2025.01.30 18:30 short_longpants Who here used to watch Night Tracks?
From the days when MTV wasn't the only source of music videos. I liked Night Tracks way better.
submitted by short_longpants to 80s [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 MikeOxHuge Who in the hell is Mason Sexton?
Sounds like a Permabear doomsday "analyst." My dad is constantly listening to this guy and James Rickards. I listen to these two speaking in their videos while my dad watches. It is the most scripted, sensational shit I've ever heard.
I know Rickards, but can anyone tell me about Mason Sexton's reputation?
I'm listing to one of his videos in the background as I type this. It is unbelievable. He's literally citing astrology, among other things, in his claim that the market will crash 30-70% in the next 30 days.
I guess what I'm really asking is for someone to give me some evidence that this guy is a fraud so I can save my Father from listening to this bullshit.
submitted by MikeOxHuge to stocks [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 Easy-Archer-8431 Lauren😍
submitted by Easy-Archer-8431 to instahotgirl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 TurtleQueen1120 You have disrupted the council stair meeting
submitted by TurtleQueen1120 to CouncilOfCats [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 StylisticNightmare ➬ Joggerin vergewaltigt und erwürgt ‧ Täter muss in Psychiatrie
submitted by StylisticNightmare to philogyny [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 Competitive-Group404 Red Light Therapy?
Have you tried this to help the recovery? It's something that my Chiropractor says they can do to help me recover faster. Does it really work?
submitted by Competitive-Group404 to brokenbones [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 Cormac113 "We are Powerful" Power Vs Sony Venom sprite art
submitted by Cormac113 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 Weak-One-4513 When you mom asks you to smile nice for the camera.
submitted by Weak-One-4513 to bigcats [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 JoeyToothpicks Unmarked Storage Hut - Doraville, GA
I'm fairly certain that this former Pizza Hut is now auxiliary storage for the liquor store next door. submitted by JoeyToothpicks to FormerPizzaHuts [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 SFStandard Airport on SFO flight path to lose all air traffic controllers in pay dispute
submitted by SFStandard to bayarea [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 Longjumping-Pie1679 Please judge my portfolio
Trying to get a job in graphic design. I’ve been doing freelance for the past year and change. Need to know if there are clear issues I’m missing submitted by Longjumping-Pie1679 to graphic_design [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 AbeliousAugustus "Mordecai, Rigby...."
submitted by AbeliousAugustus to memes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 the_evil_resident5 New weapons
Soo Guess Who Is back I am here playing Doom and asked myself the weapons of Doom 2016 are cool but that of dark ages? So the Question here Is are there gonna be any new weapons and of yes give your ideas
submitted by the_evil_resident5 to Doom [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 Hairy-Ad-9978 Mr Robot, Elliot..
Why and at what point in Elliot's life was Mastermind created? Will we see the real Elliot or just Mastermind throughout the series?
submitted by Hairy-Ad-9978 to MrRobot [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 IcyWall8167 Store owner confirms 1LP and suggests there should be another @ 13.30
submitted by IcyWall8167 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 jayjahic31 hgfd
submitted by jayjahic31 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 Prod315AG rule
submitted by Prod315AG to 691 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 thespianomaly “Disney’s $1 Billion ‘Star Wars’ Hotel to Be Converted to Offices for Future Walt Disney World Projects”
submitted by thespianomaly to JennyNicholson [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 OkPomegranate9464 Just gave a guy shit dick and I’m embarrassed
I’m not that embarrassed lol because I told him I couldn’t get clean, then he said I could clean at his place and never gave me the chance.
it was one of my first times hooking up like that tho and was excited literally didn’t eat all day thinking I’d be good too.
I want to get more into hooking up but I hate cleaning 😔😩
submitted by OkPomegranate9464 to askgaybros [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 Upper_Interview_1396 Esqueci do Jorge de ontem então: Jorge de ontem e do Dia: Jorge Monarca, Jorge Rei
Jorge Monarca, um guerreiro, um rei, o melhor em combate, na guerra, um completo monarca, ele e o Jorge Kratos e o Jorge Gladiador Silencioso foram muito importantes durante a Grande Guerra. Jorge Rei, o Jorge com uma sede de poder e egoísmo enorme, ele foi um dos principais colaboradores da Grande Guerra no lado inimigo, junto com o Jorge do Mal e o Jorge Samurai Sombrio, ele roubou a pedra de poder das almas e usou ao seu favor, transformando vários Jorges em pedra, que aqueles soldados descansem em paz submitted by Upper_Interview_1396 to RabiscosBr [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:30 One_Line8392 NEW FLASH USDT AVAILABLE @25
submitted by One_Line8392 to USDT_EXCHANGE [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 evolvebyskd Narcissistic Parents are very transactional
Narcissistic parents typically demonstrate a pattern of minimal emotional or material investment in their children, providing only the bare necessities while consistently reminding the child of their contributions. This behavior is strategically designed to foster a sense of indebtedness, where the child internalizes the notion that they owe their parents for what is often perceived as minimal or transactional care. The reinforcement of this indebtedness becomes a tool for narcissistic parents to extract narcissistic supply—emotional validation, admiration, or control—throughout the child’s life. By employing guilt induction and psychological coercion, narcissistic parents manipulate the child into adopting a role where the child prioritizes the parents’ needs, desires, or expectations over their own well-being. This dynamic can result in long-term psychological consequences, including chronic feelings of guilt, low self-worth, and difficulty establishing healthy boundaries, as the child is conditioned to neglect their emotional needs in favor of the narcissistic parent’s demands.
