终于找到有关auCdl产生网表的详细帮助了, 以下是在"Virtuoso Analog Design Environment User Guide"的Appdix C中的内容目录auCdl Netlisting This appendix describes t ... auCdl Netlisting CDL 网表 详细帮助文档 ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) cdl通常是厂家提供的,用来做LVS的。通过子电路的形式来写的,即使是顶层单元,也要用子电路形式。 spice则略有不同,顶层模块没有子电路的外框。也可以用来做LVS,需要手动提取。直接提取的为cdl形式的。spice还可以用来仿真。 4.在top.cdl网表的最底部把数字对应的外接模拟的线名和数字网标里面的pin顺序一样;因为软件认cdl网表很傻,它按照你定义模块时候的pin名的顺序来认识的,所以顺序必须一致;(这个方法有缺陷,比如说数字网表有10000个pin这个方法人工修改网表就基本不能实现,这个方法只适用于数字pin不太多的 ... cdl语法,需要的拿 cdl.pdf 423.64 KB, 下载次数: 0 , 下载积分: 资产 -2 信元, 下载支出 2 信元 cdl 详细语法 #在这里快速回复# post_newreply 收藏收藏 分享分享 支持支持 反对反对 好好上班 回复举报 1、电路没有check导致cdl导出失败; 2、电路里的某个管子没有正常显示,(前提是你的schematic是通过链接的); 3、选中管子,按e,看下拉菜单中是否有aucdl,如果没有的话,在提cdl时要把默认的analog改成digital。 个人遇到导cdl时出现的情况,希望对你有帮助。 网表文件,sp文件,cdl文件该如何使用,include file里面应该放什么文件,有时候还需要把include file里面的文件更换,不知道为什么。 Export from schematic viewer有时 ... net、sp、cdl文件具体是代表什么 ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) 采用 simulator lang=spice .inlcude "" simulator lang=spectre 以上方法是可以仿真LPE抽取出来的spice网表的,但却无法仿真CDL Out出来的CDL文件,如何修改 ... 如何用spectre 仿真CDL网表? ,EETOP 创芯网论坛 (原名:电子顶级开发网) 最好直接从encounter到处cdl.或则你可以拿到与encounter一样的物理单元库,利用工具在.v和cdl之间转换一下(你可以自己编个工具,另一种方法把.v导入virtoso后再导出cdl,看你用的工具了) 在cdl验证过程中$后面的内容还是可以识别的。 12.如果lvs需要检查电阻的with和length,则在cdl导出时选择check resistor size. 13.一定要注意cdl导出使的resistor threshold value,默认值是2000,如果有小于该阻值,则lvs根本就不会认识schematic中的电阻。 看了网上很多帖子CDL转schematic,自己操作有各种问题,然后自己根据自己情况总结了一个文档,终于成功了,提出后用转换出的schematic跑LVS也能通过,现分享给大家!本人使用的工艺是smic8ee,BiCMOS工艺。
2025.01.30 23:20 Jamerxgamer CDL Madrid Meet Up
What bars/clubs are people going to after the games in Madrid, we're looking at going out after the matches and would love some recommendations :)
submitted by Jamerxgamer to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 ahawk99 Can someone please clean up and sharpen this photo?
Can Venmo tea money submitted by ahawk99 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:20 lss_web_1444 Link post title 918
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:20 jdjfkfkdk Xbox X vs Xbox series S please help
I’ve always had PlayStation. I’m now making the switch because I want to play Forza. I’m trying to decide between Xbox X and S. For the past few years I’ve just been downloading games on my PS4, but still like the thought of having a disc drive. Is there any reason necessary for me to pay for for the X? Or should I just cheap out and get the S
submitted by jdjfkfkdk to xbox [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 Plane_Potential393 Virtual learning etc.
I’m curious is anyone here has had to do virtual training as well as virtual overlap sessions.. Is that normal in this field? I start my first overlap sessions tomorrow and I will have two more after and then I will have my competency assessment… I just got an email from my RBT mentor telling me to come to the session at the clinic with a charged phone and a charger and that she will be joining me virtually, via teams tomorrow. Everything has been virtual. The onboarding, the 40hour course is different so I know that one doesn’t really count…
Obviously I want to do well and just don’t really see how virtual is suitable for everyone. I am a hands on and visual learner. I like to see how others do things that way I can get a grasp on certain concepts and such. I sent an email asking if it was necessary for her to attend virtually as I really want to make sure I’m being MENTORED and trained properly because gaining my certification and everything is very important to me.
