Quickest way to make a Android app

2025.01.30 18:29 cyao12 Quickest way to make a Android app

Hi all! I'm going to have a school project in a week where I will need to crate a Android app.
The teacher will want use to use MIT App Inventor, but I'm 100% not touching that thing. So I'm planning on coding the android app by myself.
I would need to connect the app to arduino and make push notifications. I already have a ton of experience in C++, Intermediate in Python, and touched Kotlin before.
Now I do NOT need to learn anything, just get the project done. Can someone send me a few resources for quick android app making, preferable where I can copy 90% of the code and edit the last 10% to match my needs? :P
submitted by cyao12 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 ArtistNo2189 Come si affronta al meglio in secondo colloquio?

Buonasera, sono un ragazzo di 22 anni attualmente magazziniere presso un'azienda di consegne di elettrodomestici e arredamenti per la casa. Mi piace il mio lavoro per via dell'orario e della semplicità (faccio le stesse cose tutti i giorni, niente contatto con il pubblico e poco stress) e amo non dover lavorare i fine settimana. Il lavoro in se però è fisicamente pesante a volte e sono sempre in cerca di opzioni migliori. Recentemente ho avuto la fortuna di partecipare ad un colloquio di lavoro per un'azienda che si occupa di ricondizionare telefoni e rivenderli nel loro e-commerce e negozio fisico. Non mi aspettavo un esito concreto data la mia totale inesperienza nel settore ma ho voluto parteciparvi perché sono un amante sfegatato della tecnologia e mi piacerebbe far parte di questo mondo a livello professionale. Con incredibile sorpresa sono stato ricontattato dall'azienda per un secondo colloquio e sono estremamente felice per l'occasione. Tuttavia sono molto nervoso perché non ho mai partecipato ad un secondo colloquio in vita mia e tutto quello che "avevo da dire" credo di averlo già trasmesso nel primo incontro. Inoltre come già anticipato non possiedo esperienza o grandi competenze tecniche in questo settore. Le posizioni aperte sono tre:
-commerciale che si occupa di vendite in B2B e B2C, sembra molto interessante anche se non ho capito bene di cosa si tratta e non ho mai fatto qualcosa di simile
-tecnico riparatore di smartphone in laboratorio, è l'opzione che più mi interessa nonostante io non abbia mai aggiustato un telefono in maniera così "profonda" prima d'ora (inteso come aprire il telefono e sostituire componenti come processore, ram, scheda video)
-addetto alle vendite nel negozio fisico, è l'opzione che meno mi attira perché dovrei lavorare anche sabato e domenica ma non la escluderei completamente
Mi interessa principalmente la seconda opzione per il diretto contatto con la tecnologia e l'orario di lavoro da ufficio anche se durante il colloquio ho principalmente messo in risalto doti relazionali quindi spero non si aspettino che io voglia lavorare come commesso. Detto questo non so cosa devo fare. Non so che domande vengono fatte nel secondo colloquio e non ho esperienze pregresse nel campo. Come posso affrontare al meglio questo incontro?
submitted by ArtistNo2189 to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 gyhfttyguuu Does this 3 monitor setup work? (x1 Carbon G10)

Hi, I have a thinkpad x1 carbon G10 Laptop, that has 2x thunderbolt 4 and 1x hdmi ports I don't want to get a docking station, I want to connect it to a 2x3 KVM Switch to alternate between the laptop and another PC.
Can someone confirm if the setup would work if I connect the laptop to the KVM via: 1x HDMI to HDMI cable 1x HDMI to type c (Like this) 1x DP to type c (Like this)
When switched to the laptop, I don't care what refresh rate/resolutions would be supported as long as I get a passable signal to the three monitors. I feel like this might not work as I always see people using docking stations with this setup.
Appreciate any insight, thanks
submitted by gyhfttyguuu to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 glamamuser Horror Punk

Horror Punk and adjacent. Follows and recommendations appreciated.
submitted by glamamuser to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Proud_Yid Engage armament charging $15 to put a dowel in a magazine?

