My heritage feedback on update

2025.01.30 18:31 Kooky-Leopard1764 My heritage feedback on update

My heritage feedback on update Here’s previous results I’ll update with the new tomorrow
submitted by Kooky-Leopard1764 to MyHeritage [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 othafa_95610 Hey, get your car washed today!

Hey, get your car washed today! submitted by othafa_95610 to Sacramento [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Extreme_Read_9101 Im buying account mlp

submitted by Extreme_Read_9101 to MLPIOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Top_Day2394 ear cleaner For US Testers DM me to Get Info

ear cleaner For US Testers DM me to Get Info submitted by Top_Day2394 to ReviewRequests [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 osovets63 We lost our precious baby Nesya

We lost our precious baby Nesya submitted by osovets63 to terrier [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 SteadyGrounds Centauro in Zona Sul that sells Poderoso Timão Merch or a shop near Vila Nadalena

Boa Tarde!!! I apologize for this annoying question and I think that you are the only ones that can help. I am currently in Zona Sul and I went the other day to Centauro in Botafogo and they didn’t have any Corinthians FC Shirts. There is another Centauro in between Leblon and Ipanema, so I thought about asking you guys before calling an uber and going out there to find out nothing if anyone been to that branch and saw any Corinthians T-Shirts. On the other hand, does anyone know any shop in or near Vila Madalena that sells any Corinthians Shirts. Thank You and have a great Thursday.
submitted by SteadyGrounds to Brazil [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 dzoidarkness Matteo Bruscagin - Rain [DEEP HOUSE]

submitted by dzoidarkness to Music [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 shawn19 The 16 Best Things to Buy at Trader Joe's This February - Parade

Healthy Recipes · How To · Budget Recipes · Pasta · Tailgating · Breakfast ... The Family Nijland estate creamery makes cheese using an authentic Dutch ...
submitted by shawn19 to Health2020 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 gosdeeowl Grand Life Journal: Make living with intention easier

Grand Life Journal: Make living with intention easier submitted by gosdeeowl to Notion [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 shawn19 These Nutritionists Are Calling Out TikTok Recipes That Are Actually Terrible For Your Body ...

... healthy ideas. We asked two registered dietitians, both of whom use TikTok, to weigh in on some of these “healthy” recipes. 1. Cucumber dipped in ...
submitted by shawn19 to Health2020 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 cuard LC on these sweats?

LC on these sweats? Does anybody know the name of the sweats, these are 2022 I think
submitted by cuard to BalenciagaLC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 M_i_c_K Karoline Leavitt Continues to Wreck Left-Wing Media, Decimates ABC's Strahan on Government Spending

Karoline Leavitt Continues to Wreck Left-Wing Media, Decimates ABC's Strahan on Government Spending submitted by M_i_c_K to Republican [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Bloated-Fartbox1738 Voter ID

Voter ID Save California! Sign the petition for Voter ID!
submitted by Bloated-Fartbox1738 to InlandEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 No-Appointment6823 Is .6% misfire rate noticeable while driving?

My 2000 5.4 van (90k miles) misfires while under heavy load. It hardly noticeable, but my mode 6 data reports .6% misfire on cylinder 1. All other cylinders .0%. Last summer I replaced #1 spark plug and boot and it seemed to clear up. One hint; removed spark plug had rust on it. I watched a YT video where intake manifold coolant crossover gets cracks and coolant leaks into SP hole. I just really dread “r and r’” intake manifold. I’m just an amateur mechanic.
submitted by No-Appointment6823 to FORScan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Beginning_Panda_5785 What little things keep you motivated and happy?

I’ve been on a really bad slump since about summer. I work from home and I start at 10am. I used to wake up early, around 6am and journal, go on runs, walk my dog, tidy the house. All before promptly clocking in at 10am.
One of my dogs passed in June and I think ever since I haven’t truly bounced back. I stopped going on runs. I don’t do any of my old hobbies like reading or journaling. I wake up as early as always, but just stay on my phone or play games on my laptop (in bed) until past my time to clock in. Lately I’ve been logging in about 5-10 min late every day, until I can finally pull myself out of bed.
I still care for my dog (but she’s also elderly and lazy so she’d rather sleep than walk esp in the cold) and for my eating habits so I have some discipline left. I shower most days, at the very least every other day.
But aside from that, I can’t get myself up and out of the house for exercise or even a quick coffee. I find myself wanting to be in bed all day long, even if still on my computer escaping on my sims lives or watching YouTube videos.
I’m sure I’m not alone in this. I’ve become a total hermit and idk how much depression/grief is to blame. I don’t feel sad at all. I just feel blah. Is there anything that helps to combat this and get back into a productive routine?
submitted by Beginning_Panda_5785 to GriefSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 ryankrueger720 REACHING THE PEAK | A Love Letter To Our 2024 HCS Season

