Accusation d’avoir donné des faux billets lors de la location d’un appartement

2025.01.30 18:20 winixon Accusation d’avoir donné des faux billets lors de la location d’un appartement

Je m’excuse d’avance si certaines infos n’ont pas de sens. Je dois avouée que je suis terrifiée par cette situation et je ne sais pas vers qui me tourner. J’ai répondue a une annonce sur Le Bon Coin pour une sous-location. J’ai visitée l’appartement qui est une colocation et j’ai acceptée d’y rester. J’ai payée le premier mois de loyer en liquide et en échange le locataire m’a donné une clé. Je tiens a ajouter que je n’ai pas eue de reçu pour ce paiement (erreur de ma part) mais j’ai la preuve par de nombreux sms que j’ai bien payée. J’ai même le reçu de la banque.
J’ai ensuite été contacté par le locataire qui m’a informé que les billets étaient faux et qu’il allait porter plainte. Je suis allée déposer une main courante a mon tour pour que ma version des faits soient enregistrée. Je tiens a préciser que j’ai aucune preuve que les billets soient faux ou même qu’une plainte a été ouverte.
A présent, le locataire souhaite me rendre l’argent mais uniquement par virement et par la même occasion, que je rende la clé. Evidemment je ne ferais pas de virement, mais je ne sais pas quelle est la prochaine étape. Puis-je porter plainte pour récupérer la somme ( moins de 1000€) ou il y a d’autres démarches possibles ?
Merci et toutes mes excuses pour le long texte.
submitted by winixon to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 AbsentmindedAuthor I’ve got nothing. Neither did my son.

I’ve got nothing. Neither did my son. submitted by AbsentmindedAuthor to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 kratos97asdf Help me! :( I don´t know what to do with my life as a medical resident?

I´m a 27 yo male medical resident (internal medicine) in Germany and I absolutely hate my job. It´s way too stressful and the responsibility is overwhelming. I want to quit. But I have invested so much in this career path already. I am passionate about philosophy, biology, astronomy but instead of studying philosophy, I chose medicine because it seemed like a safe option and I wanted to be financially secure. I also suck at maths lol
So I called in sick for 2 weeks and I´m probably about to be fired next monday. I don´t know where to go and what to do.
I also have Crohn´s and am fatigued a lot of times and I also struggle with anxiety and depression. I have been in therapy for the last 2 years but I only have 5 more sessions left...
I live with my parents and have no debt.
I´m not really interested in medicine at all. I thought I could become a family medicine doctor because I like the idea of being self employed but I would have to go through over 2 more years of training in a hospital. I have only worked for 9 months but I´m completely burned out already. I have to work for 24 hour shifts with very little rest twice a month. I am so scared of making a crucial mistake due to exhaustion that I can´t do another 24 hours shift.
There are no jobs for residents that are compatible with my fatigue and crohn´s
submitted by kratos97asdf to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 akapvto My wish at the end of the road

My background (truly skippable):

Now to the point of this post. I was watching a random video the other day mentioning this random Animal Crossing phone game and what did Nintendo do with it. This was a game-as-a-service with the Animal Crossing universe with all the usual microtransactions, cosmetic, battle passes, limited events, etc.
The thing that made me reflec was that at some point (don't now if it was at EoS) nintendo decided to publish a "Completed" version of the game you can buy for a discrete amount of money once. This was a version with all game features, collectibles and rewards available.
I've spent a ton of hours on Hoyoverses games but, even though the games are of incredible quality, I hate the gacha system as a feature of the game. I also dislike the game as-a-service format. I like to start and finish something. If I feel like rushing 4 days 10 hours a day of story of the game I would like to able to do it.
That leads me to the idea of this post: I would LOVE if Hoyoverse did something like this. Once each of their game reach EoS, they adapt some festures to better fit the start-to-end format (like giving you the characters and weapons after certain quests) and sell the game foe whatever price they think is reasonable.
I would personally buy a full developed Genshin Impact with unlockable cahracters and weapons via quests (balanced to make sense) for 70$ no doubt.
That's all from me. I was thinking of explaining a couple of the posible adjustments they could do to the finalized version of the game to better fit the format but, if anyone ends up reading all this, I would like to hear your opinion and ideas.
TL;DR: I would like Hoyoverse to release a full fledged version of the game with no microtransactions and all characters/weapons/cons obtainable by playing the game for 70$ or smth.
submitted by akapvto to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 World-Tight Trump rails against DEI after deadly DC plane crash

