What is this Eldridge horror looking creature?

2025.01.30 18:38 lilnut-boi What is this Eldridge horror looking creature?

What is this Eldridge horror looking creature? I’m really at a loss. These little things are stuck between the rafters and the ceiling of my porch. I live around the Baton Rouge Louisiana area if that helps They kind of look like wasps, but I’m not entirely sure. Also, are they dead?? How do I get rid of them? I’m terrified of anything that has air advantage over me. Please help.
submitted by lilnut-boi to whatsthisbug [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 shootingbot Brownells: WINCHESTER - #8-1/2M Large Rifle Magnum Primers 1,000/Box

Brownells: WINCHESTER - #8-1/2M Large Rifle Magnum Primers 1,000/Box submitted by shootingbot to InStockPrimers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Flipmstr2 Truest adaptation of a movie

What do you think is the closest word for word adaptation of a king story?
Doesn’t have to be a good movie per se, just the closest representation of the story?
My quick short list: battleground quitters inc. green mile Shawshank Langoliers.
submitted by Flipmstr2 to stephenking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 netocrat Some Ontarians report issues depositing taxpayer rebate cheques. Here's what the province and a major Canadian bank are saying

Some Ontarians report issues depositing taxpayer rebate cheques. Here's what the province and a major Canadian bank are saying submitted by netocrat to OttawaNewsPulse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 lss_str_01 New image post 0130103728

New image post 0130103728 submitted by lss_str_01 to ImageAutomatedTest [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 DJ_TheSonicFan Both sides defending or hating Fused Zamasu are annoying

Yeah, there could be some things better about him but he's a bit worse than balanced and people who act like he's the worse thing ever are annoying also because he's not THAT bad. All these post about Fused Zamasu are taking up most of the subreddit and they're getting annoying at this point. So both sides need to ZIP THEIR MOUTHS BECAUSE I WANT MORE INTERESTING POSTS ON THIS SUB FOR CHRIST SAKE!
submitted by DJ_TheSonicFan to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 psychadellicFrogman which is best

Easily the best one out of the 4 imho is the star club
submitted by psychadellicFrogman to sydbarrettpinkfloyd [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 HipsDontKawaiii Nico Robin Dressrosa by Me [One Piece]

Nico Robin Dressrosa by Me [One Piece] submitted by HipsDontKawaiii to Cawwsplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Alternative_One8753 30000

submitted by Alternative_One8753 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Any-Pin7 Have you ever felt this way?

When I was a child I used to feel strong negative emotions when someone else liked something or enjoyed my special interest. It was some kind of fear mixed with anxiety and maybe envy.
When growing up I started to feel wrong about this because I really wanted to share the happiness and joy my interest brings but I couldnt't help feeling that way again. Now I'am an adult I often feel like this but no longer exteriorize the negative reactions, just try to ignore it, but still feel really uncomfortable.
Have you ever felt like you gatekeep your special interests? What have you done to feel better and try to share more about it?
submitted by Any-Pin7 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 sreliops The results of opening 290,797 Lucky Red Bags

The results of opening 290,797 Lucky Red Bags submitted by sreliops to Guildwars2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 lars_powderdry22 No. 1a

No. 1a submitted by lars_powderdry22 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 CantBeFuckedWith Link pls?

Link pls? submitted by CantBeFuckedWith to CNfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Keeeegzzz Should I upgrade from my 10+year old camera?

Hi all, I need some general advice about upgrading cameras. My parents had bought me for Christmas the Canon Rebel T3 kit when it was new. I have only used that camera since(apart from film cameras), and never really purchased other lens other than a Tameron 90mm macro. Should I be looking to upgrade to mirrorless? Or should I focus on upgrade lenses? This is also just a passionate hobby for me, so I’m not looking to spend a lot of money.
submitted by Keeeegzzz to AskPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Merskiro Greek Primordials in GOW?

