Facebook marketplace GTA edition

1.這次鑽石賭場搶劫的DLC,英文叫做「The DIAMOND CASINO HEIST」,購買街機舖,以街機舖為掩護,進行賭場搶劫,為了報復杜根家族買走賭場(不是為了奪回賭場所有權,而搶到賭場破產、保險費上升) 2.這次賭場搶劫的DLC很有誠意,有許多小細節,像街機舖外面的招牌、街機舖裡面的專屬動畫、霓虹藝術,還有各種 ... 比起过往的gta作品,gta5的任务难度可谓是小了很多,基本不会有难以通过或者需要查阅攻略的情况,所以线下模式的主要方向不是游戏挑战性,而是剧情欣赏。 關於3-1聯絡人的身分,她叫Karen,其實是GTA 4 主角 Niko的第一任女友,在GTA5 “3人成伍”的任務中,正式揭曉她是IAA的探員,在烤問線人,而IAA跟FIB雖然都是政府組織,不過,彼此卻是敵對的,另外她也是第三章搶劫任務的委託人。 『已自行解決,下方有提供解決方法』 有個問題想問大家,安裝啟動器之後,開啟時卡在「正在連接至 Rockstar 遊戲服務」,就沒有反應了,放著不管一天也一樣。(如下圖) 我的平台是 PC 請問有人知道怎麼辦嗎? 解決方法 : 1.解除安裝Rockstar啟動器 (如果已解除安裝請跳過此步驟) - 2.搜尋並刪除跟 ... 由於月初買了Steam Deck,發現直接將壓縮包解壓縮到遊戲目錄下,文字都呈現亂碼,看起來應該是Steam Deck執行遊戲過程並不會自動載入'dinput8.dll',所以在Steam Deck到收藏庫的GTA4頁面,選右邊齒輪,在啟動的地方輸入以下文字,就可以順利載入中文化告別亂碼了。 在小弟在巴哈跟其他論壇不斷爬文後,參考並引用了以下文章: 【心得】(有雷)參考版上的炒股及洗錢精華文,終於達到麥可破億的收入 【心得】暗殺行動任務 的股票賺錢心得 總結一下股市賺錢經驗,通關後理論上最高可以達到人手4E 錢(可能有劇透) 得出了在GTA5中成為巴菲特的賺錢心得 只要 ... 俠盜獵車手 5 《俠盜獵車手 5》PS4版將運用新世代硬體的處理能力,帶來視覺與技術上的大幅強化,呈現更生動逼真的洛聖都(Los Santos)與佈雷恩郡(Blaine County)景觀,提供更遠的繪圖景深與更高的解析度。 侠盗猎车手(gta)5通关后,还能怎么玩,或者说还有哪些有趣的事情可以做? 如题,在猎盗猎车手5全部主线任务完成,绝大部分支线任务完成后,还能怎么玩,有哪些有趣的发现? 1.佩里克島搶劫(簡稱島搶)是4大搶劫中,1個人就能玩,任務數量少而且簡單 2.島搶是CP值最高的賺錢方法,號稱"金毛ATM",現在有冷卻時間,而且大部分主要目標及次要目標價值被砍,現在推雙人島搶拿黃金,輪流開島搶 3.島搶的後遺症,容易膩,沒有變化,認為GTA5 online只有搶劫,最後棄坑 4.個人能力有限,有錯請 ... 【攻略】【GTA V Online】突襲噹噹鐘農場劇情 + 尾關精華版 這次更新總共賺了85萬,任務可以單人也可以多人: 1.非法基金(前置): 很簡單的任務,不用把敵人全部清完,把黃點附近的敵人殺一殺就進去了,總共有A、B兩點。

2025.01.30 18:52 MarketingUsed9411 Facebook marketplace GTA edition

Facebook marketplace GTA edition I have this Rino Tank with a salvaged title $250000?
submitted by MarketingUsed9411 to gtamemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 FabiFem Holis, busco a otro femboy de entre 20 a 22 para cambiar números

Holis, busco a otro femboy de entre 20 a 22 para cambiar números submitted by FabiFem to Femboy_Hispanos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Barch3 Trump gut airline safety 8 days ago. Where’s the rage Democrats?

Trump gut airline safety 8 days ago. Where’s the rage Democrats? submitted by Barch3 to RepublicanValues [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 GiraffeLegitimate630 Selling

Selling HI collectors, I am selling this one if anyone is interested, message me.
submitted by GiraffeLegitimate630 to MightyBeanz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Mobile-Amphibian4288 DOT mandates that funds are prioritized for communities with marriage and higher birth rates

Ummm can we say Handmaid’s Tale?
submitted by Mobile-Amphibian4288 to transit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 blinktactics I Lost a good friend to this addiction. Anyone relate?

