FCSB - Manchester United: reacțiile starurilor Diogo Dalot și Ruben Amorim

2025.01.31 01:00 linet_addicted FCSB - Manchester United: reacțiile starurilor Diogo Dalot și Ruben Amorim

Fotbalistul echipei Manchester United, Diogo Dalot, a declarat, joi seară, după meciul cu FCSB, câştigat cu scorul de 2-0, că formaţia sa a controlat tot jocul, astfel că a meritat să se impună, scrie news.ro.“Am meritat victoria. Practic am...
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submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 charthye no delivery options for UK?

no delivery options for UK? Hi, for some reasons I need to use my old iPhone 8 for the next couple of months. I got a full set of M mount lens so I wanna get a case for it, may i know if there any reason that it can’t be shipped to the UK? Many thanks
submitted by charthye to MOMENT [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 Tee-Mon Multiple Classes on Player

Is it possible to out a palyer in 2 classes? Or does anyone know a workaround?
submitted by Tee-Mon to FortniteCreative [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 owmeeleg Error !?

Error !? Is this Error happening for anyone else ?
submitted by owmeeleg to FAFSA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 w33b1t LUMIX DMC LX7 error

LUMIX DMC LX7 error The zoom doesn’t seem to work and this error appears. Is this an easy fix?
submitted by w33b1t to Lumix [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 thisisnotarehairsal It was difficult to look at this saleswoman today with her giant name tag…

submitted by thisisnotarehairsal to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 Vast-Wafer-2956 How sexy /10

How sexy /10 submitted by Vast-Wafer-2956 to perfectlookinggirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 cactivation88 M4 screen pwm

I got the iPad recently and whatever tf is wrong with this screen, the flicker thing, it gave me a headache that has lasted days from a multi hour session using logic control and logic. This has never happened to me to this level. The pain goes all the way into my cranial sacral nerves; this level of neglect from a company is repugnant. I’ve seen multiple other post about this as well. I am returning it and replacing the iPad with a synth of some kind, the advancements in tech just for a nice looking screen at the cost of our actual nervous systems is ridiculous. My m1 iPad never did this to me, these oled screens are gonna mess us up beyond repair and in twenty years it’ll be like how people acted like smoking wasn’t gonna kill us in the 40s. Dont buy the new iPad if you care about your nervous system. Even if you don’t feel it, this flicker thing just to save power and optimize the battery life has to have negative effects on the eyes, it’s a massive high powered light source already packed with blue light proven to damage the eyes and cause headaches already, flickering at a rate that you can’t visibly detect on a conscious level but is absolutely being picked up by your nervous system and that can’t be good for you. If you need one of these, get the m1 or m2 with the other type of display (lcd?) because this isn’t worth the risk. I am autistic and am terrified of returning things and just usually won’t do it on principle and fear they will rip me off, but I’d rather take a bs restocking fee from b and h (fingers crossed and send good vibes) then let Apple have my money when there are people all over the internet expressing serious concern and having incredibly adverse effects including headaches, nausea, and vomiting some even having to go to doctors or er visits from days long headaches. I say we take this seriously.
submitted by cactivation88 to iPadPro [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 TheFedoraChronicles “WWII, a secret spy base, and how RI nearly became the 'capital of the world'.”

Poorly written article, but the picture and the title grabbed my attention!
“WWII, a secret spy base, and how RI nearly became the 'capital of the world'.”
submitted by TheFedoraChronicles to 1940s [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 Ketchumall79 Not a bad start

Not a bad start submitted by Ketchumall79 to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 jcent2 Company cocktail hour

I’ve gone thru DJ with little temptation since I’ve been avoiding bars/clubs/etc.
Went out with a group of colleagues today to a bar and had myself 2 NA IPA beers (first time trying them, not so bad!)
What I learned: I actually enjoyed staying sober at the function because now I remember all the names of people I met, the “tea” I was told, and I didn’t have to worry about myself over sharing.
Sure drinking can be beneficial to loosen up, but it’s important to build those sober social skills. I wouldn’t have even considered coming to a company event a month ago, let alone without a drink!
submitted by jcent2 to DryJanuary [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 Blurbybluebee Anyone made a Solas vid for this song?

