Having a hard time getting my girlfriend off

2025.01.31 02:01 Southern-Can498 Having a hard time getting my girlfriend off

I've been dating my new girlfriend for a few months now. Until recently, I was a virgin. The sex is great and it seems like she enjoys it, but she has difficulty cumming. I keep asking her how I can make her feel good so she can cum as well, but the only thing she says is that she has hard time orgasming. I'm still new to sex, and I've tried being open and communicating, but I feel a little frustrated with the lack of progress. I worry that it's something that I'm not doing. I've tried going down on her, but she won't let me because "it's dirty" even though it definitely isn't lol. I'm confident in my size and stamina. She is Japanese, maybe it's a cultural difference? I have no clue.
Does anyone have any advice on a similar situation they had or an idea of how I can improve our communication?
submitted by Southern-Can498 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 BurpTruck Tina is watching you.

Keep one eye open, Tina.
submitted by BurpTruck to pacmanfrog [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 MicahMX700 Aside from my piercings bc I know how reddit feels about them. Am I ugly M(21)

Aside from my piercings bc I know how reddit feels about them. Am I ugly M(21) submitted by MicahMX700 to amiugly [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Glittering_Dog8152 Use my referral please

Mega Bonanza - Say Hello to Big Wins at Mega Bonanza! šŸŽ‰ Start your cosmic winning journey with this welcome treat: https://www.megabonanza.com/?r=73702603
submitted by Glittering_Dog8152 to Referrallinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 ClaireSea Moka Akashiya from Rosario + Vampire by Lady Rose ( Claire Sea)

Moka Akashiya from Rosario + Vampire by Lady Rose ( Claire Sea) submitted by ClaireSea to RosarioVampire [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 NotMez_69 Imagine not being as fast as me (ignore slide 2&3)

Imagine not being as fast as me (ignore slide 2&3) submitted by NotMez_69 to realracing [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Throw-away2927 My mother has been falsely accused of Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another (FDIA, previously known as Munchausen Syndrome) by Healthcare Professional(s)

Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have a clear legal question but I was told to come here by medical advice Canada as it doesnā€™t seem like a medical question. I guess the main question is, do we need a lawyer? What do we do, and what are our options for going about this situation?
Iā€™m 17M. Doctors will no longer prescribe me my current dosage of my primary chronic pain medication (the NSAID Celecoxib 400 mg/day) to manage my flare-up, because they believe my mom is drugging me with it and that itā€™s unnecessary medication. They wrote this up in my file (I do not know if they also wrote ME up for ā€œseeking unnecessary medicationā€). I live in Ontario, Canada. I'm already struggling to manage my flare-up (canā€™t attend school, tough to get to current doctorā€™s appointments, difficulty showering) and just generally donā€™t know what to do.
Iā€™ve had chronic pain since around 12 years old. It began as right shoulder pain we thought nothing of, eventually progressing into back pain. We found out I had scoliosis and I received a hard brace as per Sick Kidsā€™ Toronto recommendation, which I wore for around 2 years. They then determined my spine had fused and finished growing, so I was no longer at risk of having my scoliosis worsen, so I got off the brace. I had back pain and anxiety at this time, and was being treated for all this, but the back pain wasnā€™t too severe so the painkillers were pretty mild.
At 14, I had a pain flare-up in my wrists. It was likely due to COVID and lots of typing for virtual school, so I basically got treated for carpal tunnel and it improved back to normal after a month or 2. Not sure if it was really carpal tunnel or just some other overuse-related wrist injury, but Iā€™ve been fine since.
At 15 I came out as trans (ftm) and began transitioning, eventually going on testosterone, which Iā€™ve been on for a year now. Iā€™m only mentioning this because I donā€™t know if health professionals had noticed this, and somehow thought my mom was forcing me to undergo this as well as other medical procedures? This part isnā€™t so important, but the next part is:
So about a year ago it all went to crap. We went to Jamaica for vacation, everything was good and I was very physically active there, but when I got back I found myself in severe full-body pain. My family and I figured it was some virus I caught on vacation, like a flu. I basically spent a month laying on the couch, with flu-like symptoms of severe full body aches. I also had this shooting numbness feeling throughout my limbs.
Problem was, it didnā€™t get better. We underwent every test under the sun. Stool sample, urine sample, blood tests (including deficiency tests), nothing showed. I saw a ton of doctors who ruled out every condition known to man. Not Arthritis, no infection/virus found, full body MRI (including brain), nothing neurological, I was just diagnosed with ā€œChronic widespread painā€, described to me as ā€œnot fibromyalgia, but fibromyalgia-like symptomsā€.
I was in so much pain my parents wheeled me into emergency twice, I tried a ton of painkillers (OTC) and only Advil and Aleve worked well, but they were very harsh on my stomach. I was taking the maximum dosage of everything OTC I could take simultaneously. Finally, we tried celecoxib, which was the holy grail. My body reacted to it like Advil, but it was longer lasting, with less stomach upset. I went on 200 mg/day, the pain improved but was still pretty bad, and finally a neurologist issued us 400 mg per day. I was around 15-16. She said if I couldnā€™t shower or attend school when taking less than 400 mg, then I needed the 400 mg.
It worked and I began lots of physiotherapy. I had no muscular issues but itā€™s the standard treatment for chronic pain and if it had a chance of improving my symptoms I was gonna do it. I became very diligent with my health, diet and nutrition, working out very regularly (cardio + strength training), cutting my course load because sitting and standing triggered my pain, stretching, following physio recommendations, etc. With the 400 mg celecoxib my pain was low enough to be active, and I could even eventually drop it to 300 mg and sometimes 200 mg per day. My doctors wanted me on 200 mg max, eventually, as an ideal goal. I built visible muscle and my physical ability was good. I was still trying other pain meds because doctors wanted to see if that would allow me to decrease the dosage to 200 mg of celecoxib per day, which they saw as more sustainable long-term. These other medications targeted mostly nerve pain (antidepressant-family drugs), but nothing really worked nearly as well as the celecoxib.
Then, early December 2024, we went to Sick Kids Chronic Pain Clinic again, but they said they were not comfortable with me on 400 mg of celecoxib per day (despite the fact this is the middle of a flare-up). They told me to switch to gabapentin, so we did. Late December 2024, we went on vacation again. I was able to keep up on vacation, but there was lots of walking, standing, sitting on planes, etc. We got home and I crashed. I had a huge pain flare-up in my whole body. My back was the worst. I laid on the couch and couldnā€™t move. I couldnā€™t go back to school to write my exams.
I went back to 400 mg celecoxib per day, which allowed me to shower, stretch, walk a little, and move around the house. I couldnā€™t really ā€œexerciseā€ but at least I was no longer bedridden. They said the neurologist had no business prescribing that to me. We tried some other meds (more gabapentin, increasing my anxiety meds because it can also treat chronic pain, topical creams) but nothing worked. The celecoxib allowed me to be somewhat functional.
Suddenly, though, no one wanted to prescribe me 400 mg celecoxib. No one at the Sick Kids pain clinic, not the family doctor. They offered me physio that I tried, but could not do. They wanted me to talk to a psychiatrist, and I did, explaining that I actually used to talk consistently with a social worker but stopped because she told me my problems seemed mostly medical, not anxiety-related, and she didnā€™t feel comfortable talking to me about that. We couldnā€™t understand why no one wanted to prescribe me the pain medicine.
Eventually, Sick Kids deferred us to another pain clinic, where the doctor finally told us he would prescribe the amount, writing that I needed ā€œ200 mg of celecoxib BID (bidaily) during a flare-upā€ for the family doctor to prescribe.
She wonā€™t. She wanted clarification on what the length of a ā€œflare-upā€ was. She said she would call my mother today (who goes to all my appointments with me since I am underage and my dad works full time.
As it would turn out, SICK KIDS had WRITTEN UP my mother for ā€œFORCING MEDICINEā€ on me, and PUT IT IN MY MEDICAL NOTES. We donā€™t know when this happened, the family doctor just told my mother on the call today, and that is the reason she will not prescribe the 400 mg celecoxib. My mom was furious and explained that I was in pain, to the point of suicidal ideation (probably a bad move on her part) and sheā€™s probably even LESS inclined to prescribe it to me now.
Additionally, while the doctor at the pain clinic did agree to prescribe me 400 mg daily, he wants me off ASAP. He said ideally a month. Last time it took me SEVERAL months of consistent physical training before I could decrease the dosage to 200 mg (what he wants).
And also, apparently 400 mg celecoxib is actually a pretty standard dosage, and our pharmacist told us he has plenty of patients who have been on that dose for MUCH LONGER? So, the only reason they wonā€™t give it to me is because my file is written up for seeking unneeded medicine.
When my mom brought this up on the call, the family doctor simply said pharmacists are not doctors.
I live in Ontario where it is impossible to find another family doctor due to a critical shortage (and we are going through a healthcare crisis right now).
I honestly donā€™t know what to do now. How do I clear this up with the system so that it doesnā€™t say in my file Iā€™m seeking medicine I donā€™t need? (PS: Celecoxib isnā€™t an opioid or anything, itā€™s an NSAID like Advil so I donā€™t know why we got written up in the first place. Sick Kids said they were worried itā€™ll wreck my stomach lining but Iā€™m on Lansoprazole to combat that, and itā€™s better for my stomach than me taking the equivalent dose of Advil).
Weā€™re trying so many new medications + changing dosage, but nothing else has worked so far and I always have had to fall back on celecoxib 400 mg when the pain gets high. I feel like theyā€™re taking it away before weā€™ve found an alternative and just donā€™t care if I suffer in the meantime. My only other option is to take the maximum dosage of Advil which, while it works, makes me throw up frequently.
Am I screwed until I turn 18? Until then, they will assume my mother is forcing me to take medicine and wonā€™t prescribe me anything. Iā€™ll have to put everything on holdā€” schooling, university applicationsā€¦ We could get my dad to go to all my appointments? But he works, so thatā€™s difficult.
The diagnosis is also not very clear. Like, I donā€™t have a name for the condition, we were never given one. The only physical thing that shows is, I guess the severe tightness and knotting of my muscles and irritation of my back joints, that my chiropractor (who also has a bunch of physiotherapy certificates I think) can feel.
Besides, how do I even clear this up? Do I need to find a psychiatrist? I canā€™t find a new family doctor right now, weā€™ve tried. I could ask the gender clinic, but my doctor there already said he doesnā€™t deal with chronic pain so he wonā€™t prescribe any pain meds whatsoever.
Even when I turn 18, what if they still donā€™t trust me? I really donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to survive because Iā€™m in so much pain right now, just the thought of having to wait any longer really makes me feel hopeless.
Tldr; 17M, need a prescription that wonā€™t get filled because my mom got (wrongfully) written up for Munchausen Syndrome, until then Iā€™m suffering in pain, so how can I clear it?
submitted by Throw-away2927 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 ElonTastical am i having an episode again

