Latest Wealthsimple Referral Code

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2025.01.31 00:26 Chhel_Chhabilo Latest Wealthsimple Referral Code

Hey Reddit fam! 👋🏼
I've been using Wealthsimple for my investments and it's been great so far! If anyone's looking to sign up, feel free to use my referral code: [1P10JQ]
We both get a little bonus when you sign up using it. Win-win, right? 😄
Happy investing! 🚀💰
Let’s both get $25 when you fund a Wealthsimple account. Use my referral code: 1P10JQ 🎁 T&Cs apply.
Wealthsimple #referralcode submitted by Chhel_Chhabilo to latestwsreferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Alarmed_Garlic69 my strawberry looks like sideshow bob

my strawberry looks like sideshow bob submitted by Alarmed_Garlic69 to fruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Evening_torrente75 Mientras tanto, Zoe Saldaña aplicando la de Drax: "Si me quedo callada y quieta, puedo volverme invisible a sus ojos".

Mientras tanto, Zoe Saldaña aplicando la de Drax: submitted by Evening_torrente75 to peliculas [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 StockholmLobotomy Looking for these trades!!!!

Looking for these trades!!!! I use elve for reference but it's down rn 🙏 I'd prefer some small adds for snow monkey like dugongs, sea panda skeletons, quokkas etc
submitted by StockholmLobotomy to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 1mango_luvr Recs for Rap/Hip-Hop/House Sets MMW 2025!!!!

My friends and I are planning our annual bday trip and the plan was miami this year. Since it’s MMW, I was wondering if there would be some rap and house sets during the 28th of March specifically.
Or thinking if we should send to Vegas which I don’t want to do but I really need some Drake, future, PND etc. intertwined with house
submitted by 1mango_luvr to UMF [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 HyperfixChris Is this power limitation normal?

Is this power limitation normal? submitted by HyperfixChris to Rivian [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 andybtsn Autoplay similar content question

I was listening to an album from years back and similar music came on after the album finished from around that era. It was music I enjoyed, when Spotify autoplays music similar to the album you listened to, is this music in a playlist somewhere? I’m just curious if I could find how to play this music without having to play the album I was listening to and waiting for the similar content to play after.
Hope that makes sense!!
submitted by andybtsn to spotify [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Goon4203D Just how much of an improvement is it from Switch to Xbox/PS5?

I'm on the fence. I enjoy the game on my Switch OLED, but at times I do wish the screen was bigger and although docked is an option.. I'm open to just buying the game again shrugs
So how pretty is it? How's 60FPS?
submitted by Goon4203D to Persona5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 PNX-F New York-A tale of two bridges (almost hit one 🤦🏾‍♂️) !

New York-A tale of two bridges (almost hit one 🤦🏾‍♂️) ! submitted by PNX-F to dronevideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Limp-Variation-8809 Bee Jelly?

PT - Algum parceiro apicultor pode me dizer pra que diabos isso serve? Apareceu do nada, não lembro onde e foi hoje
ENG - Can any beekeeping partner tell me what the hell this is for? It appeared out of nowhere, I don't remember where and it was today
Bee Jelly - A permanent item that always turns bees into bees! (????) You can only have 1 at a time
submitted by Limp-Variation-8809 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Chubbybunny138 Where to stay when visiting

Hey guys! I'm planning a trip for my friends birthday in May and I was wondering where you guys recommended going/staying/eating/doing in Philly! We're a group of early-mid 20's girls and really would love to explore all that the city has to offer.
submitted by Chubbybunny138 to philly [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 twboiler Grass Stage 1 Claim Extended.

The claiming period for those eligible for Airdrop One, has been extended. The extended claiming window will end on block 329341917 or roughly March 27, 2025. Those eligible must have earned 500+ Grass Points in any epoch and linked their wallet on the Grass dashboard before October 14, 2024, at 20:00 UTC.
submitted by twboiler to GetGrassandAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 DreamPirates Mrunmayee Deshpande Marathi Actress #MrunmayeeDeshpande

Mrunmayee Deshpande Marathi Actress #MrunmayeeDeshpande submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 RevolutionaryMud5923 Renovation project

