Mastery #37: Twisted Metal Small Brawl

2025.01.30 18:30 SystemFailure0 Mastery #37: Twisted Metal Small Brawl

Mastery #37: Twisted Metal Small Brawl submitted by SystemFailure0 to RetroAchievements [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 snas Can you coop the main story?

This is an extract from an article:
"The main story is very much a single-player experience. You're playing in the multiplayer world, obviously, but it's something that you kind of drive and do on your own"
My concern is that I won't be able to play the main story along with my wife. Like Final Fantasy 14 doesn't let you but New World does.
I always find very difficult to understand if and mmo will let me play MSQ with my wife or not.
submitted by snas to duneawakening [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 sozer-ali Narlıdere Klima Servisi

submitted by sozer-ali to trservisler [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Parking_Poet_9336 .

. submitted by Parking_Poet_9336 to piscatorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 NoTime8841 La gente no quiere la verdad, solo quiere que le confirmen lo que ya cree

Nadie busca información para aprender, solo para reforzar sus propias creencias. Cuando algo no encaja con su visión del mundo, lo ignoran, lo ridiculizan o lo atacan.
Por eso los debates en internet no sirven. No importa cuántos datos tengas, si la otra persona ya decidió qué es verdad, nada la hará cambiar de opinión. La gente prefiere sentirse cómoda antes que enfrentarse a la posibilidad de estar equivocada.
Pero bueno, sigan creyendo que son de mente abierta mientras bloquean a cualquiera que piense diferente.
submitted by NoTime8841 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Human_Ad7350 Before and after tonight's pic

Before and after tonight's pic submitted by Human_Ad7350 to StunningAlexJones [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Flat_String6005 Help with some questions

Hello everyone I’m taking my teas online next weeks. I’m feeling confident with all topics except science. I know the general things but there are so many things to learn and remember that is confusing to me. I’m using the mometrix book to study and some other daily question places. I feel like the book goes way too deep on most things and makes it challenging to remember them.
I’ve heard some people say nurse cheung is great for the science part is that correct?
Is there any free site online where you can find questions or flash cards to study from?
Lastly regarding the online part for anybody who knows. Do you download the respondus app from the ati website or how does that work? Is there any other thing to download?
There’s also the dry run part you have to do but I believe you have to install the things first before attempting this to make sure everything works.
They sent me an email but it was vague so I’m confuse on that.
Sorry for bothering or if this questions are dumb.
Good luck to everyone else who is taking the teas 🙏
submitted by Flat_String6005 to teas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 grovegangquon To my older Atlanta niggas was Ludacris really that nigga ?

Ian gon give out my exact age but im around 19-21 & I never hear niggas really talk about him being one of the goats like that, but the nigga did have hits so to my older niggas was he really poppin
submitted by grovegangquon to Atlantology [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Psychochairshot Is it worth doing raids?

I play mainly solo and don't have anyone that I play with. I'm intrigued by raids but I'm only level 168 and a casual player so I don't have the time to sit watching YouTube videos and reading articles on how to do them. Are the rewards worth it and are there enough people that don't instantly kick lower level players?
submitted by Psychochairshot to fo76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 NicStylus Lord Vile shreds... on the dancefloor

submitted by NicStylus to skulduggerypleasant [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 AppointmentRight9300 XL-Byhalia MS

submitted by AppointmentRight9300 to amazonjobslisting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 jjtheg4y i drew this the other day

submitted by jjtheg4y to mfdoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 jgg_ttl 911 Carrera GTS on the Vegas Strip

911 Carrera GTS on the Vegas Strip submitted by jgg_ttl to Porsche [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Julsmiller Tiny Notebook Moments.

Tiny Notebook Moments. I always have a notebook or journal nearby. This little one I use predominantly for my to-do lists, or as my notebook for when I make/take calls and jotting down information.
Sometimes when I’m watching a show or movie, or am listening to a conversation, I hear words of wisdom or pieces of advice I like and make a point to write it down before it leaves my mind.
These are just a couple pages I found flipping through some old to-do lists. I guess this is my version of enjoying motivational quotes. Also I know that if I don’t write it down, there is no way I’ll remember, as much as I tell myself I will.
submitted by Julsmiller to Journaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 OffshoreFlyer96 Arcane Fury and Steel Charge bug

I was just in Hollovania with ash prime. I noticed that his blade storm damage was unusually high (only reason I noticed was boredom calculations) and was dealing almost 1.5 more damage. Throughout the mission I was able to rule out it being ability strength, and through further investigation I discovered that somehow I had Arcane Fury and Steel Charge apply twice to ash. I verified this in the simulacrum (I am aware of the steel charge bug there). I am unsure how I caused this bug to happen as I was getting Scaldra ability kills with his blade storm but my math checks out.
submitted by OffshoreFlyer96 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 DyJoGu Anyone Else Notice That No One is Changing Jobs?

