如何用excel数据统计功能,分别统计成绩在90-100分、80-89分、70-79分、60-69分以及60分以下的人数? 急! 需要用到Countifs函数,具体使用方法如下:一、如下图,在下图表格文件中A列为姓名,B列为分数,C列为分数范 3、70迈a500s 行车记录仪 这款行车记录仪采用全新一代影像级处理器,带来更高的性能体验。 镜头的话拥有1.8超大光圈以及六层镜片,加上配备的SONY传感器,形成了1944P超高清摄像,还能够支持前后双录,带来更加全面的行车安全。 如果在70度以内,那么还不错,如果温度在70度以上,只能说非常一般,建议换更好的。 我用过三个散热器,第一款是网红款散热器红海mini3,买的人多,散热中规中矩,噪音非常大,塔式单铜管单风扇散热,夏天室温30度,玩大表哥2 温度在65度附近。 Pura 70 Pro的升级主要是这几点: 1、芯片性能升级。 今年这款代号为麒麟9010,整体性能提升了一点点、能耗上也降低了一点,采用了新架构和新工艺,当然这颗芯片一样处于当下的中端水准,搭配鸿蒙OS流畅性和稳定性没有任何问题,只有重度负载之下才会和 ... 70歳の老人?の自慰による適正な射精回数を教えて下さい。検索すると色々な事が書いて有りますが病気も無く普通に生活しています。セックスも含めての適正な射精回数のご意見を教えて下さい。こんにちは。あと数ヶ月で70になる爺です。 而且30% deposit TT in advance, 70% balance against B/L copy是目前国内普遍存在的外贸付款方式】 1)散货:针对散货,在开船前可以拿到提单复印件,可以催促客户快点付款(具体拿到复印件的时间还要联系具体货代)。 华为手机如何关闭纯净模式?让我们一起来探讨三种有效的关闭方法。在纯净模式下,系统会发出安全提醒,阻止非应用商城来源的应用安装,保障手机安全。 电视尺寸与长宽对照表电视常见尺寸与比例,我整理了从45英寸到85英寸的数据,仅供参考。 70级:980w 71级:1050w 72级:1100w 73级:1200w 74级:1800w 75级:2000w 抖音变现的三种方式包括广告合作、直播带货和礼物打赏。广告合作是一种常见的变现方式,品牌通常会与抖音上的一些知名用户合作,在他们的视频中展示产品或服务,从而为用户带来不错的收入。 照片的1寸、2寸、5寸、6寸、7寸、8寸、9寸、10寸、12寸、14寸、15寸、20寸长宽分别是几厘米×几厘米?
2025.01.30 18:19 XPulsanator #70 - Overcooked! 2
submitted by XPulsanator to steamachievements [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 Junglerevives Pretty little birdies
submitted by Junglerevives to AmateurPhotography [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Lightning_h8 Played on PC but on Playstation no trophies are unlocking
Hey there. I have played suicide squad kill the justice league on pc and got 11 achievements but on PS all the save data is transfered but no trophies have popped. Aby ideas on how to delete my suicide squad kill the justice league data or work around?
submitted by Lightning_h8 to SuicideSquadGaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 hec_ramsey Who else is eating lunch outside right now with no coat on? Lol
submitted by hec_ramsey to Iowa [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Arrews Paimon supports Archon-Slime theory
https://preview.redd.it/mejp5meva6ge1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5c8e720142de7bd20715ac20ad170c2c28f1f60 submitted by Arrews to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 foto_storm ITAP of a dog at the market
submitted by foto_storm to itookapicture [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 Strict_Engineering_9 2k rant
I have a rant about 2K and you guys can delete it if you want, but if I’m violating any guidelines, I completely understand, but I wanted to get this off my chest because I’m also watching the drama unfold and I just am not falling for 2K lies and manipulation. I do not believe that. I believe that it takes two people to make one toxic relationship. There is no such thing as a toxic relationship with only one person making it toxic because then why is the other person still entertaining that relationship they broke up with? She ended up having it with her not two days after she gave birth. Did he file for full custody? He’s over here talking about how she neglected her baby, but yet she only had him for two days, and people could say what they want about her going out right after she had them. But as long as she has a babysitter, I don’t see a problem with a mom wanting to go out every once in a while. People do it every day; they’re just not famous and get shit for it. There are lots of mothers that have children that still go out and have a life shocker. I know just because you’re a mom doesn’t mean that you’re not allowed to have a life too. People are crapping on her for having nannies, but do you think that’s so? Celebrities actually raised their children. Do you think that celebrities don’t take their kids on airplanes and private jets all the time? Everybody’s complaining about how winter has to take plane rides, but famous children do it all the time. And another thing, it rubs me the wrong way when 2K says that he wants a restraining order on Bree, but yet she’s all he talks about. She’s the only reason why he has views or content because, to be honest, a man stepping up for his child, a man who claims that he just wants her to be a mom, a man that claims he pays for everything, he takes the high road. He still wants winter, his mother, and his life, but it’s obviously a lie. Look at how hard he’s going at her on the Internet, not a care in the world. And I’m not saying he has to care about Bree, but that is the mother of his child. For him to be talking about her every single day, even on the three weeks that she doesn’t have her son, to be stalking her and to be reaching out to people that she hangs out with, talking about her, that’s called harassing and stalking the mother of his child. She was not with Winter during those times, and he filed a whole emergency order when Winter wasn’t even in her care, which is exactly why I got denied because he cannot control what she does when she doesn’t have her son. People