schalke galatasaray küfürlü spiker floodu

2025.01.30 21:49 tsliformice schalke galatasaray küfürlü spiker floodu

hemen işte sayın seyirciler maç başladı schalke Galatasaray maçı işte özetleri görüyorsunuz muslera amına koyduğumun evladı muslera jones un ortası muslera yumruk attı gerizekalı neredeyse oradan kafayı vursa neyse ki dany kontrol etti amına soktuğumun oğlu onu benim kardeşim de tutardı her neyse o kim zenci futbolcu sağ kanada verdi sağ kanattan mükemmel bi atak gerçekleştirmeye çalışıyor riera ve muslera gerizekalı amına kodumun malı amına kaydığımın evladı drogba 30 santimlik kobrayı verdi Selçuk orda burak burak hayır Ronaldo at kendini yere burak vurdu gol gol gol gol gol gol gol golvüvivivi burak mükemmel bir gol işte kalite bu kalite çin malı çakma Ronaldo işte bu burak mükemmel bir gol çakma Ronaldo golunü attı farfan fırıldak farfan farfanın ortası musleraaağh yine bi bok yapamadı amına kodumun kalecisi ne boka yarıyosa huntelaar orda görüyorsunuz bomboş muslera yanlış yerde duruyor orda dokunsa adam yarağı yedi amına soktuğumun çocuğu hep yanlış eğğğhh bakıyoruz drogba 30 santimlik kobra baktı defans oyuncusu alamadı ağzına snejder drogba 30 60 eliyle değmeye çalıştı kaleci mükemmel bir müdahale vur hamit amına soktuğum direkten döndü amına koduğumun hamiti amına kanını siktiğimin oğlu onu da atamayacaksan siktir git piç amına koyim senin fatih terim işte imparator senin anayı götünü bacını sikerim dedi işte sağ kanattan yine yükleniyorlar farfana doğru farfan muslera kale bomboş muslera amını kanını sikiyim senin bi kere de tut lan şu topu amına koduğumun çocuğu bak yine bak bak ebesine kaydığımın oğlu siktiğimin oğlu ya riera ordan snejdere snejder karısına selam söylemek istiyor snejder vurdu dışarı gitti snejderin karısı orgazm oldu hamit hamitos drogba 30 santim önünde burak evet burak çakma Ronaldo burak vur amına koyim senin buy amına hasiktir Ronaldo bunu atardı ama çakması atamıyor burak yılmaz burak mükemmel bir mücadele hamit hamit göt göte mücadele var hamit iki zenci oyuncu mallar birbirine girdi napıyor bunlar amını götünü sikiyim sizin işte snejder ebue 30 amına koduğumun melosu piçin çocuğu orada almadı amına koduğumun oğlu gidiyor farfan farfan kale bomboş işte amını siktiğimin muslerası amına koduğumun çocuğu amına kanına kayıyım senin şerefsizin oğlu püh ebeni sikiyim senin görüyosunuz bak bak bak bak orda topu atıyor kaleye bak bak amını siktiğimin oğlu bir de ters köşe atlıyor piç amına sok bir de amına mal ya bu kaleci ebesine kaydığımın oğlu riera ordan amrabat riera sol kanattan mükemmel bi orta gelebilir riera açtı kaleci tam bir orospu çocuğu farfan farfan farfan iki kişiyle birbirine girdi yine sağ kanattan mükemmel bir an önünde dany var 30 santim var olmadı vurdu dışarı hayır kime çarptı dany dany uzaklaştır amını sikiyim işte bakın kaleyi bulsa yine gol olacaktı musleranın tuttuğu kale bomboştur zaten orada müdahale var drogba drogba hadi drogba 60 cm olmadı burak vur hasiktir hasiktir bunu da atamıycaksan siktir git çakma Ronaldo zaten ofsaytmış bi de bu burak yılmazın o kafayı elini hareketini amına koyim yine yaptı hareketini işte mükemmel bir karar sol kanatta melo dokunamadı vurdu dağlara taşlara huntelaar gözü patlamıştı amına koduğumun oğlu hiçbir yeri göremiyor drogba hadi çakma Ronaldo çakma Ronaldovv vaoov vat da fakin hel bradır drogba indirdi burak vurdu Selçuk inan orda otea amını kim o sabri sabri sabri sabri sabri tribünlere vurmak istedi kaleye gitti sabri Sarıoğlu ne yaptın sen ve hakem maçı bitiriyor bir birlik sayın seyirciler Galatasaray için kötü bir sonuç değil çünkü Galatasaray yine kendi evinde oynayacak sonuçta almanyada da o kadar gurbetçi var bu işi bize bırakın galas schalkenin anasını bacısını kanını ebesini yengesini sikeceğiz hadi bay bay.
submitted by tsliformice to kopyamakarna [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 keenerperkins Quitting is hard when your boss is your mentor...