submitted by ElonTastical to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Left_Professional_79 are these any good as far as value?

are these any good as far as value? iā€™ve gotten some good offers for the nirvana one just donā€™t wanna get lowballed
submitted by Left_Professional_79 to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 MelonGrabber1938 Dualsense edge

Iā€™m thinking of upgrading to the edge but my hands sweat a lot when I play and I canā€™t control it. How will this affect the edge? I know about the grips peeling but I plan to get an extremerate replacement anyway so not a major issue.
submitted by MelonGrabber1938 to Dualsense [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Vegetable_Panda_3401 Le Niger devient le premier pays d'Afrique Ć  Ć©liminer la Ā«cĆ©citĆ© des riviĆØresĀ»

Le Niger devient le premier pays d'Afrique Ć  Ć©liminer la Ā«cĆ©citĆ© des riviĆØresĀ» submitted by Vegetable_Panda_3401 to francophonie [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Alternative-Owl7459 Bday drinks

submitted by Alternative-Owl7459 to AiAnimeArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 cherrybomb20 CR

In the process of doing a compassionate reassignment, a bit confused on what forms have to be done. I know for sure the DA Form 3739. But do I also have to do the DA form 4187? This is for a medical reassignment.
submitted by cherrybomb20 to army [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 ReyepKaiser šŸ†•šŸŽ¶ 怌 ę‹ć«č½ć”ćŸēž¬é–“ 怍 new single by Nanase Aikawa is now available worldwide! šŸŒ