Trump rails against DEI after deadly DC plane crash submitted by World-Tight to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Sreyanakm Need your assistance.... please drip your opinions

Hi Everyone, I'm a rather broke and rookie gamer....haha :3.....So i recently bought a PS4 pro a few weeks back(2nd hand console) in pretty good condition (externally, haven't opened it coz I don't know how xD).....but it's working completely fine without any issue....but I am having some heating issue....not sure how much heat is normal coz this is my first time using a console.....but the kinda top-back portion of the ps4 is getting very hot quickly when i am starting any game( again I'm not sure whether that much heat is normal or not)....also other than heat there are no performance issue.....So coincidentally I have a Laptop gaming cooling pad lying around from my days of laptop gaming.....can i place it below my ps4 for even 1% of cooling?? IK it won't do any good as there are no vents at the bottom unlike laptop but anyway i have that cooling pad lying around eating dust to better to use it for something ig.....Also will placing my cooling pad below my console do any damage to the internal heat sensors or fan etc? I was reading somewhere that laptop cooling pads can damage the internal cooling system of the PS4 or its heat sensors and fan....??
So .....will it be okay if it use it?.....
submitted by Sreyanakm to PS4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Spiritual-Room-4368 What are some of the things you do to relax and make you feel refreshed to start the next day?

I’m trying to find something i can do by myself since I don’t have any friends at all
submitted by Spiritual-Room-4368 to AskWomenOver40 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 kokchiko Recommendations for C1 German course?

Is there any recommendations on where i can study c1 German (online)?
Currently i'm having b2 and hope to get c1 by the end of the year (hopefully)
Thankss a lot<3
submitted by kokchiko to German [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 GreaterQuestion Debilitating worsening of IBS-D symptoms during carnivore transition - advice?

I’m a chronic H2 SIBO (per trio-smart tests) IBS-D sufferer. I have seen many GI docs including Cedars Sinai in LA (not Pimentel, but Sikavi who’s adjacent—may try Pimentel himself next) and tried a few of the initial standard approaches: courses of Xifaxin and Oregano/Berberine/Neem, both of which helped briefly and temporarily. I am also supplementing with Creon as I have a pancreatic elastase insufficiency I’m fairly confident is also a SIBO effect (my pancreas shows no signs of any impairment after extensive imaging). Other underlying pathologies like parasites have been ruled out through standard diagnostics like colonoscopies and endoscopies and blood work. I’m now considering other approaches, including integrating biofilm busters and motility agents around future courses of either pharmaceutical antibiotics or herbal antimicrobials.
I’m currently, before all that, trying a carnivore diet. I have, two weeks in, had radically worse IBS-D symptoms on it, essentially just liquid moving through my system, plus bloating and GERD symptoms I never had as badly before.
Would the experts here propose that I give up on the diet, and on the prospect that it could be a symptom-improver after an initial rough period?
And any other advice from people with similar cases in general, on either diet or kill techniques?
Thanks so much.
submitted by GreaterQuestion to SIBO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 ExJayDay Here they go, trying to do this again…. What y’all think?

Here they go, trying to do this again…. What y’all think? submitted by ExJayDay to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Late-Language6482 PG3+ with Tunezilla

Can you use a PG3+ to put a tunezilla stage 2 ecu tune on a CVCA? Might be a dumb question but it’s day one of owning a TDI.
submitted by Late-Language6482 to tdi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Farkas_ Simply Herb Berry Bonds & Gelato Gasolina + Ozone Watermelon Rancher.

Simply Herb Berry Bonds & Gelato Gasolina + Ozone Watermelon Rancher. Picked all 3 up for $63 OTD. Will smoke all 3 and let y’all know how it is. Just ask me and I’ll reply accordingly.
submitted by Farkas_ to ILTrees [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 abjinternational Dancing On Ice's Torvill and Dean 'deeply saddened' as they pay tearful tribute to victims killed in Washington DC plane crash including figure skater

submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 rizz600 Is than an MF DOOM reference?

