IKEA veggie balls smushed with Costco’s butter chicken sauce

2025.01.31 00:52 Madzmoiselle IKEA veggie balls smushed with Costco’s butter chicken sauce

looks awful but is fantastic
submitted by Madzmoiselle to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 IndigoWolf4711 ROUND TABLE #10 - TIME FOR YOU TO VOTE OUT A PLAYER... 🗳️ | r/DWTS' THE TRAITORS 🔪🪩

PRIZE POT: 🩰x2000
Congratulations on completing your tenth mission! Down below, you can examine the pros' conversations with one another at the round table!
THE ROUND TABLE IndigoWolf: Players! Welcome back to the Round Table. Congratulations on completing today's mission! Thanks to your efforts, you managed to add another 500 dancing shoes to your prize pot, bringing the total up to 2000! Now, we are almost nearing the end of the game and I have something to tell you. Round 13 will be the final round, but tonight will be the penultimate round table before the final. That is because there will be an exciting new twist which I will reveal very soon. But for now, it is time to discus. The floor is yours...
Mark: Guys, I want to start off tonight by re-visiting a point I made yesterday. I am 100% a Faithful, and I think whoever the Traitors are were trying to frame me with Witney's murder. And now, I think they're trying to frame Lindsay too.
Valentin: How so?
Mark: Just think about it. Her, Cheryl, and Louis all entered the game late. We were convinced at least one of them is a Traitor. But, Cheryl was Banished in yesterday's mission, and turned out to be a Faithful and then conveniently that night, Louis was murdered. If Lindsay was a Traitor, surely she'd have kept Louis in to at least keep the heat off of her?
Lindsay: THANK YOU! I don't care what anyone says, if I were a Traitor, why would I for one, murder the only person who would potentially keep suspicion off of me. Plus, why would I murder two of the players closest to me? My best friend Witney, and my own sister Rylee?
Valentin: But it could be deflection!
Lindsay: Think about it Val. Rylee and Witney were always by my side. Why would I get rid of two of my biggest ride-or-dies if I were a Traitor? It doesn't make sense. Someone is framing me!
Mark: Exactly. And we've seen it happen to Sasha and Emma too. That is why I was going to suggest questioning the slightly quieter people, or the ones less likely to be roped up in any drama
Karina: Be our guest...
Mark: Alright. Sharna. This is nothing personal. But I don't see you to be a part of any clique or alliance, other than when Cheryl and Peta were here. Cheryl being Banished came as a result of chance, not the actions of the Traitors, and you had defended Peta in the earlier stages and she ended up being a Traitor. Could you be watching from the side-lines, trying to frame people?
Sharna: Mark, I hear you. I have defended Peta and I haven't always been the most vocal and so I can totally understand if that causes people to doubt me. But I can tell you, hand on my heart, I am a Faithful. I'm here to help catch the Traitors. You vote me out tonight and I'll stand there and tell you what I'm telling you now. I am, and have always been a Faithful. I defended Peta because at that point in the game, I had no suspicions over her and naturally put all my trust in her. Now, I never expected Peta to be a Traitor and to tell you the truth, I'm still heartbroken by it. But I hope you, and Derek, could relate when we got Julianne out. There are definitely a lot of question marks, and if you vote me out, I understand, but you'd be losing one of your own. I've also contributed greatly in missions. I hear you when you say that I am not necessarily a part of any clique, which could be a risk, but in all honesty, I don't think it's beneficial to me as a Faithful. I learnt that with Peta, and so I just want to give my time to everyone. I hope you'll understand.
Mark: Thank you. Next, I wanted to speak to Jenna.
Valentin: Now you're going a bit too far Mark. No way is-
Jenna: Val. It's okay.
Mark: I just need to get to the bottom of this. Jenna, I'm sorry, I've started having mixed feelings about you. I think you'd make a great Traitor, you're so wise and intelligent and definitely someone who immerses themselves around all the players. And you've always been so quick to defend Val, Maks, and Peta, even with a lack of evidence.
Jenna: I get you. But you have to remember, Val, Maks, and Peta are my family. Naturally, I put all my trust in them. And like Sharna, I never expected Peta to be a Traitor. I can assure you I'm not. I want you to consider Lindsay's position. Witney is also one of my best friends, and Rylee is like a niece to me. Why would I murder them when they were also fully by my side? It would be way too risky!