I find it funny how even as a player of GOW, never having heard of even Asura, the primordials are brought up as some sort of value to power. This is what I read:
“Primordial Beings are ancient, cosmic entities that came into existence during the creation of the world.” I also saw what they have done, and or did. Bro, kratos fighting thor who splintered the world tree outscales the primordials doesnt he?
Oh, but they created greece by throwing a tantrum and can withstand a cosmic blast! Nah, mf’s did not have the AP or speed to hurt the yggdrasil tree. The hilarious part, and trust me its funny, is that chakravartin..you know, creator of endless sized realms, would outscale the primordials. Heck, chakravartin would outscale chaos alone, as he also created the very concept of mantra, naraka, life and death reincarnation cycle and everything else.
A lot of people use his quotes about the world referring to earth to downplay him, but he is named ‘the creator’ for a reason, uses earth as his current objective to bless guidance to and thus focuses on it as his creation (refer to him speaking of guiding other worlds) and even refers to Asura as ‘Another failure’ meaning he has tried this on who knows how many worlds.
Lastly, ive seen more and more people dismissing the artbook because the visuals dont line up with in-game, referring to chakravartin not sitting in the center of the milkyway and kratos facing him. Chakravartin can manipulate space and time, this means him moving his golden avatar or sucking in the galaxy in a certain way is not out of the question, since all of the universe starts homing in towards him (him sucking in asteroids, galaxies, making a blue star and simply moving a red star towards Asura). This is used to downplay how far and fast Asura travels, but in reality chakravartin is warping and pulling the galaxy towards him. Which makes sense, as he trancends space and time. Why? He created naraka, a place above those concepts.
submitted by Merskiro to deathbattle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 TabsLiveYT I made a website: Fiqh AI - Islamic Guidance Through AI

I made a website: Fiqh AI - Islamic Guidance Through AI https://preview.redd.it/ccyiwl0zd6ge1.png?width=1896&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b90235d38b29d2536d273c282a2c5e2f4268dde
As-salaam-alaikum everyone! I'm excited to share Fiqh AI (https://fiqh.us), a website I created to help Muslims get instant, authentic Islamic guidance. It's an AI assistant trained on Quranic verses and authentic hadith that provides concise, sourced answers to your Islamic questions.
Key features:
• Provides references from Quran and authentic hadith
• Keeps responses clear and concise
• Available 24/7 for instant guidance
• Free to use
The AI is designed to be a helpful tool for basic Islamic questions, but always remember to verify important matters with qualified scholars. I built this to make accessing basic Islamic knowledge easier for everyone.
Would love to hear your feedback! JazakAllah khair.
submitted by TabsLiveYT to MuslimCorner [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 NoraEmiE Anyone using Kindle 4? With buttons

Anyone using Kindle 4? With buttons I have this old kindle which was in family home, wasn't used much and long forgotten among all the gadgets. It still turns on, however it doesn't let me go to Kindle store, showing this error.
Is it still be safed and used after this?
submitted by NoraEmiE to kindle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Perfect_Lack_1598 ويك اند

عايش لوحدي في بلد عربية ومش عارف اعمل صحاب بسبب اختلاف العقلية وده بيبضني دايما في الويك اند اني واي، اي اقتراح لانشطة تتعمل في الويك اند او حاجة اتفرج عليها ؟ لو فيلم للكبار فقط بس مش بورن هحب اسمع اقتراحات
submitted by Perfect_Lack_1598 to AllHayganeen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 DeadWombats Where can I watch the competitive scene for Aom Retold?

I personally enjoy me some Aussie Drongo but was disappointed to see a lack of AoM content on his channel. Who's the drongo of AoM Retold?
submitted by DeadWombats to ageofempires [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Noah_canon In an ideal world where wars and terrorism are not concerns, would nuclear power be the most efficient energy source?

Or would renewable energy be more efficient? With efficiency I generally mean financially and environmentally friendly.
submitted by Noah_canon to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 Subject_Pick_3686 AIUTO

Buonasera a tutti sono indeciso se acquistare una Volkswagen Polo modello 2017 80cv (anno però 2021) a 15 mila euro con 35 mila chilometri o una 208 nuova 75cv a 16500.
Sono consapevole della cinghia a bagno d’olio nei motori Stellantis, ho tempo e voglia di starci dietro. Grazie per l’aiuto
submitted by Subject_Pick_3686 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 mikeysz Can anyone guess?

