I saw s25Ultra.. it is very light weight and UI is smooth 😎

2025.01.30 19:10 Silver-mani-89 I saw s25Ultra.. it is very light weight and UI is smooth 😎

Hopefully s24U will be smooth too.. but weight difference is reason for me to buy it.. even i don't have money
submitted by Silver-mani-89 to S24Ultra [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Jules-Soprano LTB Deity on Three Wheelin 🛞 and LC plates 🗽

LTB Deity on Three Wheelin 🛞 and LC plates 🗽 Anyone out there that has or knows someone with a deity on Benny’s Three Wheelin rims and preferably LC plates? 🔥
Any other vehicle on Three Wheelin rims and LC plates are also welcome 👊🏻
Xbox: JulesThaDon
submitted by Jules-Soprano to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Pretend-Two-2115 American legend reveals what ruined Novak Djokovic's reputation

American legend reveals what ruined Novak Djokovic's reputation submitted by Pretend-Two-2115 to tennis_world [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 dollarbuilders MSI Aegis ZS2 - Signal RGB

MSI Aegis ZS2 - Signal RGB Fellow buyer of the MSI Aegis ZS2 at Costco! Was wondering if anyone has tried using SignalRGB yet to customize the PC's lighting. Having difficulty configuring components and no luck getting tech support to reply. Plz let me know if you have had success. Thank you!
submitted by dollarbuilders to Prebuilts [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 United_Quail_5269 Tiny holes in my essential popover hoodie

Tiny holes in my essential popover hoodie I just received my essential popover patchwork hoodie, only to find all these tiny holes along the pocket and bottom ribbing. Has anyone seen this happen before?
I’m currently chatting with customer support, I may be able to get a partial refund. I’m just worried about the holes along the ribbing stretching, or how I can mend these?
(I initially hoped for a simple exchange, but the size/style of hoodie is out of stock)
submitted by United_Quail_5269 to AbercrombieandFitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 iamShorteh Is inflation destroying our Belgian frituur cultuur? What do you pay for your order in 2025?

submitted by iamShorteh to belgium [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 kaua_fei13 A felicidade

A felicidade submitted by kaua_fei13 to MemesBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Ok-Narwhal-896 Ce faceti cand va simtiti prosti in comparatie cu restul colegilor?

ok titlul e exagerat ish :))) dar nu stiu, de multe ori la facultate ma simt pe langa complet. Mereu sunt mega haotica, imprastiata, parca trebuie sa stau cu orele si pentru cele mai simple task-uri. Logic ca se agata de mine restantele, unele chiar din motive stupide Ma uit in jur si multi colegi parca sunt mult mai relaxati si tot se descurca sau chiar reusesc sa mentina viata de la facultate destul de organizata, eu sunt in anul 2 si tot praf ma simt. (chiar am mai incercat si alta facultate inainte si tot asa haos era)
cred ca doar voiam sa ma plang putin fiind perioada de sesiune care abia astept sa treaca ca oricum simt ca nu ma impart deloc ok cu ce am de facut. sunt curioasa voi ce chestii mai puneti in practica sa va descurcati la facultate? aveti si momente din astea de demoralizare?
submitted by Ok-Narwhal-896 to UniRO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Antique-Necessary-81 Custom mug

Custom mug I had a friend make me a custom mug per my specs. I am very pleased.
submitted by Antique-Necessary-81 to LV426 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 ForTheWrongSake Kādam sanāca Spider-Man 2 uz steam dabūt?

Sanāca ghost of Tsushima dabūt iepriekš caur cdkeys, bet bail riskēt atkal mēģināt
submitted by ForTheWrongSake to latvia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 nosfeii Does anyone just watch at the ceiling for hours ?

