Ask Anything Thread

2025.01.31 04:00 buzzedBUM_budstar Ask Anything Thread

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
You run into something and you can't figure it out? Do you want more information about something or just want to know someone else's opinion on the subject. Whatever it is you can ask it here.
submitted by buzzedBUM_budstar to OfAllSorts [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Goblin_Core2099 25 yo trans masc nonbinary ISO individual housing (preferred) / roommate

Pm me with any info!! Max budget is $1000 !!!
submitted by Goblin_Core2099 to rva_housing [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 ChemicalSouthern1530 Mediation vent

My ex falsely accused me 10 years ago. It was a nightmare and I don’t have the mental or emotional energy to type it out. I documented everything to show what a crappy parent he is. We went to mediation and he pulled out all the things he falsely accused me of and threatened to file a counter suit. It really shook me. I cleared my head (or so I thought) and decided I’d take him to court. So he finally agreed to drop 1 night of visitation. I felt like I won, because he said he’d not give up a single day. It’s days later I have so much grief for not just taking him to court. But realistically, we couldn’t afford to. He comes from money and we are in debt up to our eye balls just to try. He is such a monster that I honestly just want to cry. I feel like I lost my chance to vindicate myself and to make things right. 😓
submitted by ChemicalSouthern1530 to NarcissisticCoparents [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 linkgolfer Playing Long Cove

I’m a Sea Pines resident and play those courses all the time, but I’m looking to play Long Cove - I hear it’s a great course and Dye design.
If there are any members in the sub that can take us out, would love to play!
submitted by linkgolfer to hiltonhead [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Dependent_Ease_8876 Can anyone let me know if these are good reps.

submitted by Dependent_Ease_8876 to KobeReps [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Imaginary-Airport181 She left

"Go wash your face,
And comb your hair"
"Do you promise you'll wait?
Please take me with you"
I said crying,
In my heart I knew
She will leave us!
With a pounding heart,
I washed my face,
And combed my hair
But she had left!
I ran after her
" Take me with you"
"Please take me with you"
But my wailing just echoed
I kept running in that foggy street,
For decades!
And then...
Fell on my knees!
My heart ...
So full of love,
My childhood...
So full of dreams...
Just decaying now,
In the backyard of life!
submitted by Imaginary-Airport181 to PakLounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Straight_Amount_6633 Kliniken ASS HESSEN und APAH(vitos) home treatment Ambulante Behandlung zu Hause

Liebe Audhd-Leute, Ich möchte um Empfehlung oder Bewertungen bitten. Seit weniger als 1 Jahr habe ich die Diagnose ASS, ADHS(2024) und befinde mich, wie so häufig, in einer Autistichen Burnout mit Erschöpfungs-Depression.
Dazu habe ich schwere gesundheitliche Probleme mit Hormonen (Frau, 31 J.a.), CFS/Fibro. Reizdarm und meine Empfindlichkeiten machen es mir schwer, außerhalb der Wohnung keine Schmerzen / Ängste zu bekommen. Viele Medikamente haben bei mir nicht gewirkt und nur Elvanse hat es wirklich geschafft, den Tag zu überstehen. Ich brauche jedoch etwas, um mit Komorbidität umzugehen, mich umzugehen und den Schlaf zu verbessern. Meine die nächstgelegene Klinik in Frankfurt ist das Markus Krankenhaus. Hat jemand Erfahrung im Markus Krankenhaus?
Eine andere gute Möglichkeit ist die Behandlung zu Hause - aber ich habe keine Bewertungen gefunden, und es scheint, dass sie viel weniger Ärzte haben. Meine PIA schlug vor - APAH (vitos) Hat jemand Erfahrung damit?
Und ich spreche leider kein gutes Deutsch.
Danke im Voraus, kleine verrückte Nachbarin
submitted by Straight_Amount_6633 to AutismusADHS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Ok-Sheepherder2239 Does anyone have cc with a care bear swatch?

Like it could be just a regular graphic t shirt but with a ton of swatches and one of them is a care bear swatch. Thank you 🥰
submitted by Ok-Sheepherder2239 to thesimscc [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 klllingperez Am i cooked

Am i cooked submitted by klllingperez to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 AutoModerator mesage

hello my wonderfull comutity also i dont care how bad i spell hope we have some good lafs
submitted by AutoModerator to robloxstupidthings [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 JillyfromHoboken What is this? Thought it was a zit but it’s been there for like three months.

And of course, a girl at work asked about family history of skin cancer. Anyone know more than my not-at-all-a-dermatologist coworker?
submitted by JillyfromHoboken to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Hypocrite_broccol Work appropriate shoes that are super comfy and give a “western feel”?

