What is a playlist actually accurate to him?

2025.01.30 18:30 Local-Lesbian156 What is a playlist actually accurate to him?

I try finding a playlist that is like him but non of them I enjoy listening to because the songs don’t match. Or is there any song like “The End of Jason Todd”?? I can’t find any other than that
submitted by Local-Lesbian156 to RedHood [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 hiGuava Work in progress

Work in progress This is my first digital drawing that I am putting a concentrated effort into, I normally draw in pencil. My aim is to better understand use of values as well as developing some more feel for proportions based on the Loomis method. I think I have a long way to go here, but I am proud of my progress. Procreate still feels weird and overwhelming but I am having fun.
submitted by hiGuava to learntodraw [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 francesco_DP vorrei raccontarvi un episodio folle di 10 anni fa, visto che non posso parlarne con nessuno: a 18 anni sono quasi arrivato ad avere un figlio volontariamente

estate 2014
18 anni, il liceo è appena finito, la musica progressive house riempie le mie cuffie e il futuro non mi spaventa minimamente.
Ero un ragazzo timido, ma negli ultimi due anni di liceo ero riuscito a fare un sacco di amicizie e a trasformarmi dallo sfigatello magrolino senza amici a un tipo tutto sommato normale che esce il sabato, va in palestra, va in discoteca e ha la ragazza.
Ero fidanzato da circa un anno ed ero innamorato perso, follemente. La classica coppia tossica, lei mi controllava, non voleva che vedevo altre ragazze e a un certo punto non voleva nemmeno che uscissi con i miei amici. Doveva esistere solo lei nella mia vita. Ed io ero d'accordo in quel momento.
Aveva problemi in famiglia e soprattutto con suo padre, un tipo assente che lei adorava e odiava allo stesso tempo. Ed era gelosissima con me. Tutto bene se non fosse che lei mi aveva tradito un paio di volte, ma io l'avevo sempre perdonata.
La situazione era diventata talmente tossica che io perdonavo ogni sua follia o tradimento e insieme pianificavamo di passare la vita per sempre insieme e di fare un figlio al più presto. Usavamo l'app fertilità per programmare il suo ciclo e scopavamo un sacco di volte, in media anche due al giorno ogni giorno, sempre non protetto, con l'obiettivo di fare un figlio. Quasi un anno così, ma il figlio non arrivava (sono sterile io? chissà)
In quell'estate del 2014 noi ci lasciamo, lei torna da un suo ex, e CI FA UN FIGLIO. Lei voleva davvero un figlio e penso che era secondario con chi volesse farlo. Passava i pomeriggi a vedere i programmi su Real Time delle sedicenni incinte ed era il suo sogno. E aveva ottenuto il suo sogno: si era fatta ingravidare dal suo ex, salvo poi lasciarlo perché violento e pazzo. Ora era estate e lei era incinta
Ci riscriviamo verso fine estate e io le dico che la amo alla follia e tornerei da lei anche se è incinta di un altro. Ed è esattamente quello che provo a fare: torniamo ad uscire insieme e a vederci.
Finale della storia: lei alla fine ha un aborto spontaneo e perde il figlio, noi torniamo insieme per qualche mese, poi inizia l'università e ci lasciamo. Ora lei ha un marito e svariati figli, spero per lei che stia bene e se la passi bene
io sono bisex e ho un ragazzo, con il quale fortunatamente non rischio gravidanze! Ho cambiato radicalmente e in modo netto la mia visione della vita e delle relazioni, in modo davvero drastico, e ripensare a quella storia mi mette i brividi
se non volete credermi, fate pure, io vi giuro che le cose sono andate così, purtroppo e per fortuna
submitted by francesco_DP to Italia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 StealthMuppet131721 Which one…Lexus, Highlander, Venza or Crown?

We are looking for one of these…we think. We have had a Sienna, a Camry and a RAV4. All great. I currently drive the RAV and I like it. But its ride is comparatively rough, and I’d like something that is more comfortable and quiet. I injured my neck some months ago, and a bumpy ride is just miserable. As we all know, car prices are crazy and we are not opposed to buying used. I’m not too knowledgeable about Lexus, but am very interested, and they seem just perfect- the prices are a bit shocking and the gas mileage is not great, but understandable for larger cars, and larger engines, etc. We don’t have kids to drive around, and don’t go off road, but a car with some a space to put cargo in is always a plus. We’ee keeping the RAV and probably passing the Camry to an adult son. Any and all feedback is welcome!
submitted by StealthMuppet131721 to Toyota [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 tommyoliver5 What show do you rewatch endlessly?