šŸ†•šŸŽ¶ 怌 ę‹ć«č½ć”ćŸēž¬é–“ 怍 new single by Nanase Aikawa is now available worldwide! šŸŒ submitted by ReyepKaiser to jpopstreaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 BLACKGOOP12 Hagakure is C tier, next, Minoru Mineta

Hagakure is C tier, next, Minoru Mineta submitted by BLACKGOOP12 to MyHeroAcadamia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 LackOfDad Ts shit šŸ˜‚

Ts shit šŸ˜‚ submitted by LackOfDad to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 uJhiteLiger Dragon Pearl Jasmine

Dragon Pearl Jasmine I got this Dragon Pearl Jasmine Supreme from Red Blossom Tea Co. and just wanted to share with you guys. I never really understood the appeal of tea much until I found out about this subreddit and started trying loose leaf tea. Started with Yunnan Sourcing, then tried Dragonwell from Verdant (still my favorite tea of all time currently), got some Oolong recently from Mountain Tea Company, and then tried a Green Jasmine bag tea at work which led to trying to find really good Jasmine tea. Iā€™m around SF bay area so Red Blossom is less than an hour away and wanted to try their stuff to see if itā€™s worth the price. At $29 for 2oz this stuff is pretty expensive, but I can definitely see myself getting it again, just not frequently. Itā€™s a very nice sweet jasmine treat, and they actually use White Tea instead of Green tea, which I love. Overall I give this tea an 8.5/10 and if you love jasmine (I like jasmine, maybe not love) then it would be a 10/10. Iā€™m trying to expand my taste and knowledge of teas, so this was a great purchase.
submitted by uJhiteLiger to tea [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 ElCanaldelCinedeOro šŸŸ¢ā€œGUTIERRITOSā€ la telenovela que rompiĆ³ rĆ©cords en los 60sšŸŸ¢ EPISODIO #66

šŸŸ¢ā€œGUTIERRITOSā€ la telenovela que rompiĆ³ rĆ©cords en los 60sšŸŸ¢ EPISODIO #66 submitted by ElCanaldelCinedeOro to ElCanaldelCinedeOro [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Eithrotaur Very weird question from somebody that knows noting about wine.

Hello everyone! So, I'm a person who knows nothing about wine and in fact can't stand the taste of the stuff, but my lack of good taste aside, I'm a writer, and recently I've been writing some stuff about vampires. Now, in my stories the characters are gonna be attending a lot of high class vampire parties where the main item on the menu is blood. But, I wanna have some fun, and though this isn't a remotely original idea I wanna see what I can do with it anyway, as such, I'm writing up a character who is essentially a vampire sommelier who serves and recommends bloods for the main characters to partake in. I want this character to be somewhat of an expert, with very strong opinions and lots of knowledge about blood in all its variety. After all, to a vampire the differences in a person's race, health, gender, age, diet, lifestyle and a whole host of other factors would probably make lots of different blood taste very different, same as how completely different factors effect the taste of a wine. So, to add depth to this part of the story I want to draw from the actual science of wine and wine tasting, but again, I know nothing about wine, thus, I've decided to go to the internet and its experts.
So, to finally get to the point of my question, what goes into recommending and pairing wine, and what sort of language would you use when describing that sort of thing if you were an trying to recommend a type of wine to a guest or customer?
submitted by Eithrotaur to wine [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 MP-YT Electro chill | 21-tracks

Electro chill | 21-tracks submitted by MP-YT to Music_Playlist_YT [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 bot_neen La Resistencia / 30 De Enero De 2025

La Resistencia / 30 De Enero De 2025 submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 Afraid-Career-7533 I got Peehair for Secret Santa

I got Peehair for Secret Santa Think Iā€™m gonna give him some Joja cola.
submitted by Afraid-Career-7533 to FuckPierre [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 tazz12789 Bet a eagle fan made this

submitted by tazz12789 to Commanders [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 getaclue52 Korean > English (from a blog)

Korean > English (from a blog) submitted by getaclue52 to translator [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:01 AmIreally52 You

You submitted by AmIreally52 to PoetryWritingClub [link] [comments]