Is than an MF DOOM reference? R.I.P MF DOOM
submitted by rizz600 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Illustrious_Mix_4903 Changing the abstract noun

In Baseyu I just changed the abstract noun suffix (-nez, -anez) to the prefix (u-, uh-) from Swahili
so now kindness is ukuela instead of kuelanez, and ability is now uhabil instead of abilanez.
submitted by Illustrious_Mix_4903 to auxlangs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 SalGentile6 Hakan Çalhanoğlu on Instagram! 💪🇹🇷 | HE’S BACK

submitted by SalGentile6 to FCInterMilan [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Admins80 ROBOBEAT - Nintendo Switch gameplay release - the bounty hunter

ROBOBEAT - Nintendo Switch gameplay release - the bounty hunter submitted by Admins80 to NewsGamesTricksWindow [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 camasonian Code question: adding garage outlets with conduit?

On one of my garage walls I have a single flush mount outlet at about 48" high on one wall. I'd like to have at least 3 outlets spread along that wall.
Are there any code issues with pulling that outlet out, putting a 4x4 box over the top of that location, and then running conduit in both directions to new 4x4 boxes to give me additional outlets on that wall?
submitted by camasonian to electricians [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Tankandbike William Tennent School of Theology?

Anyone have any experience with William Tennent School of Theology and can comment?
I am a lay person looking to shore up my Biblical Theological understanding along reformed baptist leanings. I'm looking at RTS, but it's expensive, though I could focus on just the certificates. There's also Covenant, Reformed Baptist, Puritan Reformed, MW and Southern Baptist, etc. But wondering if anyone has experience with Wm Tennent.
I should add that accreditation is not that important to me. I'm not taking loans nor looking at further study.
Lastly - another question: I will thrive best in an environment that is neither 1) wide open (e.g. - Here are all the possibilities) nor 2) closed (e.g. here's the one way to think about something), but I always do better with 3) "here's our position, but here are the counter arguments and you should be aware of them." Not sure if there are seminaries better than this than others. I'm currently taking courses at a mainstream EV seminary, and it's way too #3 and the theology courses are weak, so looking at a better option.
in short, two questions:
1) Any experience with Wm Tennet
2) and/or any recommendation for a seminary that stands for something and offers their view point, but with a balance of alternate views.
Thanks in advance for any help.
submitted by Tankandbike to Reformed [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Eastern_Rain_7310 Iphone 11 unlock

IMEI 355230550497899
submitted by Eastern_Rain_7310 to ATTcarrierunlock [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 FickleMark5235 Money income

e& money ID:971563275130
submitted by FickleMark5235 to UAE [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 2thirty “This 2/5 game is different, it plays like 5/10” is one of the dumbest things that seems to be repeated endlessly in the poker world.

Your local 2/5 game doesn’t play like you imagine 5/10. Your 2/5 game plays like a bunch of donkeys with half as much money as the people playing 5/10, probably less. 5/10 doesn’t play like 10/20, and 10/20 doesn’t play like 20/40.
Your 2/5 might play deeper than a 5/10 game you saw one time, but it’s not true as a rule.
submitted by 2thirty to poker [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 monkmodev 💡 Transform Your Life with the Monk Mode Discord Server! 🌱 Join a community focused on self-improvement, 💪 health, and 📈 progress. 🧠 Master dopamine detox, build habits, and connect with like-minded individuals. 🚀 Start today—your future self will thank you!

submitted by monkmodev to DiscordServerPromos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 emr_carmaniac Decisisons....desicions.....decisioncs...

I'm settled between Hyundai genesis gr4 and Genesis g70 gr4 for the WTC 700 championship (The one from gt cafe). Which is more suitable as a begginer?
submitted by emr_carmaniac to granturismo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:20 Rohirrimus Motoring school needed

Hello all, Can someone recommend a motoring school for someone who knows how to drive to get a licence quickly?
submitted by Rohirrimus to malta [link] [comments]