2025.01.30 19:11 amoskitos Zack King (internet person version) vs luffy?
Zack king has been able to
submitted by amoskitos to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 Fickle_Intern_6007 What do you do? And what are your likes / dislikes?
With careers and jobs, I find it so easy to always assume that the grass is always greener somewhere else. I’m curious about what everyone does professionally and what they like and dislike it?
I’ll go first, I’m in marketing at a tech company. I enjoy that I have a remote job with zero commute and get to travel periodically for events but I don’t like the constant pressure of lead generation and sales revenue tied to everything I do. I also don’t like being chained to a desk looking at a screen for 8+ hours a day.
I tend to think that being a nurse or physical therapist would be so fulfilling and more engaging since you’d get to work face to face with people.
submitted by Fickle_Intern_6007 to careerchange [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 Healthy-Ad-8842 I kept getting electrocuted when i turned my computer on
So i just bought a new workstation and installed it in my room, but because i found an unused extension laying around i used it but for a month the PC has static electricity and keeps shocking me on or off, and the monitor keeps glitching because of the static from the hdmi cable from the pc to the monitor, needed to go buy new speakers new keyboard because they suddenly died, not at the same time but because of shorting but i keep thinking "what's making my computer not diacharge static properly.." so, 2 weeks later i found out the monitor glitches when i moved the extension cord, so i open the extension cord up and the ground/earth cable wasn't screwed in tightly so each time the extension moved the wire failed to discharge static electricity, i tightened it up and until like now (1 week after tightening the loose screw) there's no problems yet. and the speaker and monitor problems didn't come back so i think im good and it definitely won't blow up 😀
submitted by Healthy-Ad-8842 to stories [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 Ancient-Age9577 The Godfather (1972) [2400x3200]
submitted by Ancient-Age9577 to MoviePosterPorn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 SuccessfulHearing322 Stay with Kendamil Goat Formula or switch?
My LO is 7 weeks and has been suffering from gas pains since about 3 weeks. It wakes him up every morning between 3 and 5am and sometimes can’t go back to sleep until well into the day because he’s straining so hard and in so much pain. It will also wake him up from naps, and prevent him from wanting to be put down. Sometimes he screams for hours. He has a good day or night here and there but mostly is struggling with the gas around the clock. I was exclusively BF when his gas pain started and then moved him to Kendamil Goat because so many people were telling me it was my bm causing the issues but I don’t see much difference. We do massages, bicycle legs, daily probiotics, symethicon gas drops, gripe water as needed, warm baths, infant gripe belt, Frida windi etc etc. nothing helps him for very long if at all.
He poops frequently, usually once at night and a few times during the day and he is able to pass gas - just not as much as he needs to be comfortable. The poop is a yellow/green color with a seedy consistency. I notice a lot of gurgling noises in his belly while he’s eating - but that’s both with BM and the formula. He doesn’t spit up an abnormal amount and he seems to like the taste of his current formula.
I realize we’re in the prime “gas/fussy” age which is why I’m hesitating to start the formula roulette with him but I also hate to watch him suffer day after day.
Should I switch his formula? Our ped said we could try Alimentum or Nutramigen, and friends of ours say we should try Hipp HA or Hollie. Do we just wait it out another month or two and hope his body starts figuring it out on its own or should we try a different formula? Please help!!
submitted by SuccessfulHearing322 to newborns [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 Quasirandom1234 [venting] Game info wiped
[running Rocknix Jan 18 build]
After I edited the genre tags on a game, I updated my gamelists through EmulationStation, and for Some Reason this time it zeroed out all information for the games on two systems. As in, the gamelist.xml files for Pico-8 and SNES were reset to empty files. All the metadata, titles, covers, ratings, genres, favorited, gone -- Poof.
I have backups from two months ago, but I've been adding a lot of Pico-8 games lately. And I need to manually add it all back in, as scraping for Pico-8 stopped working a couple weeks ago. Won't be quite so bad for SNES, but still argh.