I bought a house in the midlands last year, 1970s 3 bed bungalow 170sqm with a BER rating of D2. It has suspended timber floors with very little insulation throughout the house, some in attic but no insulation in the cavity walls. The windows & doors were replaced in 2016 and are in good condition (double glazed).
I am going to renovate and have quote for 78k.
Is this a good price for the work being done? Would you recommend anything to add or watch out for in your experience?
-Strip out and remove timber floors, Remove the kitchen floor & from 1 bedroom (concrete) -Insulate the floor 150mm and pour concrete/screed, -Replace single pane corner window, also knock out and bring down to floor level (picture frame window) -Dryline all external walls with 62mm insulated board. -Fit new kitchen door to attached garage -Knock out sitting room wall to kitchen and put in rsj -Knock out main bathroom wall to make it larger and make the hot press smaller. -Full 1st and 2nd fix replumb with underfloor heating and heat pump.
submitted by RevolutionaryMud5923 to irishpersonalfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Adeeb_othman Automatic reporting

Dears at newpipe would you please work on automating the report tool, to send the report eothout the need to copy and paste on different platforms
submitted by Adeeb_othman to NewPipe [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 IAMCarl2310 Earn Real Cash Rewards with Scrambly - Get Instant Withdrawals Use the link $ 5 after you withdraw and $15 per referral!! Real money easy
submitted by IAMCarl2310 to LoanP2P [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 SubstantialSir773 25M am I too fat?

25M am I too fat? Definitely let my bulk go a little further than I planned but have been asked if I gained weight more than once in the last few weeks so wondering if I took it too far
submitted by SubstantialSir773 to amIfatBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Substantial-Web6497 Is this really where we are heading ?

Is this really where we are heading ? Applied to a job post and got rejected few minutes later. I don’t believe that their HR already checked my resume and decided that I was not a good fit that fast.
Now the thing is that I got a feedback on my job application which rarely happens, so I guess that AI will be used on really important decisions such as a hiring or not someone.
submitted by Substantial-Web6497 to singularity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 kweiu i love the shuttle

catching a ride back to my dorm after lecture feels so peaceful, like the little breather i needed before locking in. i've had further stops to ride to this quarter and i looove listening to music and looking out the windows to watch the scenery. especially when the sun starts to set and the sky gets orange like i love our beautiful campus ^3^! i love seeing peoples' bags as they get on and recognizing characters from keychains or seeing a really cute plush. if you can have hallway crushes can i have shuttle crushes like sometimes i just see someone that looks really cool!!! i love telling the driver thank you and getting a little "have a nice day" or a nod/wave/smile. anybody else really enjoy riding the buses?
i will say though that the worst feeling is when you see that the bus is full like damn bruh idm walking but cmon i got a class to get to 😞 also while i'm here make sure to vote yes on the u-pass! we need that 20% voter turnout! <3
submitted by kweiu to UCSD [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 FabbyOMEGALUL @nymn221

@nymn221 submitted by FabbyOMEGALUL to RedditAndChill [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 caitycat1212 Describe your joint pain

Hi all. I’m trying to figure out what the heck’s wrong with me. Seems I care way more than my doctors! This all began for me post partum when I developed small fiber neuropathy, joint pain, and now migrating joint pain. My first thought was sjogrens but my ANA was negative as well as other sjogrens labs.
Anyways, my joint pain comes and goes but it’s very strange as it moves all around. When it flares up it tends to affect the same joints but not all at once it’ll move around throughout the day but it targets my SI joint, neck, knee, finger joints, rib, and ankle. Typically it’s one sided too. It feels like a dull ache. I also do have nail changes
submitted by caitycat1212 to PsoriaticArthritis [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 Typical-Buy-92 Am I the only one who thinks having RWBY weapons in the game would be cool?

So I was using hand to hand combat on the boxing ring arena with the song Ignite playing and thought wouldn't it be fun if I was using Ember Celica?
The weapons would work quite well, there's quite a few gun and transforming weapon mods. Although the only one that could be difficult would be Gambol Shroud (probably messed the name up)
submitted by Typical-Buy-92 to BladeAndSorcery [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 beemer-dreamer Help to identify?

Help to identify? Swung swan?
submitted by beemer-dreamer to glasscollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 lemkowidmak Drexel Men's Basketball @DrexelMBB: Villiam from long range. 👌#FearTheDragon🐉

Drexel Men's Basketball @DrexelMBB: Villiam from long range. 👌#FearTheDragon🐉 submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:26 CowMedical2163 I'm on episode 9 of Geats and I struggle to know who the main character is: Keiwa or Ace?

I'm on episode 9 of Geats and I struggle to know who the main character is: Keiwa or Ace? submitted by CowMedical2163 to KamenRider [link] [comments]