2025.01.31 01:12 cherrywoodbby ugly back handspring
hey! i’ve been having trouble with my bhs. everytime i do one, my right leg is SEVERLY bent. My left leg is pretty straight and seems to be doing the right thing. i’ve tried the wall pushing thing and all kinds of drills, using BOTH legs, so why is one sloppy?
i have a theory that it might have smth to do with my back walkover, since i’ve been doing them for years, however, i start with my right leg out so that doesn’t make much sense.
if you have any tips or ideas please help :)!
submitted by cherrywoodbby to Cheerleading [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:12 SaltStatistician4980 Here’s an image of my dog (he eats politicians)
submitted by SaltStatistician4980 to pics [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:12 Evergreen-Quotes If you don't feel like praying
submitted by Evergreen-Quotes to Quotes_Hub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:12 Ok_Project571 Registered to CS.
I'm very excited to take step in this new learning journey. Any advices/suggestions to complete the course successfully.
submitted by Ok_Project571 to WGUCyberSecurity [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:12 Exciting_Step538 How can I keep myself informed about current events happening in the U.S without crippling myself emotionally?
28 year old guy here. I'm trying to finish a college degree and finally turn a new chapter in life, yet I wake up every morning to the same haunting sense of dread and impending doom, which lingers over me like a shadowy blanket throughout the day until I drift off to sleep at night. I can barely muster the will to laugh or smile, about anything. It takes a monumental effort to just sit down and study my course material. And for the life of me, I can't bring myself to feel any sort of relief or excitement in anything, other than sleep, which is probably why I'm so tired all the time. My mind is just constantly reeling with whatever upsetting/concerning article(s) I read that day. I want to just let it all go and be blissfully ignorant, but I can't ignore the fact that doing so is part of what got us into this situation in the first place. I have no idea what craziness might be lurking just around the corner, and the last thing I want is to find myself suddenly caught up in a terrible situation because I chose to be uninformed, and therefore didn't take any preemptive steps to protect myself or those I care about.
So, how do you do it? How do you balance the act of subjecting yourself to the onslaught of bad news with the need to preserve your own mental health during these dark times? Is it even possible? I used to think I had done enough, but apparently I was wrong. I deleted all my social media accounts years ago, except for reddit, which is where I get a lot of my news from. I also cut out cable news networks long before social media. I'm already medicated for depression/anxiety and adhd. I have no idea what else to do. It feels as though my only two options to choose from are either embracing willful ignorance and cowardly burrying my head in the sand, which is both risky and frankly selfish, or I can continue to confront reality head on instead of covering my eyes and ears, which right now feels like a minor form of hell. It's also making it damn hard to get anything done.
submitted by Exciting_Step538 to OptimistsUnite [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:12 Saiyaman_09 Should I exercise wrist tendons daily or every other day?
I have been dealing with wrist pain for more than 4 months already. I started doing wrist exercises about 3 weeks ago and I have been feeling better. However, there is contradictory information on the internet, some say exercise wrist every day some say every other day to allow the tendons to recover. So which is it? or which one are you guys doing? The types of exercises that I'm doing is wrist curls, extensions, finger exercises, etc.
submitted by Saiyaman_09 to RSI [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:12 gospy_ que auriculares me recomendas?
estoy viendo que onda auriculares y ando muy perdido, tengo un turtle beach p50 que salia increiblemente barato para su momento (4k) y ahora está 100 lucas. Tenia a la vista el steelseries nova 1 o el que entendi que es el mas usado que es el hyperx cloud 2, pero ya dejaron de venderlo y dicen que el 3 es medio medio. Que auriculares tienen ustedes? cuales recomiendan? en lo posible baratos.
submitted by gospy_ to ArgenGaming [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:12 REDDITIDKWHATTOPUT Yall am I a npc? (Based off my space)
submitted by REDDITIDKWHATTOPUT to airbuds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 SeeDeeMac Trump Aides Hunt for 11th-Hour Deal to Dial Back Canada-Mexico Tariffs
submitted by SeeDeeMac to politics [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Kraotes Hannah Jeter
submitted by Kraotes to FamousFaces [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 Character-Raise7223 Found this leaf on my pink princess. Is it overwatering?
