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2025.01.31 01:00 OwlieSkywarn Anything with Kevin Hart
Any ad with that annoying, shrieking, grimacing doofus Kevin Hart makes me frantically pummel the mute button. Someone told me he's a comedian, which I find hard to believe; yelling and making pained faces is not the height of comedy
submitted by OwlieSkywarn to CommercialsIHate [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 ByucknahTheRed Just updated to Synapse 4 and all my profiles for my Naga X are gone...
This is beyond annoying. Can I do anything to get them back?
submitted by ByucknahTheRed to razer [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 im1ockedout The rare 2011 Bones article CAN NOW BE READ!
SESH EXCLUSIVE on Instagram was able to find the original 2011 article that we’ve been trying all week to uncover 🔥🔥
submitted by im1ockedout to TeamSESH [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 peterthephoenix16 Best way to say "sliding scale fees"?
I use this a lot at work but don't have a Spanish translation other than a more literal one. For reference we are talking about offering services at different rates dependent on income, low income means less cost.
submitted by peterthephoenix16 to Spanish [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 Bajren 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅
Need I say more?
submitted by Bajren to h3h3productions [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 AdSpiritual8113 i hate that my brother is getting better
i can only add one flair, but in this post i will talk about drugs, abuse, and minor sexual harassment (i am unsure if it's sexual harassment, but i do not wish to risk triggering anyone)
i want to say that i feel horrible for saying that, but i don't. my brother (25) has been terrorizing my family for years. he's been severely mentally ill since birth & every therapist/doctor he's seen has brushed it off, which led to it getting even worse over the years.
we used to be super close up until i was 13-14 (i'm 18 now). he'd constantly hit me as a joke even after i asked him to stop & told him that it hurt. he'd laugh at me when i'd cover my face when he'd lift his hand. he'd make uncomfortable comments on my chest, & would explain sexual terms to me. he'd talk to me about how his addiction to weed has "changed his life" in a positive way & would constantly talk about how amazing weed is. he'd try & get me to take hits from his vapes/cigarettes. when he was angry with me, he'd tell me that he only hangs out with me because i'm the only one there (we were both homeschooled & didn't have friends as a result), & would tell me to harm myself knowing that i struggle with depression.
all of this, and much more, happened either while i was 13/14 or before (most of it being before). i finally told my parents about all of it when i was 17, because at that time he was at risk of being kicked out of the house for being incredibly abusive to everyone (especially my mother) & my mother was trying to convince my dad to keep him in the house. despite everything i told her, he still lives here with zero repercussions.
at least once a week for the last few years there's been a major incident where he's verbally & mentally abusive towards my mother & blames her for everything that has ever went wrong in his life. he talks poorly about my siblings & i during these arguments. he yells. loudly. & it sends my siblings & i into panic because we all have ptsd from our alcoholic father who used to do the same thing to my mother & us.
i've had to personally call the police on my own brother several times. they have to be sick of us by now with the amount of times they've had to come over to stop my brother from screaming. nobody in my house besides my mother likes my brother, & i've been regarded as the "eldest" for awhile now despite the actual eldest sibling being my brother.
my father doesn't step up at all. he's away at work most of the time, & in his words, because my brother isn't his child (he's my half brother), it's not his problem. my brother doesn't contribute to the house at all. he's unemployed & has yet to graduate highschool. he refuses to do either.
last year, he got into a physical fight with my dad that he initiated & went to jail for it. my mother bailed him out. since then, he's been court ordered to stop doing weed & to go go classes. my mother has prioritized him over me & the rest of my siblings throughout this.
i have yet to graduate highschool either. my parents pulled me out of online schooling & insisted i do GED instead to graduate. i have dyscalculia & haven't been able to get my GED because of how hard i struggle in math. because i've been in online school for a majority of my life, i was never able to take drivers ed classes. i have my permit, but i can't drive. my mother's been taking my brother out practice driving despite the fact that he refuses to get a job/do anything productive & thus won't actually be able to do anything productive with his license. i, on the other hand, have been begging for them to take me practice driving because i want a job.
he got his license today because of my mother taking him to practice. he's been improving drastically. but i don't want him to get better. i hate that he's getting better. i hate it so much. my mother constantly defends him anytime i ask why he hasn't been kicked out of the house yet. i prayed for him to slip up drastically & cause enough of a commotion that my mother would decide to kick him out for good. but that will never happen now. anytime i talk to my mother about him & how badly he's affected me & my siblings, she talks about how good he's been doing recently. he's scarred me & my siblings for life.
she does things for him that i could never dream of asking for from her. yesterday she took him out to get fast food, & only him. something i've asked for from her many times before. i never ask her to even take me out anywhere because i know she'll say no. he was able to ask her, & just like that, she agreed. i never ask for her to buy things for me. and yet, when he was doing weed, she'd buy it for him every single time.
i'm so lonely. i'm in so much pain & i don't know how much longer i can handle it for. i feel like a failure. the only person i'm able to talk to is my therapist, & even then i've been having to lie to her & tell her that i'm okay because i don't want to stress my mom out even more. i've been in weekly therapy for two years, & my mom's been talking about how she wants to take me out of it because she doesn't see that i am suffering. i communicate with her all the time. i constantly tell her my siblings& i aren't comfortable having him in our house. she never listens. all of my (online) friends are in college now & have jobs, while i'm trapped at home.
