Am I overreacting in re-thinking my marriage? Am I just being an incomprehensive asshole?

2025.01.30 18:40 okcooliguess28 Am I overreacting in re-thinking my marriage? Am I just being an incomprehensive asshole?

So my husband (36M) and I (33F) have been married for just over two months and together for almost 3 years. One thing to put out there is he is a cis, straight, white man. I am a queer, Mexican, immigrant, woman. I am a DACA recipient. So, yes, I have a DL and a social and all that BUT that could literally get taken away at any moment. With the recent political atmosphere, I have been extremely stressing. I have been working ever since I could and the most I have on my record is driving without a license. But I’m still terrified of what could happen because I look the way I do. And the same for the rest of my family even though a bunch are legal residents or citizens, but we look a certain way so who the hell knows what could happen.
Yesterday, I was on TikTok and listening to people give information about the recent EO’s being signed and just listening to what’s happening to all different communities under this administration. My husband looked at me and said “can you turn that off? I deleted TikTok for a reason. I just hated it being so political and it’s just a bunch of people giving their opinions and that's all I would get”. My vision went red, for lack of a better word. I wasn’t angry but just so extremely disappointed. I told him “just because it’s people giving their “opinions”, it’s really their account of what’s happening. Just because it’s not happening to me or my family (majority are immigrants) doesn’t mean it can’t or WON’T.”
I couldn’t believe it. Right before the election I basically laid my heart out to him and told him exactly where I stand and how important it is for me that he at least UNDERSTANDS why I feel so strongly about immigration, racism, queer phobia, classism… basically everything the current administration is vilifying. And he said he did. He was going to not vote and I expressed how it completely devastated me for him to know everything I have been through, and am currently going through, and he decided to stay in the middle and not even show he has my back or show opposition to those that want to make me and my people out to be the bad guy. His excuse was that his "vote won't count anyway". He’s known about my status the entire time. I’m not ashamed of it and who I am and where I come from and HOW I got here. And I will always put it out there as soon as anyone even questions my immigration status (I could go on but I digress) because I am proud of where my struggle led me.
Anyway, I immediately got quiet when I responded to his comment. I couldn’t believe it. I’m tired of explaining and trying to get him to understand where and why I stand where I stand on these topics because I’ve been there! I’ve lived them! My entire being here IS political. There's no way around it. I’m not some keyboard warrior just spouting shit out of my ass. He always says he’ll stand behind me and what I believe in but once it comes down to the nitty gritty, he shows the opposite. I don’t know if he will ever understand. Especially when anything I say specifically talks about cis straight white men and their privilege. He thinks he has no privileges because he “grew up poor”. He’s also mentioned that racism against white people is an actual thing (reverse racism?)… as a person who has lived and grown up on being profiled and seeing it be done to so many other POC NOT white people, I disagree.
He has expressed to me before that he doesn't like to talk politics because his opinion will always be seen as bad or negative. I always try to see his side of things. I can empathize with struggles. But I have experienced the things I talk about and believe in and stand firm in them.
Am I overreacting in thinking this marriage was a mistake and no matter how much I try, he will never understand? Am I just being an asshole and not taking his opinion into consideration?
submitted by okcooliguess28 to ComfortLevelPod [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 lolitssara2005 Young male looking for a sugar daddy.

HMU for pics. Can verify
submitted by lolitssara2005 to Meet_SugarDaddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 dirtyharrison Border Patrol Chief: Migrant Encounters Drop 55% from Prior Week

Border Patrol Chief: Migrant Encounters Drop 55% from Prior Week submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 al-Raabi3 Combining Scroll Variants with Scroll Snapping code override

Hi all,
I have a page where invisible Sections scroll in the background, and I use Scroll Variant to make a component change variants as each section comes into "view". Common trick.
The problem is, I also want to implement Scroll Snapping. I have the code override from this tutorial, but implementing it seems to immediately break Scroll Variants.
Has anyone else figured this out? Is there a way to execute Scroll Variants within the code itself perhaps? Thanks in advance.
submitted by al-Raabi3 to framer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Electronic-Ad7051 Nice modernized 60's elevator
submitted by Electronic-Ad7051 to 60s [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 deltagolfcan Finally completed MM 1996 after 3 years

Finally completed MM 1996 after 3 years Any guesses on what the last card was?
This set was a total grind. Well worth the adventure though
submitted by deltagolfcan to MarvelCards [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 dirtyharrison Europe's Economy Showed Zero Growth at End of 2024, Germany Struggles

Europe's Economy Showed Zero Growth at End of 2024, Germany Struggles submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 r_9_6_os حقائق لم ولن اكشفها في منصة اكس