Can anyone guess? submitted by mikeysz to GeoPuzzle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 ComprehensiveBook758 Parts of songs that you play over and over (Joni “Eargasms”)

There’s certain production choices or instrumentals or vocals that I can’t just listen to once. I have to go back and replay that section.
I don’t particularly love “Underneath The Streetlight” - it’s a fine little bop, a 6/10 for me - but when Joni sings “M-m-m-mad man, mad man, kicking over garbage cans” - it makes me inexplicably happy. It’s so playful and silly.
I absolutely adore the instrumental intro/outro of “Man From Mars.” So haunting and yearning.
In “The Last Time I Saw Richard” - That beautiful vocal riff she does on “before I get my gooooorgeous wings and fly away.” In the final chorus. It always stops me in my tracks.
I call these Eargasms!
submitted by ComprehensiveBook758 to JoniMitchell [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 beeep404 Estou ficando louco e burro? Ou o RH não sabe fazer conta?

Estou ficando louco e burro? Ou o RH não sabe fazer conta? https://preview.redd.it/o5062xd696ge1.png?width=553&format=png&auto=webp&s=34d10e47461a816e6c37319a3732e61e124c076f
Há algumas semanas, fui contratado para essa vaga, cujo anúncio mencionava o turno da noite, das 22:40 às 06:05. No entanto, depois de já estar contratado, o RH me enviou uma mensagem do nada, informando que houve um problema interno e meu horário havia sido alterado para o turno da tarde, das 14:00 às 22:20.
Perguntei o motivo da mudança, mas eles me enrolaram, dizendo que foi um problema no sistema e que não havia como reverter. Fiquei triste com toda a situação, pois já contava com o adicional noturno e tinha me programado para esse horário.
No meio disso, percebi que o turno da tarde tinha uma hora a mais que o da noite, apesar de ambos terem o mesmo salário. Questionei o RH sobre essa diferença, e eles insistiram que as cargas horárias eram iguais e que eu estava fazendo confusão desnecessária.
Quando perceberam que eu não iria desistir, simplesmente me ligaram sem aviso. No meio do ônibus, tive que ouvir os gritos do "profissional" responsável, que me perguntava se eu ainda queria a vaga, dizendo que, se não quisesse, havia outros interessados. Além disso, ameaçou que, caso eu saísse, eu mesmo "sujaria" minha carteira de trabalho, já que ela já estava assinada.
Depois disso, assim que iniciei, percebi que, durante a integração, o RH mal olhava para mim. Quando eu perguntava algo, desconversavam ou respondiam de forma apressada, enquanto com os outros eram afetuosos e até faziam elogios. Além disso, sempre me colocavam por último em todas as dinâmicas. No expediente, quando eu ia até a sala deles para tirar dúvidas, eles (sem brincadeira) reviravam os olhos... Depois disso eu fiquei me perguntando se eu sabia contar, ou qual era o meu problema. Enfim, o que vocês acham dessa história toda?
Nota: Pedi demissão após o primeiro dia. O trabalho era horrível – me faziam dar voltas e mais voltas no supermercado empurrando um carrinho com 30 caixas de leite, cada uma com 12 unidades. O ambiente dos funcionários era extremamente sujo, sem armários para guardar pertences ou geladeira para a marmita. Além disso, o horário de almoço era logo na entrada do expediente, o que significava ter que trabalhar sete horas seguidas empurrando esse mesmo carrinho.
submitted by beeep404 to VagasArrombadas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:38 tookie22 Any videos of DJ sets where you can see exactly what the DJ is doing? Preferably pro/touring DJs.

I'm looking for some videos of DJ sets where I can see the board/screen the whole time and exactly what the DJ is doing. I'd like to get an idea of how club/concert DJs DJ most of the time in a real environment.
Most interested in house/tech-house, but it would be cool to check out some other genres too. Thanks!
submitted by tookie22 to DJs [link] [comments]
