Group 9 - HOD alliance

而搭载全新一代骁龙8Gen4和天玑9400芯片的新款旗舰手机推测今年9~10月份就能逐步浮出水面了,不着急换手机也可以蹲两个月。 特别需要提醒的是,选择芯片时 尽量避开搭载低能效芯片的手机 ,因为这种低能效的手机功耗大、发热也要明显一些。 - 2024年11月份:共有30天,其中工作日为21天,休息日为9天。 - 2024年12月份:共有31天,其中工作日为22天,休息日为9天。 以上是2024年各月份工作日天数的详细统计,希望能帮助大家更好地规划工作和休息时间。 从使用方面来看,播放高清电影、电视剧,接驳PS3、Xbox360等高清设备的16:9比例显示器效果更佳,能够完全杜绝上下黑边的情况发生,并且1080P高清显示也符合当下人们追求高质量生活的需求。 分辨率清晰. 16:9的屏幕可以更高的扩充分辨率,十分清晰。 7寸照片是比较常见的一种照片规格,一般用于冲印数码相机拍摄的风景人物照片,也会用于冲印单张的形象照证件照,或者证件照排版照(1寸9张或2寸6张),下面就为大家祥喊薯详细介绍7寸照片的冲印尺寸以及电子版像素尺寸,以及如何手机拍照制作7寸证件照 ... 科学计数法是科学家用来表示很大或很小的数字的一种方便的方法,其满足正则表达式[+-] [1-9].[0-9]+e[+-][0-9]+,即数字的整数部分只有 1 位,小数部分至少有 1 位,该数字及其指数部分的正负号即使对正数也必定明确给出。 扩展资料: 科学计数法的好处 (1)精确。 屏幕显示比例分为16:9、16:10,3:2,其中16:10的屏幕下巴比16:9更窄,屏占比更高,内容显示多一两行。 而3:2是少数轻薄本会搭载的显示比例,适合办公。 屏幕主流亮度是300nit,对于办公、玩网游等来说基本够用,如果经常在户外使用,建议选择400nit亮度的屏幕。 2025年一月台式机电脑diy配置推荐(这篇文章每月都会更新,可以收藏) 本文内配置单无任何利益相关,配置推荐以性价比为主,每月月初会及时更新,希望大家可以点赞支持一下哈~纯为爱发电,大家的支持就是我的动力。 2、September,老历法的7月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文 Septem是“7”的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍袭用旧名称来称呼9月。英语9月September,便由此演变而来。 3、october。英语10月,来自拉丁文 Octo,即“8”的意思。 9家上市股份制银行:招商银行、浦发银行、中信银行、兴业银行、平安银行、光大银行、华夏银行、民生银行、浙商银行等。 工行是一家中央金融企业,成立于1985年11月22日。中国资产规模最大的商业银行之一,位列世界500强。 9寸、12寸、14寸披萨直径各有多大当提到披萨的尺寸,我们通常会用英寸来衡量。 根据国际标准,1英寸等于2.54厘米。 那么,不同直径的披萨大小如下: 9英寸披萨: 它的直径大约是 22.86厘米,适合两个人分享,分量适中

2025.01.31 02:11 Desperate_Parsley528 Group 9 - HOD alliance

🔥 Join HOD in State 1227! 🔥
Attention FC5 players! If you’re looking for a strong and competitive alliance, HOD in State 1227 is recruiting! Our state is one of the strongest in the region, and we have the most powerful whale around.
Why join HOD? ✅ Dominant presence in State 1227 ✅ Strong leadership and teamwork ✅ Competitive and active members ✅ SVS focused state
If you’re interested, contact me here or in-game!
Aegon Targaryen HOD - R5
submitted by Desperate_Parsley528 to whiteoutsurvival [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Medium-Chip6881 Non Profit Name Ideas

Hi there! I am creating a non-profit and social media campaign that works to bring awareness and help the unhoused. I’m looking for some advice and ideas for what this could be called? A few options that I have received and like is:
Home4Good RoadToHome HomeFirst
submitted by Medium-Chip6881 to Design [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Narrow-Strike869 Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists tied to higher thyroid cancer risk in first year of treatment

Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists tied to higher thyroid cancer risk in first year of treatment submitted by Narrow-Strike869 to microbiomenews [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 ko0lvamp Hello Everyone

