New to modding, need help.

I frequently see statements that refer to something later in the text that use a phrase such as "the below information". Is it more correct instead to say "the information below" (or "the following Should it be 'the case worker supports the client IN finding their goals', 'the case worker support the client WITH finding her goals', or 'the case worker supports a client to find her goals'? Or Before you can choose whether to use a singular or plural noun with any, you need to know which of the various functions and meanings it has in the context in which you are using it. In each of your affirmative sentences any is equivalent to every. It can be found in any / every book. This can be understood by anyone / everyone. Consider: I need to do this. I need do this. My English grammar knowledge tells me that "need" doesn't have the same status as the modal verbs "may", "can", "should" and what not. Hence the second usage where two verbs appear consecutively is incorrect. But yesterday, my native English speaking friends (Americans) told me that "I need compute this." is a perfectly grammatical sentence, and one ... The header of states: High-level languages need not be slower than low-level ones. Why use need not instead of do not need? What does it mean? Also, why no to before be? Which of the following sentences has correct comma usage? a) They themselves can state their feelings. b) They themselves, can state their feelings. c) They, themselves, can state their feelings. I need a word that you would use that encompasses all tree of literature, movies, and books. I'm doing an art project and the theme is “words I like”, and I want a word that you can say and it includes all three. I need a word for things not happening the way someone would want it to. For example, if you're at the ice cream parlor buying some icecream but they don't have vanilla, your favorite flavor, you would have to buy chocolate. Needn't and don't need to There is also a difference in use when these verbs are used to describe present situations. We can use both needn't and don't need to to give permission to someone not to do something in the immediate future. We can also use need as a noun here: You don't need to water the garden this evening. It's going to rain tonight. Is "need of religion" grammatically incorrect as opposed to "need for religion"? Or "need of salt" vs. "need for salt"?

2025.01.31 02:31 rare-upstairs4454 New to modding, need help.

New to modding, need help. Hey all, I’m pretty new to pc gaming/modding. I attempted to mod the game earlier, but the mods dont seem to be working. I installed Super BLT, set it up, then installed beardlib and placed it in a mods file I made. Apparently I was done, so I attempted to download a couple mods, only to notice that they aren’t working
(I apologize if its something obvious, stupid, or if I’m not giving enough context)
submitted by rare-upstairs4454 to paydaytheheist [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 JadedPomegranate5786 People who make you take off shoes before you enter their home

are just extreme germophobes. I know shoes bring all sorts of nasty things but doing all that is just too much. The body is supposed to be exposed to all types of things don’t you think?
submitted by JadedPomegranate5786 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 No-Vanilla-No-Cake McBride worth it?

McBride worth it? 12team sf halfppr
submitted by No-Vanilla-No-Cake to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Subject_Plankton_328 Advice going forward?

I’m a currently a sophomore at a T20 leaning towards going for an MD/PhD, but don’t even know if I’m just wasting my time with my current status as an applicant. For reference, I work at a T25 med school research lab, about to be included on a massive publication (multi-year, international effort. Granted, I’m not going to be a first author, but my work will be in it 🙏). I also have active volunteering positions at two of the best hospitals in the country, one of them in post anesthesia care and another in oncology. I am only active in a handful of ECs, but I’m very dedicated to them and have work/events to prove that.
Currently 3.91 gpa, but I predict (lol) that it will probably get closer to around a 3.93/4by the time I graduate. Wishful thinking, but I know I can do it. Haven’t taken MCAT yet. I’m only in advanced biology classes from here on out thanks to AP credits. I’ve also secured a summer research internship focused on transplant immunology, if that’s helpful for anyone reading. I’m also going to be a TA for my uni’s immunology course next semester. I rlly hope anyone reading didn’t take any of that as trying to brag, I’m trying to be pretty objective here since exaggerating accomplishments won’t help me.
I know my gpa isn’t quite stellar with regard to MD/PhD programs, but like I said I’m confident I can bring it up. What areas of my app should I focus on, and do you think I should strongly consider a post-bacc research year if I want to be competitive?
submitted by Subject_Plankton_328 to mdphd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Downtown-Bullfrog-69 Progress

Progress submitted by Downtown-Bullfrog-69 to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Friedguyry Striploin - 132.5° for 2.5 Hours

Striploin - 132.5° for 2.5 Hours Seasoned with kosher salt and pepper, vacuum sealed with rosemary & thyme.
Bathed at 132.5°F for 2.5 hours, patted dry after the bath and put into the fridge on a wire rack for 10 minutes.
Preheated a stainless steel pan on max heat, seared hot and fast with avocado oil.
Basted with butter, smashed garlic, rosemary, thyme then rested for 10 minutes.
submitted by Friedguyry to sousvide [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 ArcticMoon101 Giveaway: 30 Armarouge