I was wondering if it was normal behavior to be honest. Sometimes, I just do not care about my phone or anything and would rather do nothing and watch at the ceiling. I do this pretty often and I’m not bored of it, I just think a lot and I find it really entertaining. It is the kind of thing we do at night in the dark but I sometimes do it during the day.
submitted by nosfeii to CasualConversation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 trillykins Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector - Launch Trailer

Citizen Sleeper 2: Starward Vector - Launch Trailer submitted by trillykins to imdbvg [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Ccat50991 r/Minecraft post every 2 days:

Minecraft post every 2 days: submitted by Ccat50991 to PhoenixSC [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Quirkie Trump baselessly blames DEI and Democrats for Washington DC plane crash

Trump baselessly blames DEI and Democrats for Washington DC plane crash submitted by Quirkie to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 WishWeWereWeird I’ve given up on this one

I’ve given up on this one I’ve tested and or replaced all of the larger components, and I’m not sure I want to prepare for working on the surface mounted parts or integrated circuits, I’ve just been too busy this year. Does anybody have a recommendation or at this point or am I just out a $100 used pedal? Anyone affordable that can take a look?
submitted by WishWeWereWeird to ElectronicsRepair [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 AltMediaGuy Contrasting reality: Treatment of Israeli and Palestinian prisoners

submitted by AltMediaGuy to AltMedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 hybthry What influences book values in Skyrim?

I’m aware of skill books being 50+ gold value, but what causes some to be 30 or so and some to be 12 or so? I know some give quests, some are just lore, some just reveal a location.
submitted by hybthry to skyrim [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 happyhungryhijabi Crispy thread chicken

Crispy thread chicken submitted by happyhungryhijabi to cookingvideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Heavy_Preparation493 Saguaro Seed Germination

Saguaro Seed Germination One of 10 petri dishes. Testing germination rates from plants within the range. Fun to be a small part of this study.
submitted by Heavy_Preparation493 to cactus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Maleficent-Crow-5 Are these estimated values healthy?

I planned out my TDEE and Daily calories to consume to lose between 500g-1kg a week. I’ve been following it very closely and I am losing weight exactly according to the plan. (It’s scarily accurate)
My concern is that the last few weeks in my plan the daily calorie intake is very low, and I’m scared it’s heading into ED territory. Or is this just normal for weight loss?
Also when I reach my goal weight by week 20, do I then switch to consuming the TDEE amount of calories to maintain my weight?
Is this healthy or am I heading down a dark path here? I never feel hungry at the moment and my plate is always loaded with food (I’m doing the half the plate is veg and salad, 1 quarter is protein and the other quarter is a starch. So I feel full.

2144 780 1364 2120 780 1340 2096 780 1316 2072 780 1292 2048 780 1268 2024 780 1244 2000 780 1220 1976 780 1196 1952 780 1172 1928 780 1148 1904 780 1124 1880 780 1100 1856 780 1076 1832 780 1052 1808 780 1028 1784 780 1004 1760 780 980 1736 780 956 1712 780 932 1688 780 908
submitted by Maleficent-Crow-5 to loseit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Time-Pair3889 San Francisco EA, Autodesk

Salary $102,900-$166,430
submitted by Time-Pair3889 to ExecutiveAssistants [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 MetaKnowing Chinese and Iranian Hackers Are Using U.S. AI Products to Bolster Cyberattacks

submitted by MetaKnowing to ChatGPT [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 joetaxpayer Fidelity Card Annual Summary

If you have the Fidelity Credit Card, 2% cash back, this may be of use -
Top of web page, "Card Management". Under "Services" there is an option to Download Account Summary.
This gives you a single PDF with a nice view of your spending for last year.
Sharing because it's not listed under the statement tab, and members may not be aware of it. I find it very useful and I hope fellow members do as well.
submitted by joetaxpayer to fidelityinvestments [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Steven_G_Rogers Original Movie Zentai Suits?

I'm working on a Kevin Flynn costume from the original movie, but I've hit a snag getting the suits. I can find Tron Legacy suits everywhere, but I can't find original suits to save my life. Has anyone here has luck that could point me in the right direction?
submitted by Steven_G_Rogers to tron [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 19:10 Exciting_Exit6727 Für den Urlaub sparen mit Trade Republic

Hi ich hab mir vor einiger Zeit aus Interesse mal Trade Republic eingerichtet. Ich habe wirklich garkeine Ahnung davon, nunja im Sommer fahre ich in Urlaub und wollte bis dorthin etwas sparen, es geht nur um ein paar 100 Euro, daher dachte ich mir ich könnte ja mal, aus Spaß und Interesse Trade Republic probieren, wo würdet ihr denn das Geld hinlegen ? ETF, Einzelnes Unternehmen.
Es geht wirklich nicht darum Riesen Gewinn zu machen nur ums ausprobieren.
submitted by Exciting_Exit6727 to Finanzen [link] [comments]