Have to come in once a month for my job and I have either dress shoes or sneakers, the only in between I have are Blackstock and Weber loafers, but they’re an awkward size as I bought them when I was young and naive while also being the white top and black body color scheme. So I feel like they’re a little too flashy for a typical computer guy at a corporate office.
I like cowboys but i can’t wear straight cowboy boots to the office. Could someone suggest some loafers or “office” appropriate shoes that have a western tinge to it?
submitted by Hypocrite_broccol to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Vanguardamadas Jimmy e Chuck debatem a validade dos cursos tecnólogos e EaD na prova de títulos
Inb4: Vai estudar ao invés de fazer meme.
submitted by Vanguardamadas to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 FinasCupil So

Are we getting refunds for the days we don't have service? This is crazy. Hopefully they are thinking about moving hosts?
submitted by FinasCupil to TorBoxApp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 ElizabethbutnotAfton New Members Intro

Hello, welcome! I am your mod Elizabeth, but call me Ellie, Elisheva or Lizzie. This is a community for all Elizabeth and Charlie fans. Create all types of art, gacha, stories, etc. Nothing inappropriate, please help this community grow.
submitted by ElizabethbutnotAfton to Elizabeth_and_Charlie [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Boomerang503 Firefly in her SAM Armor (Honkai: Star Rail)

submitted by Boomerang503 to armoredwomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Dreadddddddddd7 Help! I need to find a post of a graffiti character.

It was light blue with a upside down triangle for the head. It had no mouth and two large eyes. It was very slender. There are certain poses it is painted in, I remember one was shrugging. Does anyone know what I am talking about?
submitted by Dreadddddddddd7 to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 ClivePalma New Members Intro

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! Share your love of our Beloved Clive.
submitted by ClivePalma to ClivePalmerAusLegend [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 XxThoughtSeizexX [WTB] Looking for partials of Niche/Designer. (Bottle)

Looking to expand and try some new fragrances, lower partials are preferred. Thanks all!
submitted by XxThoughtSeizexX to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Severe-Opportunity81 Ex bestie

Ex bestie Theories?
submitted by Severe-Opportunity81 to AlliahHarmon [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 FinalEfforts 31 [M4F] Canada / Vancouver - I think I'm ready for an adventure!

Hey everyone,
Thought I'd give this a try and put myself out there. Looking for someone local to BC. :)
A little bit about me:
• My idea of a perfect day would be trying out a nice restaurant, coupled with seeing a movie at the theatre. I am a bit of a foodie and love exploring new places.
• I love to travel and explore new places. But I also love a nice time indoors like watching a movie at home, reading a book, playing a couple games and learning new recipes to cook.
• I am ambitious and am thankful to say I am in a field I am passionate about.
• Some of my all time favorite movies are "When Harry Met Sally" and "Dodgeball", and my favorite shows are "The Simpsons" and "The Good Place" Always open to new movie and TV show suggestions!
If I sound like your kind of person, I would love to hear from you!
submitted by FinalEfforts to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Iyne-N-Dine New Members Intro 歡迎加入,請在這裡做個自我介紹吧~

If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! 歡迎來到本社群,介紹你自己~
submitted by Iyne-N-Dine to Goburg [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 __get__name First Patch with Hydrasynth and Steampipe for Jamuary

First Patch with Hydrasynth and Steampipe for Jamuary Yesterday I turned an age that ends in zero and my partner went overboard with not just one, but two incredible synths. I focused on the Steampipe today (technically yesterday was my first patch with it, but I didn’t know about the Hydrasynth when I made that one, so this is the first duet). The Steampipe is by far the most expressive synth I’ve had the opportunity to play with. Simply gorgeous
submitted by __get__name to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 Harucha1226 Fresh? She's the Sovereign of SWEET.

Fresh? She's the Sovereign of SWEET. submitted by Harucha1226 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:00 badwifi316 21F Looking for older friends (but younger are also welcome :])

Whenever people who are younger than me tell me about their lives and their problems, I notice that a lot of the things that they are going through are very similar to what I went through when I was their age. Not only can I relate to their problems, but I can also provide them with good advice based on how I dealt with a similar situation. This made me realize that this is probably how older people feel about me and my problems xD. It would be lovely to make friends who are older than me that could teach me what they've learned in life. (This sounds a bit selfish, like if I'm going to use them for advice only, but I promise that's not what I mean XD. I'm just trying to explain my logic for why I've thought about looking for older people in particular.) I've also realized that the older we get, the lonelier we become. I'm only 32 and I already feel I don't have many people I can count on in my life. I can't imagine what it'll be like when I'm older :( so if there are people out there who are as lonely as me and would like to make a new friend, please reach out! -
submitted by badwifi316 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]