2025.01.30 19:07 rraaemo [ANDROID][2012-2015] ROBOT GAME

HELP ME PLS (Robot Shooting Game)
help me find my childhood game pls! if my memory serves me right i think i played it 2012 to 2015 idkkk im about to cry actually i cant remember
it's a robot shooting game where you're the robot main character (the robot is gray) and you shoot some other robots starting from small and easy to kill robots and the first setting was in like a desert with plateau and as you go on the next setting will be in the factory like gray factory and you still killing small robots and you'll go until you face the final huge robot boss pls help me google search doesn't helping and i cant find it on playstore as well plss helpp
sorry for my english not my first language
submitted by rraaemo to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 RingsideNews_ The Undertaker and More Big Names Heading to Indianapolis for WWE Royal Rumble Weekend

The Undertaker and More Big Names Heading to Indianapolis for WWE Royal Rumble Weekend submitted by RingsideNews_ to ringsidenewscom [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 silentkid96 [FS][EU-UK/WW] Rick Owens zip-up, Wales Bonner Samba, ERD shirt, CDG Supreme hoodie

Picture with timestamp https://imgur.com/a/UkjCHZX
RO zipup hoodie from Pink Elephant, size 46, fits like S/M, perfect condition, only worn twice. 40€. https://imgur.com/a/BvdISPJ
Adidas Samba Wales Bonner, used twice, like new. Size 9US. 25€. https://imgur.com/a/fmI6SiZ
ERD shirt, never used, size XS but fits long, 20€. https://imgur.com/a/Ongu1WB
CDG x Supreme hoodie, also only used a couple of times, size M, 20€. https://imgur.com/a/N8TMFX8
Tnf x Supreme fleece, used once, size M, 25€. https://imgur.com/a/6bJaNVn - SOLD
Palm Angels corduroy jacket, also never used, size M, 20€. https://imgur.com/a/fDpMqTh
Feel free to ask for more pictures or measurements. Shipping not included, depends on the weight of the item, I can ship worldwide. Paypal invoice only.
submitted by silentkid96 to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 EngryEngineer Historical real vs fake butter

I used to have a few books of Lithuanian folk tales. It was entirely in English so I don't have the true Lithuanian words to help with meaning. I also no longer have the books so I can't cite specific stories or sources.
In these stories one theme that kept coming up was that an unexpected guest would show up and the host would have to choose between offering butter or the cheap fake butter the host would use normally. I don't know the time these were coming from, but they definitely predate margarine.
I suspect the implied real butter meant actual butter, do you know what the fake butter would be?
submitted by EngryEngineer to lithuania [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 radialmonster Mozambique Election Marred By Irregularities: EU Observers - Barron's

submitted by radialmonster to voterfraud [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 hc33 The rarest Pokémon

Dos someone have the rarest posible poke?
Something like legendary, shundo, dark, special outfit, themend one
Just wondering with my son for the rarest one
submitted by hc33 to pokemongo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 Hairy-Vast-7109 Does anyone do a pumpkin patch?

I want to do this this year but not sure how to go about it. I wouldn't have it in my garden because it would take over the whole thing. I also don't think my husband would be ok with me tilling and ripping up grass in another large section of our yard. I have an extra flower bed that could definitely support one plant, but definitely not a patch. Wondering what others do.
Second question, has anyone grown the black bear pumpkin from Johnny's? Is the taste any good or is it strictly ornamental?
submitted by Hairy-Vast-7109 to vegetablegardening [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 EndrulerYT My SSA Collection is Finally Complete!

My SSA Collection is Finally Complete! Got the last figure I needed today, Gill Runt. I don’t really care about chase variants, but I would like to find Gold Drill Sergeant some day
submitted by EndrulerYT to skylanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 xLeath Night walker luck am I right?

Night walker luck am I right? Got the ror4(and black heart) from lotus and thought I'm done for today, just so dnell will strike me with 3 items out of the blue
submitted by xLeath to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 radialmonster House on track to, again, pass ballot initiative that would prevent voters deciding abortion issues

submitted by radialmonster to voterfraud [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 Darth-Troller Bony Beetle family (re-uploaded) featuring Bonester Beetle, Bone Spiny, Skelleypa, Bonetoise, and Skelethorn (with winged variants and living references)

