2025.01.31 02:18 Tenuous_Fawn DMA and PIO on Pi Pico 2 Wireless
I'm working on porting some firmware for a game controller from the Pi Pico to my Pi Pico 2 Wireless, and I'm having trouble getting the input for the two controllers via DMA. When I run the firmware, the Pico 2 W gets stuck on dma_channel_set_irq0_enabled(i, true)
;, and never makes it to the next line: https://pastebin.com/KB8mJWys
For good measure, here is the dma_hander(): https://pastebin.com/fKf7t6Uq
My theory is that for some reason
dma_hw->ints0 = 1u << interrupt_channel;
is not clearing the interrupt correctly, but I'm not sure why this would work on the Pi Pico but not the Pi Pico 2 W, as they are pretty similar.2025.01.31 02:18 alicebaby_x Yesterday was my birthday and the hotel where I was staying brought me this in the form of a cake
submitted by alicebaby_x to StupidFood [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:18 LittleDragonfruit817 Este antro me acomplejo en todos los sentidos. Es normal o es que hice todo mal?
Conoci reddit poco mas de un año, pero es que nunca le di pelota ya que siempre que buscaba información me aparecía reddit en ingles (te soy sincero, ahi encontrás muy buena info si sabes inglés), no sabia que había gente de argentina, con el tiempo empece a entrar seguido, me recuerda a taringa, las historias, la data, me informo de todo, el infame emaraw o algo asi.
En fin. Me di cuenta que hice todo mal en mi vida, veo historias de pibes de 22 ya viviendo solos en recoleta, ingenieros, medicos, hermosas minas con la vida hecha, gordos compus con PC armadas por la nasa, pibes de 18 preguntando por su primer autito si es mejor bmw o audi. ahora entro yo, pibe normal de clase media sueldo ahi nomas que sobrevive en el congourbano de kicilove. A los 20 le pedia la sube a mi vieja, aca andan en la Hilux recien salida del horno. Es como vidas perfectas donde no hay problemas mas que felicidad
submitted by LittleDragonfruit817 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 NoCommute New remote job at PayPal
PayPal is hiring a Senior Director, Financial Controls
NoCommute is a daily newsletter with just-posted remote jobs. To get hundreds of jobs like this sent to your email 5x a week, subscribe here.
submitted by NoCommute to NoCommute [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 WhiteBoyzzzzz Made an Octavia wallpaper [OC]
Feel free to use it as your wallpaper, I got bored and I wanted to draw. Also should I do a Stolas one too??? submitted by WhiteBoyzzzzz to HelluvaBoss [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:18 amna000 Lets trade again 🇺🇸
I started on the beginning of November and I ended on the end of January !!! This is so crazy and long time to win an item
submitted by amna000 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 luisillo12lm Aprendiendo un nuevo Idioma. Existirá esto?
Hola! Debido a un accidente laboral voy a estar un buen tiempo de descanso médico. Y creo que es un buen momento para aprender otro idioma. Aparte de inglés me interesa el ruso. Alguien sabe donde puedo descargar audiolibros en ruso de clásicos de su literatura o libros que ya son populares allá? Muchas gracias por su ayuda ☺️
submitted by luisillo12lm to AskRedditespanol [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 Insinkerated_Spoon The max volume on my R3ii is pretty low
I got an R3ii for running. Using the 3.5mm output and a number of IEMs and headphones, the volume is pretty low. Much quieter when compared to my R4, even with the gain set to "high." Is there anything I can do about this?
submitted by Insinkerated_Spoon to Hiby [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 ARL1509 Xenarites are cool (My meme c:)
submitted by ARL1509 to AdeptusMechanicus [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 liliglup Just played with somebody who obviously bought their Plat 3 account
Their username was along the lines of cxGN96a1, they proceeded to perform crazy under the level of a plat player and despite our whole team outperforming the enemy’s we lost by a smidge because we were basically 5v6. For one - I can’t fathom why you would want to buy an account on Rivals? Maybe you’re hard stuck bronze and you think you deserve a higher rank, but legitimately, if you’re stuck in bronze, at this point, almost 99% of the time it’s your fault. Plz stay in your rank and try to learn how to be a better player instead of ruining my games
submitted by liliglup to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 Icy_Ad_8388 Thoughts on 3 dev card Victory Point win to Catan?