Giveaway: 30 Armarouge This will end at 10:30 pm EST today (January 30) or whenever all have been traded. I know that these guys can be kinda hard to get, and seem to be a bit popular so I’ve taken some charcadets I’ve gathered from raids trades and plain ol catching and evolved them to give to those who want em.
Link Code: 3300 0043 IGN: Arctic Quantity: 30 Armarouge Ends at: 10:30pm EST today, January 30
submitted by ArcticMoon101 to PokemonScarletViolet [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Bubbly_Process_9941 Can anyone help me with these last five

Can anyone help me with these last five submitted by Bubbly_Process_9941 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 restingbitchfacecat Thursday Giveaway

Thursday Giveaway I have some 1-3s dupes on my alt Roar Roar. If there’s any sticker you are looking for, please comment below with: - Sticker and set number - A screenshot of proof - Link and IGN
If I have it, I’d be happy to send to you 💕🫶🏻🐈‍⬛
submitted by restingbitchfacecat to MoGo_Dub_Trade [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 highandinarabbithole absolutely unreal find today at my local record store

absolutely unreal find today at my local record store 103/500 with the factory shrink wrap on it. What a grab. Now I need to compile all my luck together to find Majestic, Colors, or Ghetto still wrapped haha (pipe dream for sure).
submitted by highandinarabbithole to portugaltheman [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 LegalCrab6500 Will I get drug tested as a Walmart store employee transferring to a distribution center?

So I know new hires get drug tested after their interview but I wasn't interviewed sense I'm already employed by Walmart. I've gone to my first day of orientation and I'm sure I'll be starting next week. I'll be using heavy machinery so I assumed I'd get tested and have stayed clean. So will they drug test me before I get certified for the heavy machinery, or am good to smoke now? I do have a medical card but I know that wouldn't matter to Walmart.
submitted by LegalCrab6500 to WalmartEmployees [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Disastrous-Garlic-52 Have you guys seen this?

Just watched this video and at around the 19 minute stamp they talk about reviving Castle. What do you guys think?? Do you think it would come back?
submitted by Disastrous-Garlic-52 to CastleTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Azul_Mok ¿Soyyoelmalo/a por no querer saber nada de la nueva familia de mi padre y que tampoco me importe conocer a mi "hermanita"?

Bueno pensé en escribir esto para aclarar algunas cosas y q la vez para agradecer algunos comentarios Entre los que me dijeron que no soy la mala y que es mi decisión y en los que me hicieron ver qué Si, estoy siendo mala con la niña esa pero para ser honesta no creo que una bebé recién nacida se pueda sentir ofendida. Además para cuando sea grande o conciente dudo mucho que pueda ver mis publicaciones o saber algo de mi quien sabe. Así que no creo estar afectandola. Si estoy conciente de que no tiene la culpa pero agarrarle un cariño a esa niña sería igual a aceptar toda la situación y a la vez volvería a sentir el mismo dolor que siento actualmente al no poder ver a mi hermano menor, se que dije en la anterior publicación que yo si puedo ir a visitarlo pero no tengo los medios para ir a verlo. Algo que me percate en los comentarios es que debo separar los problemas de mi padre de el y esto es algo en lo que no estoy de acuerdo, yo siempre aprecie a mi padre apesar de todo pero el no ha hecho más que decepcionarme. Sé que no estoy en edad para comprender sus "temas" que más que eso son problemas, pero desde mi punto de vista solo veo el tipo de hombre y padre que es. Hubo un comentario que me dijo que más parecía que estaba celosa de la hija de la nueva esposa de mi papá y debo decir que más que celos es una especie de resentimiento, me explico. Cuando era pequeña mi padre nunca estuvo tan presente para mí y que ahora este presente para una niña que nisiquiera es de su sangre, siento que estoy en mi derecho de sentir resentimiento hacia esa niña pero no la culpo, a fin de cuentas fue culpa de mi papá no estar presente para mí.
Ahora para aclarar, no es la primera vez que mi papá es infiel. Mis padres se divorciaron precisamente por eso, Engaño a mi mamá cuando yo tenía 4 años y luego de que intentaron solucionarlo volvió a engañarla a mis 5 años y de hecho Karla es la mujer con la que engaño a mi mamá, yo me enteré de todo esto cuando tenía 12 años pero ya me había encariñado con Karla lamentablemente
Si, la verdad si soy mala por como trato la situación de mi hermana menor pero honestamente no quiero tener nada que ver con su madre que ahora voy a hablar de ella.
Ella no es una mujer cualquiera que no sabía que mi padre tenía una relación e hijos (osea Ro y yo) está mujer era amiga de la familia, en específico sobrina del esposo de una de mis tías. Ella incluso me conocía a mi de niña aunque yo en lo personal No. Llegó a convivir con Karla en varias reuniones familiares y con esto también me refiero a que conocía a Ro. No sé que pensar de una mujer que es capaz de meterse en una relación con un hijo de tan poca edad. Aunque el que sale peor aqui es mi padre por su querido historial de infidelidad.
Admito y le doy la razón a los comentarios que llegué a leer e incluso a qué la publicación en facebook fue un berrinche, y es que si lo fue
Bueno dejando eso de lado comentaré lo último que pasó entre mi padre y yo, que creo que sigue enojado conmigo por eso
Debo aclarar que soy LA PEOR con las fechas, solo recuerdo el cumpleaños de mi mamá y el de mi prima porque crecí junto a ella, parece broma pero mis familiares tienen a recordarme con anticipación cuando hay un cumpleaños porque si no, yo ni enterada.
Hace poco fue el cumpleaños de mi padre y yo no estaba enterada de eso,
nadie me avisó, yo no saludé.
Para mí fue un día normal en mi casa y al día siguiente tenía un examen así que estuve ocupada todo ese día, resulta que mi padre le llamo a mi mamá para reclamarle que porque yo no lo saludé Y mi mamá resulta que también se había olvidado. Ella me llamo para decirme pero le dije que estaba dando un examen en ese momento, más tarde si lo saludé pero note que estaba molesto por eso. Lo admito si fue mi culpa pero incluso el sabe de mis problemas de memoria, nadie de mi familia materna recordó eso así que nadie pudo recordarmelo.
Ahora algo más, yo no he cortado relación con mis abuelos paternos, los quiero mucho a ambos y realmente estoy agradecida de que respeten mi decisión con el tema de la familia de mi padre. De vez en cuando voy a visitarlos por mi cuenta y paso un buen rato con ellos y eso nos lleva a lo que pasará mañana Mañana es el cumpleaños de mi abuela, por obvias razones iré a saludarla pero aquí entra el conflicto. Es más que obvio que estará mi padre junto a su esposa e hijas, yo me sentía incómoda por esto pero a la vez siento que no por culpa de ellos debo andar cortando conección con mis abuelos. Voy a asistir mañana, por suerte no iré sola, mi mamá me acompañará para sentirme más segura, el no se atrevería a intentar insistir frente a ella porque mi mamá tiene un buen carácter a diferencia de mi, que soy muy sensible lamentablemente.
Si algo ocurre mañana lo escribiré aquí, si no pasa nada estaré tranquila pero quizás si escriba algunas cosas que han ocurrido en respecto a mi padre y mi madre, escribir no es algo que no me guste, Yo amo escribir así que no será un problema para mí. Bueno hasta entonces me despido acá
Gracias si se tomaron el tiempo de leer mi publicación original.
submitted by Azul_Mok to SoyElMalo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Dull-Ad4159 Vale la pena ?