This state can be fucking bullshit sometimes. I called in advance to Engage armament in Rockville and asked if over 10 round mags could be sent to them along with a firearm I’m purchasing (Sig P365XL) and they stated they would plug the magazine when I called the other day, thus limiting the magazine to 10 rds and making it legally transferable (this is non-permanent btw).
The whole point of buying online was to get a good deal considering how overpriced firearms are in Montgomery county, but these fuckers are charging $15 per magazine just to put a plug inside? What the fuck is wrong with this state and it’s FFL’s lack of balls.
Cindy’s hotshots used to transfer mags to me no problem by just disassembling them and giving them as mag parts but nowadays they won’t even accept mags over 10 rds, even to permanently modify them.
I know in the grade scheme of things $30 isn’t all that much money but it literally defeats the whole purpose of me transferring the gun from an out of state wholesaler. I’m literally getting fucked over so this company can make a buck. Such a joke.
submitted by Proud_Yid to MDGuns [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 creeront Unclassified Apneas & Random Pressure Drops

Unclassified Apneas & Random Pressure Drops Hi all, long-time lurker, first time poster.
I've got two questions: 1.) has anyone seen these random pressure drops in OSCAR? Can't tell if they're legit or not, but they have coincided with my 11 Vauto suddenly becoming much louder.
2.) I'm experiencing a bunch of unclassified apneas. Do these look like centrals or obstructive?
submitted by creeront to CPAP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 quichebewithyou BTartbox nails

BTartbox nails Used dip for first time and would love some length next time. Ordered BTartbox nails under the impression I wouldn’t have to cure them with a lamp but in the instructions it states otherwise. Thoughts and advice are appreciated . I want to know if I could get away with not using a lamp for BTartbox nails
submitted by quichebewithyou to Nails [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 famoustosomeone Living off campus with parents

If I live off campus with my parents but they charge me rent, would UMD count that as off campus or off campus with parents? I need to know so that I can see what my cost of attendance will be for my aid.
submitted by famoustosomeone to UMD [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Morighant 9-10 day travel to Colombia HELP

I really wanna visit this beautiful country, I have been actively trying to learn Spanish the last six months and would really like to connect with another culture that is the same as what I'm studying! I can go from probably the 19th to the 28th of September. Is that enough time???
I feel like I'd benefit to be able to experience the culture of something I can kinda speak and understand! (We're at Dora in Spanish levels of understanding so we're getting there)
But anyways, the thing that FREAKS ME OUT is getting from place to place. I'm not a party guy, not a nightlife guy, way too awkward for all of that. I care more about the history, the food, and the scenery. My favorite band is going to be there and I kinda wanna end the itinerary in Medellin , so I'm not scrambling to get around last minute. But the traveling to the various sceneries freaks me out, I'm not well traveled and I don't know how to approach it.
I have been to Italy, but it was 90% a guided tour. How does transportation and lodging work? I'm terrified but excited! I'm kinda a cheapskate but I'm not broke lol
submitted by Morighant to travel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Beneficial-Office254 I’m stuck

I ended up pregnant by a porn addict and we kept the baby but long story short I don’t know if I’ll ever want to be sexually intimate with my partner 24M again.
He cheated on me with porn and saying apps during my entire duration of pregnancy and even 2 month postpartum.
He tries to give me compliments and tell me he’s still attracted to me but I can’t see it. I essentially gave him my body and soul. Put my life on the line to have his kid and I’ll never feel pretty again. I constantly wonder why?
I guess my question is how were you still attracted to your wives or girlfriends after looking at so many other women and how did you find intimacy with them when they’re suffering and suffocating in their head?
submitted by Beneficial-Office254 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 stockmarketn00b Where? PVC

Where? PVC Can somebody please tell me where in the ventricles this PVC is coming from? This particular morphology hits me the hardest for some reason, and takes my breath away everytime
submitted by stockmarketn00b to ReadMyECG [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 iamHBY Dizaster vs Un Kasa announced for GTX Retribution on May 3rd

submitted by iamHBY to rapbattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 First-Bite5508 Controversial, but in Chicago, do people often tend to think the social norms associated with their race are more "correct" or "acceptable" then that of other races?

Controversial topic, but hey that's why we're here. So what I mean is this...we know chicago is segregated. But do people from each race tend to think that their natural way of interacting is more appropriate and acceptable then that of other races?
I feel like I've seen that here, and it frustrates me because I feel like we all have different communication styles and they all have merit and I like the diversity that brings
submitted by First-Bite5508 to AskChicago [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 jkboiz Cold Air Intake - Through Chimney?

