Old NGNG Soundtrack

2025.01.31 01:50 ChoboN00b Old NGNG Soundtrack

Kind of a convoluted question, but waaaaay back in the day, DC Bruins released a concept for an animated Mechwarrior series that never got picked up due to IP reasons.
The video uses the tune "Falling" from the "NGNG soundtrack." The NGNG soundtrack was something NGNG was selling at the time, if I recall, but it appears to be "out of print" and no longer listed on their website.
DC Bruins's video now has now been tagged as containing the soundtrack "Falling" from an artist named Damiano Baldoni, with a link to his channel. I know youtube sometimes auto-tags videos with certain tunes without the creator doing it manually.
My question is: Is this the original tune from the NGNG soundtrack that has been released free on youtube, or did this artist recreate/remix a new tune by ripping from DC Bruins's video? The song on youtube was uploaded recently (2024), has no description, and hence says nothing about the history of the tune and it doesn't mention NGNG or Mechwarrior anywhere
Can someone who knows the history confirm if this is the original song/artist?
submitted by ChoboN00b to OutreachHPG [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 LastSignificance7175 [H] 360 page blockfile, 700 page backfile, and multiple unique cases[W] paypal/venmo

If you have any questions, or are interested, be sure to message me.
submitted by LastSignificance7175 to DebateTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Opening_Cod5115 what is do’s and dont’s in friends with benefits relationship

i became fwb with my ex flirt and we’re loyal to each other he gets jealous also with dont have sex just kissing cuddling etc.
submitted by Opening_Cod5115 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 PegasusTGTF How to remove headgears and hairbands on certain characters? (V4)

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2025.01.31 01:50 real_is_struggle Help please

Spin to win
I need as many as possible. Thank you
I have everything but puppy
submitted by real_is_struggle to Shein [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Rayski-77 Friends Select vs Friends Central (Playoffs)

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2025.01.31 01:50 7venhigh Post walk nap 💤

Post walk nap 💤 submitted by 7venhigh to englishbulldog [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Rude_Media_9308 Streak 43

I try to make a habit of reading English books for at least 30 minutes everyday. I usually don't read books in my mother tongue unless I'm sure they are well-written. I'd rather spend my free time reading English books for the sake of both studying and literary pleasure. Here's today's list of words I learned:

  1. in place of: There must be a difference from instead of, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm guessing the word 'place' carries a stronger nuance of filling in a role usually/commonly played by what's been replaced?
  2. watering can: I googled this word and it seems like the images were all watering 'cans' that are made of tin or metals. I wonder if it's okay to call watering can made of plastic a watering 'can' as well?
  3. by the light of: by is a tricky preposition; by the light of means using the light of something or under the light of something, but I don't think I have a complete grasp of the usage of by here.
  4. to deflect suspicion: I like this expression; deflect wasn't an entirely unfamiliar word per se but I had no idea how it's actually used with other words I think; it feels like deflect could come with many words that fit the image.
  5. to jibe with: "But that didn't jibe with what she had said about..." jibe with sounds like a a slangy word? It must be definitely informal and conversational; I think I saw this word on Reddit yesterday.
  6. to turn? the tab all the way: I don't remember the exact phrase but 'all the way' was another easy but difficult word to use.
submitted by Rude_Media_9308 to WriteStreakEN [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 IceWaterSalamander Show me ur muscular ocs!

Very interested in seeing these
submitted by IceWaterSalamander to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Realistic-Waltz2661 Odonto ou enfermagem?

Considerando que pretendo estudar para concurso dessas áreas, qual a melhor opção?
submitted by Realistic-Waltz2661 to enem [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Enby_Geek I'm writing a story set in 1851: and while I know I'm not gonna get everything right, I'd still like to get most details right.