On the top row we have the classic Bony Beetle design from Super Mario World with different color palettes
We then have the following
Bony Beetle and Bony Para-Beetle (undead Buzzy Beetle and Spike Top) who behave as they do in NSMBU, they walk without falling off and periodically stop to raise spikes
Bonester Beetle and Bonester Para-Beetle (undead Buster Beetle and Para-Beetle), due to them being bipedal, I based them on the classic Bony Beetle from Super Mario World who's also bipedal, they also behave like it, following the player and falling off platforms unlike the modern Bony Beetle, but also stopping periodically to raise spikes, another difference is that you can stand on them like Para-Beetles, but time your jumps because they'll still raise spikes, if you stand on them, you can attempt to pick them up SMB2 style but they'll just crumble
Bone Spiny and Bone Para-Spiny (undead Spiny), behaves like a fireproof Spiny, falls off platforms and has the spikes raised as it walks, however it can stop and panick, and lower the spikes periodically, it will also lower the spikes if hit by fire as it'll bring back memories of their one true weakness from when they were alive
Skelleypa and Para-Skelleypa (undead Spikeypa which is the name I gave to the weird Spike Koopa enemies from Mario Party), they climb walls like Spike Tops but will occasionally stop to shoot their spikes outwards, they'll then panick and stop in place until the spikes grow back
Bonetoise and Para-Bonetoise (undead Snortoise) behaves like Snortoise with the additional ability to swim in lava and periodically stop to raise spikes, similarly to the living counterpart, it doesn't fall off platforms
Skelethorn and Para-Skelethorn (undead Thorntoise, the name I gave to the unused Super Mario Galaxy enemy who should behave like Snortoise but spiked), it's a combination of Bonetoise and Bone Spiny, it can swim in lava, it has spikes raised normally, but will sometimes stop to lower them, unlike Bone Spiny it doesn't panic when hit by fire as it's used to swimming in lava
The main change compared to the old version of this upload is that Skelleypa had thumbs, I was going off the headcanon that Spikeypa and Spikey from SMRPG (who actually seems to be an urchin) were the same species
submitted by Darth-Troller to Mario [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 Cuuki0 [FOR HIRE] Anime and cartoon artist. I illustrations, animations and comics. I can do many more things, just ask.

submitted by Cuuki0 to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 mynutsdontwork How is Meta’s $25 mil settlement not just a payoff to Trump?

submitted by mynutsdontwork to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 leoogone Voice

My tolan had a voice that matched her vibe and i went to check out the new stuff in wardrobe and accidentally changed it and now it’s gone :(
submitted by leoogone to tolanworld [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 catbeantoes I laughed ☹️

I laughed ☹️ submitted by catbeantoes to airplaneears [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 km524 Copy Table Data to another sheet in different order

I manage an excel of recurring meetings with 2 tabs that contain the same info but in different order. I’m manually adding/updating Sheet 2 as I add/update meetings in Sheet 1.
Is there a formula that can automatically do this for me on Sheet 2 in the desired order?
submitted by km524 to excel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 akf1x Lee Jung-Jae

Lee Jung-Jae submitted by akf1x to trueratecelebrities [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 Spiritual-Quail-317 only now I find out that there is a room here

only now I find out that there is a room here submitted by Spiritual-Quail-317 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 mysteryafterchase Pokeraid

Anybody have discords with active invite channels
submitted by mysteryafterchase to PokeRaid [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 desertsage007 Easter in Split

  1. We'll be in Split over the Easter holiday and are wondering if there might be an Easter service that would have excellent music.
  2. I've seen video of klapa singers in the Diocletian Vestibule. Is there a schedule of performances, or is it an impromptu event?
  3. What musical performances in Croatia might be recommended?
  4. Does the Split to Brac ferry run on Easter? Times?
submitted by desertsage007 to CroatiaTravelTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 Haunting_Figure7412 How to apply for a loan to pay off my credit card debt?

Hi, I am a 28 years old professional with a credit card debit of approx. 200k. I want to apply for a loan to other banks to pay for my debt but one of the requirement is to have a credit card account. Do I have a chance to get approved given that I have bad record on my credit card account?
submitted by Haunting_Figure7412 to KaskasanBuddies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 Commercial-Sky-6914 Quero desistir do meu sonho por ele

