Una familia palestina que vuelve a su hogar encuentra los restos de su hijo quien se encontraba desaparecido hacia meses debajo de los escombros de su casa destruida en Gaza

2025.01.31 01:53 Sure-Speaker-7290 Una familia palestina que vuelve a su hogar encuentra los restos de su hijo quien se encontraba desaparecido hacia meses debajo de los escombros de su casa destruida en Gaza

submitted by Sure-Speaker-7290 to Republica_Argentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 labboy70 Kaiser Permanente Research: Study halted, researchers disciplined. Internal audit finds Kaiser ignored patient protections in Northern California

Summary from KTVU / Channel 2 Oakland:
“Kaiser Permanente officials on Wednesday said two of its researchers had been suspended following an internal audit found they broke rules and put some research volunteers at risk in a study that was terminated in 2022.”
Here is the link to the article from Bay Area News Group :
submitted by labboy70 to FamilyMedicine [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 trex67846 College Basketball Picks ATS for 1/31 and 2/1

submitted by trex67846 to sportsgambling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Express_Tension9913 Dialga 4 locals 498265193008

submitted by Express_Tension9913 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Suspicious_Pace2193 Health anxiety and drinking

So I (22 F 130 lbs) have a party with friends tomorrow. I don't drink often at all (once every few months casually, and I probably only drink enough to get drunk a few times a year) I've developed severe health anxiety this past year which has prevented me from drinking a lot. My main concern is getting alcohol poisoning. We're celebrating my friends birthday so we'll probably drink more than usual and play some drinking games. I really want to participate and have some fun, I enjoy getting drunk with my friends on these rare occasions, and it's not like we're getting blackout drunk or anything like that. My anxiety is so bad though that I'm considering not even drinking. I know to get deathly alcohol poisoning you have to drink A LOT but I'm still extremely paranoid. I'm also a lightweight, I typically drink 2-3 bottles of soju (15 abv).
what caused this anxiety is me getting pretty bad alcohol poisoning in july from being wreckless. I probably had 10 2 ounce shots of vodka within 3 hours and some sips of other peoples drinks. I was so sick, I was nauseous for a week, and couldn't keep food down. I truly believe if I'd taken even one more shot I might've ended up in the hospital
I know one of the answers is to just not drink but I really don't want my anxiety to get in the way of doing these activities that I do genuinely enjoy on special occasions, so I was wanting either some reassurance or tips to ensure I'm safe while drinking
submitted by Suspicious_Pace2193 to alcohol [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 bot_olini EL SAT SE BURLA DE MIGRANTES - shorts

EL SAT SE BURLA DE MIGRANTES - shorts submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 NL0213 Where to watch Super Bowl LIX as an Eagles Fan

Driving into NOLA for Super Bowl 59 (huge eagles fan - go birds!). On Sunday Feb. 9th, I’ll be at Guy Fieri’s Flavortown tailgate from 12-5.
My question: After the tailgate, where is a great place (walkable from Mardi Gras World) to watch the game and enjoy the environment? I’m not focused on the food or drink since I’ll be stuffed at that point. I’d like to have a good game/viewing experience.
Thanks! 🦅
submitted by NL0213 to AskNOLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Agreeable_Taro1580 Least favorite nautilus?

What’s your least favorite nautilus? Mine is for sure the 5980.
submitted by Agreeable_Taro1580 to patekphilippe [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 AnalystLife3543 Chat I’m in the ER for testicular torsion wooohooooo

I'm in pain
submitted by AnalystLife3543 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 mamba_05 P320 AXG LEGION

Hello! Thinking of getting the p320 axg legion. Any one here can recommend me the axg legion or should I look into building one or what are yall thoughts !
submitted by mamba_05 to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Evilspatula666 Women’s Retreat in Mexico?

Hello Ladies! I’m looking at a women’s retreat in Mexico. There are some good reviews online but not a lot- the location looks amazing and it’s a women’s only event. I’m sincerely curious if anyone has gone?
It’s Sofia Bandera Wild Woman Retreat - There is a website and all, but I don’t want to link it and have this post removed.
Thank you!
submitted by Evilspatula666 to women [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Key-Ride-8993 volverías con tu ex?