I’m a budding digital marketer with certifications in Google Ads, SEO, and social media management. I have experience managing Amazon and Walmart PPC campaigns, running eCommerce Shopify stores, and growing YouTube channels. I’m offering my expertise in running ad campaigns, optimizing websites, and boosting online engagement for free! This is a chance to let me help your business grow while I build my portfolio.
If you’re interested in working together, feel free to DM me. Let’s take your brand to the next level!
submitted by ko0lvamp to indiebiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Turbulent-Pepper-476 Ella

Ella submitted by Turbulent-Pepper-476 to PinayBeauties [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 SadTiger_117 Willingness of Narita Top Road [Translated] (krim_creamy) [Narita Top Road]

Willingness of Narita Top Road [Translated] (krim_creamy) [Narita Top Road] submitted by SadTiger_117 to UmaMusume [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 -TurkeYT This is just INSANE. Never would have thought I would respect a Shrimp and find it badass like this

submitted by -TurkeYT to badassanimals [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Own_Molasses4576 Marshall speaker

Is there any option to use my Marshall Acton 3 speaker while travelling cuz it needs to be plugged in for power? It become impossible to use it outside
submitted by Own_Molasses4576 to marshall [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 TacticalGrandpa1 This better be a glitch

This better be a glitch I will lose my mind if this is a feature. No I won’t, but I’ll be a little disappointed
submitted by TacticalGrandpa1 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Bg23the1andonly Food? [Original]

Food? [Original] submitted by Bg23the1andonly to kemonomimi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Working_Knowledge_43 hi who is my first post if anything i don't know anything here so let's start

Hi, let's say my name is Jack. I bought a wrecked 2019 Lincoln MKC and now l'm not sure what to do. The parts are very expensive. Is it possible to take the entire front end from a Lincoln Nautilus and install it on my car? what is the best way to proceed? Maybe abandon the idea altogether or maybe replace the parts somehow?
submitted by Working_Knowledge_43 to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 CoolMothGuy I got the thigh highs! ^w^

I got the thigh highs! ^w^ My partner u/AdditionBuyer5242 got them for me and there so comfy and cute >w< she said they make me look thicc uwu
submitted by CoolMothGuy to teenfemboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 H4Joost What genre is cosmo sheldrake’s music?

What genre is cosmo sheldrake’s music? Specifically his song “run” from the eye to the ear album if that makes any difference
submitted by H4Joost to cosmosheldrake [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 RepresentativeBed888 My First palindrome

My First palindrome submitted by RepresentativeBed888 to papermoney [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Extreme_Mountain_761 Any order food?.. ✍️❤️😇
submitted by Extreme_Mountain_761 to NikkeOutpost [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 NoticeAmazing7179 YUJI REWORK IDEA

yuji genuinely makes me wanna put iron in my mouth so heres a rework
SPECIAL: Divergent Fist - Apply cursed energy to your hands, making your attacks deal 1.5x damage as an extra hit lags behind, landing a moment later. Lasts for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 15 seconds
MOVE 1: Cursed Strikes - Remains the same as current (the version where it isn't an m1 reset).
MOVE 2: Pulverize - Triple kick your opponent, leaving them opened to combos. VARIANT (2+SPECIAL): Tear a large chunk out of any nearby surface, winding up before launching it at your opponent. Cooldown: 16 hp, Damage: 6 hp (Default), 10 hp (Variant) (Blockable (variant unblockable), combo extender (variant ragdolls), hits grounded (variant only))
MOVE 3: Second Impact - Punch your opponent, and as your cursed energy finally catches up to your fist, ragdoll them and send them flying. The second impact can be punished if the first is blocked. VARIANT (SPECIAL + 3 + 3) If Divergent Fist is used, then Second Impact gains access to a variant. Pressing 3 right as the first impact lands causes it to black flash, healing you by 5%, resetting the Divergent Fist cooldown, and ragdolling them further away. Cooldown: 17 seconds, Damage: 5 hp (Default) 8 hp (Black Flash) (Blockable (Variant and second impact is unblockable), ragdoll, hits grounded)
MOVE 4: Combat Instincts - Enter a state where you'll passively dodge all blockable moves for 5 seconds. If hit with an unblockable move (that isnt something absurd like hollow purple), quickly parry it out of the way, taking 50% of the damage. Cooldown: 20 seconds, Damage: 0 hp
yuji players when i catch you
submitted by NoticeAmazing7179 to JujutsuShenanigans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 ApplicationFun2512 Consegui fazer Doom rodar na barra de busca do Goole

Já faz um mês que venho publicando alguns projetos malucos no YouTube. Publiquei um vídeo rodando Doom e Elden Ring no editor de código do Visual Studio Code, Baldur's Gate 3 no Notepad e, agora, trago para vocês mais um projeto e conquista inédita. Agora é possível rodar Doom até mesmo na barra de pesquisa do Google.
Espero que curtam o projeto :D
submitted by ApplicationFun2512 to brdev [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 AScaredWrencher Does the embarrassment of being FA ever go away?