المنتجات الغذائية في السعودية ذات قيمة سيئة، السكر اول المكونات في الكثير من السناكات، الزيوت المهدرجة، زيوت النخيل، الصبغات السامة، والزيوت الأخرى صارت في كل مكان بشكل مرعب، ياترى كيف بنكون بعد ١٠ سنوات من الأن؟
حليب الأطفال الرضع ومكوناته الصادمة، مالتوديكسترين، زيت الصويا، زيوت نباتيه، راحوا فيها من مغص وإمساك يكرم القارئ واكزيما، شركات الحليب، ماتخافون الله انتم؟
انتشار المنتجات الغريبة في السوق، مواعين طبخ من ألومنيوم بدال ستانليس ستيل ١٠/١٨؟ ياترى كم نسبة المعادن السامة فيها؟ ووش علاقتها بارتفاع مستويات التوحد بين الاطفال؟
جبل علي؟ مجرد منطقة حرة اتجه لها التجار عشان يخففون من تكاليف الصناعة بالإضافة الى رخص اليد العاملة بحيث انهم يدفعون للعامل راتب زهيد جدا جدا جدا مقابل انه يعمل ساعات طويلة. المنتجات السيئة ينتظر لمكوناتها، فكم من منتج صنع في بلاد الواق واق ومكوناتها استحي أقرأها من بشاعتها.
المشاهير؟ وين مبادراتكم الخيرية وخدماتكم المجتمعية؟
ساعات عمل المرأة ٨ ساعات و ساعة راحة مجموعهم ٩ ساعات عمل في اليوم الواحد، والتعداد السكاني؟ مين بيشيلنا ويكمل بناء ما بنيناه؟ هل التجنيس بيرجع في المستقبل لتغطية العجز السكاني؟ حقيقة يجب الالتفات لها، نحن مجتمع دافئ يصعب علينا العمل بالنظام الرأسمالي.
الرياضة ضرورة وضرورة وضرورة وليست رفاهية ابدا، الصحة غالية جدا، واذا فقدت قد ترجع بثمن غالي، وقد لاترجع لاسمح الله.
المطاعم كثيرة ومغرية، لكن اتمنى ان يتم الإفصاح عن المواد الخام المستعملة في صناعة كل طبق، الشفافية مطلب.
أصحاب المشاريع، من الجميل ان يتم تخصيص بعض من منتجاتكم لذوي الدخل المحدود، بالتعاون مع أقرب جمعية خيرية، أو تقديم بعض منتجاتكم لمرضى المستشفيات لإدخال السرور على قلوبهم، أو تقديم خصومات لمستفيدي الضمان الاجتماعي.
نحن نطبق الرأسمالية بطريقة خاطئة جدا جدا جدا جدا، خطأ كبير ولا يكفيني الشرح. الرأسمالية جعلتنا نجري وراء سراب، ولا نلتفت الا للسراب.
الاستثمار المنتجات ذات الجودة العالية موب خسارة، والاستثمار في النفس والصحة ايضاً موب خسارة.
العلاج النفسي ضروري عن مواجهة أي أزمة، العلاج النفسي مهم ولا يقل أهمية عن العلاج الجسدي. الهم والحزن والتوتر والقلق هم احد الأسباب الرئيسية لمرض السكر والضغط، السكر والضغط يؤثرون على سلامة الكبد والكلى والبنكرياس والقلب والأسنان والعظام والجلد والنظر. الصحة غالية جدا
النوم أقل من ٨ ساعات يؤدي الى الهلاك ، كفاية سهر يامسلمين
التوفير فن، لا يتقنه الا الحكماء. انظموا لنادي الحكماء وكفاية تشترون اشياء ماتحتاجونها، امسكوا قروشكم.
submitted by r_9_6_os to saudiarabia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Substantial_North619 Meredith is delusional

Meredith is delusional Meredith demanding production play a clip from 2 years ago or she’s “done” was laughable. Main character energy much? Personally I would hold the door for her. She isn’t even “good television “ imo. Maybe if she left, she could focus more on her bath bombs 🤭
submitted by Substantial_North619 to realhousewivesofSLC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 dirtyharrison Syria Jihadis Declare Top Warlord Ahmed al-Sharaa as 'President'

Syria Jihadis Declare Top Warlord Ahmed al-Sharaa as 'President' submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Western_Adeptness_58 Vote for Oni, Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 (X360 ver) on GOG Dreamlist

Vote for Oni, Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden 2 (X360 ver) on GOG Dreamlist Oni link:
Oni is a 3rd person action game developed by Bungie (the makers of Halo) with character designs and the overall art direction inspired by scifi anime classics like Ghost in the Shell. What makes it so good, you ask? The melee (hand to hand) combat system. Here's a video showcasing all melee moves available in the game: The game is not available for purchase anywhere. You have to get the game off myabandonware and there's a lot of tinkering you have to do to get the game running. The experience is far from smooth as the game has poor compatibility with modern systems.
NG Black link:
NG2(X360) link:
Modern Team Ninja is deadset on wiping out the legacy of Itagaki, Matsui, Ehara, Okamoto and the old team from the face of the earth. NG Black 2 is ample proof that they don't give two shits about preserving these classics and will instead shit the vastly inferior Sigma ports down everyone's throats. Please vote for the games to be available on GOG, so that they can be readily accessible by the public forever, DRM free. Xemu and Xenia emulation have come a long way but they are still far from perfect. NG Black suffers from several graphical glitches (the water textures for example) on Xemu and NG2 suffers from delayed audio and random audio cutoffs in Xenia. Both games have received very few votes so the chances of them getting recognized by GOG is almost non-existent so please spread the word far and wide.
submitted by Western_Adeptness_58 to CharacterActionGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Repulsive_Ad_7425 Trabalhe enquanto eles* dormem (*os chefes)

submitted by Repulsive_Ad_7425 to antitrampo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Mr_Wisp_ An Englishman asked his Russian friend how the first level administrative divisions are called in his country.