submitted by evolvebyskd to evolvewithsarah [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 FinancialGuitar5102 Front case fans
Finished my build but I’m stuck with the RGB of the front fans, should I add the Gen 2 and RGB header , only the Gen 2 or simply add the RGB header?
submitted by FinancialGuitar5102 to pchelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 gayroma De ce nu vor sa puna procurorii si Ministra Justitiei praguri la substantele cu efect psihoactiv legale si ilegale Discuție
Ganditi-va putin logic. Solutia simpla ar fi sa tragi anumite praguri ca la alcool pentru fiecare substanta in parte. Numai ca nu vor sa faca asta pentru ca in mintea lor ingusta considera ca ar incuraja consumul de "droguri" si vor sa isi pastreze their "hands off policy" venita dintr-un profund rasism medical si ignoranta asupra problematicii.
De asemenea ganditi-va de ce nu pun o lista cu medicamentele legale prescrise astfel incat sa se diferentieze de drogurile ilegale si sa faca distinctia clara. De ce? Fiindca medicamentele legale si drogurile au aceeasi sursa! compusii primari sunt f similari la drogurile ilegale si la cele legale, se trag din aceeasi radacina.
In acelasi timp guvernul anti drog este de fapt anti schimbare de stare de constiinta (cu efecte potential imprevizibile) iar drogurile legale nu prea le tolereaza nici pe ele fiindca de fapt nu le intelege. Asadar orice este neinteles este privit cu rasism medical reintarit prin legile tip "nu avem ce sa intelegem trebuie sa persecutam, trebuie mentinuta presiunea (a se citi rasism medical)".
Sunt in stare de negare intr-un fel de sevraj al sobrietatii si acum sunt disperati sa isi mentina controlul. Oameni disperati dupa control, control freaks, care este si ea o afectiune psihologica care netratata duce la ce vedem in prezent: injustitie, paranoia, blocare de informatii, rasism, etc.
Iar daca persoana ce sufera de sobrietate e si intr-o functie de conducere, cu atat mai rau. Pentru ca acea persoana este in sevraj si nu ii mai pasa de cati oameni nevinovati face sa sufere (soferii care vor intra pe nedrept la inchisoare, vieti distruse pentru un tratament legal, pentru un nurofen, rasism si discriminare sociala...).
Fiind in sevraj nu mai ai cum discuta cu persoana in cauza, va face tot posibilul sa simta ca are control, prin orice mijloace imorale. Alina Gheorgiu si procurorii sunt acum in sevraj. Li s-a luat drogul zilnic pe care il consumau adica ura si prejudecata lor fata de o categorie de oameni. Cum atunci cand e in sevraj doza trebuie marita asta fac acum acei procurori, escaladeaza, vor sa extinda aria de persecutie (prosecution) incluzand si pe cei ce iau tratamente legale.
Ei sunt de fapt drogatii in aceasta situatie care striga la altii ca sunt drogati pentru a isi proteja dependenta normal.
Desigur ca nimeni treaz (in mod corect sobru nu pompat cu adrenalina si dorinta excesiva de control) vrea sa controleze fenomenul consumui de alcool si droguri la volan. Orice om cu judecata vrea asta.
Numai ca asa zisul "leac" nu inseamna sa iei o noua doza dintr-un alt drog si sa devii rasist disperat, gata, pe cine vedem ca consuma ca iese pozitiv nu mai conteaza nimic, e un drogat.
Toti acesti procurori anti drog au avut mana libera ani la rand sa persecute cu legi f nefavorabile consumatorilor, iar aceasta senzatie de putere absoluta este un drog foarte foarte puternic. Afrodisiac pentru unele persoane. Procurorii s-au pompat cu adrenalina avand controlul absolut.
iar acum prin noua decizie ICCJ li s-a luat controlul si ei ce au facut? AU INTRAT IN SEVRAJ! Au ajuns disperati sa se drogheze in continuare.
Drog nu inseamna exclusiv o substanta sau alta. Drogul puterii si al controlului e la fel de adictiv sau chiar mai adictiv decat multe droguri ilegale.
submitted by gayroma to moldova [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:30 kirikosb should i get these blank spots filled in?
last time i will post about this sorry. considering getting this snake touched up to fill the gaps where the scales are missing (i assume my artist did this intentionally for the sake of aging but now it kinda looks incomplete to me). second picture is my very shitty drawing where i filled in the scales with a marker. any advice from tattoo artists or experienced ppl would be appreciated :) submitted by kirikosb to tattooadvice [link] [comments] |