What show do you rewatch endlessly? For me it's the good place I've seen it all the way through 14 times
submitted by tommyoliver5 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 OppositeAgreeable998 Have/Need

Have/Need Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/oX3rjqPMvhM
submitted by OppositeAgreeable998 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 able6art My Beautiful Mind, Original Bipolar Awareness Art

My Beautiful Mind, Original Bipolar Awareness Art submitted by able6art to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 rebortspc Getting an iPad when you have a work laptop

I already have a work laptop but I don’t do anything personal on it. I don’t have my own computer at the moment and I was thinking about just getting an iPad. People advise against it that I’ve talked to for reasonings like you can’t do everything a laptop could do. My issue is I do very basic computing like paying bills, doing budgets, applying for jobs etc so I don’t know if it would actually be an issue for me.
I also would prefer to not do my work on a personal computer to keep things separate so the solution of using my new laptop for both wouldn’t work.
submitted by rebortspc to ipad [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Ramblingpremedmom Planning to take my 4th MCAT! Advise for studying

I taken the MCAT 3 times now.
1) on my own using Kaplan books 480 2) online course blueprint self study 492 (1 full time job and 1 part time job) 3) kaplan live class and tutor 495 (practice exams where coming at 502-505– two full time jobs)
With this 4th try, has anyone tried using uworld and aamc questions to study? Meaning, I take questions, and based on the answer try to identify why it’s wrong or right. So in theory reviewing content/concepts this way, instead of looking at the books again?
Any advise is much appreciated.
submitted by Ramblingpremedmom to Mcat [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 No_Administration174 Un dia sin innigrantes

submitted by No_Administration174 to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 dead_astronaut Help to identify deficiency (yellowing leaves with brown spots)

Help to identify deficiency (yellowing leaves with brown spots) coco, around 3 weeks veg PH 5.7, EC 2.0 (Greenhouse powder feeding) 35-40 klux (down to 25 now in case it's light burn) 28C leaf surface temp, humidity 60-70
feel like a noob when stuff happens even if you're doing everything that was right in previous grows 😅
submitted by dead_astronaut to microgrowery [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Easy_Palpitation779 I'm just geting into lorcana

I played pokemon and had a huge collection, I want to try lorcana I have a few cards, I don't know anything about the game or what to do, from playing , to just building a deck. Please help me learn
submitted by Easy_Palpitation779 to Lorcana [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 lss_web_1444 Link post title 24

Link post title 24 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 whoisjacobjones Ruin my perfection

Ruin my perfection Battle it out
submitted by whoisjacobjones to KarmaConspiracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 short_longpants Who here used to watch Night Tracks?

From the days when MTV wasn't the only source of music videos. I liked Night Tracks way better.
submitted by short_longpants to 80s [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 MikeOxHuge Who in the hell is Mason Sexton?

Sounds like a Permabear doomsday "analyst." My dad is constantly listening to this guy and James Rickards. I listen to these two speaking in their videos while my dad watches. It is the most scripted, sensational shit I've ever heard.
I know Rickards, but can anyone tell me about Mason Sexton's reputation?
I'm listing to one of his videos in the background as I type this. It is unbelievable. He's literally citing astrology, among other things, in his claim that the market will crash 30-70% in the next 30 days.
I guess what I'm really asking is for someone to give me some evidence that this guy is a fraud so I can save my Father from listening to this bullshit.
submitted by MikeOxHuge to stocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Easy-Archer-8431 Lauren😍

Lauren😍 submitted by Easy-Archer-8431 to instahotgirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 TurtleQueen1120 You have disrupted the council stair meeting

submitted by TurtleQueen1120 to CouncilOfCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 StylisticNightmare ➬ Joggerin vergewaltigt und erwürgt ‧ Täter muss in Psychiatrie

➬ Joggerin vergewaltigt und erwürgt ‧ Täter muss in Psychiatrie submitted by StylisticNightmare to philogyny [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Competitive-Group404 Red Light Therapy?

Have you tried this to help the recovery? It's something that my Chiropractor says they can do to help me recover faster. Does it really work?
submitted by Competitive-Group404 to brokenbones [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Cormac113 "We are Powerful" Power Vs Sony Venom sprite art

submitted by Cormac113 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Weak-One-4513 When you mom asks you to smile nice for the camera.

submitted by Weak-One-4513 to bigcats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 JoeyToothpicks Unmarked Storage Hut - Doraville, GA

Unmarked Storage Hut - Doraville, GA I'm fairly certain that this former Pizza Hut is now auxiliary storage for the liquor store next door.
submitted by JoeyToothpicks to FormerPizzaHuts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 SFStandard Airport on SFO flight path to lose all air traffic controllers in pay dispute

Airport on SFO flight path to lose all air traffic controllers in pay dispute submitted by SFStandard to bayarea [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:30 Longjumping-Pie1679 Please judge my portfolio

Please judge my portfolio Trying to get a job in graphic design. I’ve been doing freelance for the past year and change. Need to know if there are clear issues I’m missing
submitted by Longjumping-Pie1679 to graphic_design [link] [comments]