I'm a 17 (soon to be 18) year old novice writer, I'm writing a historical romance for the first time, and my resources are limited:
My story is a queer historical romance about a woman named Viola who gets into a contractual marriage with Duke Charlotte Dryden to escape her abusive father, Lord Hallewell. But while their marriage may only be contractual, they both start developing feelings for each other and their love becomes real.
This is of course not an accurate Victorian Romance, with Charlotte being a (Gender Fluid) Duke and being in a same-sex marriage with Viola (even if it's by contract). But I'm going for a sorta alternate 1850s, where same sex marriage is legal and Charlotte can be openly Gender Fluid.
(P.S: They use the name Charlotte most often, but sometimes they go by Charles. Even when they go by the name Charlotte and use She/Her pronouns, they'd rather use the title "Duke" rather than "Duchess").
But even with those inaccuracies, I'd still like a bit of help regarding stuff like language/slang, what was popular and unpopular, methods of courtship, and things people often get wrong about the 1850s. (BTW, Viola and Charlotte meet at Queen Victoria's 1851 Costume Ball, so any information about that event would be greatly appreciated ^^)
If you can, please also provide sources so I can read into it, myself. I'm open to any ideas/critiques. Thanks! :)
submitted by Enby_Geek to Victorian [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 FullOfMicroplastic Patches or Injections?

So I've been using estrogen patches for a year now, and I haven't seen a huge amount of physical change (lots of mental/emotional changes tho). I'm kind of in a weird position cause I live with my parents, and my hrt is covered under their health insurance, and they think the patches are better for me because of the stability of the level of hormones they give, etc, etc. I want to switch to injections because if heard they're more effective than the patches. is this true? I just hate looking like a man lol
submitted by FullOfMicroplastic to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Lonely-Champion-8102 Store bought Mac and cheese

I bought an individual container of the Mac and cheese today. It’s been years since I’d last had it. I took a bite, and it had a slight sweet/tangy taste to it. It smelled fine, was not expired. Is this how it’s supposed to taste?
submitted by Lonely-Champion-8102 to Panera [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Affectionate-Pain224 Sakura, Chaewon, Yunjin, Eunchae and Kazuha - LE SSERAFIM

Sakura, Chaewon, Yunjin, Eunchae and Kazuha - LE SSERAFIM submitted by Affectionate-Pain224 to Chaewon_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 lizaforever Baby Clover

Baby Clover submitted by lizaforever to springerspaniel [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Lyonleoo [WTB] Geissele ODG upper receiver

Willing to pay $150
submitted by Lyonleoo to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 slamjacob It’s “TIHC”… I’ll die on this hill

It’s “TIHC”… I’ll die on this hill submitted by slamjacob to Hardcore [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 frobotjames Question about adding educational background

At an interview the other day the interviewer pointed out that I don't have my educational background on my resume. However, I graduated high school a few years ago and I won't be starting college until late February. So what should I put down?
submitted by frobotjames to resumes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 CharitySufferethLong What does “crash out” mean?

submitted by CharitySufferethLong to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 grandlakerocks [WAR] The Last Crusade

July 1517
“Do not falter at this hour, but go onward in God's name, since both the blessed Saviour and the false prophet Mahomet conspire to deliver the enemy into our hands.” ~ Francisco Jiménez de Cisneros, during the conquest of Oran
The Crowns of Spain declare war against the Ottoman Empire to drive back the Moors and liberate the Balkans from Turkish oppression.
submitted by grandlakerocks to empirepowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Educational-Ad2229 $135 usd, Galaxy, Honor guard, Twitch prime & STW packs, Chapter one account

$135 usd, Galaxy, Honor guard, Twitch prime & STW packs, Chapter one account Please only serious buyers, please don’t ask to log in before hand, to many people attempting to change info before buying on this Reddit, I can log in and screen share locker on discord if needed, but please let me know if you’re interested :)
submitted by Educational-Ad2229 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 No_Effective9400 Looking to trade wish coins for unicorns any colors can be bad! I want to try out the new rewish feature!

Five for 1 wc? Idk if most bad unis are selling for 200 now 200x5 is 1000 that seems fair
submitted by No_Effective9400 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 BootyShepherd Can i cast an enlightened tutor in response to teferis puzzle box going off at the beginning of my draw step.

submitted by BootyShepherd to mtg [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 ahmad178 Is Buying Muzz Gold for 1 Month worth it?

