2025.01.30 19:00 kiteboarderni Another broken SwiftKey build on ios
And yet again there's an update yesterday to SwiftKey ios causing constant keyboard crashes reverting it back to stock. How this can slip through MS regression testing is beyond me.
submitted by kiteboarderni to Swiftkey [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 BSBKCSSEC Bank Manager asking for transfer
Does anyone know why a bank manager would be asking my elderly mildly confused uncle to urgently transfer rs5million to any family member (my account and my sister are in same branch) account in the same bank branch to help him out and then transfer it back after 2 weeks or so. He wants a cheque or written transfer instructions asap.
submitted by BSBKCSSEC to pakistanfinance [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 AutoModerator Thursday's Show Thread - January 30, 2025
This is the thread to discuss today's show. Use it to discuss the show instead of creating a bunch of different threads, or don't.
I'm a robot.
submitted by AutoModerator to thealancoxshow [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 Nomorepaperplanes My beautiful friend is gone
Your love is not in vain.
My friend was creative, observant, fun, clever, caring, curious, affectionate, sassy, compassionate, passionate, adventurous, brave, artistic, sensitive, loving, sweet, naughty, spirited, spiritual, devoted.
A truly rare bird. A special creature.
River was living with long Covid for three years. I don't know exactly what happened yet.
Please send River sweetness on their passage.
submitted by Nomorepaperplanes to WitchesVsPatriarchy [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 GoldApprehensive5209 When are you going to stop publishing whenever t* farts
I condsider this just a verbal fart "Trump baselessly criticizes DEI in D.C. plane crash; 67 feared dead" as long as he keeps getting recognition for his stupid statements he will keep saying them. submitted by GoldApprehensive5209 to TheWashingtonPost [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 CazOnReddit [Rankin] A source familiar with the situation recently informed me Phoenix has been in trade talks with the Chicago Bulls, Atlanta Hawks, Toronto Raptors, and Washington Wizards related to Nurkic.
submitted by CazOnReddit to nba [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:00 Seamasmcguinness Extra companion fallout 4 ps4
Is there any reliable mod for fallout 4 on ps4 that will allow me to keep dogmeat and another companion?? Can’t believe Bethesda didn’t add that as a feature to begin with.
submitted by Seamasmcguinness to Fallout [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 QuietToaster33 My friends ram literally spilt in half
That’s it. In half. Baguette style.
submitted by QuietToaster33 to computers [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 Responsible_Hunt_396 Body Hair 1, 2 or 3?
submitted by Responsible_Hunt_396 to malegrooming [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:00 Olivesplace Chicken Francese
Chicken Francese
3/4 cup flour.
1 1/2 teaspoon salt.
1/2 teaspoon black pepper.
1 Tablespoon butter.
1 1/2 lb boneless, skinless chicken breast, thinly sliced.
2 extra large eggs.
spices to suit your taste (I use Italian)
In a bowl, combine flour salt and pepper.
In another bowl beat eggs with milk Or water and a dash of black pepper and your spices to suit your own taste
In a skillet over medium heat heat olive oil and butter.
Coat chicken breasts with the flour mixture,dip in egg mixture and cook on the skillet for about 2 minutes each side. Till chicken is brown.
You can (as some do make a lite sauce or just go southern and make a true gravy)
submitted by Olivesplace to Olivesplace [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 leav2481 Samsung Dishwasher Breaker Issues
This might be a long one, but I would appreciate any help y'all might be able to offer:
We bought our home about 5 months ago. No issues were reported with the dishwasher (go figure), but the dishwasher is at the oldest 6 years old.
We have a Samsung dishwasher that trips the breaker whenever we run a full cycle. We had a repairman come out, and they said that the issue was the GFI breaker, not the dishwasher. When we plug the dishwasher into another outlet, it works just fine.
So I ordered the exact breaker and replaced it. We started the dishwasher to test it, and it ran for about 30 minutes before it tripped the breaker again.
Now here's where it gets weird and I need some help: The breaker wouldn't reset. Before replacement, the breaker would reset but trip again within a minute or two. Now it trips automatically. The garbage disposal is also plugged into the same outlet. When I plugged in the garbage disposal, it turned on (with the switch in the off position). Flipping the switch had no affect, the disposal stayed on. So I unplugged the disposal (nothing is plugged in now) and the breaker reset. As soon as I plugged in the dishwasher the breaker tripped.
I am at a loss. I'm thinking of replacing the outlet? I think we've effectively ruled out that the dishwasher is the issue, but I could be wrong. I know I reinstalled the breaker correctly: labeled the wires, checked continuity, verified the same specifications of the breaker. I've also verified that the breaker is within the amperage requirements of both the disposal and the dishwasher.