Vale la pena ? Nuevamente yo, el que no deja de preguntarles para comprarse una pc xD.
Ustedes tech de guate, creen que vale la pena? Solicitó sus conocimientos y expertis.
submitted by Dull-Ad4159 to guatemala [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 AcceptableAd9407 wtf

wtf submitted by AcceptableAd9407 to BlueRyai [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 jawkneemack Waiting on wheels🍊

Waiting on wheels🍊 Getting orange ricta super crystals
submitted by jawkneemack to Fingerboards [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 PincheSheesh Weird situation.

So earlier in the morning i tried to clock out through my phone because since i was still on a LOA apparently ( which was confusing i was scheduled to go back yesterday) I couldn’t clock in and it’s my badge . And neither me nor my manager was able to clock me out at 4:55 am . I had to call DLS because when I got home the system had clocked me out automatically but it’s saying it clocked me out at 5:17 am …now apparently because of that I worked an extra 22 mins of overtime 😒 I contacted DLS to see if they can correct that but they couldn’t . And I don’t go back to work till Sunday . On top of that . My anytime is finally back up and I need to take out money asap but I feel uncomfortable doing so because it’s pulling up a balance that’s a little more then usual because of their systems screw up by clocking me out inaccurately. DLS opened a case for me and I added a message explaining what’s going on but no word back . If I was to take out money from my anytime pay you think I would get introuble? I plan on taking out the correct amount but leaving the rest of the inaccurate balance there.
submitted by PincheSheesh to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 dyvonca [POSITIVE]%20for%20/u/stugs%20[buyer]

submitted by dyvonca to PMsFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 sophie1840 help w history

help w history i’ve already showed it to some people, but i got marked 9/16 for this essay in history about detente. the question was something like ‘the largest feature of the move towards detente were the SALT treaties’ and the bullet points they gave us were SALT talks, limited test ban treaty and we had to do our own point. please help guys it’s 2:30 am and i’m overthinking this so much and i’m actually failing this class oml
submitted by sophie1840 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 QBC22 What’s your favorite color?

submitted by QBC22 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 kingsss Amorphous orb

Amorphous orb submitted by kingsss to VoidCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 dogsnolegs2 Hello Kitty at the gym

Hello Kitty at the gym submitted by dogsnolegs2 to perfecttiktok [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Better_Opportunity62 Wondering how much I could sell my pc for in the current market.

Wondering how much I could sell my pc for in the current market.
submitted by Better_Opportunity62 to computers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Relevant_Owl3725 jack black is a n

jack black is a n submitted by Relevant_Owl3725 to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 WWingS0 The Impact of Immigration on U.S. Fertility. It won't raise overall rate much, and it appears to depress childbearing among the American born population.

submitted by WWingS0 to partoftheproblem [link] [comments]