I hope I’m not seen as being overdramatic or anything. I’m just kind of stressed and just want to do well.
submitted by Plane_Potential393 to RBT [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 Itchy_Bug1671 Auto heal cobblemon
I have a singleplayer cobblemon world
When I defeat a Pokemon etc. My Pokemon gets auto-healed within a certain amount of time
Does anyone knows how to change this?
submitted by Itchy_Bug1671 to cobblemon [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 Upset-Quit-4964 Free Starlink month
Here's one free month of Starlink service! Starlink high-speed internet is great for streaming, video calls, and gaming in even the most remote locations on Earth.
submitted by Upset-Quit-4964 to Starlink [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 maiarauchoa Márcia, tuas plantas vivem desmaiando. Da um sachê pra ver se elas ficam mais fortes.
🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 submitted by maiarauchoa to AmizadeVirtual [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:20 ItchyCareer2266 “Sexual orientation change efforts”-representatives anyone?
Hi, there! So I'm not particularly religious, but this subreddit feels like one of the very few places where I don't stand out as an outlier or get told that I need therapy simply for wanting to change my homosexual orientation. So I thought I should post this here.
I've come to realize that sexual orientation isn't as fixed as many say. It CAN be changed. I've personally seen it happening among homosexual trans-identified males after about their first year on estrogen. It’s strange witnessing this happen to other homosexuals who didn’t even wish for it, while I'm constantly being told that it's impossible when it comes to me and that I should just accept it. It really gets on my nerves.
I've proposed the idea of experimenting with hormone manipulation, both same-sex and cross-sex hormones (combined with plasticity-enhancing agents like ketamine psilocybin) on gay male rodents to HUNDREDS of researchers. My theory is that homosexuals have an inverted receptor structure in our brains and that cross sex hormones can help regulate this inversion, potentially shifting sexual orientation. However, I've been repeatedly dismissed. These mainstream researchers are unwilling to engage with the topic due to fears of backlash from gay activists, as previous researchers have faced significant criticism for suggesting the possibility of altering sexual orientation, making others hesitant to even approach the subject. One example is that one professor Tim Farage who lost his job a few years ago over this.
The only knowledgeable "experts" that want to discuss my vision are underground biohackers, who are full of ideas but seem more focused on selling products than conducting actual experiments. As a result, I'm stuck in a difficult position, unsure of how to find someone willing to take on my vision for a research project. Everyone seems to have their own interests in mind when it comes to this.
It got me thinking whether any of those so-called "sexual orientation change efforts"-representatives would be open to funding a project like this for a private researcher. Does anyone here know of any?
submitted by ItchyCareer2266 to SSAChristian [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 vfangs99 Fipecafi X Trevisan
Fipecafi (no meu caso)
2025.01.30 23:20 overheadSPIDERS Just got email to sign up for time slot for remote exam
Received email around 5 minutes ago, immediately went and registered so I could get a time that worked well for me. Hope everyone else (both remote and in-person) got the email or gets it soon!
submitted by overheadSPIDERS to CABarExam [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 ZionistAsh ...بخصوص الكلام الي بيتقال
للي ميعرفش من الاخر كده ترامب بيقول ان مصر هتاخد الغزاوية submitted by ZionistAsh to Egypt [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:20 thomazleventhal vocês tem ideias de passatempos para a escola que não sejam eletrônicos?
com a proibição de celulares (e qualquer objeto eletrônico pessoal) nas escolas, preciso de algum passatempo que seja um pouco discreto e fácil de ser praticar na escola, vocês tem alguma ideia?
pensei em cartas (escola implica com baralho, então pensei em pokemon tcg. talvez inventar um modo singleplayer do jogo ou jogar com minha namorada) e também pensei em leitura (o que acho q é a primeira coisa que vem na cabeça de qualquer um)
submitted by thomazleventhal to conversas [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 Ecstatic-Tart-3593 Play of the Day!
Lebron James over 27.5 points. Game starts in 40 minutes so get it in quick. We got another free pick on my and 15+ in the premium. We hit 15/17 in the premium yesterday so join up and lets eat!! https://whop.com/bluffpicks/
submitted by Ecstatic-Tart-3593 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 Hopeful_Broccoli_168 Can anyone help me build a team?
I've never made a proper team and was wondering who would be good picks here(also I have 4 red stones and idk who to pick, if it helps making a good team I'd like recommendations!) submitted by Hopeful_Broccoli_168 to DokkanBattleCommunity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:20 jihbb88 When Should I follow Up ?
I had three interviews with a fairly small company (would consider a startup). The Hiring Manager reached out with a phone interview first, and was going to do a zoom interview but expedited it to a in person interview, and then a zoom interview with their CEO overseas. All interviews went really well.