I recently brought up the porn addiction topic to a girl "friend" that I could say anything too. She was kind and always helpful to me. I felt safe with her. When I brought up porn addiction, she was actually helpful at first.
The next morning, she freaked out... Said it was inappropriate as fuck. I immediately apologized but she blocked me from everything. Never wants to talk with me again. I'm just sad and I was curious if there are similar stories?
Love you all.
submitted by blinktactics to NoFap [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Piggza Please help

I've been having trouble with Judy. The problem is that answers that should pop up don't and then I can't answer her texts and quests won't start.
submitted by Piggza to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 thedon30 With John Cena set to return to action would you like to see him bring back the Springboard Stunner?

submitted by thedon30 to Wreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 jqb603 New enclosure build

14’x10’ impact screen with 58” deep sides. No technology yet, just what you see. All material from Bullseye golf. Any feedback or suggestions for improvement?
submitted by jqb603 to Golfsimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 lampair Où va la France ? David Guiraud [EN DIRECT]

Où va la France ? David Guiraud [EN DIRECT] submitted by lampair to Thinkerview [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 maxfield034 How To Fix Undying Stuttering, Freezing, Lagging or FPS Drop On PC

How To Fix Undying Stuttering, Freezing, Lagging or FPS Drop On PC submitted by maxfield034 to RecoverAndroidData [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 yeetmysheets [WTS] LT-SPOTR Full Kit*

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/H1KvONc
Howdy prs boys and gals. I’ve got a hell of a cross post for you.
I’ve got a very lightly used Larue SPOTR Full Kit*
*This is Complete MINUS the PEQ-2A QD Mount, I don’t think I have this but if I find it I’ll ship to buyer no charge.
Glass inside is a Leupold Mk4 12-40x60mm Tactical Spotting Scope
Reticle: Inverted H-32
Larue’s Page: https://www.larue.com/products/larue-tactical-spotr-complete-kit/
submitted by yeetmysheets to PrsAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 IN0RM01 IMDB casually dropping casting confirmations?

submitted by IN0RM01 to Invincible_TV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 FrenziedTarnished These new map changes are odd

These new map changes are odd I understand the pillars map getting a new staircase, that was a good upgrade. But why did they feel the need to change schoolhouse or TJOC?
Schoolhouse was one of my favorite (and honestly, one of the best) maps in the game. Which makes it even weirder why blade felt the need to change it. It changed very little except for removing a door, and that changed very little about how the map actually plays.
Also, TJOC didn’t need another rework after the newest one. The only real problem was that it was too dark, which apparently the new reworked version didn’t change at all. It just makes it confusing to navigate with all the similar doorways, and maybe slightly buffed trap killers, like EXE wasn’t already decent on that map anyway.
But really… can someone ask blade what the general point of it was? These maps were already decent, why change them again? Besides pillars ofc.
submitted by FrenziedTarnished to pillarchase2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Minute_Lie_6099 Headed to the store today to purchase a Valentine’s Day gift. Does anyone have a coupon to spare please? Thank you!!

Headed to the store today to purchase a Valentine’s Day gift. Does anyone have a coupon to spare please? Thank you!! submitted by Minute_Lie_6099 to VictoriasSecret [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 ontheroadtoliberty Narcissistic MIL Assaults Me

My soon-to-be mother-in-law is a narcissist. I had my suspicions for a while, but it became clear when she and her family came to our house to formally ask for my hand in marriage. While there, she physically assaulted me in the kitchen when I got up to grab some snacks for the table, making sure her son didn’t see. When I left the kitchen, I told my fiancé what had happened, and of course, he was furious. He confronted her when they got home, yelled at her for days, and after a month, she came running back to him and said she was sorry because he didn't speak to her.
Thankfully, my fiancé is on my side, which is a relief. However, his mother is completely out of control. She has even insulted me multiple times in front of my family, going so far as to publicly ask if I was "used" (if I was a virgin) in front of everyone and why I "chose" her son. After all this, I told my fiancé that I don’t want this vulture in my life at all. She sort of 'apologized' to my parents four months later, but she still hasn’t apologized to me. My fiancé wants me to make an effort with her just so we can all be civil—he’s not asking me to be her friend, just to be "normal" around her. I told him that I’ll wait for an apology before engaging with her and that I will only speak to her if she speaks to me. However, I won’t allow her to know anything personal about me or open up to her in any way. He’s fine with that and has assured me that he is setting boundaries with her and will always be on my side.
She’s toxic, and I tend to go into defense mode when disrespected. If she insults me, my instinct is to retaliate. I know she’s insecure and miserable, and logically, I understand that much of what she says means nothing. But it’s hard not to react. How do I learn to let things be? How do I stop myself from retaliating and giving her the reaction she probably wants?
submitted by ontheroadtoliberty to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 DreamPirates Sai Tamhankar Marathi Actress #SaiTamhankar

submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Far-Mud-4474 ill give mythical fruits to the people that help me with finding the prehistoric island

submitted by Far-Mud-4474 to BloxFruitsTrades [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Orangutan Liz Warren DESPERATELY Defends Big Pharma In RFK Hearings!

Liz Warren DESPERATELY Defends Big Pharma In RFK Hearings! submitted by Orangutan to WayOfTheBern [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 codingafterthirty Strapi Community Call Recap - talked about Strapi SDK, Preview, and building your first plugin.

submitted by codingafterthirty to Strapi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 WendyMoorree Some people have noticed that sperm and Camembert cheese have a similar smell. What do you think could be the reason for this?

submitted by WendyMoorree to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Smalljawshoga [WTS] HOLOSUN 503G, DD Front sight, Midwest T1 mount, YHM BUIS

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/zyIp7bh
Holosun 503g - ACSS reticle - works amazing no rounds on it. Minor salt. Took a black out pen on the logo & tried to remove as much as possible before sale..$160
Midwest MI T1 1/3 mount: Mounted once and removed. $60
DD front sight: basically brand new, mounted and removed. $70
YHM rear sight: little salt but built like a tank. $60
PayPal G&S only please. PM if anything is off
submitted by Smalljawshoga to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Pentup_dreamer Scientists, Docs, + Health gurus- please help! PPIS caused permanent reflux- why?

Hi Everybody,
So I've been sick for about 10 years from lyme disease. I caught it when I was 19 but it went undiagnosed for ten years before doctors decided to treat me with antibiotics. During the process of trying to figure out what was wrong, doctors diagnosed me with acid reflux even though I didn't have any symptoms for it. They decided that silent reflux was causing my fatigue and allergy-like symptoms and put me on daily ppis. When they did not improve my symptoms, they upped the dose, and continued to do so until I was on an insanely high dose every day. I could tell they weren't helping and did not like the side effects they gave (making me extremely hungry all the time, giving me sour stomach, making me feel bloated and uncomfortable) so I stopped taking them. Within three days I experienced my first ever symptoms of acid reflux and was in the most intense pain. After this happened, I continued to have severe reflux that did not respond to anything for two years. I could barely eat and was in constant pain, and it affected my throat so I could not talk properly. After some reasearch I figured out that probiotics and digestive enzymes helped some, but I continue to have acid reflux constantly after ten years later. I lived in europe for a few years and learned that PPIS can cause you to have acid reflux due to rebound acid. But I don't understand why it never improved after I stopped them. What, chemically or biologically, could those drugs have to make me have permanent reflux?
I am not looking for "medical advice", but would like to know if anybody knows anything that could answer this question that could help me figure out a way to reverse it. I'm am working with a doctor and am not going to do anything dumb, but I would like to understand more about the chemical processes of digestion because I don't really understand how ppis work and how the gut biome and probioitics affect things like that. My only clues are that probiotics and digestive enzymes helped. I have tried increasing my acid but that made things worse. I also have figured out that my lyme supplement (which contains the herbs japanese knotweed, sarasparilla, dandellion, andrographis, and cats claw) make my symptoms improve. But I can't stay on it indefinitely. I think there might be a histamine link since sometimes antihistamines have decreased my reflux symptoms...
Any information about the digestive system or how ppis can cause reflux would be helpful!
#science #acidreflux #health #ppis #probiotics #gutbiome #lyme
submitted by Pentup_dreamer to acidreflux [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Loose-Alternative844 It's possible connect a EW 300 DSP with USB C to a PS5 directly?

Or it's not possible?, I'm crazy between EW 300 with DAC or not 😑 or maybe a EM6L... 80€ EW300 vs 90€ EW300 DSP with DAC or 125€ EM6L
submitted by Loose-Alternative844 to inearfidelity [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 18:52 Artur_atomic forza horizon no plyastation

forza horizon no plyastation https://preview.redd.it/dww97c1pg6ge1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd7ab580e4ae895bbafce3776144733d36b1a89d
submitted by Artur_atomic to gamesEcultura [link] [comments]