Lindsay: I believe Jenna. To me, family always comes first so if Rylee were a Traitor, I think I'd have been in a similar position. And its the exact same. Why would either of us kill of Witney or Rylee if we were Traitors. Even if it were deflection ,that would be so risky for us in terms of getting support at these round tables.
Mark: That's a good point.
Valentin: Yeah, she isn't a Traitor.
Karina: But why are you so sold on it Val? We all remember your behaviour at the last few round tables, and you were a driving force in getting Tony out last night, and he ended up being a Faithful! If you ask me, you could've been shielding Peta all game too!
Valentin: That's rich coming from you. You and him conspired to get my brother banished for no reason other than petty differences.
Britt: Guys! Settle down! We're never going to find them like this. We have to work together!
Mark: Exactly Britt. We can't go on this way. But, whilst I'm on the subject...
Britt: You suspect me to be framing you? Don't worry, I understand. I promise you I'm 100% Faithful. I understand if that may be hard to believe, especially because me being behind the bar went undiscussed until yesterday.
Valentin: Britt, I love you, but the only reason I'm a little torn is because Louis mildly addressed it last round table which, for the first time, pit some heat on you. But it wasn't as noticeable amongst other conflicts at the table. And then, Louis gets murdered. What if it was a ploy and you chose to murder him, hoping people would forget?
Britt: I hear you, but I love Louis. I was glad he called me out on it because I felt it gave me a chance to also reassess my own actions and reminded me to open up a little more. I definitely think the Traitors are trying to frame me here for Louis' murder. Other than me, who else did he cast even a slight amount of doubt towards? If it were me, I wouldn't kill Louis as he was the only one suspecting me.
Mark: Hmm... I didn't think of that.
Karina: Hold your horses Sherlock. Who's to say that your not a Traitor though?
Mark: Because I wouldn't have murdered Witney, especially this late in the game. It would've been a dumb tactic and would cast a spotlight on me entirely.
Sharna: I had one suspicion if you don't mind my interjecting Mark?
Mark: Not at all.
Sharna: Dani. You know how much I love you. I just can't shake this feeling. Pasha was a Faithful so I can't help but wonder if it could increase the possibility that you are a Traitor or were at least seduced. I think you'd make a great one.
Daniella: I'm flattered Sharna, but honestly, I'm such a terrible liar. I just couldn't be a Traitor. Much like Val and Jenna with Peta, and Lindsay and Jenna with Witney and Rylee, Pasha was very much my 100%. He was being brought up night in, night out. I think even Derek mildly brought him up a few times. If I were a Traitor, which I'm not, I would have done way more to try and help him. I'm honoured that you think I'd make a good Traitor Sharna, but I promise you, I'm not and never have been.
Valentin: I also have a suspicion. And no, it isn't new. Karina.
Karina: What did I do now?
Valentin: I know it was completely down to chance that you ended up there, but I have a feeling one of the three from the dungeon, you, Derek, and Cheryl, could have been Traitors. I had my suspicions on all of you after what Maks said, but you're the biggest doubt for me. Especially the way you acted afterwards. You literally kidnapped the dungeon master, Bruno, and tied him to the chandelier because you were annoyed. Is that because you couldn't go to the turret that night to help murder?
Karina: Absolutely not! And again, if I were a Traitor, why would I get rid of Anna, by poisoning her of all things, and murder Louis! After Tony, they were the ones I was closest with. It would be like throwing away allies. You need to get over yourself.
Mark: Which just leaves me with one more name I have yet to question. Derek. Look me in the eyes.
Derek: Mark, I thought you knew that I wasn't a Traitor?
Mark: I've come to learn we can never be 100% certain in this game. You're my brother, you have a good heart. I just can't help but notice your tone and energy has shifted these past few days...
Valentin: Maybe Maks was right after all! Derek is a Traitor.
Karina: Oh get over it!
Derek: Believe me, 24 hours in the dungeons with Bruno will do that to you! But I swear to you, as your brother, I am not a Faithful. I think my word should be enough.
IndigoWolf: Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for discussion tonight. It is time to proceed with the banishment...
VOTE FOR WHO YOU THINK SHOULD BE BANISHED 🗳️ | VOTING CLOSES IN 17 HOURS 🕰️ Discuss your theories and own personal intuitions down below! submitted by IndigoWolf4711 to dancingwiththestars [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Ready-Scientist402 Does my company need to be listed in the specific bank where i need a loan from?