act like they want to see her breakdown on the Internet and cry every second that she doesn’t have her son. She’s allowed to love her son and still have a life. It’s possible she’s not breaking down on the Internet crying because she knows that her son is safe with his father. He’s over here acting like he’s going to get a restraining order on her, but he can’t because he makes his whole life revolve around her. He goes on live and crashes out over her. He stocks the people that she’s with, watches for every move, even when she is not with her son. That to me is very concerning because the father that’s only worried about his son during those three weeks that he has Winter, he should focus on his son and not on the child’s mother. Any judge will tell you that whether she makes herself look bad on the Internet, whether she acts like she doesn’t care about her son, that is not his place to be going on the Internet and stalking her and harassing her and already piling onto hate. People already hate her. She’s already hated on the Internet. She’s already struggling to sit here and say, “Oh, I don’t want anyone to say anything about my baby mom,” but then he goes and does it himself, and Riley‘s more hate against her last time she was in Texas. She was attacked, so of course, the judge is not going to make her have visits in Texas because he has been against her. And then what about when she gets winter for her one week? What if she goes out with her son, and people go to attack her? What if someone tries to grab winter from her? These people are having a parasocial relationship with 2K and literally go out to attack her own person. And then he’ll turn around and say he doesn’t want anyone to say anything negative about his baby mom. It’s all fake. Even the judge will see through his lies, and for his mother to be talking crap about the mother of her grandson. A judge is not going to like that either. She may be doing things that make her look bad, but he doesn’t realize that he’s also doing things that make him look extremely bad. Also, he’s the one who put it in the court order that he wanted with her to fly every month to see his mother. Now, all of a sudden, he wants to take that away. That’s exactly why his order got denied because he’s sitting here acting like he runs everything when he doesn’t. Bree still has rights up until April. Honestly, I don’t think that by looking at this case, she’s going to lose automatically because we don’t know what they have behind closed doors, but they both have been making a fool of themselves on the Internet talking about each other constantly when they shouldn’t be doing that. And people expect her to have visits in Texas so that winter doesn’t have to fly, but there are tons of famous children flying every single day. I know people who live in different states, and they have to fly their children out every two weeks. I guess that he’s a baby, but you gotta start investing in some earmuffs for a child for the flight because he’s the one who put it in the court order. Do people forget that Bree is also fighting for custody? Of course, she’s not going to risk having all her visits in Texas while she’s fighting for custody because he applied for full custody two days after Winter was born. He could’ve applied for 50-50 custody or he could’ve just bought out his rights to see Windsor, but of course, he had to fight for full custody to try to take away from his mother. I could go on a whole rant about Bree, but I will save that for another post.
submitted by Strict_Engineering_9 to Snark4sunnyChristina [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Legendary_ACR Tracks On The Ram And New TV6070 in Riverbend Springs Cannabis Ed - Farm...
submitted by Legendary_ACR to AdvertiseYourVideos [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Shoddy-Concentrate29 Easiest way to get 5$ (Fast Withdrawal) [Crypto] [Robux] [Giftcards]
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submitted by Shoddy-Concentrate29 to beermoneyeasteu [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Puzzleheaded_Rent14 9 weeks post op- concerned
It's been just shy of 9 weeks since my circumcision. It's pretty much all healed apart from one part on the top of my penis (as if you're looking down for your pov).
It's still bright red and very sore to touch. The wound is sealed but will occasionally bleed.
Is 9 weeks unusual for this to be the case?
I've spoke with my GP who wasn't much help. She just prescribed antibiotics.
Any help is appreciated
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Rent14 to circumcision [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Wren_The_Martyr Mission accomplished.
submitted by Wren_The_Martyr to youdidWHATTOABIRD [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 874
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 broodstories Will he come back?