Listening to this song? I feel it is so perfect for Solas and Lavellan.
submitted by Blurbybluebee to Solasmancers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 way_way06 Live with Horizon Zero Dawn!

https://www.twitch.tv/wayway06 Continuing through the frozen wilds before heading back and finishign the main story. Stop in, say hi, and enjoy your time in the little community!
submitted by way_way06 to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 feross MIDI file – Super Mario World 2 Yoshis Island - Bonus Game.mid

submitted by feross to BitMidi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 ncaaw_GameThreads [Game Thread] Iowa State at #12 Kansas State (8:30 PM ET on ESPN/ESPN+)

NCAA Women's Basketball
Thanks for watching along with NCAAW!
#12 Kansas State Wildcats vs. Iowa State Cyclones
Tip-Off: 8:30 PM ET - Thursday, January 30, 2025
Venue: Bramlage Coliseum, Manhattan, KS

Team Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Iowa State (15-7, 6-3)
#12 Kansas State (19-2, 7-1)
Thread Notes:
submitted by ncaaw_GameThreads to NCAAW [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 According_Ad1831 Would a return of human perspective of titan shots feel right after gvk & gxk? scenes showing the titans as slow giant creatures

Would a return of human perspective of titan shots feel right after gvk & gxk? scenes showing the titans as slow giant creatures submitted by According_Ad1831 to Monsterverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 Amser_ Buying Motorcycle from private seller. Am i able to ride the bike home with just the Title, bill of sale, and insurance.

Hi as the title says, im buying a motorcycle soon from a private seller and have been seeing some conflicting info online about If I can legally ride a motorcycle home from a private sale with the documents listed in the title. If anyone has any experience with this I would greatly appreciate it.
submitted by Amser_ to florida [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 erer1243 Currently, it's January 30, 2025 at 08:00PM

Currently, it's January 30, 2025 at 08:00PM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 mostlikelytogotohell Mobile Game Devs, if you are making something in landscape please agree on which side of the phone it goes on.

I absolutely hate the fact that there's still no standard of which side of the phone it should be on. I understand that this can easily be resolved by either turning the device the other way or turning auto rotate on. So either set a standard of which side it goes or implement a built-in screen rotation feature (I have played games that have that feature). I would rather having that auto rotate feature on all games but I'm not aware how much work that takes so just decide whether it's on the right or left side of the phone.
submitted by mostlikelytogotohell to gamedev [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:00 NBA_MOD GAME THREAD: Minnesota Timberwolves (26-21) @ Utah Jazz (10-35) - (January 31, 2025)

General Information

TIME MEDIA Team Subreddits
09:00 PM Eastern Game Preview: NBA.com /timberwolves
08:00 PM Central Game Charts: NBA.com /utahjazz
07:00 PM Mountain Play By Play: NBA.com
06:00 PM Pacific Box Score: NBA.com
Reddit Stream (You must click this link from the comment page.)
submitted by NBA_MOD to nba [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:59 Notcentopinion Que pasaría si los antimotines utilizaran el equipamiento y técnicas que aplican en Sudamérica frente a disturbios?

Que pasaría si los antimotines utilizaran el equipamiento y técnicas que aplican en Sudamérica frente a disturbios? Sabemos que muchas veces los antimotines actúan como un brazo represor del estado, como en el caso de Venezuela que es el ejemplo de este video. Sin embargo hay situaciones donde su intervención es necesaria para restaurar el orden.
En el caso de México, y de la Ciudad de México en particular, he visto en los noticieros y diferentes videos que muchas veces estos no parecen responder de manera proporcional ante la reacción violenta de las turbas. Parece que están más para recibir piedras y cócteles.
Entonces ¿Que pasaría si en partidos de fútbol, operativos, y contención de manifestaciones violentas y actos vandálicos utilizaran las técnicas y equipamiento como el del vídeo?
submitted by Notcentopinion to CDMX [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:59 HODLFOLKS Is this group alive?

Can any mods get behind this page and share some news or any relevant information regarding basilisk BSX?
Can’t seem to find any recent information via YouTube and it would be greatly beneficial to all I’m sure.
Thanks in advance
submitted by HODLFOLKS to bsx_fi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:59 Sonofmuntinglover Based or cringe???

Based or cringe??? submitted by Sonofmuntinglover to BlackMetalCringe [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:59 bassistheplace246 me_irl

me_irl submitted by bassistheplace246 to me_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:59 Quiet_Commercial_450 Carmax employee with a question for other employees

I found a new job (thank the heavens) but will not be starting for a couple of weeks, from what I’m told if I put in a notice, they will just tell me to head out. My biggest concern is my accrued PTO. Do they pay this out when one leaves the company?
submitted by Quiet_Commercial_450 to carmax [link] [comments]