I recently was offered a job. I think I will accept it and leave a company I have been at for over a decade. I almost left 15 months ago for a smiliar job, but stayed when my boss expressed I was intended to take over their role and manage my department. I was hesitant, but talked into staying with a pay bump and the idea that "if I didn't like it, I could take the higher title and leave." My boss still hasn't retired, but is planning to later in the year. I have had the opportunity to perform as a manager and, while the challenge is nice at times, I overall find it unforgiving, stressful, and frustrating. I also do not fully trust my boss's boss and find the idea of working directly beneath them troubling, as I don't think I will recieve decent guidance or support. When a state position came across my e-mail, I applied and was offered the job within two months (albeit, at a lower salary grade...but with better long term benefits and a walkable commute).
Needless to say, I have my reasons for wanting to leave. That said, I really have loved much of my time with the company, it is just the last year where things have appeared to be changing. If I'm being honest, when I stayed the first time...I didn't stay envisioning myself growing old there. I stayed assuming I would take the title and eventually search for new opportunities. All that said, I am finding it really hard to let my boss down and feel like I'm leaving them in a lurch. My boss was aware I had this application out there (as they were asked to verify my employment and kindly did so), so I called them to let them know I had an offer and was considering it and would let them know once a decision is made. It was sad, to say the least.
After ten years, I am sort of scared of change...but regardless of which path I go...change is happening. I think I want to explore new opportunities and that state-level experience can benefit me. Regardless, it will be really hard to break it to my boss if that's the case. Last time I definitely stayed a bit for them and not me...
submitted by keenerperkins to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Fearless_Switch_3925 Who is McNamara and what biotech do they make? Is the biotech human?

submitted by Fearless_Switch_3925 to investingforbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Snynapta_II Georgia X Georgia

submitted by Snynapta_II to GeorgiaOrGeorgia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Legitimate_Bet_1920 Pretty expensive 😮‍💨

Pretty expensive 😮‍💨 submitted by Legitimate_Bet_1920 to SipsTea [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 SpideyARB Can we vote to name the Play-Doh ripoff from the new chapter "Playtime-Doh"

I know that it has a name in the game but my idea is funnier (unless it's called that in game then great minds think alike Mob games)
submitted by SpideyARB to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 scitwisparkle which one yall like more for jota sport? top porsche 693 or bottom cadillac v series r

which one yall like more for jota sport? top porsche 693 or bottom cadillac v series r submitted by scitwisparkle to wec [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Opening_History_1393 Buonasera, qualcuno mi potrebbe consigliare un denudatore, anche lasciando il link nei commenti, non ne riesco a trovare, grazie.................................................................................

submitted by Opening_History_1393 to Italia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 auraskibikdi She proposed me today ❤️

So their was a girl in coching and she was my Best friend ...
Dekh dekh dekh kaise dekh raha hai bkl Bhai koi dost tak nahi hai mera 🤡
submitted by auraskibikdi to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Brain_Err0r Opinions on ursus knife?

Opinions on ursus knife? submitted by Brain_Err0r to ohnePixel [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Stupid_simp_ I just need simple relationship advice

So, this isn't as serious as most others submissions here so I don't expect to many replies. I (18F) is dating a this guy, we'll call him Steve. Steve (20M) used to be my family mechanic, introduced to us by my mom's ex best friend, we'll call GG. When GG introduced Steve to us I was 15, I've known him and been interested in him since then. When I turned 18 we officially got into a relationship. GG didn't like the fact me and Steve started to be friends (mainly bc he knew we liked each other but Steve wouldn't let himself like me romantically till I was 18) GG "rescued" Steve from another state, Steve in that said stave was in a horrible mental and physical condition. (Drugs, alcohol, ect) I understand feeling in dept to GG because of how much he's helped Steve and continued to take care of him(feed him, buy him things he needs occasionally and lest him stay at his house sometimes) well the main thing is, GG still hates our relationship, so far we have kept it a secret from GG because he will cause problems in Steve's life for being with me. What should we do?? Now that's all for the public part of our relationship, the inside stuff is mainly just being asked because I've never had a healthy relationship with a guy that I feel loves me as much as Steve. He's amazing and such a hard worker and I really love him, but I'm terrible in relationships. I want more than anything to keep this relationship as perfect as it is now, but I'm terribly jealous, paranoid, and a huge over thinker. He said how are you at noon instead of the usual "good morning beautiful" (I had slept all day) and I almost had a whole breakdown over it wondering if he had stopped loving me and was going to leave me. Turns out that was the day he started a new job and was busy from the second he got to work till he got on break at noon. He reassured me not to worry perfectly and made sure to check in on me for the rest of the day. So 2nd thing I need advice about is how do I stop feeling like he's constantly cheating or going to stop loving me? Or how do I not be the toxic one? Thanks for reading and please lmk if I just sound crazy...
submitted by Stupid_simp_ to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 huntforcrypto Rekordbox license problem

