Like you, I had no desire to see the news feed upon startup OR when I open a new tab. First, navigate to Edge's settings using the three dots on the upper right hand side of the window Hello Thanakrit Sriharuthai, Thanks for reaching out here in the Microsoft Answers Community. Based on the situation, it is likely that either your Microsoft account is not an adult one, or the birth date has not been set. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. How do I remove a persistent fake-virus alert popup? I've got a Surface Go 4 running Windows 11 in my family where today the user clicked "allow" on a popup message she got asking about cookies or something while browsing in Edge. Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. Hello JBD_999, I'm John an Independent Advisor and a Microsoft user like you. I'll be happy to assist you today. Whenever I start my computer the app starts and disrupts my wallpapers I already have on my pc. Whenever I right click it, it takes me somewhere else instead of the usual options like deleting it. I'm sorry, but it seems to me, that hassle free installation of updates falls on Microsoft, and not to user to try and wade through the muck and mire of additional software installations to get your Norton (new version) messages that Windows Media Player has an update available (Software Updater), but it won't update. Instead it takes me to a webpage that is entitled "Get Windows Media Player". My system is clean of viruses and malware[ I have done many scans] but the false alerts continue on the right side of whatever windows is open. I tied to kill the browser process but the alert stays
2025.01.31 02:31 Various-Reference962 Question about 1098 T
I attend a non profit school full time and husband works so we're filling taxes as married. The 1098 T form says I've paid 3000. Do you think I'll get credit for it and if not, can I just not add that form in? Thank you.
submitted by Various-Reference962 to TaxQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 WWingS0 The Impact of Immigration on U.S. Fertility. It won't raise overall rate much, and it appears to depress childbearing among the American born population.
submitted by WWingS0 to ReactionaryPolitics [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 Clarktarrr Sleep Study and Drug Panel
Can someone help me understand what my drug panel is for 48 hours prior to my sleep study? I've communicated I use marijuana. And I have gathered the impression from my doctor I have to "quit" and pass the test??? So 4 weeks prior I have to go cold turkey as a daily user previously (about). This makes zero sense to me and I've sent my doctor messages asking and he has not been helpful - "it could affect your sleep."
I am not trying to get high before the study hell I'll quit a week/2 weeks out but I'll pop for THC on a urine test. Appreciate any insight as I want to fix my sleep but also do not want to unnecessarily be putting myself through giving up THC... It a valuable resource for me to wind down at night and I struggle with drinking in lieu of it (separate issue).
Thanks, please don't beat me up too bad....
submitted by Clarktarrr to sleep [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 LwithBelt Oÿéladi word showcase
submitted by LwithBelt to conlangs [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 Ordinary-Painter-598 Any insights for me?
My main symptom is spasms. I hesitate to call them urethral spasms because I feel like I don't have a good enough grasp of the anatomy to say that. Let's say they're felt in my groin. But what I find really puzzling is that they are always and only felt on the left side. Again, I don't know enough human anatomy to make an intelligent comment, but when I look at graphic representations of the urinary system, from kidneys to ureters to bladder to urethra, it all appears quite symmetrical. So how/why would my spasms only be on the left? Does anyone have an explanation of my one-sided symptoms? Anyone share them? Just to flesh out the rest of my situation, I'm 73 and was hit with IC for the first time in my life a year ago. I've had no relief from a hydrodistension, six instillations, and Zyrtec, and get some relief sometimes from generic AZO. I'll have a day or two symptom free, followed by two or three bad days; sometimes my spasms will abate as the day goes on, sometimes a day will start well and then deteroriate. And despite my best efforts at tracking and manipulating my diet, I can't connect any particular food or drink other than coffee to the ebb and flow of my symptoms. So that's my story. Thoughts?
submitted by Ordinary-Painter-598 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 yo_mamalama_hasdrama Facebook drama led to someone calling my daughter the R word
We have a neighborhood Facebook page that is solely for complaining. You can complain about the HOA, neighbors, etc. And it’s basically a no filtered page. One of the rules to the page is you HAVE to use profanity with your post or it gets deleted. So admittedly sometimes the posts come off harsh.There’s this family in the neighborhood that speeds and has almost caused several accidents. I’ve had several run ins with them and today it just triggered me. My daughter was asleep in the backseat and I was carefully going the speed limit to avoid waking her up. The neighbors car sped up behind me and was inches away from my bumper. When I got home I posted on the page and said my piece. Specifically stating my daughter was in the backseat asleep. Again, this post was filled with profanity because you HAVE to due to the guidelines. So by no means am I innocent in this. One of the family members responded filled with rage and called me and my daughter f-ing autistic r words. I ended up messaging her and apologized for blasting them since they stated they lost a family member recently. I didn’t want to add to the stress they already have on their plate. But I did state using that word is like a stab to the chest. They said they were sorry for what I “have to deal with in regards to my daughter” and said they have an autistic niece. Obviously neither of us was in the right. But hearing someone call my daughter that and not apologize really sucks.