i carry the burden of doing everything. i listen to my mother cry about my brother & how she "can't fix him". i listen to my father talk about how he's going to have to divorce her if things don't get better. i have to listen to my father berate my mother for how she's handled my brother. i listen to my mother cry about how my dad berates her & threatens to divorce her over my brother. i have to take care of my siblings because my parents won't. i have to clean up after my siblings, including my older brother, because nobody else will. all while i'm told by my parents constantly that i don't do anything
i doubt anyone will read this, or at least the entire thing. maybe that's a good thing. i don't know. if you did, thank you for listening to me.
submitted by AdSpiritual8113 to venting [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 NationalAnything1547 Stunning gothgirl sexy girl in gothic clothing
submitted by NationalAnything1547 to PaulMurtonFans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 MariaSuarez578 Hot Model Jamie Grinn Sexy Dance In Sexy Outfit For Video Ad
submitted by MariaSuarez578 to JamieGrinnFans [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 terrabranfordstrife ISO shoes that match outfits but are comfortable to walk the parks
I am finally going to WDW and want to wear my Disney Bound outfits, but a lot of them involve skirts. I want to wear nice shoes (not sneakers) with them that are comfortable to walk all day in. Do you have any suggestions for footwear? Thanks in advance!
submitted by terrabranfordstrife to disneybound [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 PumpkinHappy6872 Still grieving
It was such a fun season. The only game I think wasn't fun was the Ravens regular season game and of course the last game of our season. So many great performances by our team and our QB. A SB win would've been the perfect end to the best Bills season, but it wasn't meant to be. I hope we can all appreciate what we're witnessing every week during the season. JA17 is something special and his leadership opens up our team to being special. Maybe next year!! Go Bills!!
submitted by PumpkinHappy6872 to buffalobills [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 e-blogazine Self-promotion Thread
Use this thread to promote yourself and/or your work!
submitted by e-blogazine to eblogazine [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 Putrid-Cancel4228 🚨🚨🚨All Neymar cards will be removed from the market, now is the last chance for you to buy or sell. 🚨🚨🚨
Neymar returned to the Brazilian league and just like all players who go there they are removed from the market, there is no set deadline for this to happen, but at any moment he will be removed, if you like him it is your last chance.
submitted by Putrid-Cancel4228 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 mdanyelle Staying in Baton Rouge
Hi all I’m not from Baton Rouge and I have a job interview coming up at the cancer center there. I’m looking at hotels close to the Mary Bird Perkins center and they are also close to Baton Rouge General Hospital. Is this an okay part of town to stay in?
submitted by mdanyelle to batonrouge [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 oscarmandudeguy Lets play valheim together
Looking for a friend to play Valheim. if someone wants to plat text me i will be pleased to spend some time with you in the game
submitted by oscarmandudeguy to LetsplayValheimtgthr [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 redkokos post break-up thoughts and never being in a relationship again
it’s been about seven months, three if you’re counting when we officially stopped talking. you’d think by now i should be over it, right? my friends were all sick of hearing about it after a couple weeks, my family didn’t care. so now i’ve been stuck thinking and healing on my own. much like my first two relationships.
i have dated three people in my life, the first two were online when i was younger and didn’t really know much of dating. so i suppose this recent one was the most intimate, open and real i have ever been with a person. along with that, it’s been the most painful relationship. keep in mind i am not a very open person. i’m quiet and shy, i keep a lot to myself, i don’t cry infront of others, my family says im the devil, i just never really showed much emotion. but i saw all of those walls fall when i was with this guy. and that sucks. for so many reasons that sucks.
it’s so hard to catch feelings for people. yes i’ve seen people who i fine attractive, but now i won’t date them if i don’t see myself marrying them. cause why would i go through it all just to be heartbroken and start all over? my parents have a failing relationship. both of my online relationships, i was young and they were full of lies. it became a point where i was questioning whether not it was worth it, especially in this generation. pretty soon i never seen myself getting married. i didn’t want kids. anytime something was remotely mentioned, it became a changed subject. however, for the glimpse we were together i remember him calling me his wife and i wasn’t uncomfortable with that. i started thinking about things like that. my rather “take care of yourself” mindset forming into a making him soup and being the person hold him when he’s ill.
i hate that i’ve been thinking about all this again. i think sometimes i’m doing better, life is good, i feel upbeat. maybe it’s the hormones, but every once in a while this wound seems to resurface, and i question if it will ever really heal. or if “being okay” is gonna be a lie i have to tell myself, to trick my mind into believing it.
i really liked him, and for so long i thought he really liked me. i mean, we seemed to get along so well. we both loved nature and exploration. music, instruments, video games, making things, collecting trinkets. in my eyes he was perfect. his smile, his eyes, his personality. he was a dork, just like me. although a significantly loud person, i thought we balanced eachother out. i had a crush on him since the second day of our college class. with no intention of anything happening. i kept it to myself until one day my friend mentioned how the semester was almost over (summer break), and on an impulse i walked straight up to him and said he was cute. the next day we exchanged numbers and it felt unreal. it was terrifyingly exciting.