The Russian friend, who had a weak level in english, tried to use the least words possible to make no mistakes:
« Oblast, Krai… about it I think »
And the englishman replied : « How rude of you, and cry about what exactly ? »
submitted by Mr_Wisp_ to dadjokes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 dirtyharrison Colombia President Suggests He Will Stop Using Twitter After Trump Meltdown

Colombia President Suggests He Will Stop Using Twitter After Trump Meltdown submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 beastsoul1729 Retarded intellect - hidden poet

A poet I am,
Retarded by nature,
Thought out my life,
absurd realism,
My philosophy said right
That shit is absurd and absurd is right,
nothing u know and nothing is right,
More similar to a chimp we all are,We know that
right?What u fucking know about life?
about this all?
This shi aint right,Like an absurd dream,fuck
I dont wanna live this twice...
submitted by beastsoul1729 to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Ambitious-Horror-666 Starting a new card who can help?

Starting a new card who can help? submitted by Ambitious-Horror-666 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Forever_Alone51023 Not much to report

Saw the family PA because I still have a lymph node on the right side that has popped and is quiet tender all around that side of my neck. She didn't say much about it beyond asking if it hurt here or left side is just a touch tender too for some I'm not reading into it. She looked concerned and typed on her laptop, making note. My systolic is a bit high (140s) but I said that isn't alarming for me and is quite normal for me, but I did say that I like it in the 120s-130s. She agreed lol. They didn't do a blood sugar on me bc I was drinking a Frap from Starbucks lol. She was like ummmm...I think we can skip it haha. Good call doc hehe. I feel horrible but it is so much different than the horrible I'd been feeling before. I hadn't been eating properly and that was just making everything seem worse. I can tell the difference between the fatigue from not eating and the bone-deep weariness from the CLL. The latter is SO subtle! I've been eating better for the past week or so, and I know that's not a heck of a long time to see a difference, but I really can. It's a tiny difference but I see it. That's all for me.
I know I'm my bones that I will need a medical intervention soon, probably sometime in the Spring. Not treatment yet, not for a while, but an intervention like a blood transfusion or iron infusions again. Blah. I can feel my body struggling more and more.
I'm going quiet again. I'm here if anybody cares...not sure anyone does since I don't get chemo so I can't relate, I can't share, there isn't anything to tell. 😕 I feel quite left out here. I dunno if this is the place I need to be ... important to say it that way. See y'all later and good luck to you.
submitted by Forever_Alone51023 to cancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 Top_Day2394 Under Eye Patches Masks For US Testers DM me to Get Info

Under Eye Patches Masks For US Testers DM me to Get Info submitted by Top_Day2394 to AMZreviewTrader [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 brmiller1984 Thoughts & Prayers, Again

Imagine withholding life-saving medicine from an 8 year-old child to pray and sing her back to health.
Even after she died, they were just sure she would be raised from the dead.
submitted by brmiller1984 to atheism [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 dirtyharrison Merkel Comes Out of Retirement to Express Anger at German Parliament Voting for Border Control

Merkel Comes Out of Retirement to Express Anger at German Parliament Voting for Border Control submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 MemeSahaB010100 The Hunter

The Hunter Full vid link -
submitted by MemeSahaB010100 to AIVideos_SFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 greenblue98 Rep. Andy Ogles on the DCA plane crash: "Did DEI play a role in this type a thing?"

submitted by greenblue98 to RepublicanValues [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 DefiantEvidence4027 FULL MATCH: Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Savage: Saturday Night’s Main Event, Oct. 13, 1990

FULL MATCH: Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Savage: Saturday Night’s Main Event, Oct. 13, 1990 submitted by DefiantEvidence4027 to GreatnessOfWrestling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 ThatOneUserDragon Divinity Engine 2 Modding help

I'm trying to make a very simple mod that makes a new spell that allows you to summon a Wolf, similar to Ifan's Soul Wolf but I don't want it to cost a Source Point. I've been following This Guide To learn how to make a spell however when I reach the point where I need to Create the New Item and adjust it in the Main Window, I cannot find what I created. I named the Spell I created 'Summon Flaming Beast' You can see hopefully attached correctly. I'm not sure what I did wrong or if I am simply missing a step. If anyone has any info on what I could do to fix this so it shows up I'd be very appreciative. If this is because Summoning Spells are just weirdly broken too you can just tell me that and I'll see about working on something else, or if there's an error in the bottom that needs to be addressed I'll try and fix it.
Big Thanks in advance as I may be out for most of the day!
submitted by ThatOneUserDragon to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:40 dirtyharrison U.S. Consulate Sends Out Travel Warning over Cartel Explosives in Mexico

U.S. Consulate Sends Out Travel Warning over Cartel Explosives in Mexico submitted by dirtyharrison to NewsWhatever [link] [comments]