i got a used ddj-400. the previous owner forgot to which email address he created an account and now it's impossible to unlink license that came with the device. what now - i have device, i have the serial and license number but i can't recover or remove license from unknown accounts and log in with the new email address. is there any recovery procedure in such cases?
Translated with (free version)
submitted by huntforcrypto to Rekordbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 LexisBunger How to waive off Amex Platinum Travel fees

Got in touch with an Amex Executive and they gave me three options - 1) Use 10k points to waive off the full fee. I have close to 60k points right now 2) Pay only half the fees which is around 2.5k 3) Pay the full fees - around 5k and I can get 10k points along with that!
I am thinking of using the 10k points to waive off the fees! What would you guys suggest?
submitted by LexisBunger to CreditCardsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 PlayingCardChannel About ready to give it up, Honestly.

About ready to give it up, Honestly. Gotta admit, I'm about ready to give up. If anyone has any feedback about what I could be doing wrong or how to improve my channel, I'm all ears!
submitted by PlayingCardChannel to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 0xpolygonlabs PSA- The @0xPolygonEco account has been compromised

PSA- The @0xPolygonEco account has been compromised submitted by 0xpolygonlabs to 0xPolygon [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Low_Confusion_9198 Staging

I’ve only ever picked does anyone know if the team lead can also see dispensing history like they can see pick walk history? I’m just curious if it’s the same.
submitted by Low_Confusion_9198 to walmart [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 magicFinger96 Propriétaire bailleur et pris au cou

Bonjour, j ai 28 ans, je suis seul, sans enfant a charge. J ai acheté il y a 3 ans ma RP en campagne (77). Prêt sur 25 ans.
Etant au chomage, je suis reparti vivre chez mes parents pour louer ma maison en nue bail 3 ans. Le temps de trouver un travail. Je passe par une agence, un locataire arrive la semaine prochaine.
Mais je ne trouve pas de travail depuis des mois. J ai enfin une opportunité à 9h de chez moi. Je dois changer de région. Je souhaite vraiment continuer de travailler dans ma branche.
Sauf qu en faisant les comptes, j ai l impression d'être très serré financièrement si je deviens locataire en plus d être bailleur.
J aurais aimé votre avis sur ma situation. Si je n ai pas à m inquiéter, ou quoi faire de mieux.
Alors mon salaire serait de 36 000e brut annuel. Avec le prelevement a la source, ça me fait environ 2000e net par mois.
Pret immobilier: 896e par mois Assurance PNO: 24e par mois Taxe foncière: 95e Autre: forfait mobile, assurance auto, carte bleu.
Dans un mois ou je ne trouverais pas de locataire: Il me reste donc environ 940e.
Je peux avoir un logement elec/eau/fibre à 450e par mois en colocation. Ca me laisse 490e pour manger, abonnement de train (je n'utiliserais pas la voiture pour l instant). Soit quasi impossible d épargner.
Dans le meilleur des cas où j ai un locataire: Le loyer perçu: 767e (frais de gestion + GLI deduit)
Je retire 200e de réparation par précaution (un wc a réparer ou autre)
Ca me laisserait dans ce cas: 1507e pour vivre.
La maison est ancienne mais bien entretenue. Je ne suis pas à l abris d'un ballon d eau chaude à remplacer ou autre.
Je compte évidemment vivre comme si je n'avais pas de locataire (coloc a 450e).
Mais même en vivant de cette manière précautionneuse, j ai l impression que je n arriverais pas à épargner assez pour payer des potentiels grosses factures inattendues.
De plus, j ai omis les impôts sur ce loyer. Je serais en micro foncier. (J ai tenté le meublé, ca ne se loue pas dans le secteur) Et d après chat gpt, j ai environ 2180e net annuel à donner.
Je ne suis pas en zone tendue, a chaque nouveau locataire entrant, le 1er mois sera un deficit de 526e (ecriture du bail etc)
Enfin voila, je trouve qu'il y a beaucoup de risques de devoir payer inopinément. Cette situation m opresse beaucoup et je demande votre avis pour savoir si je n'ai pas de raison de m inquiéter ou bien si, je me suis mis dans le petrin.
Ca m ennuie beaucoup de vendre car j ai eu la maison a un tres bon taux (1.65 je pense) et j ai investi beaucoup (40 000e de travaux).
Merci beaucoup.
submitted by magicFinger96 to VosSous [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 BigusBigolius Loja para manutenção em bicicletas

Alguém sabe alguma loja boa que dê manutenção em bicicletas? De preferência próxima da região do Taquaral
submitted by BigusBigolius to campinas [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 SufficientBluebird54 love yourself when no one else will!