Or rather, ARGH!!!
So, yeah, this is something that can happen. Back up your gamelist files, everyone, and stay safe.
submitted by Quasirandom1234 to RGB30 [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 TheMoneyLineGrind Looking To Finish January Strong With 5 Picks + Ladder Day 2!
submitted by TheMoneyLineGrind to sportsbetting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 Alive_Ad_7350 To all the people that waited 15 hours in line I got it online and only have to wait 2 days
submitted by Alive_Ad_7350 to Microcenter [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Uganda announces Ebola outbreak after one patient dies | Washington Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 pixbee19 VIP single ticket LA Feb 17th
I’m selling a single vip ticket for the LA show on feb 17th !!! YALLL SOMEONE PLSSSS HMUUUU TO BUY ITTTT !! i’m willing to negotiate price i just need to sell this ticket 😭😭 submitted by pixbee19 to Chromakopia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Marianne Faithfull, singer-songwriter and 1960s pop star, dies at 78 | Washington Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 wandelust19 Fire Moth pre-order active
It looks like PGI did go with a pre-order after all. Delivers on Feb 18.
submitted by wandelust19 to OutreachHPG [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 Irene1R3N3 Some memes of ch 207
submitted by Irene1R3N3 to HeroKillerWebtoon [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 clarauser7890 Clash of the Titles: Game #13 🌻 // “GREAT”
Vote for your favorite of these songs / Vote for which of these songs you think is the best!
View Poll
submitted by clarauser7890 to TaylorGamesWannaPlay [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 EcstaticAssistance77 My new best friend 🥹 Just adopted him today ❤️
submitted by EcstaticAssistance77 to beagles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 DeviceOtherwise789 Withdrawing
Hello guys, a program for which I had an interview scheduled in February just withdrew from the match. My question is, do I have to do something in Thalamus? Because the interview is still pending and it says 'schedule now!
submitted by DeviceOtherwise789 to IMGreddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 Any-Intention-684 What do you think?
Well lads bit of an unusual one but anyway. Need your opinions. I’m a Drogs supporter but also love fontaines dc and the Bohs fontaines jersey. I rly want to buy it other than the fact it’s a Bohs kit. Has any non Bohs supporters bought the kit? It’s an unreal jersey but has me himming and hawing
submitted by Any-Intention-684 to LeagueOfIreland [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 milosssx Leráz a fodrász?
Csajok! Mi tévő legyek? Bejelentkeztem egy fodrászhoz szőkítésre. Tök rendesen fogadta az érdeklődésem. Aranyos volt. Megbeszéltünk egy időpontot próbatincsre, hogy mennyire bírja a hajam. Na már most ez is döcögős volt, ugyanis nem igazán írogatott vissza a végén. Az időpont előtt 2 nappal írtam neki, ugyanis nem válaszolt arra, amikor kérdeztem, hogy xy óra körül tudnék menni, neki az jó-e. Írtam, hogy akkor kiskedden tudok-e menni? Nem válaszolt.. Majd aznap ír, hogy Ő várt, miért nem mentem? Mindegy, nincs harag megbeszéltünk egy új időpontot. Megcsinálta a tincset a barna hajamba, majd azóta nem érem utól.. Kértem tőle időpontot, de 3 napig nem értem el. Majd visszaír, hogy menjek ekkor meg akkor. Írtam, hogy nehéz, de megpróbálom megoldani. Semmi válasz szintén. Megoldottam, hogy menjek. Majd időpont előtti este lemondja, az amúgy nem tudom megbeszélt időpontot, hogy Ő beteg. Na már most egy szőke tincs van a barna hajamba 2!! hete. Kicsit fusztrál azért. Ti mit csinálnátok a helyemben? Gondolkozok más fodrászon, de a környéken nagyon nagyon nagyon ritka és nehéz találni. Kétségbe vagyok esve. Nyaggassam tovább ezt a fodrászt? Úgy érzem nem igazán akar elvállalni.. de már ott az a tincs..
submitted by milosssx to csakcsajok [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 bruxees Supabase initialization
Hi! I’m using Supabase for the first time with Next.js and TypeScript, and I have a question.
