regularly hang out with on VC, play games/TTRPGs or create things together. I can speak german and english (but sometimes struggle a bit with the latter).
I work as a freelance cg-artist but have been going through a rough patch professionally. Hehe but don't let that fool you, I might have my mental issues but I try my best to keep them to myself. Unless you want to talk about stuff like that!
Personally I prefer friendships with women (cis or not) and people who identify as lgbtq+. If you don't belong to either group but still feel like we would really vibe together and you respect that I'm in a commited relationship then feel free to reach out too! Please be around 25-35.
I'm looking for someone who is interested in developing a deep, meaningful connection. Like I would love to hear about your day, see whats going on in your life currently, a picture you found funny, a video essay you found really interesting, listen to you vent, talk about fanfictions and AUs, have deep meaningful discussions, and so on. IDK TALK TO ME, I'll talk to you too! You can spam my DMs please I yearn for social connections haha
My dream would be to have 1-3 really close friends who all vibe with eachother and send memes/videos/anything to in a group chat.
Some of my interests:

I'm very left leaning, do not contact me if you have something against me being so.
Umm yeah that's it! Write me your age, timezone and a bit about yourself and let's see where this will go. Tell me your favorite song so I know you've read my text!
Thank you for reading! I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you <3
submitted by tenlefthands to FemaleFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 test_block_4 To report 2025-01-30 18:09:05

submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:11 abx769 Ehemalige Mitarbeiterin exposed Andre und Nicole

Ehemalige Mitarbeiterin exposed Andre und Nicole Ein Streamer hat (angeblich) mit einer ehemaligen Mitarbeiterin von Andre und Nicole geschrieben. Sie soll auch sehr gut mit den beiden befreundet gewesen sein. Leider blendet der Streamer keine Chats usw ein, aber laut ihm sage die ehemalige Mitarbeiterin aus, dass Andre und Nicole sie unter anderem nicht richtig bezahlt hätten. Es habe häufig sehr wenig zutun gegeben, also hätten sie die Mitarbeiter heimgeschickt und ihnen „Minusstunden“ angerechnet, die wann anders abgearbeitet werden sollten. Außerdem sei die Mitarbeiterin hoch schwanger gewesen und von Andre und Nicole trotzdem weiter für körperliche Arbeit beschäftigt worden sein. Dazu sei sie für Logistik eingestellt worden und soll von Andre und Nicole dann aber beauftragt worden sein, das Büro aufzuräumen, wo sie dann diverse Alkoholflaschen und einen Saustall vorgefunden hätte. Einmal sei sie ins Büro zitiert worden, um ein Paket entgegenzunehmen, hatte das aber nicht geschafft, da sie erst 5 Tage zuvor ihr Kind bekommen hatte. Andre und Nicole sind daraufhin wohl ausgerastet. Irgendwann hatte die Mitarbeiterin die Schnauze voll und einen Anwalt beauftragt, da ist aber noch nichts bei rumgekommen.
submitted by abx769 to Laesterschwestern [link] [comments]