I'm 30M. Only people that have ever complimented me or even hinted at me being attractive were either 70+, extremely mentally ill or a drug addict. Obviously I've never dated or even had anyone like me seriously and I've accepted that's not going to change.
The issue is that as I get older, most people don't give a fuck about what you do for work or hobbies. Talk always goes to kids, spouses, etc. Activities for adults are all under the assumption you're gonna bring friends (which I don't have) or it's meant for couples so it's hard to even pick up hobbies.
submitted by AScaredWrencher to ForeverAlone [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 Bunny_lover220 Selling these cybreds for 1k each

Selling these cybreds for 1k each Sorry for the bad pics
submitted by Bunny_lover220 to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 heyarlogrey an update from my ‘under 150!’ post.. under 130!!

I’ve been on wegovy 6 months, starting in the low 180’s. I was 126.3 last time I weighed!
I will add a couple things:

  1. I was in the ER with colitis, but the symptoms were atypical, uncontrollable vomiting. The ER dr was quick to blame it on wegovy slowing the digestive tract down and allowing bacteria to cultivate. IDK if what he says is true or not, colitis was awful though and I hope it doesn’t happen again.
  2. I’ve started getting lightheaded with position changes - moshing anything moving upwards. Not sure what vitamin or nutrients to add to fix it.
I’m happy to answer questions about my 6 months!
submitted by heyarlogrey to WegovyWeightLoss [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 deathandobscura Sweet marketplace find!

Sweet marketplace find! I just grabbed this jacket off marketplace and I'm so stoked about it! I'm curious if it's related to a team at all or homemade by a fan. Its got Team Fiat Yamaha, Mobil-1 and Snap-on patches on the front. Pirelli tire patches on the side, I know Rossi raced for Fiat Yamaha back in the day, I wonder if this was a fan made leather? Regardless as a big Motogp Yamaha fan and I've owned 4 different Yamaha bikes, this is a killer find!
submitted by deathandobscura to motorcyclegear [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 lil_dickhead_ Tips?

Goedenavond Redditers,
Ik heb wat advies van jullie nodig. Ik was “schijn” zzp’er en heb 3 jaar lang 5/6 dagen in de week gebikkeld in de logistieke sector op Schiphol. Maar door de verandering in regelgeving omtrent schijn zzp’ers is dat nu geen optie meer en ben ik nu dus werkloos.
Ik was van plan om het hoe dan ook wat rustiger aan te gaan doen aangezien ik met psychische klachten al jaren rondloop waar ik mezelf de afgelopen jaren doorheen heb gezet. Alleen nu kamp ik met best hevige vermoeidheidsklachten.
Ik heb mezelf ingeschreven voor een studie aan het HBO “sportkunde” voor het aankomende schooljaar.
Nu heb ik dus een gat op te vullen tot in ieder geval aankomend school jaar. Ik heb geen idee wat ik kan doen en of ik misschien nog iets kan vinden waardoor ik door kan gaan als zelfstandige aangezien dat mij goed beviel. Als ik toch weer in loondienst moet dan is dat jammer maar dan is het niet anders alleen weet ik niet zo goed wat ik op dit moment het best kan doen aangezien de situatie omtrent psychische klachten.
Als iemand eventueel interessante vacatures weet rond omgeving Amsterdam hoor ik dat natuurlijk graag.
submitted by lil_dickhead_ to werkzaken [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 N0VAC0TT0N Final harvest tally: 439.8g

Final harvest tally: 439.8g Final harvest tally: 439.8g—almost a full POUND of fire! 👀🔥 Not bad at all. Amethyst Frost Haze smells absolutely insane 😆💨 Hope y’all are having a great week—keep on growing! 💪🌱
submitted by N0VAC0TT0N to Autoflowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 ConsistentTangelo198 Budget tips for Drake Bay

Please tell me your best budget tips for Drake Bay! I’m a Canadian so our dollar doesn’t go a long way right now.
What tips can you provide in regards to tours, food and transportation to save a little money?
submitted by ConsistentTangelo198 to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:11 bobbin-sky Bag sizes

Do the jellycat bags come in different sizes too? I recently got a secondhand sun bag, and it’s really cute, but just tinier than I imagined.
submitted by bobbin-sky to Jellycatplush [link] [comments]