submitted by yo_mamalama_hasdrama to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 squigglydiddly End of Ngunguru Ford Road
Hi all Always been curious - what’s the deal with these beaches at the end of Ngunguru Ford Road? Are they publicly accessible or privately owned? Cheers! submitted by squigglydiddly to Whangarei [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:31 maximuscc Networks - D325
This test was hard, I used both Jason Dion and Andrew Ramdayal course on Udemy, as a refresher I watched all of Messer videos. I like Dion practice test better; I took all six test multiple times until the material stick. Four PBQs total, save them until the end, feel like I was taking a Cisco exam lol, the number of times I had to enter commands, if you don't know the commands you'll struggle, because I had to use commands for all four PBQs, and lastly study port numbers and the troubleshooting steps, A pass is a pass.
submitted by maximuscc to WGUCyberSecurity [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 ilovewater100 Sweet Rainbow 💙
submitted by ilovewater100 to MLPcuteness [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:31 LinkObvious7213 Improv Property Brother
This is suuuuuuuuuper random. I was at an Improv show and a local comedian/improv actors looked like one of the HGTV Property Brothers.
It was a recurring joke in the show, but I can’t remember the improv actor’s name. Long shot, but does anyone know him?
submitted by LinkObvious7213 to batonrouge [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 Gistic_ [USA-NY] [H] Paypal [W] Ipad with apple pencil pref under 400
Idk what options there are, but hmu! Local to nyc
submitted by Gistic_ to hardwareswap [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 NckLL Porsche's Ruby Star
Has anyone come close to Porsche's Ruby Star? What I've found on the internet isn't close.
submitted by NckLL to GranTurismo7 [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 IDontTouchGrassNoCap KNOCKOUT RANKEEEED
am i just better or what guys 🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 submitted by IDontTouchGrassNoCap to MandyCandies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:31 Steerpike58 Image and text
This is not the 'App' (Chrome) asking, it's the website I get asked this frequently when doing searches (but not every search; maybe every day or so), despite having done everything I can find to say 'always'. For 'Apps' you can grant location permission as 'always' but I don't know how to do this for a website.
submitted by Steerpike58 to TestPosting [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 BarPsychological904 A Harlequin Captive (OC) - trade with wamurya
submitted by BarPsychological904 to Harlequins40K [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 bot_neen Lo que se sabe del choque entre un avión de American Airlines y un helicóptero en Washington
submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:31 Different-Hurry-8177 Headaches after meals
I am a 18 year old male, roughly 6’5 and 275lbs, on no medication, not a smoker, and have, for the last ten years at least, been getting headaches after meals sometimes. There is no discernible pattern as to what might be causing it. Poor sleep or dehydration does not seem to matter, and the foods causing the headaches share no ingredients or additives. My blood pressure and heart rate are normal. I can feel when a meal will give me a headache a lot of the time, but not always. Antihistamines haven’t helped, I have no food sensitivities, an MRI of my head showed nothing unusual, and the headaches usually feel like my head is about to burst.
I might have forgotten some details so please ask if theres any need for more information.
submitted by Different-Hurry-8177 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 Significant-Lie-7642 Cambio físico desde casa ¿Existen mas opciones para aumentar masa muscular?
Hola, un placer presentarme.
durante estos 3 años eh realizado diversos tipos de rutinas (cada rutina la cambio cada 4 meses cuando no veo resultados), cabe aclarar que soy joven aún (no llego a los 18 años de edad aún). No tengo dinero actualmente para pagar un gimnasio, algunos dirán: ¿por qué no le pide a sus padres dinero?, la respuesta a ello son los gastos diarios, tanto en alimento, servicios, estudio etc, donde vivo es dificil encontrar un trabajo estable a mi temprana edad.
Me gustaría hacerlo de manera cómoda en mi hogar, actualmente peso entre 50kg - 55kg (Así es, soy ectomorfo lo cuál dificulta un poco el proceso de aumento en masa muscular). La mayoría debe comprender mi situación sabiendo lo difícil qué es, quisiera saber gente de Reddit, ¿Qué opciones tienen para mejorar?. Los estaré leyendo.
submitted by Significant-Lie-7642 to Preguntas_de_Reddit_ [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 ConstipatedFarmer 556425103503 Medicham starting asap
submitted by ConstipatedFarmer to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 Icollectshinythings Wife randomly extremely verbally abusive then back to normal.
I would like to think it is the progesterone she is having to take for medical reasons but I’m not so sure. She will go from being normal and loving on me one day to not being able to stand my very existence for the next few and then back to normal for a week or two and repeat cycle.