My bank officially is listed on NBK, will i be able to take a loan from Gulf Bank?
submitted by Ready-Scientist402 to Kuwait [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Due_Requirement_8524 Are you worthy of my feet? Then you can approach.

Are you worthy of my feet? Then you can approach. submitted by Due_Requirement_8524 to FootSlaveMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 medicalicu Can someone explain to me why Illinois can't be like Michigan?

Quick question I'm wondering why in Illinois you can't see or smell any of the product before buying but in Michigan only 1 state over you can without any product limitations? Like what is the legit reason for this because it makes no sense to me how perfect the Michigan market is and how trashy the Illinois market is. Why can't Illinois just model what Michigan is doing with their market?
submitted by medicalicu to ILTrees [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 NineteenEighty9 The new local eye sore

The new local eye sore submitted by NineteenEighty9 to urbanhellcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Much-Photograph-3966 Chile

submitted by Much-Photograph-3966 to photos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 shogunzzz1 New seller denied account?

Just had a great first show! Loved it. Sold really well for being a private show, as per Palmstreet's requirements. I get off my live and come to find out Palmstreet denied my application to sell live on their app. WHy would they do this? I'm getting no reason from them as to why either? Any other people experienced this? Have no idea why they would not approve me.
submitted by shogunzzz1 to ThePalmstreetapp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 nonnie_tm64 WTF is wrong with these Chefs?!

I suppose they’re fine in other settings but certainly NOT for a Super Yacht! Almost every single one fails miserably. What kind of vetting process do they use? How do they interview? How do they perform their skills and to whom? Same thing with the crew. I’m blown away by some of the inept, lazy f**ks that somehow got these jobs!
submitted by nonnie_tm64 to BelowDeckMed [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 whatzmyusrname I tweaked my font a bit after reading some comments on my last post. I just fixed the kerning on certain letters, added new letters, punctuation marks, & other symbols. Any thoughts & opinions?

I tweaked my font a bit after reading some comments on my last post. I just fixed the kerning on certain letters, added new letters, punctuation marks, & other symbols. Any thoughts & opinions? submitted by whatzmyusrname to typography [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Sea-Cauliflower1802 Upgrade Help

Hello everybody. I am currently trying to upgrade my gpu, cpu, and motherboard and am wondering what would be the best of all worlds with a budget of $500.
submitted by Sea-Cauliflower1802 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Extension-Clerk-8191 Me siento vacío y siento que no estoy haciendo nada de mi vida

Hola a todos , espero y se encuentren bien , el motivo de este mensaje es porque necesito opiniones y sugerencias ya que desde hace tiempo me siento vacío y sin rumbo en mi vida pero voy a poner un poco de contexto , soy un joven de 19 años , no tomo , no fumo , no consumo ningún tipo de sustancias, tengo una novia con la cual llevo 2 años y medio , no salgo a fiestas , tengo pocos pero buenos amigos , entreno de forma diaria y me alimento bien , me preocupo por mi cuidado personal , tengo un emprendimiento que me genera buena remuneración económica (bueno para mi edad) , estoy estudiando 2 idiomas y por el momento todavía no tengo muy claro que quiero estudiar pero tengo las puertas abiertas a buenas universidades, mencionó esto porque desde hace un año empecé con ataques de ansiedad , me despierto la madrugada , hay días en los que siento que no soy suficiente y me siento como si no estuviera viviendo lo que realmente tengo que vivir y ese sentimiento me carcome diariamente , siento que algo no estoy haciendo bien de alguna forma y no se si sea porque algunas metas económicas son muy grandes o porque en exijo a mi mismo cada día , no sea si sea porque todavía no estoy en la universidad o por otra cosa pero realmente me siento vacío y siento que no voy a ningún lado. Gracias por leer el mensaje , acepto comentarios, consejos o incluso críticas , tener un punto de vista general es bueno.
submitted by Extension-Clerk-8191 to ayudamexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 InternationalCut805 30 [M4F] anyone with cheating kinks?

30 [M4F] anyone with cheating kinks?
Looking for someone who is single or taken to be a discreet exclusive fwb. Yes, I’m married but sex doesn’t happen often so my high sex drive needs to be addressed. Haha. Looking for someone who I can test my limits with.
submitted by InternationalCut805 to phr4rmarikina [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 AncientOneAurelius [Highlight] Zaccharie Risacher dunk on Jaylon Tyson

submitted by AncientOneAurelius to nba [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Jodeth Colin McRae Rally 2.0 on PS1 has much more attractive lighting than the PC version imho

Colin McRae Rally 2.0 on PS1 has much more attractive lighting than the PC version imho submitted by Jodeth to psx [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 iudah story replay costs too much

i wanna replay hsl with another character and it would cost me 1,600c to get that number of replays i need 🙄 i don't wanna make a new account i already have 2
i will still have to use action points so i don't understand why i have to pay this much for the story replay 😭
submitted by iudah to mycandylove [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 zkainalu Ethereal Puzzle

can anyone help me do the ethereal puzzle please
submitted by zkainalu to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Nuoance My twitch stream keeps stopping, but OBS says we're still live!