Basically the title, which is a little hyperbolic, but let me explain myself.
I moved to the city I have lived about three years ago. I was talking to my partner yesterday how I've noticed since then that every restaurant, coffee shop, bars, smoke shop, gas station, etc. around me has had next to zero employee turnover. You will always see the same bartenders, baristas, servers, cashiers, etc. holding on these jobs that people would traditionally only stay at for a much shorter time. It's like even low-paying service jobs are becoming a hot commodity and exclusive. She agreed and noticed exactly what I was talking about. It's something that may not be immediately obvious, but once you notice it, you can't unsee it.
I just have a feeling this is a symptom of a larger issue in society with the economy right now.
submitted by DyJoGu to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 j7777m Joseph Martelli Niagara Falls, NY #jjm7777 #josephmartelli #God #JesusChrist #HolySpirit #kingjamesbible #kjv #WordofGod #SonofGod Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

submitted by j7777m to Joseph_Martelli [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 CustomWritingsCoLTD UIC STAT 101 Class

Hi! I’m Jaime, I graduated with a masters in statistics, I’m based out of the Bay Area (CA)
Get your STAT 101 assignments, Pearson MyMathLab labs, tests & exams completed from as low as $20 per task!
My discord is CWCO#8243 Email: [email protected] | Reviews: Check pinned statisticsHomework post!
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 chtbu My personal rejection of the term “Lunar New Year”

Happy New Year! I know this topic has been discussed quite a bit already but I just wanted to add to the conversation.
This year, I started to make a deliberate effort to no longer use the term “Lunar New Year”. As a Khmer-American with Chinese descent, I really dislike it because I think it is lazy catch-all phrase, and only misrepresents the holiday. It makes it sound like all Asians celebrate it and erases our cultural diversity, when yet it only represents 3 celebrations that I know of: Chinese (vast majority ofc), Vietnamese, and Koreans. Like my family mostly focuses on Khmer New Year in April (with Lao and Thai folks), but with our Chinese descent, we still recognize CNY with red pockets and a small family dinner.
I don’t like the feeling of erasing the acknowledgment of the holiday as being originated from and shared mainly by Chinese people, domestic and abroad. People don’t seem to respect that ethnic Chinese are hugely important, widespread, and influential. Ethnic Chinese are over Asia, and in some Asian countries make up huge segments of their population. Not to mention they are the world’s largest ethnic group. From my understanding, this nuance is literally the reason why it comes across like many Asian countries celebrate it.
Anyway on my socials, I have started to proudly use “CNY/Spring Festival/春节” to refer to what I personally celebrate. When I wished my friends happy new year yesterday, I used the specific term depending on what they celebrate (Spring Festival/Tết/Seollal). Finally, I just use “new year” to refer to it in general — it’s always obvious what I’m talking about. Like it’s really not that hard, there’s only three of them lol. But this decision really felt so empowering. Not only could I stay true to what I celebrated; it also motivated me to learn more on how the new year is uniquely celebrated in Vietnam, Korea, and among the overseas Chinese in diverse countries. Hopefully some of y’all can join me on this. :)
Food for thought, why don’t people complain about the name “English” since most people in the world who speak it aren’t even English people? Why haven’t we protested against the name “Christmas” if not all people who celebrate it are Christian? Why do people seem to judge Chinese culture according to different standards than our own?
submitted by chtbu to aznidentity [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 DigJhow6969 how to downgrade for the executor works again (need bloxtrap btw)

i found this github downgrader and i dont know the why no one is saying nothing abt it, is hella good, i think it also works with executors who dont allow bloxtrap like awp,
to use it is just open install bloxtrap and choose a version and downgrade to that version, i am using seliware and i downgraded to the version of 21 january, if you are using a executor who dont allow bloxtrap i think is just put the files of the downgraded version in the real roblox version thats the download
submitted by DigJhow6969 to robloxhackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 ILoveTheSofa11 эх, я на 2 дня опоздала 😢

эх, я на 2 дня опоздала 😢 submitted by ILoveTheSofa11 to kakayato_fignya [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Speedyinbed r/bannerlord2online

Welcome everyone! This message will be posted weekly on Thursday at 1:30pm est. this is to find a time to host said game/games every week if possible that best suits everyone’s schedules. Please comment what days and times work for everyone!
submitted by Speedyinbed to bannerlord2online [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 rowrowfightthepandas Masters in CIS or Bachelors in CS?

Hi, I know the "Information Systems vs Computer Science" discussion has happened before, but my circumstances are a little funky, so I wanted to get some input:
I've been a business systems analyst for about three years now and I love this line of work. One of the perks of my new job is two free college courses every semester, and I want to put that toward a masters in either IS or CS. The thing is, I got my bachelor's in math, so I don't meet a lot of the prerequisites for the MSCS program. I think if I were to go the CS route, I would probably have to start with a bachelors in Spring '26 and take who knows how long, whereas the MSIS program I'm likely to be able to start in Fall '25 and finish in 2-3 years. With the amount of tuition waived the cost is negligible, but I just don't know if the cost of time and effort is outweighed by the benefits of a CS degree, especially if I want to be open to a career in coding in the future. What do you all think? Thanks!
submitted by rowrowfightthepandas to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 maybemorningstar69 All signs point to DC or Memphis signing AJ McCarron

Both teams have only signed two quarterbacks at this point, and both teams have questionable starters. Granted, Ta'amu is obviously better than whoever Memphis considers their #1 on their current roster, but given his subpar season last year it seems very likely that DC is also saving their last quarterback spot for a starter and not a backup.
A lot of people seem to think that he would've signed somewhere if he was still interested, but a lot of those people forget that McCarron re-signed with St. Louis last year in mid-February, meaning we still have several weeks at least.
If I had to guess, McCarron's first choice is definitely DC, given that its got a generally better roster and is in the much stronger XFL conference (and they play St. Louis twice this year), so besides the obvious contract stuff, the main reason why McCarron hasn't signed yet is that he's trying to either pick between DC and Memphis, or that DC hasn't decided whether they're interested in giving Ta'amu real competition yet.
submitted by maybemorningstar69 to UnitedFootballLeague [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 SimilarLee New tenant in Basemar shopping center?

I was poking around the planning website and found this:
I saw the amount of paperwork related to this parcel and was thinking that this was, for sure, going to be new student housing. Nope. It looks like the buildings are staying intact, and there appears to be new tenant called "Leever's Locavore", and they're apparently large.
Will this be the new anchor tenant?
submitted by SimilarLee to boulder [link] [comments]