we were inseparable since then. nearly together, learning more about him, falling in love with his dog and his family. it was the most interest someone seemed to have in me in a long time. his family was so welcoming and kind, his mother treated me like her own, even after the break up. it was all such a conflicting, overwhelming and strange amount of emotion i had never experienced before. one i question if it would have been better to have never happened. yes it was amazing, but soon i learned that he had zero interest in trying to stay together once he went away after the summer.
all of this love, attachment and hopefulness for the future became unbearable once he left. i hated that he reeled me so close to him all summer, knowing he was gonna break it off and stop caring. we did keep talking a while after he left, but one of his friends from his school hit me up (4 months later) to let me know he was with someone new within a week or so of us breaking it off, including others later,, including her. none of them knew i existed or that he even had a break up. i was led on, manipulated, lied to, and just about every single thing that scared me from relationships in the first place, hit me smack in the face.
the last thing he said to me was that i was a stupid girl. that i was immature, that i hurt him, that i caused too much bs, that i was definitely ran thru now that we weren’t together, but he would give me a pass because “this was the first time it was happening to me”. i never quite understood what he meant by that, but i realized in those last words that he never cared for me, at least not in the way i did him.
so here we are, seven months later and i feel like a stupid girl. stupid for still thinking about him. stupid for struggling to move on and stupid for hurting.
i don’t know how someone can do it. act like you are their one and only, just to suddenly treat you like you never existed. for the time we were together, he was my best friend. i felt more comfortable than i ever had, my face hurt consistently from smiling and i felt safe. i still can’t wrap my head around it. was it all just fake? all i wanted was to care for him and hope for the same in return. i did my best to be supportive, to keep in contact, but it always felt so one sided once he left. and maybe i really just wasn’t good enough. maybe it was all just a fling to him and he only wanted sex. but when it got to the point that i was hurting more than i ever had been, he left. i got dropped like it was nothing and it kinda hurts not having some type of closure. the refusal to maturely talk about what happened, baffles me, because i really thought i deserved an answer. i thought he cared enough to work with me hurting in this process. idk. i just thought i was worth fighting for.
i don’t want a relationship again. all of the interest i had went straight down the drain. i honestly don’t think i could ever go through something like this again. it feels like i have been drowning for so long, and every time i almost reach the surface a 2,000 pound weight yanks me down. if you got to this point i appreciate you reading lol, i didn’t really have a point to this other than anonymously talking. see you soon my reddit peeps. peace✌️
submitted by redkokos to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 Manboarpig233 Shannon going for jerker of the year early
submitted by Manboarpig233 to boxingcirclejerk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 AutoModerator DEUS DIZ: TOQUE AQUI PARA TOCAR O CORAÇÃO DE JESUS - Momento de Fé
submitted by AutoModerator to Noticiasdodia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 pixelary-game What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pixelary-game to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 TheMockupSisters Bella Canvas 3001 MAUVE Front and Back T-shirt Mockup Bundle
submitted by TheMockupSisters to ApparelMockups [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 ChemicalResident3557 Hear me out. LeBron James is the answer to our striker woes
He’s got the height, athleticism, and mystique that a world class Arsenal striker requires. Kroenkes can strike a deal with the Lakers to payout the remainder of his contract. Hell, we will even take Brony.
/s in case it is necessary
submitted by ChemicalResident3557 to ArsenalFC [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 01:00 KawaiiBossBaby erm, fellow girlies of reddit (i'm a girl btw) what's the funniest way you forcefem cuck your overweight gamer bf (detailed plz)
submitted by KawaiiBossBaby to wordsonanimegirls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 BobertTheBrucePaints Citadel C02 Evil Wizard from 1983, very quick and fun to paint, not sure what I'll use him for though
submitted by BobertTheBrucePaints to OldWorldhammer [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 WilliamsLakeNewsBot Oscar nomination brings validation and tears of joy for Williams Lake First Nation - Coast Mountain News
submitted by WilliamsLakeNewsBot to WilliamsLakeNews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 Dangerous-Eye-7544 t. albo gracefully dunking her whole face in the water dish
hi i usually just stalk this sub but i’ve never posted before! this is one of my curlies, claudia. this was just too silly to me to leave unshared. submitted by Dangerous-Eye-7544 to tarantulas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 01:00 Absolute-Chancer OG Frenzy (2014)
Some information a lot of use wouldn’t be aware of about this pre-workout, 600mg of DMBA in 2 scoops BUT As many of you know there was also a hidden stimulate in there that’s why it was so euphoric s are you KLab analysis from back in 2015 showed another stimulants called ISOMETHEPTENE . That’s why we haven’t felt any poo workout with the NBA feel the same as frenzy is because there was another stimulant in it and told them synergise together And give it that unique euphoria Old school knowledge 🫡 submitted by Absolute-Chancer to stimjunkiepreworkouts [link] [comments] |