In the quiet moments, where your heart lays bare, Reflect on the love you’ve given with care. To friends, to family, to strangers in need, You poured out your heart, a noble creed.
Yet in the giving, you’ve forgotten one, The soul inside, where all love has begun. A mirror reflects a gentle face, A story of strength, in every trace.
O heart so kind, now hear this plea, For in your depths, lies a vast sea. Of dreams, of hopes, of unspoken fears, A well of love, that conquers years.
Rise, oh spirit, embrace your glow, For within you, stars still grow. Though tired, though weary, your light persists, In self-love’s embrace, true happiness exists.
Let every scar, every tear you've shed, Be honored, for they’ve shown the path you’ve tread. With gentle hands, caress your soul, In loving yourself, you become whole.
So stand tall, with a heart renewed, In your own love, find fortitude. For giving to others is a gift indeed, But loving yourself is where you succeed.
With every sunrise, let self-love bloom, A garden of joy, dispelling the gloom. For you are worthy, of love’s sweet grace, In your own heart, find your sacred place.
submitted by SufficientBluebird54 to Poems [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 LowAny9949 catawho-la?

catawho-la? hey guys! i recently found this sub and have been reading a lot because we think our boy, pinto bean, might have some houla in him? we really have no idea what he is, but that’s okay! still, i’d love to hear your thoughts!!!
he’s around 8/10 weeks?, very energetic, loves food, and is super into biting (probs because of teething).
last pic is a 0.5x—i love those, i think they look hilarious lol!
submitted by LowAny9949 to Catahoula [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Present_Breakfast814 Do you guys get along with type 7 ?

Hi! I, a 5w4, have been around a Type 7 person (7w4 as they claim) for a while now, and I can't help but feel total frustration with them. Before I start, I want to note that I know not every 7 is like this, and the person mentioned is probably in the unhealthy spectrum of 7s... but since I don't know any other 7s, I will need your help with this one, especially if you had experience with 7s before.
The person in question is completely scattered and chaotic with their energy. They claim to not be able to concentrate for even a minute, and it shows. For example, while they watch a movie, they will constantly text someone, and they canot focus on activity for more than 5 minutes... They have ever-changing needs and emotions that they can't understand and end up fulfilling or resolving none of them. In a week, I've been listening to this person ranting about how they want to go on a backpacking trip to Asia, that they need to move out of their place, that they have to emigrate, that they need to go to Italy... and they end up doing nothing, besides talking about it as if it will happen tomorrow and everything is already set and done.
I've even been invited to a New York trip this summer, and their plan is to have a big road trip, date in NYC, get a tattoo, discover the whole city, and 500 more things in only 5 days... Is it normal for these people to act and think like this? To me they comes off as infantile, surface-level, and, I'm sorry to say it, but incompetent and naive even. I get terribly overwhelmed, exhausted, and triggered just listening to them
Is the problem in me being too much of a 5, or is this person totally chaotic? I am really trying to decipher if I am resisting my spontaneity and going with the flow and that's why I can't be around them for longer periods of time. Or are we just totally incompatable with most 7s ?
submitted by Present_Breakfast814 to Enneagram5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Crazy-Rock182 Hey Everyone!

submitted by Crazy-Rock182 to herpes_dating [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 me-likey-rough Bro the students finna get shot 😂

Bro the students finna get shot 😂 submitted by me-likey-rough to ucla [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 VelvetBoneyard My V

My V Based off of a really old oc of mine, a mechanic named Mina. She's practical and nice to a fault. She started out with short hair but I ended up giving her longer hair.
submitted by VelvetBoneyard to cyberpunkcharacters [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 jerrykchang Samsung 980 pro heat sink opened and crashed, am I screwed?

So I got a used pc and the original owner said they owned for one year and everything is under original warranty with s/n. Yesterday the SSD crashed and is not detected in system. But when I take out the SSD I found out that it was a heat sink version and the heat sink was opened. Not sure why they did it but it seems like the warranty is going to be voided?
submitted by jerrykchang to buildapc [link] [comments]