I feel like I cheated.
submitted by Icy_Ad_8388 to Catan [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 StarshipMars NEW TESLA JAN 2025 REFERRAL LINK - SAVE UP TO $1000 OFF YOUR TESLA ORDER https://www.tesla.com/referral/joshua61617
submitted by StarshipMars to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 HiTork Are there vehicles you have purchased where you felt this way? (Especially if it was a "fun" car or a toy)
submitted by HiTork to regularcarreviews [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:18 Ordinary_Good331 Cpje
For people who passed CPJE, how do you recommend studying ? Is it very heavy on brand/generics and if so, is the pnn first 400 enough?
submitted by Ordinary_Good331 to NAPLEX_MPJE_CPJE [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 Complex-Travel-7362 Help! Best Way to Conform a Model Around a Jar in Blender?
submitted by Complex-Travel-7362 to blenderhelp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:18 Sweetanggi Get out of my seat
submitted by Sweetanggi to aww [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 lss_web_1444 Image post title 261
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:18 toyalpedo The Cure + Pete & the Pirates + Cuarteto de Nos MASHUP
submitted by toyalpedo to GetMoreViewsYT [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:18 CorrectUnit3241 Why do I have so many people in my friend list?
My friend list had tens of people in it, but there’s only a few friends I’ve ever added. They also are not clan mates or Game Center friends. I find it kind of annoying when I’m looking for a friend’s name/account. Is there any way to get rid of them?
submitted by CorrectUnit3241 to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 softysammy Soiling outside my room
Hi, I need some help. My cat (5) keeps pooping and peeing outside my bedroom when I won’t let her in my room. She has no problems using the litter box throughout the day and she is in good health (I’ve already taken her to the vet). This is only a recent behaviour that started a month ago. I’ve even added another litter box closer to my room but that has made no difference.
submitted by softysammy to CatAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 flummoxed_flipflop High blood pressure, specifically diastolic?
For those here who have high blood pressure you believe/know to be related to the pain and stress of TN, is it your diastolic (bottom number) very high or is it both numbers?
I spent 6 weeks in a TN flare which exacerbated other illness (which has also meant pain), and when my BP was recently monitored for a week my systolic is elevated but diastolic is sky-high.
For example today: 133/129, but then dropped to 124/99 after an evening lying on the sofa.
I have a phone appointment tomorrow to hopefully get on meds depending on blood test results, but I'm just wondering if I'm not alone!
I take carbamazepine, could it be from that? Non-smoker, no lifestyle changes.
Last week-long BP monitor was 18 months ago, and was all absolutely fine. It could have come on gradually, but it feels like my health went off a cliff specifically with the flare.
submitted by flummoxed_flipflop to TrigeminalNeuralgia [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 Solmyrion What would happen if everyone had the same move speed and gear/items didn't change it?
I quite do not enjoy this cat and mouse gameplay.
submitted by Solmyrion to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 GhostJim86 Want to boost my sound quality on my beginner turntable setup.
I have an audio-technica lp-60 and edifier powered speakers. The turntable has a switch off preamp. Thinking of doing an external preamp. Kinda lost in the sauce right now. What would you do as the next step for a beginner to boost the sound quality? It sounds great but i dont know what the next step is. Thanks in advance!
submitted by GhostJim86 to audiophile [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 gamerz0111 What is your favorite youtube playlist?
submitted by gamerz0111 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:18 Jwanzo Legends of Runeterra characters in TFT
With this set introducing the most characters outside of League of Legends it made me think of characters I’d like to see introduced from Legends of Runterra (LOR). I’d imagine that if this were to happen it would be Noxians since the new characters were off the back of Arcane, and that’s the region of focus for the next show. Regardless my pick would be Xolaani, the Ascended turned Darkin who basically invented blood magic (if memory serves me right). I love her lore and character design I think she would make a great formswapperish champion, she could even start off as a lower cost that gains more value as you get higher in the Darkin vertical or as you invest in her star level or again the darkin vertical she allows the next higher cost version(s) of herself to be bought replacing all current and future copies of herself so long as you have that initial criteria met and minimum version of Xolaani slotted in your team. Just throwing some ideas out there. Taking from LOR would mean you already have Voice lines assets, Inaaddition to there being other darkins from LOR connected to about every major region also housing plenty of new characters, so it’d be a fresh take on an explored set design/theme! Who would you like to see added in future sets and how could they work trait/unit wise? Side note I love her interactions with Aatrox Xo: “To me Aatrox, we have a common enemy!” Aa: “There is no .. greater enemy .. than COWARDICE!” Aa: “There she is! The COWARD OF ICATHIA!!” Xo: “Closer Aatrox… COME TO ME” Aa: “You will obey your General, COWARD!” Xo: “No you will obey your BLOOD!” Okay I’m done submitted by Jwanzo to TeamfightTactics [link] [comments] |