Thank you in advance for any assistance!!
submitted by leav2481 to appliancerepair [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 BonnieTheKoii Ich bin ein Junkie und ich komme nicht mehr raus
Ich bin 25, weiblich, und seit einem Jahr alleinerziehende Mutter einer schwerbehinderten, 3 Jährigen Tochter. Ich war ein Gossenkind. Das letzte von 10 Kindern. Aufgewachsen zwischen Armut und Ungeziefer und mit einem gewaltätigen Sexualstraftäter als Vater und einer schwerstdepressiven hoarder Mutter
Mein Ex-Mann war enorm toxisch und ließ mich 100% alleine in der Pflege unseres Kindes. Er wurde irgendwann mir gegenüber Gewalttätigkeit, Betrug mich und machte Schulden in meinem Namen. Als er unserer Tochter gegenüber gewalttätig wurde verließ ich ihn sofort. Seitdem wohne ich alleine, er weigert sich Unterhalt zu zahlen und taucht alle 2-3 Monate mal auf und macht Ärger weil er "sein Kind sehen will". Ansonsten ignoriert er alles was mit uns zutun hat. Ich tue absolut ALLES für meine Tochter. Sie ist mein ein und alles. Trotz einer damaligen Überlebenschance von unter einem Prozent habe ich es geschafft, ihr zu helfen ihre gesamten kognitiven Entwicklungsverzögerungen aufzuholen. Wir haben gemeinsam sowohl ihre Epilepsie, als auch ihre motorischen Verzögerungen in den Griff bekommen. Sie spricht mittlerweile problemlos, obwohl sie nur 70% ihres Gehirns hat! Trotz ihrer starken Schlafstörung kann sie einen geregelten Alltag haben. Sie geht in eine Top-Privat Kita mit Pferdehof, sie geht zum Ballet, ist in einer Musikschule und bekommt Reitstunden. Sie hat ein großes Zimmer voller Spielzeug und alles was sie sich nur wünschen kann. Alles, außer einer guten Mutter.
Ich mache eine Ausbildung zur Erzieherin nachdem ich die erste Ausbildung zur Sozialassistentin hochschwanger abgeschlossen habe. Ich bin Jahrgangsbeste, schreibe nur 1sen und werde von allen bewundert. Ich setze mich für die Klasse ein und helfe jedem. Ich habe einen Nebenjob und schreibe Facharbeiten und Ausarbeitungen für andere damit ich irgendwie über die Runden komme. Ich mache täglich 1-2 Stunden Sport und leite sogar einen Verein für Kinder um mich für mehr Bewegung einzusetzen. Ich achte sehr auf mein Aussehen und meine Figur und bin immer "perfekt". Ich bin "der Stolz" der Familie und werde ständig bewundert und gelobt.
Dabei ist das alles nutzlos denn ich bin ein Junkie und absolut wertlos. Ich bin einfach nur eine dumme Lügnerin. Ich nehme morgens nach einer Nacht von maximal 4 Stunden Schlaf erstmal zwei Paracetamol mit einem Energydrink ein. Am Tag verteilt nehme ich 4-7 Päckchen Aspirin und Abends zum schlafen Tilidin, welches mir aufgrund einer schweren Schulterverletzung vor einem Jahr verschrieben wird. Ich nehme zum Lernen so viele Tabletten damit ich Nächte lang durch machen kann um gute Noten zu schreiben nur um einen Tag später so kaputt zu sein dass ich kaum aufstehen kann. Ich trinke 5 Energydrinks am Tag um wach zu bleiben da ich sonst im sitzen/stehen einschlafe. Ich nehme Schmerzmittel bevor meine Kleine wach wird damit ich vor meiner Tochter nicht ständig anfange zu heulen und weiterhin die "spaßige" Mama sein kann.
Aber ich bin so am Ende. Mein Magen ist so kaputt dass ich mich seit 2 Wochen täglich mehrmals übergeben. Ich habe in den letzten 3 Tagen 5 Kilo abgenommen und habe keinen Appetit mehr weil mir eh von allem schlecht wird. Ich habe nächtliche Schlafparalysen und bin heute umgekippt weil ich einfach keine Luft mehr bekam. Ich habe um Hilfe gebeten, mehrmals, sogar beim Jugendamt. Die haben mir gedroht mir mein Kind wegzunehmen wenn ich "ja so überfordert" bin. Meine Familie ist nicht in der Lage mir mit der Betreeung meines Kindes zu helfen und jetzt fällt auch noch ihre Babysitterin weg dank der ich wenigstens einmal die Woche richtig schlafen konnte und somit habe ich niemanden mehr. Ich schaffe das alles nicht mehr. Ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll. Ich habe so angst und will meine Tochter nicht verlieren. Gleichzeitig hat jeder so hohe Erwartungen an mich. Ich höre ständig dass ich das "Vorzeigebild" bin und man an mir sieht das "Man alles schaffen kann wenn man will" aber ich schaffe absolut gar nichts mehr.