Olá gente meu nome é Bruno tenho 20 anos e namoro um menino que tem a mesma idade que eu, estamos naquela fase meio perdida sobre o que trabalhar e qual faculdade fazer, atualmente trabalho com eventos e é algo que gosto muito e tenho pretensão de permanecer na área só não sei bem em qual aspecto, mas já faz um tempo que surgiu o sonho de ser músico, já escrevi algumas músicas, imaginei clipes e uma identidade visual, porém além de ser extremamente difícil de viver de música porque depende de muitos fatores, o estilo de música que eu gosto e queria produzir não é muito popular aqui no Brasil, então se tivesse a sorte de fazer sucesso provavelmente (é só uma dedução) eu seria reconhecido fora do país e se eu quisesse fazer shows provável que eu teria que passar muito tempo viajando, E hoje comecei a pensar que dentro dessas possibilidades (que são só imaginações minhas de como seria) eu teria que ficar longe do meu namorado porque não quero impedir ele de fazer o que ele quer, todas as coisas que ele está pensando em cursar necessitam que ele fique em um luguar fixo sem ficar viajando toda hora, e também não quero passar muito tempo longe dele. então estou considerando desistir desse negócio e procurar outra coisa para fazer, não é nada do que ele tenha falado porque ele me apoia nesse sonho e dava as opiniões dele sobre o que eu mostrava e falava pra ele, é algo que estou pensando por conta própria já que gosto muito dele pra ficar longe dele e impedir ele de seguir o próprio sonho é algo que está completamente fora de ser uma opção, mas queria umas opiniões em relação ao assunto para ver se consigo superar esse sonho para poder fazer outra coisa.
E é, eu sei que sou muito sohador e fico imaginando muitas coisas que muito muito provavelmente não iriam acontecer 😅
submitted by Commercial-Sky-6914 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 thatcarguyohh 5 Way Stop Accident T-Boned

Hello, looking for others thoughts on an accident I was involved in Monday morning. Something to note, since I have been driving for the last 11 years I have no speeding tickets/moving violations and have had no accidents/claims (until Monday). Also,I was driving a rental truck. My personal truck was having work done to it. Other driver from what I was told before I was taken away in ambulance was fine. They were out and walking around. I suffered minor concussion, what the hospital is calling “severe whiplash”, a few fractured ribs and a lot of bruising to the left leg. This happened at 6am. We are both from the local area.
Description of incident - I was approaching a 5 way stop. 5 way stop has both stop signs and a blinking red signal. I approached the intersection heading southbound. I stopped at the intersection almost at the same time as another driver heading eastbound(they would have been on my left). I came to a complete stop and waited for another car coming eastbound (my right) to make a left in front of me to head northbound. After the driver made there turn I knew I had the right of way with the other driver on my left but still chose to stay stopped because they seemed impatient when they came to the stop. Once the car turned they took off across the intersection as I anticipated. With no one else at the intersection I then proceed across the intersection, which I was then t-boned on the drivers side (I was heading south, vehicle that t-boned me was heading west - they came from the same direction as the impatient driver). Hit me in the middle of the intersection so hard it threw my truck into a telephone pole that was near the intersection. They hit the back part of driver door, entire rear driver side door and bed of truck. Passenger side bed part of truck hit telephone pole, truck I was driving has extensive damage. If they don’t total the truck it will need 2 new doors, entire truck bed and tailgate, rear bumper, both rear wheels and likely wheel hubs and other ancillary items, new tail lights, misc cab repairs under the doors, part of new exhaust. Other drivers truck from what I can tell is totaled. Entire front is smashed in, motor started to move into the cab of the truck. The only airbags that deployed in the truck I was driving was the passenger window. I was surprised none of the driver airbags went off. After the accident I was not able to move much in fear that I had broken my neck due to the amount of pain. Phone and truck automatically called police. They arrived in about 2 minutes. During the time I was waiting for police to arrive, I could hear the other driver making phone calls telling people he was just in an accident and he was fine (Bluetooth must have been turned all the way up in his truck). Not sure if I should be as upset but he works for the local fire department and did nothing. Didn’t seem to care much as he watched me be put in an ambulance. From what I was told he was more focused on telling the officers that the insurance company tried to screw him over the last time he got in an accident. Looking for some insight with the amount of damage he caused if the insurance company thinks he actually stopped and he will be found at fault. At an all stop I don’t believe there should be as much damage that occurred. Still waiting on police report.
submitted by thatcarguyohh to Insurance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 Guy2chilled Finally got it out of jail.

Finally got it out of jail. Sig P320 AXG Legion
submitted by Guy2chilled to CAguns [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:07 radialmonster Sending Rollinsford Grade School students out of town on ballot: What to know

submitted by radialmonster to voterfraud [link] [comments]