I have a P42i-TC that I installed not long ago. First winter here. Got a new SS liner for the exhaust put down through my chimney for it. One thing I have noticed is there is a good draft getting pulled up to my main room from my basement. I believe this is from my pellet stove not having as cold air intake.
So my question is that since it is in insert what would I do to solve this? Do people put through holes in their chimeny's to get a cold air intake?
submitted by jkboiz to PelletStoveTalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 nstc2504 MYSTERY STACK DAY 7

MYSTERY STACK DAY 7 Day 7 - Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3!!
I was always more of a Street Fighter guy, never even owned any MK games... but I'm kind of psyched to finally give one a shot. Lmk if this is a decent version of the game.
submitted by nstc2504 to SegaSaturn [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 UlkeshNaranek Meta Pays Trump $25M Protection Money After Mar-a-Lago ‘Offer’

Meta Pays Trump $25M Protection Money After Mar-a-Lago ‘Offer’ submitted by UlkeshNaranek to evolutionReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Extreme_Elevator_522 Headaches and dizziness

Hi, I just installed JBL speakers in my car and amplifier But i hear very quiet little sound of shhhhhhhhh
Why this sound is coming i went back to shop he told me its normal. Also why i feel headache and dizziness when i play sound. Is it from speakers and amplifier?
Sorry for bad English
submitted by Extreme_Elevator_522 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 DepartureAgitated279 Can view gen results

After I scroll a couple pages, it bombs out and I keep getting: Could not retrieve generation requests, Unexpected token '<', " submitted by DepartureAgitated279 to civitai [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 ExHypnoticCittycat I knew they could stack this far, but I never thought I'd see it! Damn

I knew they could stack this far, but I never thought I'd see it! Damn https://preview.redd.it/kct6s8kmc6ge1.jpg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9dae03fbc7dd5212cc19b1cd448d628f56b694a
They gracefully fluttered downwards.
submitted by ExHypnoticCittycat to rainworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 maevyss Fits inspired by some kawaii subgenres 🌸

Fits inspired by some kawaii subgenres 🌸 I'm sorry if some of these are not accurate or I mistook some subgenres (my source is literally the Aesthetics Wiki fandom lol),, I just wanted to try more "human" styles yk ((also I'm not sure if tenshi-kaiwai is under the kawaii label but anyways))
submitted by maevyss to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Junior-Economics-634 Do you like it when the Na’vi hiss, or do you find it awkward or cringy? Personally, I love it!

Do you like it when the Na’vi hiss, or do you find it awkward or cringy? Personally, I love it! submitted by Junior-Economics-634 to Avatar [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 Williewill-will Looking to buy a H125 helicopter, or atleast consider it.

submitted by Williewill-will to brickmania [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 EaseInternational648 Joystick too sensitive. Claw 8.

For my fellow Claw 8 owners, or even 7 owners if you experience the same issue. No matter what shooter I play, aiming with right joy stick is hard. It's too sensitive overall. Anyone have any know how to get the aim to feel as close to just picking up a Xbox controller. Mind you, I don't mess with any settings for these types of things, I can go hop on my Xbox controllers and it's a night and day experience comparing to my claw.
submitted by EaseInternational648 to MSIClaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 atxtony23 selling 2 Section 105 tickets + 1 Parking pass for tomorrow vs. BUCKS

selling 2 Section 105 tickets + 1 Parking pass for tomorrow vs. BUCKS I’ve got 2 tickets for Section 105, row 31 (closer to the border of 106 not in the corner) and 1 parking pass available for the Spurs v. Bucks game tomorrow.
The tickets will be sent over via Ticketmaster (email) and I accept Cash in person, zelle, Cashapp and venmo.
Guarantee to beat any Ticketmaster price out there for this section - $295 total OBO. DM!
submitted by atxtony23 to NBASpurs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:29 CoffeeNeither1695 Help me make a team

Help me make a team I am a new player that doesnt know how to make teams so if someone could please help me make a team out of my current characters that would be great!
submitted by CoffeeNeither1695 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]