I water all my plants in the shower and when the soil is dry water them again. Is this not a good water routine for pink princess? submitted by Character-Raise7223 to philodendron [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 Jimmy_Bacon The MISC Fortune is Statistically Worse than the Drake Vulture
To get it out of the way, I am not saying people shouldn't buy the fortune. I personally love the look of the fortune over the vulture, but I cannot justify owning it because of its many downsides compared to the vulture. I wanted to make this post as a PSA to potential buyers. As a disclaimer, I did not test overloading the cargo grid in either ship and stuck to a total of 26 scu for both ships. This test also considers you only salvage large panels since they are the fastest and provide the most RMC. Starting off with the main issue, the fortune salvages around 50% slower than the vulture since the they have the same stats on their salvage heads (0.6 speed / 0.77 efficiency for abrade). I decided to test this to make sure there were no hidden stats and I got 11:23 to fill the 13 scu buffer on the fortune, and 6:19 to fill the 13 scu buffer on the vulture using abrade scrapers on both. Now you might be thinking that this doesn't matter because you need to manually stack boxes in the vulture, but you would be wrong. I timed myself at 2:15 to unload the 13 scu buffer onto the cargo grid. So adding that time to the vulture you would get 8:34 to the fortunes 11:23. Now this is just the first half, since you only need to stack the buffer once on the grid in the vulture, that saves you the extra 2:15 on your second go around before you fly back to a station with 25 scu of salvage. So for a full run in the vulture, you save around 7:93. Now that we know that the vulture is better at salvaging by around 35%, what else makes it better than the fortune? Well, looking at its speed and rotation stats on spviewer, the fortune turns at an un-boosted max speed of 32 degrees per second pitch and 32 yaw. The vulture turns at a speed of 55/55. Now you might be thinking "well the fortune probably has better Gs on its mav thrusters", but sadly you would also be wrong there. Here are the mav thruster stats between the fortune and the vulture: Vulture: https://preview.redd.it/lq7x0k1x58ge1.png?width=511&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a13e3c52ec867b0ac9e0159f071d528637a78c0 Fortune: https://preview.redd.it/oltswoa068ge1.png?width=451&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec9ab8cdb8762f175e18825ccd76a1d426d723b8 Not only does the fortune have a 28.5% reduction in scm speed and a 11.2% reduction in nav speed, but its forward and mav thrusters are significantly weaker than the vultures save for the down thrust which is 0.3 Gs better. Also just to have it, the unboosted rotation speed is 42% WORSE than the vultures, not to mention the less powerful mav thrusters in the fortune means you have an even harder time turning. So that's maneuverability but what about emissions and stealth? The vulture blows the fortune out of the water here too. Emissions stats could change but this is what they currently look like: Vulture: https://preview.redd.it/eaa0tohwb8ge1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=391c2981acbac142cadbaed3320ff1ba159dfc07 Fortune: https://preview.redd.it/6ly1yj1ub8ge1.png?width=427&format=png&auto=webp&s=d594264919386d73ebe31cb3ea24a1dee5208341 The fortune has more health but lets be honest, this really will not save you against PvPers or murder hobos when your thrusters suck. Just as a side note, the fortune has 0.7 more scu of qt fuel than the vulture, but 15 less scu of hydrogen fuel than the vulture. Also the expedited claim time on the vulture is 3 minutes compared to the 1 minute 18 seconds on the fortune. These stats could change in the future. So those are the stats, but what about the overall design of the ship? I would say the vulture still has the fortune beat by a wide margin. Design of a ship is mostly subjective so ill try and stick to a few things I think each ship does better. Starting off with the cargo bay, the vulture has a very large bay that can hold multiple different ground vehicles incase you want to do that. Unfortunately, the fortune can "hold" ground vehicles, but it will be a chore to load them in the rear elevator. For usability you will be mostly limited to the pulse but you can fit a ptv if you want to squeeze it in sideways with a tractor. The cockpit is definitely better on the fortune since you can get a lot closer to salvage panels without bonking them like with the vultures long arms. For future uses, the vulture completely outclasses the fortune in the gun rack and suit locker department. The fortune has no suit locker and only 3 pistol racks. The vulture has a suit locker, 3 pistol racks, and 2 rifle racks. This wont be used now but will probably make way more sense in the future once armor lockers are enabled. For getting in and out of the ship, I would also say the vulture is faster and easier. The external side ladder of the vulture seems to be a few seconds faster than the ladder on the fortune, however, the elevator on the fortune seems to be a bit easier than the ramp + ladder on the vulture for getting to the cockpit. So this is my yap on why I think the fortune is an objectively worse ship than the vulture, especially for the price being exactly the same as the vulture. If you want to do salvage gameplay and you don't mind taking an extra 2 minutes to stack boxes, I would say 1000% get the vulture. submitted by Jimmy_Bacon to starcitizen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 Hot-Acanthisitta5237 Would you like Maui to be as developed as Oahu/Honolulu?
Hello! I'm new here and really enjoy the topics and threads! I'm particularly more interested in Maui because of its beauty and I guess slower pace environment?
But, I've always been curious when doing research of Hawaii if other islands like Maui will be as developed as Oahu is? Do you think Maui should diversify and not just rely on tourism? What are ways Maui can on par as Oahu is??
