Project Ideas

2025.01.31 00:50 Calm-Mix-4252 Project Ideas

I have been in game development for a little while now and in the Undertale fanbase since the game released (even though this is my first post to reddit lol). I've always been inspired by what Undertale can continue to bring and have been heavy inspired for years to want to make a fan game/project but it was always hard to think of what AU/Character would be good for a fan game. SO my question is are there any AU's or Characters that people would appreciate to see have their own project that isn't being worked on currently?
submitted by Calm-Mix-4252 to Undertale [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Good_Bee_8816 Give me some Headphones recommendations around Rs~1000 to 1500~ for gaming and music

I am planning to buy some headphones as my boAt 550 Rockerz broke down. My budget is around 1000 to 1500, I mainly use headphones for gaming and music as well as some online classes. my current choices are Zebronics Duke (around 1200) and thunder max.
so please give me your recommendations.
submitted by Good_Bee_8816 to IndianGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 DiehardFalloutFan My best run of luck ever

Today, My friend needed bone scraps, no problem. The thing is, he gave me 36k for them. For reference, I’ve never even seen 15k 😂. I solo-ed my first daily ops, and got elder. I got a perfectly preserved pie out of a Port-a-diner too. I got a mod I needed for Soloing raids. I ran into a vendor near wayward. This guy was selling motorized butter turners. Yes, motorized butter turners for 500 caps a piece. I bought 8 of these, and he/she was also selling other rare plans for really cheap. Plans like electric chair, circus wagon, beeswax candle, unstoppables posters, and plastic fruit bowl. My doggo gifted me 2 different legendary items, which I didn’t even know was a feature. And here I am, all ready to finally solo my first EN06. 🥲 Truly a good session for me. All this happened in 4 hours. What’s your luckiest moment? Comment it below!
submitted by DiehardFalloutFan to fo76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 the_free_kill Which one would you want to kill

View Poll
submitted by the_free_kill to PressureRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Appropriate_Ratio835 Myschka the Queen of Floofs

Myschka the Queen of Floofs submitted by Appropriate_Ratio835 to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Icy-Junket-5024 I’m thinking about adding a Monte Carlo carpet but have no experience in carpeting is there anything I should know?

I’m thinking about adding a Monte Carlo carpet but have no experience in carpeting is there anything I should know? I don’t want to carpet the whole aquarium just the bare spot in the corner and maybe remove the rocks and add some there too.
submitted by Icy-Junket-5024 to PlantedTank [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 iamheretoasksomethin Do i move or do i stay?

I’ve posted this in the other TCK subreddit so i’m not sure if posting the same thing here is allowed too.
But anyways
I grew up in three countries, and I’m currently in university in Country C, where i’ve been since my teens. I’m sorry for not being specific with the ages and countries due to privacy reasons.
I am at crossroads now. I am in my early 20s and a part of my wants to belong to one place (which I don’t feel like I truly belong to any), build community and have stability.
And another part of wants to explore living in other countries, because I am scared I’ll be stuck in one place for the rest of my life.
This haunts me honestly, but also I think it would have been nice to have the first option? I don’t know if I am making sense.
The reason I’m at crossroads is because I feel that there is so much to explore and so much world to see and live in, but I also want to feel like I roots in one place. You only live once and I don’t want to feel like I’m making a mistake by choosing an option and regretting not choosing the other one.
Sometimes I wish we never ever moved honestly lol. So even if I travelled and explored, I’ll have a place to come back to.
If anyone had to make similar decisions in their early 20s after university/college or anytime else, what did you choose and how happy are you with your decision?
submitted by iamheretoasksomethin to TCK [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 ZaxZumu The Gentlemen (Movie)

The Gentlemen (Movie) Great movie about an American born kingpin in Britain.
submitted by ZaxZumu to SortaStupid [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Wapiti406 Pre-rusted Dutch ovens at Wal-Mart

Pre-rusted Dutch ovens at Wal-Mart I know it's sh**ty iron, anyway. But damn.
submitted by Wapiti406 to castiron [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 KrautVan So, what shall it be? Do you join the Unity or do you die here? [My Artwork]

So, what shall it be? Do you join the Unity or do you die here? [My Artwork] submitted by KrautVan to classicfallout [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 mmcrayons Any recommendations for visual enhancement mods?

Preferably ones that dont use a ton of power since i have quite the dinosaur of a laptop im playing on. Maybe some texture/lighting improvements
I already scrolled through nexus mods and couldn't find anything i was looking for
submitted by mmcrayons to falloutnewvegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 heathers1 This is the most GenX podcast ever

This is the most GenX podcast ever submitted by heathers1 to GenX [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Noledgebase Experto en Análisis y Visualización de Datos ($69.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 -Squidster- Hobbyshop812 S4 case break stream LIVE now

submitted by -Squidster- to Currencytradingcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Psychological-Exit97 Door light replacement

Hey I'm just wondering if the 7th gen accord door lights are compatible with the gen 6 accord? Like for replacing.
submitted by Psychological-Exit97 to 6thGenAccord [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 CTV-OFFICIAL The russian/caucasian volunteers

I bought recently By blood Alone and the latest dlc, i watched some gameplay from some youtubers and i see all of them get either a georgian general and some volunteers or some russians volunteers early on in the game playing as Historical Germany.
Does anybody know how do i get them?
Im not that experienced with the game so please be kind, i own all of the dlcs except the one with South America.
submitted by CTV-OFFICIAL to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 jcabrerabrown We’re getting more than 11 tracks

We’re getting more than 11 tracks 😁
submitted by jcabrerabrown to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Existing-Rice1526 How long does it take for a gene to become hereditary?

Hi guys I have a question that has been in my mind lately:
Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have been athletic their whole life. Therefore, their children were (and in fact are) highly likely to inherit their athletic genes and liking for sports. And then we have Kevin, a 28 year old who has always been an ectomorph with a normal BMI with a semi-sedentary lifestyle. Two years ago, Kevin started lifting weights and playing basketball; he now engages in physical exercise at least 2 hours every day. If Kevin was to have a child now, would they inherit this athletic gene?
Thank you in advance!
submitted by Existing-Rice1526 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 s_LOW_e30 Invite glitch?

I’ve invited 8 people and they play the game now daily but only 2 of the invites have a check what do I do I need premium 😭 I thought all they needed to do was collect one song but they have been playing for 2 days and it hasn’t changed can show proof in pm
submitted by s_LOW_e30 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Noledgebase Business and Science Method, Analysis and Research Methodologies ($44.99 to FREE)

submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 frank14686 Anyone transferred from cc to UCI CS

Can you guys tell me your gpa extra curricular activities and essays or something so that I can have a better understanding of admissions
submitted by frank14686 to TransferStudents [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 yardhype Rihanna turned up to court for a second time since A$AP Rocky's trial began.

submitted by yardhype to YardHypeSpot [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 Charming_Purple6942 Fishing legendary fish on PC

I’ve been trying to catch this bass the line snaps instantly and I’ve tried looking for help but everything says shit about joysticks. I’m on a PC obviously I don’t have a joystick.
submitted by Charming_Purple6942 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 JorG941 How to "Customize Case Light" in the actual version of Nothing X?

I try to do it (follow the instructions for anterior versions of the app) but nothing appears.
Please help
submitted by JorG941 to NothingTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:50 cev [Leahy] "Authorities believe the people who worked with [Jontay] Porter to manipulate his performance during two games last season used inside information to bet large amounts of money against Rozier a year earlier when he was with the Charlotte Hornets."

[Leahy] submitted by cev to torontoraptors [link] [comments]