When she gets like this, anything I say or do to even slightly upset her is magnified by 100x. And she will just wind up and up and up and then spiral down out of control going off on every single thing she hates about me. One by one systematically. Apologies, she mocks and says I’m not sincere, when I finally get even a little mad back she is like “see there it is”
She will say she hates me and can’t stand my existence and wishes I wasn’t even here. Will tell me she always thinks I smell bad or my clothes always smell bad and other things about my appearance-which she just a couple days ago said she liked the way I smelled and said she got lucky to marry such a good looking guy. Honestly the back and forth really makes me feel like absolute shit and crazy myself because I don’t even know what to think anymore,
I’m too old for this shit to be honest. When it’s good for a while I forget this even happens but then when it happens again I remember oh yeah that’s why I’ve been so close to leaving all those times before. Or why I’ve taken off driving for hours or stayed in hotels years ago to get away for a while.
I say something, she goes off, I don’t say anything at all she goes off. My very existence infuriates her when she gets like this and sometimes I wish I could just disappear in these moments to see if she would actually even give two shits that I was gone.
I don’t know what to do here. I love this woman and she never acted like this before taking this progesterone shit. She doesn’t believe me and calls me a bigot for even saying her medicine could be making her hyper emotional and emotionally unstable by messing with her hormones-which is a legit side effect of progesterone and a common one at that.
I hate to say this as a grown man, but I’m actually heart broken by this. To be with someone so long and think they love you just to completely change when they started taking a medication. Which is funny because she blames my antidepressants as why she can’t stand me. Like she is projecting on me that she knows her medicine is making her crazy the same way she accuses me of when I’m just trying to take something that makes me feel life again.
She makes me feel insane when she gets like this. I know it’s abusive but I just can’t blame her because she never acted anywhere near like this until she started taking these hormones. I would hate to end our relationship because of something she could not help. Then again though, I don’t think I can take much more of this.
submitted by Icollectshinythings to Marriage [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 RedAlwaysSusProTIP Is the Dutch giant actually 7'2? Guy on the left is 210cm (6'8.9) and Olivier's (Dutch Giant) Exact height is 7'1.5
submitted by RedAlwaysSusProTIP to heightcomparison [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:31 brianjames23 My Kirby/Ditko shelves.
(and some Stan Lee) submitted by brianjames23 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:31 throwawaybciwantto Anticipatory grief for my sick mother who I have complicated feelings about [CW: homophobia]
So here's the story, my mother has cancer. It's spreading and she's getting worse, she is slowly dying.
I have a complicated relationship with my mom. Growing up she was not supportive of sexuality. She took the "love the sinner, hate the sin" and the "it's just a phase" approach to my sexuality (I'm bi, leaning more towards women). She's been supportive and there for me in other areas of my life (education, career, friends, etc), but not my romantic, dating life. Because of that, we've never been super close. I've never felt truly comfortable to be myself around my family.
There was a point in time I was in a 5 year long relationship with a woman, and my mom wanted nothing to do with her. She made no efforts to acknowledge my then girlfriend, and did not want to get to know her at all. It was heartbreaking for me, and it further drove a wedge between us.
Over the years, I've just come to accept that my mom will never really understand me and that that was okay. I still love her and appreciate her for what she's done for me in other areas of my life, but I don't like her. I don't enjoy spending time with her.
Now that she's dying, she wants to me to be there with her, she wants to repair our relationship and mend things before she passes. We've since talked about it, and she's apologised for her reaction and the way she behaved around my sexuality. She's understands now that her homophobia has damaged the kind of relationship she wanted to have with her daughter, and she's apologised to me. She's apologised for not taking the time or effort to even acknowledge and treat my ex like a person.
I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand, I'm grateful and appreciative of everything she's done for me in the other spheres of my life. I'm glad she's come to this realisation now that she's was an homophobic asshole when I needed the love and support of a parent. I'm glad she's apologised. I'm glad she's trying to make amends and is taking the time to see me for me for the first time.
On the other hand, I don't really want to be there, it's draining. Yet I know I'll regret it if I don't. I hate that her declining health is affecting me emotionally, affecting my career, and affecting my relationships (and lack of capacity for them).
I'm just venting and looking for support. I don't think there is anything to be done, or anything actionable. I already decided that, I'm going to give my mom some of my time for her happiness, while making sure I have time for myself to recover. (aside: I'm spread so thin emotionally and mentally with my mom, my relationships, my work. I'm considering taking a leave of absents, but that's so hard to do as a doctor)
submitted by throwawaybciwantto to actuallesbians [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 02:31 osmanoz7 One of the calculators mentioned I have part ancestral Indian and Papuan. This is the result of the ancient back migration 3k+ years ago in Horn Africa area
submitted by osmanoz7 to 23andme [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 02:31 Emotional_Ad9598 please be honest, am i ugly (19f)
if there’s anything that i could change about me, please give some recommendations. realistic ones… (i recently cut my hair) submitted by Emotional_Ad9598 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments] |