2025.01.30 23:20 gregs0101 Al inicio de este torneo en la Liga MX Femenil se contabiliza con un total de 34 hombres como parte de los cuerpos técnicos por 6 mujeres, esto representa una ligera disminución de 2 hombres menos y 1 mujer menos que el torneo anterior.
submitted by gregs0101 to FutbolFemenilMexico [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:20 HoLeeFaak [Chapter 1138 Spoiler] Possible text interpretation
Following the three pages from the Harley texts, I wanted to offer some theories on the meaning behind the texts:
First World
The earth burned in endless flame, and in the hearts of men burned with desire.I think it's safe to assume that these desires are the devil fruits - as vegapunk said they represent men desires.
From whispered prayers, the sun god rose, beckoned by the enslaved who reached for the forbidden star.We know technology in the past was very advanced. What if people in the past reached the moon, found there something, and it was the source for the devil fruits? Some tool for the slaves to fight the rulers?
The god of the land was enraged. With a serpent of fire, they cast the world into ruin....I didn't get this part. Based on the drawings, the serpent is a mechanical battle ship - maybe it's Neptun? And was it used to fuel Uranus? Hard to tell which side is which. We can also spot Zuneshea and Noah, and notice the Xs on the serpent - similar to the strawhat's Xs Robin noticed.
...A god of the forest wove their magic, nurturing its devils, while the sun lit the embers of war.Again, could the devils be devil fruits?
Those of the half-cresent and full moons dreamed. Yet the ones who slew the sun deified themselves, evoking the wrath of the sea god.I guess the winners of the last war abused their power, somehow it made devil fruit users unable to swim.
Surley, this time, they will meet.This line obviously talking about Laboon and Brook.
2025.01.30 23:20 Strong-Dimension-188 War in severance
Ok this theory is a bit out there and all the evidence is literally off the top of my head as I’m writing this so please bear that in mind if there’s any mistakes. My personal theory is lumen got involved in WWII and that’s why we see references to war in both Irving’s character (father was in the navy, pretty sure Irving was too, radar) and also marks job as a history teacher.
That whole conversation about the Great War was really odd. I think there was more to it than just the awkwardness of Mark pointing out the obviousness of that guys fun fact. People seemed fine with talking about WW1 but as soon as Mark mentioned WWII you could feel them getting tense. Perhaps if the US was more directly involved in the war, or if it was seen as a more politically charged topic than it would be in our world, that might explain some of the tension. Maybe the war went on longer, divided the country or lumen was on the wrong side. The geographical differences would make sense, and the tech differences could also be an effect of this world “lagging behind” a bit due to war. Maybe the food not being mentioned outside lumen and simple mostly healthy snacks being used as a reward inside points to scarcity or rationing? The break room statement has always struck me as significant in some way. “I am sorry for the harm I have caused the world” really odd wording but perhaps it’s not punishment but part of them embodying lumen/the eagans. Lumen has every reason to want WW2 to continue as a company that specialises in medical supplies Lumen is everywhere, this could be how they gained political power. Severance itself could be a response to war- people who wish to forget the battlefield after they come home and the obvious power of having severed spies. Anyway I’m not sure I 100% believe this theory but I thought it was worth putting out there in case anyone has thoughts.
submitted by Strong-Dimension-188 to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 acelexmafia I've finally made my Vegeta Clan/Future team viable😅
I have Grn Vegito but I've been trying to use Grn Trunks since release and he's actually able to do stuff now
submitted by acelexmafia to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 SummerWestern3633 I am going to join PWC India in HYD. How is the advisory line?? How is the work culture, overall what to expect?
How is the work culture, pay and bonus??
submitted by SummerWestern3633 to PwC [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 PatsFreak101 Transmission Fluid change
Just looking for anyone else’s experience with changing the trans fluid on Liberty’s namely ones you don’t know if it’s been done before. She only a hair over 120k but it’s an ‘08. I’ve seen the old tale about folks bricking their transmissions by changing the fluid and I’m seeing if there’s any validity to that tale with my car model specifically.
submitted by PatsFreak101 to JeepLiberty [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 JuniorAd4269 Shadow ban in Duolingo
Hi, Since some days, my Friends disappeared, i cannot add them anymore. I also don't have any championships anymore. It seems that I got shadow ban (?) for some reason. Does anyone have that also ? Do you know how to fix it? submitted by JuniorAd4269 to duolingo [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 23:20 0riental0ctopus DDM4 PDW 300 - Cans for least amount of gas?
Looking for a 6-8' can that is the quietest with the lease amount of gas. The DDM4 PDW doesn't have an agb, so hopefully looking for a plug-and-play option to run subs with.
I've heard the flow through suppressors don't cycle well on the PDW platforms, so not sure if that's an option. No budget, just want clean and quiet!
submitted by 0riental0ctopus to 300BLK [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 23:20 ResilientPNT InsideGNSS: ION 2024 Annual Awards Announced at ITM/PTTI 2025
submitted by ResilientPNT to ResilientPNT [link] [comments]