My twitch stream keeps stopping, but OBS says we're still live! As the title says, suddenly starting last week, my streams just suddenly stop after an hour 'n a half of streaming, I have no idea its happening until I peek over and see the stream hard stop on Twitch. But when I open OBS, it says I'm still streaming. When I try to stop the stream to restart it, I get this. Last week when I streamed and this happened, my computer actually wouldn't turn off, and then wouldn't turn on when I forced it off. I've been told to just leave it alone because its trying to 'catch up' on stream, but I'm not live anymore, so where is it stopping? This is super frustrating and I hope I didn't break my PC somehow, so any help would be greatly appreciated! I will update if waiting works, but I am doubtful.
submitted by Nuoance to Twitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Worried_Snow6996 What was he selling? Right answers only

submitted by Worried_Snow6996 to trailerparkboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Legitimate-Fly-4189 Referral 5/57 Sent me this today 🥺

Referral 5/57 Sent me this today 🥺 Decided to try and convince my referrals to KYC today 🍻 There is still HO🥧UM flowing in my blood stream 😩
submitted by Legitimate-Fly-4189 to PiNetwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Same-Credit2479 Winter wild fucking halaand

why is this card so fucking bad, dont know is jt me or what. The question i want to ask how the fuck should i play him, his rapid playstyle is shit if i try to run with him( 90 pace btw) every defenders takes the ball easily cause the retard throws is 3 meters ahead. and now the worst part today everytime i went with him 1v1 and i shot to the second angle every time he misses or hits the bar. WHY IS THIS CARD 94 AND HOW THE FUCK SHOULD I PLAY HIM??
submitted by Same-Credit2479 to FIFA_Ultimate_Team [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 jesus-says-fuck-you Trying oil pastels and it’s a bit harder than I thought, tips welcome!

submitted by jesus-says-fuck-you to Oilpastel [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 M2LBB2016 Buyer claiming they haven’t received package. Tracking says delivered, but UPS photo is blurry and of multiple packages. Advice?

Buyer claiming they haven’t received package. Tracking says delivered, but UPS photo is blurry and of multiple packages. Advice? submitted by M2LBB2016 to Mercari [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 pearl-and-diamonds29 My partner broke my trust several times, now I feel indifferent.

My (26F) boyfriend (30M) continues to make me feel like an afterthought To make this short, I'll just make bullet points.
• His ex girlfriend moved in with him, they shared a bed and he didn't tell me until I stumbled upon the information. • Then proceeds to rent a whole house to accommodate her and her family, inattentive to my discomfort of the situation. • Has a female "coworker" he never mentioned, turns out they're do not work for the same company, nor do we live in the same state. I call her ostomy bag, she literally looks like one. • They flirt with each other, saying things like "I wish we could be together for real" and "I want a hug from you so bad." • Told said "best friend" that I was "just a friend." • She's married and her husband is uncomfortable with their friendship. • Takes hours out of the time we spend together to go talk on the phone with her. • Told me he'd cut her off and block her, only to find out he'd unblocked her and they're actively talking everyday. On snapchat and even LinkedIn. • They talk at 5am on their respective drives to work, at lunch and after work while actively disappearing on me for days. • They send each other snaps at 2am because they "can't sleep," when I text him at 3am because I can't sleep, he simply disregards my messages because he doesn't have the wherewithal to deal with my problems • Gets mad at me for not being worried about him when he pulls said disappearing act, however, he does this several times a week. • Constantly leaves me on read. In fact, when we talk on the phone, majority of what I say is met with silence. • Used my supplies to make her a special "friendship" gift • Plan trips to each other's city, disguised as a work trip. • Told me that she's his twin flame. • He would constantly conveniently forget plans with me or the things I tell him. • He claims to not like cats and would be dismissive whenever I showed him cats I thought were cute, but he has many interest in her cats. Even has one of her cats as his screensaver. • They write each other letters that they would send in the mail. • Always enthusiastic to leave me to go hang out with other people. • He collects ex girlfriends like Pokémon go. • He'd have conversations with ostomy bag that he should be having with me, conversations to grow in intimacy. He closes up when I asked questions pertaining to that, but says he just got there quicker with her and that he and I would get there someday. • Constantly does the opposite of what we agree on, then Gets upset because I'm upset • Called me a "doormat" fornhelping my family with simple things, when he's the one consistently going out of his way to help every Tom, Dick, and Harry he encounters. • Takes his alcohol and weed withdrawals out on me.
PS, He dumped me on our anniversary. Icing on the cake.
submitted by pearl-and-diamonds29 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 00:52 Ju5t_hAm [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/AU-HUNTER%20[seller]

submitted by Ju5t_hAm to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]