I initialize Supabase like this:
import { createClient } from "@supabase/supabase-js";
const supabaseUrl = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_URL!;
const supabaseAnonKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY!;
export const supabase = createClient(supabaseUrl, supabaseAnonKey);
That's the only thing that i've done in terms of configuration, then I managed to set it up to create an account, log in, and keep the session active. However, while looking for more information into the docs, I found this guide: https://supabase.com/docs/guides/auth/server-side/nextjs?queryGroups=router&router=app
It goes much deeper into initialization, using middlewares and cookies. Is it really necessary to do it this way? If I don’t initialize Supabase like this, do I lose security?
submitted by bruxees to Supabase [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:11 Immediate_Ad_8139 You I’ll want to downplay Bill Cipher so bad 💔
No this post isn’t about Bill vs Discord. It’s about how op states the the book of bill “is not cannon” when it was stated multiple times it is. submitted by Immediate_Ad_8139 to PowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 _PrincesaJujuba Existe jogo fácil e jogo difícil?
Meu rating é 1000. Acabei de jogar uma partida de pretas em que senti que todos os melhores lances estavam muito claros. Avancei peças sem que o adversário demonstrasse condições de parar meus ataques. Alcancei 92% de precisão, o que é irônico já que há alguns dias fiz um post sobre inconsistência. A pergunta que fica é: existe jogo fácil e difícil? O que faz com que um jogo seja fácil? A partida seguiu assim: 1. e4 d5 2. e5 d4 3. Bc4 Nc6 4. Nf3 a6 5. d3 Na5 6. Ng5 Nxc4 7. dxc4 f6 8. exf6 Nxf6 9. O-O Bf5 10. Re1 Qd7 11. Bf4 h6 12. Nf3 O-O-O 13. Nxd4 Qxd4 14. Qxd4 Rxd4 15. c3 Rxf4 16. Nd2 e6 17. Rad1 Bc5 18. Nf3 Ng4 19. Re2 Rxc4 20. h3 Nf6 21. Ne5 Re4 22. Rxe4 Bxe4 23. Nf7 Rf8 24. Ne5 Nd5 25. c4 Rxf2 26. cxd5 Rxb2+ 27. Kf1 Bxg2+ 28. Ke1 Bf2# 0-1 submitted by _PrincesaJujuba to xadrez [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - As Trump shakes up global politics, Mexico could be most affected | Washington Post
submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 DabbingBread This massive new leaf on my Polly 😍
The one to the right is the leaf that came before this one. It took three months for this one to develop but I think it was worth the wait!! I posted about the double sheath on the new shoot a while ago. Turns out the people saying a double sheath means the next leaf will be big were right! submitted by DabbingBread to alocasia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 hawkesoutdoor More #adventures on JoJo's Journey to the #Oregon #Badlands . Subscribe for more at #hawkesoutdoors , or chat with us 210-251-2882
submitted by hawkesoutdoor to OverlandingAndCamping [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:11 AccordingRespond8506 I'm doing a project for English about point diagrams, we had to pick a movie, book, or anything that has a plot. My teacher let me pick a Knott's maze. Should I do WaxWorks or Cinema Slasher?
Before anyone asks, Why? Just want to say Knotts has taken over my mind recently and I can't think of anything else, I also just think this might be fun to do. Anyway, I know Wax Works and Cinema Slasher both have story, but I just want to know which one might be better to do? What are good videos that can help me with my project? I have some in mind I just want to know what you all think.
submitted by AccordingRespond8506 to KSF_KnottsScaryFarm [link] [comments]