How to fit a bean bag in this living room

2025.01.31 02:01 badwolf4president How to fit a bean bag in this living room

Hello, Internet friends!
I have this giant beanbag that was a gift. It’s a little deflated but still works well when propped in a corner. Sometimes I can scrunch up and tie the loose fabric, but it won’t hold shape long enough that way - the tie always comes out. I really want to fit it in our living room, but I’m struggling to make it work. Think: cozy movie nights, silly game time with friends.
Our couch is three pieces and can be adjusted to be a little bigger or smaller. The way the back works in the last two photos in case anyone wants to see. (The couch also has holes in some areas, which is why it’s covered with a blanket.)
Across from the couch is a bookshelf with a TV on it. I’d love to mount our nicer TV, but after moving, I just don’t have the energy to patch and paint again.
Does anyone have ideas on how to make the beanbag work in the living room? If not, how can I place it in the dining area without it looking out of place?
The current layout is the first three photos.
The previous layout is the last two. The only problem with the previous one, other than the tv being on the mantle, that the bean bag turns into a flat sack and it doesn’t look nearly as neat/nice after 2/3 days.
I appreciate any thoughts!
submitted by badwolf4president to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Training-Hat9976 Hasan's reaction to H3H3's impending Content Nuke
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2025.01.31 02:01 smalltittysoftgirl So tired of filmmakers and showrunners trying to normalize it like they're being progressive.

It's bad enough that women have been sexualized with pointless nude scenes for decades now just the way tv and movies will slyly pop in a p*rn scene that a character is watching or let us hear the moans is so off-putting.
I'm at some relatives' and started watching The Darkness together. The main character and her husband have a decent marriage but do have marital issues after losing their daughter. She's also a detective and pretty busy so she tells him she doesn't want to do it tonight. Later she catches him in their room watching it on his phone, which he sheepishly puts away, saying he thought she said she wasn't in the mood. She doesn't think it's a big deal.
It's not the first show. Black Mirror was bad about this too. I feel like European cinema and television in general is even worse about trying it make it seem like a sexy, normal thing everyone does than American showrunners do.
I can't even escape it in podcasts. I'm a fan of Welcome to Night Vale so I gave Alice Isn't Dead a chance. I get well into it when suddenly the main character, Keisha (who is the titular Alice's wife), is going through Alice's laptop and casually mentioning browsing through her documents, photos, and porn. I'm not a fan of the creator anymore. He strikes me as one of those male feminists who call you a prude for kink shaming.
Just venting. I'm tired.
submitted by smalltittysoftgirl to PornIsMisogyny [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 HetTheTable Obama is the only Democratic president that won two terms without beating an incumbent in an election.

Obama is the only Democratic president that won two terms without beating an incumbent in an election. submitted by HetTheTable to Presidents [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Quicherbichen1 [CHAT] I have a dilemma, and I need advice.