Di porque razón si volverías con esa persona y por la cual no volverías, los leo atentamente..
submitted by Key-Ride-8993 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 greenblue98 Trump’s Trash Defense Secretary Is Ready to Go to War With U.S. Allies | Pete Hegseth apparently will do whatever it takes to control Greenland and the Panama Canal.

Trump’s Trash Defense Secretary Is Ready to Go to War With U.S. Allies | Pete Hegseth apparently will do whatever it takes to control Greenland and the Panama Canal. submitted by greenblue98 to RepublicanValues [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 adrenalineJ92 TV repair shop recommendation

Looking for a good and reliable TV repair shop within the Surrey, Delta or Langley areas. Any recommendations?
submitted by adrenalineJ92 to SurreyBC [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 rhurley1999 Dont buy costco sous vide beef sirloin

submitted by rhurley1999 to Wellthatsucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Dimtriyus فلسفة ما بعد سندوتش الجبنة

واحد قتلتله ابوه و شال ف قلبه فا بتقول يلا معلش بخلص عليه احسن ما يسببلي مشاكل بس يكبر. برأيك الكلام نقدر نقول عنه منطقي ؟ (بعيداً عن كونه حرام و غير انساني و منافي للأخلاق الحميدة)
submitted by Dimtriyus to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Jennyelf 11 year old posters, how to report?

So it's against Reddit TOS to be under 13 and have an account, and I keep seeing posts by 10 and 11 year olds saying "I'm 10F" or "I'm 12M" and when I try to report them, there is no option for reporting an underage person. How do you report that?
submitted by Jennyelf to reddithelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Music_nerd28 What is the best eyelash growth serum out there?

Hi, so pretty much as the title says it looking for the best eyelash growth serum I can get. I usually wear falsies but I just ripped out a chunk of lashes and I’d like to stop doing that.
All recommendations, regardless of price welcome
submitted by Music_nerd28 to MakeupAddiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 MastrMatt Whatchall feeding your pups?

Whatchall feeding your pups? I’ve true Blue Buffalo and Royal Canine, but my little Patty McFatPhat just doesn’t seem to like any of them.
submitted by MastrMatt to Frenchbulldogs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 _justsasss justsasss here! I’m an illustrator and I can’t wait to draw your fanarts, OCs, portraits, wallpapers and many more! Check my portfolio on the first comment!

justsasss here! I’m an illustrator and I can’t wait to draw your fanarts, OCs, portraits, wallpapers and many more! Check my portfolio on the first comment! submitted by _justsasss to AnimeCommission [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 syd_9876 Future Planning - Ontario

Hey Everyone! Currently working on my Ba in Psych, wondering what others are planning on doing after that?
I could apply for the Masters in Counselling, but knowing that won’t be enough to work in Ontario… or will it?
Or another option is to hope my credits are transferable for social work?
What’s everyone’s graduate plan?
submitted by syd_9876 to AthabascaUniversity [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 MsGreen_Panda Broke no contact

I broke my no contact and immediately deleted my via message after it was sent. I couldn’t bare to know whether he read it or not.
lt did say “delivered”.
I love him even after 2 weeks from when I last saw/heard from him.
I finally deleted his number today and the weight on my shoulders never felt so light.
Goodbye, love.
submitted by MsGreen_Panda to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Careless_Web_201 Diamox diarrhea?

Maybe TMI but I’ve been on diamox for about 2 and a half months now and I keep having these episodes where I get really bad gas that ends in horrific diarrhea for a few hours. I don’t have it everyday, maybe only once a week or every two weeks! The episodes are so unpredictable but they keep happening seemingly at random no matter what I eat. I take my diamox twice a day with a solid meal both times AND I take a probiotic as well. Not sure if this just a me issue but anyone else out there have this? And how do I make it stop lol
submitted by Careless_Web_201 to iih [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 LordJudgeDoom Come from behind victory vs a Perfect

Which do you all feel is more gratifying to pull off:
1) A Perfect against an opponent in the same skill range as yourself...
2) A come from behind victory against an opponent comparable to yourself...
submitted by LordJudgeDoom to StreetFighter [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:53 Educational-Ad2229 Send best offer, iris, cross comms pack, 240 skins, chapter one season 7 account

Send best offer, iris, cross comms pack, 240 skins, chapter one season 7 account Please only serious buyers, don’t ask to log in first, to many people attempting to scam on here, I’ll log on and screen share locker if needed, message me if you’re interested:)
submitted by Educational-Ad2229 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]