Been talking to this guy almost every day for about a month. We see each other once a week or more, and from talking to mutual friends it seems he’s opened up to me more than most people.
We were intimate for the first time this week and he hit the brakes after that. I didn’t think it was bad, I think we express our desire in similar and compatible ways, but it was my first time in a year and before that I’d only been with my LTR for the last 3 years so of course there were awkward moments. Still, he told me multiple times how sexy I was, his body was responding to me and he even asked if we could sleep naked together after.
He expressed to me that intimacy is always a gamble for him and that “something was missing spiritually”. He also said he “places a lot of value in our connection as two people”, and thinks we’ll have a long friendship. We’re taking a long trip together soon and he wants to continue hanging out regularly. We spent some time together after he broke the news and it was so easy and felt like he still had a desire to be close to me.
I feel like maybe he was embarrassed and we should have waited and allowed our relationship to deepen, and part of me is holding out hope that as we get closer as friends he may realize that was the connection we needed.
What do you think? Do we have a chance still? I didn’t get the feeling that the sex was so repulsive it was a dealbreaker.
submitted by broodstories to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Esutan Genetically Modified Skeptic said this about Alex. Thoughts?
submitted by Esutan to CosmicSkeptic [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 Lovelyy_Elegance REALLY?
submitted by Lovelyy_Elegance to astrologymemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 RocketChris87 Seagate Dual Pack $99 @ Walmart
Check your local Walmart. Found this one for $99 and picked up locally. Worth checking if you need the storage space. submitted by RocketChris87 to xbox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 spicy_girly Bad video quality after upload
Hello there,
I thought I’d reach out to you guys since I have a really frustrating problem. I’ve started my TikTok account around 3 weeks ago and am stuck at 70 followers. I think that’s also because of the low quality my videos are after I upload them. I film in 4K 60fps on my iPhone 12 Pro Max, then I export my edited videos on CapCut in 1080p and 60fps. Next I upload them on TikTok where I allowed high quality uploads and turned off the data saver. My WiFi is stable as well.
Still my quality decreases drastically after uploading and I wouldn’t watch my videos myself if the quality is this bad. It’s really frustrating because I put a lot of time and effort into my videos only for them to lose so much quality.
Strange enough, on my own device it isn’t always as bad, but on another phone it looks horrible. Before I’ve exported my videos in 4K 60fps but I see no difference in 4K or 1080p, the quality gets destroyed no matter what.
Has anyone any secret tips or something I forgot? I’d be really grateful for any advice.
submitted by spicy_girly to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Pig_jacuzzi_dot_gif Rate the interior. Criticism welcomed!
submitted by Pig_jacuzzi_dot_gif to Minecraftbuilds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 Ok-Improvement-6899 Does Obama plate & baby stripper sketch exist online?
I feel like we have seen almost everything by these guys except for a few missing banned sketches. I know the guys talked about a baby stripper sketch and the one with the Obama plates. Were these ever shown on the Patreon or anywhere else? Not sure if there are more missing sketches that were previously mentioned.
submitted by Ok-Improvement-6899 to WKUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Wavy_Rondo Ronaldos goal in the first half
submitted by Wavy_Rondo to cristianoronaldo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 RedemptionDB How y’all feel about this news?
Personally, I’m not sure what to say submitted by RedemptionDB to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 barefeetarebest Smiles and Soles on a Sunny Day
submitted by barefeetarebest to BeautifulBarefootGirl [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 18:19 euzp WD Green SN350 500GB M.2 NVMe SSD, with 2400MB/s Read Speed and Up to 1500MB/s Write Speed £24.99
Amazon UK
submitted by euzp to PCPartsUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 Rare_Reindeer2021 IM STUCK BETWEEN AGODA AND HOTEL
I accidentally booked a non-refundable reservation instead of refundable for my japan trip, and I reached out to Agoda via chat right after I booked it. I was told that the reservation is adjusted that I can cancel it. I ended up finding a better hotel so I cancelled it on the same day but I was charged with the full booking fee for no snow. I reached out to Agoda for refund, and they are saying the hotel denied the refund request. I tried to dispute the charge with my cc company but I can't find the chat history to provide. I asked Agoda for the chat history but they are saying I have not reach out to them. Am I fucked here?!
submitted by Rare_Reindeer2021 to hotels [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 18:19 MaskedRoninYT Battle Pass 67 - Claiming the whole Battle Pass | South Park Phone Destroyer
submitted by MaskedRoninYT to SouthParkPhone [link] [comments] |