submitted by BonnieTheKoii to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 EnvironmentalBall408 I think im done
Devs listening to every complaint that the community spits out when theyre just wrong. Nilo was S tier so whyd he get buffed again?, Springtrap got his one annoying ability taken away and added back like why?, all that needed to change with pcx was make someone come back in a random loaction and get rid of his shadow. Mimic's only gimmick is picking off people with surprise attacks and that got nerfed more like WHY, vapor got his bone break taken away and got more stam then inkfell like WHY! HIS WHOLE GIMMICK IS USING HIS WARP TO CATCH UP THATS WHY IT GIVES YOU A SPEED BOOST AND GETS PAIRED WITH SPIDER SKULLS. So idk I think I'm over the devs messing with everything and never giving anything to monsters that NEED some work done
submitted by EnvironmentalBall408 to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 Sufficient-Big784 My third toty this time an icon from the 82x20 i can’t believe
submitted by Sufficient-Big784 to fut [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:00 Still-Memory-9178 Survey
submitted by Still-Memory-9178 to fishingUK [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 SgtMacT [WTS] NX8 1-8 Fc-Dmx reticle with Reptilia AUS 1.70” mount
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/Y5t9heD
Black NX8 1-8 FC-dmx reticle and Reptilia 1.70 30mm AUS mount. Items are in excellent condition (only 1 range trip). Would rather not separate mount from scope and just sell both at once.
Price: $1450 $1350 shipped in original NightForce box
submitted by SgtMacT to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 _dee_f living room/ reading room design help
I have a very small home (under 900sq ft). This is the living room/reading room and also dining room. There is a small round table at the end of the room that isn't pictured.
I love to read and listen to music so that is my main focus for the room. The big furniture piece on the right is temporary to hold my vinyl player, but I do intend to get a smaller furniture piece to set up my vinyl player and some wired speakers as well. The chairs are also temporary. I am struggling to decide on colors that would go with this room so I got neutral colors for the time being.
I need help with:
2025.01.30 19:00 RelativePainting5255 [Official/™!] Olimpiakos - Qarabağ FK canlı yayımlarını Reddit-də Reddit-də necə izləmək olar?
[Official/™!] Olimpiakos - Qarabağ FK canlı yayımlarını Reddit-də Reddit-də necə izləmək olar?2025 Soccer Live Streams Reddit 2025Soccer Live Streams Reddit in my case? Where and how is Way to Watch TheSoccer Live Streams Reddit streams FRee, Hey fellowSoccer Live Streams Reddit 2025 viewers. I am a newSoccer Live Streams Reddit fan and with noSoccer Live Streams Reddit TV available looking for a good option to watch games here in the land down under. Here's How Can i findSoccer Live Streams Reddit free streams options I've been wanting to watch more games lately, but most online links I've found either skip frequently or are lower quality. But lately I have gotten really intoSoccer Live Streams Reddit and finally i found a great way to watchSoccer Live Streams Reddit Live for free recommend...
This article posted on Jan 30, 2025
Soccer Live Streams Reddit match info:
Soccer Live Streams Reddit
submitted by RelativePainting5255 to iOS14Beta [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 Mammoth-Usual1846 MAJOR MAC V, (MACLINTOCK V X MAJORS TIFFANY GA)
submitted by Mammoth-Usual1846 to arabianhorse [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 30-January-2025 19:00:21
Test body 30-January-2025 19:00:21
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 AlexZedKawa02 I was born in 2002. Rosa Parks and I could have listened to American Idiot together
submitted by AlexZedKawa02 to BarbaraWalters4Scale [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 19:00 Federal-Tear-3328 Poppy Playtime- Animal farm connection
In George Orwell's novel The animal farm we see as the farm animals get sick of their treatment by the farmer, mistreating them constantly and overworking them after a quick takeover they are finally free but the leader that they decide only destroys the farm with his corrupt system. And in Poppy play time we see the experiments rise up against the cruel oppressive workers trying to finish the experiments. In a big uprising they are finally done with the old ways but then I led to ruin by the new nightmarish system.
submitted by Federal-Tear-3328 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 Anxious_Ring3758 Just two smiley bros :3
submitted by Anxious_Ring3758 to CatSmiles [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 Soup_5000 a personal bloody palace nightmare edited in low quality horrible shitpost format (A BIT LOUD)
submitted by Soup_5000 to DevilMayCry [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 19:00 PleasusChrist Explorer wont' start - Have power
2016 Ford Explorer Sport
Electronics work. I noticed yesterday that the cluster options were not set to where they normally are (electronic RPM gauge, song playing, etc.), so I switched those back. Just got in to leave and electronics are all on (cluster settings wrong again), and it acts like it's turning over, but nothing happens beyond that.
Battery? Alternator? Starter? Something else?
(My wife isn't here with her car, so I can't try to jump it currently)
submitted by PleasusChrist to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]