Hi all, I am 26-M from pakistan looking to find my life partner. I have been using Muzz for almost one month for free and it seems like it's completely useless. I have read a lot of reddit threads on this topic and mostly people believe it is useless, even with gold. I have few questions:
1- Is Muzz Gold subscription good and should I buy it for just one month to check? Please share your experiences that can help me in making decisions.
2- If your answer to above question is no, then what is a good way of search? Again if anyone could share their experiences, that would be a big plus.
P.S. I have seen most people advising to go through match makers (arranged type scenerio), but IMO, in such scenario, it is difficult to have detailed discussion with the other person to know them better, which makes it challenging for me to take that path.
submitted by ahmad178 to MuslimNikah [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 01:50 Joao-Marco Estou apaixonado por alguém que não deveria!

Um brevíssimo resumo da minha história pessoal é que sou gay e cristão (é, eu sei) e isso por si só já adiciona um gigantesco paradoxo na minha vida e um pacote de problemas juntos, mas pro desabafo de hoje quero focar em outra coisa, ou melhor, em alguém. Sou veterano na empresa que estou atualmente, por conta do excesso de demandas meus chefes resolveram contratar alguém na mesma função pra somar comigo, e foi aí que conheci o L. Bom, L é o meu exato tipo de homem, até aí tudo bem, é só um cara que achei lindo, mas nunca conheci alguém como ele que ressoasse tanto comigo. Somos MUITO parecidos em tudo, cosmovisão, nerdices, politica, ideais de vida, entendimento sobre o evangelho, gosto musical e nos demos bem imediatamente, nossa amizade tem se tornado cada vez melhor dia após dia, algo que inclusive vem sendo notado pelos outros membros da equipe. Certo dia meu outro amigo lá na empresa de repente virou pra gente enquanto nós estávamos rindo de uma piada que L contou e falou "Vocês têm uma conexão, não é?", aquilo me deixou muito pensativo. Nossos dias tem sido assim, conversando, rindo e trabalhando, tenho até ido mais cedo só pra ficar mais tempo do lado dele, hoje, por exemplo, ficamos um bom tempo dividindo um fone recomendando músicas um pro outro. Teve também certo dia que levei meu violão para empresa e ficamos conversando e estudando teoria musical por umas duas horas a mais do expediente. O grande plot twist disso tudo é o seguinte:
O cara é casado.
Isso por si só não é um problema, me considero uma pessoa madura e sei separar as coisas, mesmo que esteja apaixonado por alguém comprometido, jamais ficaria tentando minar o casamento dele ou algo do gênero para forçar situações entre nós, o que nós temos construído aconteceu de forma natural. Porém, para me confundir completamente, ele, de forma espontânea, faz diversas "brincadeiras" de cunho sexual voltadas para mim ou até mesmo eu sendo o alvo da piada. Ele por diversas vezes já me chamou de gostoso, disse que ia me beijar, entrelaçou nossos dedos, que estava apaixonado por mim, fez pequenas massagens nos meus ombros, me chama constantemente de "meu amor" ou "meu bebê", já brincou inúmeras vezes que não era hétero e coisas nessa linha, eu jamais iniciei qualquer uma dessas brincadeiras (até por que no meu caso são verdade) todas foram ele que iniciou. Falando assim, talvez pareça super óbvio que ele seja enrustido, mas algo me diz que ele é daqueles tipos de héteros que brincam com a sua sexualidade exatamente por serem seguros com a mesma, embora, minha amiga (que é lésbica) lá da empresa e que presencia o que ele tem feito comigo, jura por tudo que ele é gay/bi e que gosta de mim. Ele fala muito da esposa dele também, de como ela é linda e que ama muito ela. Enfim, apesar de estar sendo super gostoso tudo isso pra mim, ao mesmo tempo, estou muito confuso pela situação que nós nos encontramos, seja por religião ou estado civil, e triste por não te-lo. Sinto que falar dos meus sentimentos para ele vai destruir nossa amizade, e isso tá fora de cogitação. Gostaria muito de saber o que vocês acham, podem perguntar qualquer coisa, ou até mesmo dizer um sinto muito sei lá kkkkk.
submitted by Joao-Marco to desabafos [link] [comments]