REACHING THE PEAK | A Love Letter To Our 2024 HCS Season submitted by ryankrueger720 to CompetitiveHalo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Vineheart_01 Customizable pings would be very useful

So what I mean is more client-side changes rather than just custom text that goes with the ping.
Often I'll have a team that pings practically anything they are attacking, making it hard to tell which ping is for the spiderman diving my supports behind me.
Similar to custom hero controls you can change the tone for when a specific hero gets pinged, so you can make a different ping noise to indicate divers specifically.
Dunno bout you guys but I'd love that addition.
submitted by Vineheart_01 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Low-Background-3051 .

. submitted by Low-Background-3051 to sgcelebrity [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Mammoth-Disaster-972 Greenhouse Farm WiFi

Thank you in advance for anyone willing to help! We need to extend wifi to a new greenhouse at the back of our ~ two acre farm. Currently our router sits in an office in the front, ~ 90 yards by the crow flies to the new greenhouse location. I am planning to put in a managed switch at this office as our needs are about to exceed what is capable from our router. We also have a cat5e cable already running to this new greenhouse location. Is the best option then to get something like this to connect to that physical cable we have running to the new house? The house is roughly 100ft wide by 140ft long. I am assuming this extender will provide coverage for the whole house. My only fear is the latency with a cable that long. I am going to try and hook a laptop to it today and test the speed. If this does not seem like a feasible plan, could someone recommend a better alternative? Perhaps a transmitter and repeater setup? I consider myself better than average tech competent but just don't want to make the wrong move here and waste money. Thanks again for any help provided!
submitted by Mammoth-Disaster-972 to wifi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Lavacas17shipdeck You're Welcome to Watch a Give Feedback
submitted by Lavacas17shipdeck to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 0Cartoonnerd0 Can I use an art canvas

Hi! so I'm 15 and my mom doesn't want me making paper because I have "too many hobbies", so I can't buy mesh or anything. now I've tried it on the back of a stretched canvas and it did work, but the paper was way too thick and I had to shape it myself, took forever to dry too, would poking small holes in the canvas with a needle help?
submitted by 0Cartoonnerd0 to papermaking [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 mostlkc AA MIA connection domestic to international 45 minutes question

We have a domestic AA Arrival @ MIA that runs 87% on time. Arriving @ 920am. Followed by an AA International departure @ 1005am (45 minute connection time) Historically they are ALWAYS BOTH in Terminal D. The EXTREME I've seen is Arrival at D60K departure @ D4. MOST of the time its closer. PAID $ for front row premium economy on arrival and first class on departure in hopes of getting off plane quicker and them waiting for us on departure. CAN THIS BE DONE? or should I give up and Fly a MUCH LONGER route with UNITED?
submitted by mostlkc to americanairlines [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 Low-Park-9918 In Search of Fallback Positions (Entry/Internship-esque)

Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone would be able to guide me to where I can search for entry level jobs/internship-type positions with all the uncertainty surrounding the federal funding/hiring freezes. I've accepted a position with American Conservation Experience (ACE) but the program is currently in limbo and I'm worried about it not receiving the necessary funds. I'm also stressed because while I minored in Natural Resources & Environmental Science, I have a BA in Professional/Technical Writing (recent graduate, August 2024) and don't think that makes me a competitive applicant against those with environmental majors.
The ACE program is kind of the perfect opportunity for a person like me who has some education but no hands-on experience. I know I'd be heartbroken if it didn't happen and my goal for 2025 was to start gaining experience in this field so I'm determined to do something, but looking at the fallback options I'd collected before this mess I'm worried they'll be in a similar position (SCA & other ACE postings).
I applied for seasonal natural resource worker positions at two nearby state parks after graduating and was rejected, and ideally I'd love a program to do over the summer where I could go out and learn new skills to help me land a job for real, but I don't know how many things like that exist for people with little to no experience. In reality, I'm open to any and all suggestions since there's still a lot I can learn about the field (lots of really cool opportunities I didn't learn about in school since NRES was only my minor 😢)! If you read all this, thanks so much and I hope if you've also been fucked over by the freeze your situation improves!
submitted by Low-Park-9918 to Environmental_Careers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 lemkowidmak Philadelphia Inquirer @phillysport: RT @ReinerOlivia: The Eagles have opened the 21-day practice window for Brandon Graham, the first step toward a potential return in time fo…

submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:31 front-page-watch [#276|+1492|818] So Bryce Mitchell is openly saying that he supports Hitler's Holocaust now [r/MMA]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]