I'm not posting this to AITA because it would be found by the people involved. It is about cross stitch, stolen art, and really bad patterns.
I'm sorry this is so long, but I feel all this info is necessary for the situation.
First, let me set the stage:
I have a very fragile relationship with my daughter-in-law due to some misunderstood words by a third party, which caused a decade-long estrangement between myself and my son, DIL, and grandchildren. The estrangement has been resolved, and we've been back together for about 8 years, but I constantly have the feeling that DIL still holds a bit of contempt toward me. The third person, who said the words that caused the rift was my mother, who has since passed away. My mother was the kind of person who would say things just to see what the reaction would be. She was a very toxic person. DIL is also estranged from her parents due to their toxic behavior.
DIL had suffered a brain injury as a child, and that injury has caused her to have difficulty processing large amounts of information, and remembering things short-term, but her long-term memory is excellent. She holds her long-term memory close, and will adamantly refuse to budge on things, even when her memory is wrong. She is a very strong personality every day. I love her dearly, and treat her as if she were my own daughter.
Needless to say, I treat my relationship with my DIL with as much grace and care as I possibly can so I don't upset anyone. I keep my opinions to myself, and I don't ever remark on things that might be misconstrued as criticism in any way.
Fast forward to Christmas, 2023:
They live 1,200 miles away. When I visited for the holidays in 2023, I gifted DIL a piece I cross stitched of her favorite tv show. She said she loved it, but in subsequent visits, I discovered the piece tucked away in a closet. No big deal for me. It's up to her what she displays and where.
Jump forward to May, 2024. I'm visiting for my granddaughter's graduation, and I brought my cross stitch project with me to stitch while we watched tv. DIL mentions that she learned to cross stitch when she was a kid, which started a friendly convo about the craft. I mentioned that I learned back when I was about 10y/o (more than 50 years ago), and told her about some of the things I've made. The way she spoke during this exchange led me to believe she had experience and knowledge of the current ways artwork is stolen or copied and sold by persons other than the original artists. We talked about how we have to take care to ensure we don't support thieves by buying bootleg products. She seemed aware of the pitfalls to choosing patterns.
Fast forward to Christmas, 2024:
DIL is a busy mom and works a full-time job from home, and often waits until the last minute to do her holiday shopping. She doesn't usually put much research behind her purchases, so I'm not completely surprised by the gifts they sent this past Christmas. I love that she even remembered I like to stitch.
I did not travel to visit this year, so gifts were shipped both ways instead. I received 2 beginner's cross stitch kits that were purchased on Amazon. These are both cheaply made, 11ct, stamped, beginner's kits. The scene has a specific piece of sentimentality to it for all of us, and I am told that is the reason DIL picked this particular kit for me to stitch. Because if this sentimentality, I decided I did want to stitch the image, but I wanted to do it on an 18ct aida rather than the 11ct stamped fabric included in the kit. Since the kit came with a printed on paper pattern in addition to the stamped aida, I discarded the stamped aida. The pattern is easy enough to translate and it lists all the DMC colors.
I've been working on it for about a week now, and have stitched almost 6,000 stitches so far. There are no blended colors called for, so everything is solid, and mostly large blocks of color. Part of the scene includes the Northern Lights. It looks like crap. Absolute garbage. I'm including links to the original completed image depicted on the packaging, and my current piece in progress. I'm to the point now where it doesn't make any sense to continue stitching, the color choices are so bad. I'm embarrassed to even show it here. The title of the piece is "Polar Bear" but it is clearly not a polar bear. Just that bit of information is a red flag, and gave me a reason to pause, before I even opened the package.
So, my question is this:
Would you show DIL what it looks like and explain why, or would you just stop stitching and never speak of it again? I don't know how to approach this at all. DIL knows I've started stitching it. Should I shove it in the closet and hope she forgets about it? I've already returned the other kit to Amazon because it's not something I'd ever be interested in stitching in the first place.
I have thought about talking to my son, as he frequently intervenes when DIL doesn't understand something but he doesn't know anything about cross stitch at all. Tell me what you would want me to do if you were my DIL. I'm so flustered over this that it's keeping me awake at night worrying about another rift in the family.
submitted by Quicherbichen1 to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

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This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
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Trade Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
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2025.01.31 02:01 ImaginaererIngenieur [WTS] Blackout defense drop in trigger, LWRC Grip, Empire P365xl magwell


All prices shipped. Pm for more pics if interested. Dibs rules all. Always interested in trades. Will not ship mags to ban states or lights/optics with batteries. I accept Venmo and PayPal F&F.
submitted by ImaginaererIngenieur to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

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I was wondering what people thought using mods to make games easier? I always feel guilty even though I enjoy it more and it’s not a competitive game. Stuff like Free/Creative Crafting, using cheats to unlock recipes, Time of Mistria to have slower days. I always get in my own head about “cheating” and was wondering if anyone else struggled with that.
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2025.01.31 02:01 RubAvailable9008 How Solar Panels in Orange County Helped Me Save Over $200 a Month on Electricity

Living in Orange County, I’ve always been aware of the benefits of solar, but it wasn’t until a few months ago that I took the leap and had panels installed on my roof. I’ve been amazed by how much money I’m saving! On average, I was spending over $300 a month on electricity before going solar.
Now, my bill has dropped to less than $100, even in the hot summer months when I’m running my AC. It was a bit of an upfront investment, but with all the state and federal incentives available, the process was a lot more affordable than I initially expected. The real game-changer for me was connecting to the net metering program, where excess energy I produce is fed back into the grid. It really made a difference in reducing my overall costs.
For anyone living in Orange County, I highly recommend looking into your solar options, especially considering the long-term savings and the environmental impact. How has solar affected your monthly bills?
☀️ Thinking of going solar? Get a FREE instant quote for ANY area on NewSolar! ☀️
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llwyn translates to bush
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @
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ever since i got Big Eared Rat (lachlan sad rat) he’s been my daytime hangout buddy, but without fail i sleep with my brooke otter every night. i love this community and talking to people about their jelly habits so i thought i’d ask 😊
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im trying to enjoy senior year but all i can think of is university and trying to keep my grades up. im going on a trip in march over the break that I’ve been looking forward to but I can’t feel happiness anymore like legit . (jk but fr is it over for me or should i become religious perhaps and start praying to god)
submitted by Superb_Effect4853 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]