submitted by Hot-Acanthisitta5237 to maui [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 inclusionagent I am the teacher of a student that is being segregated from the class
I’m sorry this is so long but I need advice!! I am tired of this whole ordeal. I teach second grade at a very small public school in Pennsylvania. I have 19 students. One of my students, let’s call him Tom, is being segregated from his peers for making some threats. Let me back up to the entire story. This student has a 504 plan with about 17 accommodations. One of them is to have headphones when he needs them. Our class is loud. In September, Tom was doing great. He was barely using the headphones and he seemed fine. Mom came to me and mentioned he was acting out at home. I told her that he was doing great at school and no problems had been reported by him. Nothing felt off about him. A few weeks later, he threatened to harm himself. He knew how and had a plan. I was made aware of this and was being watchful of him. The next week, Tom starts acting off in class. He is sitting in his chair that was tipped over. Upside down in his chair. Behaviors I had not seen all year. I late talked to him, knowing he had made previous threats. I asked him if anything was wrong. He told me yes but I don’t want to tell you. I told him that “I now have to tell someone else. Can you tell me if you plan on harming yourself or others?” He said both. At that point, I called our principal, relayed the story, and they called in crisis. He doubled down on everything. Had a plan to hurt people, how to hurt them, where to find the weapons, a list of who to hurt. A bunch of things happened from there. That happened mid-October Fast forward to November. We have made a safety plan, he is coming back to school. We had a great day….. until he threatens a few kids to hurt them and their families. Crisis is called again and he is suspended again. He is brought back but in a tiny room for weeks with a non-certified paraprofessional. He has little to no contact with peers. He isn’t allowed to attend school functions. He goes to the doctors, gets some new diagnoses that the school psychiatrist won’t take. The doctor says he is not a harm to himself or others. They begin to slowly bring him back into the classroom but they won’t allow him to participate in any of the fun stuff. At one point, the principal tells me something similar happened to their son. I am beginning to believe that this principal is taking their past experiences out on this kid. As well as making an example out of them. I want to report them to the department of education in PA. However, I am so scared to. I cannot lose my job. But I am so tired of not sticking up for this child. HELP!!!!
submitted by inclusionagent to specialeducation [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 mgerditch Pip-boy replica issue with MAP tab
I just received my pip boy replica and the MAP tab doesn’t seem to be working. Every time I use the main dial to scroll to MAP nothing happens and it just skips the tab; just goes between data and radio. I’ve done all the software/firmware updates but with no luck.
I’ve reached out to Wand Co and am waiting for a response.
Is anyone else having this issue?
submitted by mgerditch to TheWandCompany [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 newengland_schmuck How can I unlock a Win7 computer?
I was offered a free Win7 computer that was being thrown away by the company I work for and I'd like to use it for a few projects I'm planning... this problem is they were on a secure network which I know was password controlled; they will not assist me with trying to unlock it and said 'take it or leave it'. Is there a way for me to be able to log into this computer in order to use it for a few home projects?
submitted by newengland_schmuck to computerhelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Farva760 No steps
My app is no longer adding steps. My phones pedometer is counting my steps but the pikmin bloom app isn't. How can I fix it?
submitted by Farva760 to PikminBloomApp [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Cartergoastros Last chance to get some extra funds for a card show this weekend comment your team(s)
Drop a comment and send a dm trying to make easy deals for everyone submitted by Cartergoastros to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 LawrenceSellers Is the geographic range of pre-humans atypical among land animal species?
I was reading about Peking Man (homo erectus fossils in China from 780,000 years ago) which demonstrates that pre-human ancestors existed all the way from Africa to China long before civilization. My question is: how common is it to find species of land animals on different continents that are closely related enough that they are capable of interbreeding? I’m sure there are many examples of this but I’m wondering just how unusual (or not) it is. Relatedly, is it known which non-domesticated land animal species holds the record for the greatest geographic disbursement? In other words, the species where members that are capable of interbreeding can be found the furthest distance apart.
submitted by LawrenceSellers to evolution [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 deterrent-sha256 New Unstoppable Cargo. Really good. Loose fit.
I had to exchange it as I sized up but because this is loose fit while the first iteration was fitted. This fits perfectly. Not too much slack in the thighs but not tight either. I liked the first iteration as well but it's nice to have a little more slack sometimes. In the UA compression underwear I wear Large and these were Large tall pants.
Recommend these. This is my 4th pair of unstoppable. I hesitated to get them. But now I have the straight fit which is more baggy, these new cargo pants which is actually more straight tha. Straight fit but very comfortable and flattering. Then two of the original cargo pant which is fitted and more tapered like.
These are all I want to wear. Even on leg day I may start wearing them as they aren't restrictive nor do they bleed sweat. Also when I walk .y dog it's easy to put keys, wallet, dog poop bags, phones etc. Really nice pants. I hope they make casual work wear similar to this.
submitted by deterrent-sha256 to UnderArmour [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 rxblows Why is everyone trying to bang Ziluan?
I mean I get it, he's a cute boy, but it seems like every character bonding cutscene is ripe with sexual tension
submitted by rxblows to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 sphynxbleps What would you price these cold water agate pieces at?
Referred here from Rockhounds! Is there a market for these? I didn't find a whole lot of examples except very few on etsy and ebay, ball park I got from that was $10-$25 for pieces around this size. Being sold individually doesn't give you a 'how many sold' number though and I don't know what's realistic, has anyone seen these being sold before? Or, what would you pay for these? submitted by sphynxbleps to RockhoundExchange [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:11 embolismm LF 2 tickets for the Toronto show
Hmu if you do!
submitted by embolismm to Knock2 [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Thefakefortnite ZEKE LIKES LOLI???
Was watching a video about fired SML cast members at this was a part in the video
submitted by Thefakefortnite to supermariologan_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:11 Fit_Coast_6573 Will this fit 99-06 models
Specifically 04 Silverado submitted by Fit_Coast_6573 to Silverado [link] [comments] |