E. Abdelkuri refuses to root.

2025.01.31 02:31 Moth1992 E. Abdelkuri refuses to root.

I have an abdelkuri grafted on canariensis that just doesnt want to root. It has been potted in pumice for a year.
I noticed it was looking kind of funky today and when I unpotted it the stock had no roots and looked like was starting to get some rot.
So I cut off damaged tissue and its now indoors drying out.
Whats the deal? A year and nothing???
I have it outside where it gets part sun. My climate is mild with cool summers and mild winters.
submitted by Moth1992 to Euphorbiaceae [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 reesesmilkshake577 Air disasters are a special interest of mine but it stil doesn't feel real

Long time lurker of this sub who just needs a place to let this out
If you didn't know, yesterday there was a mid-air collision in Washington DC, a military helicopter struck a passenger plane. No one survived.
Air disasters like this have been a morbid special interest of mine for years, I've mostly been interested in finding out just what exactly happens to cause various crashes. But ig my brain just registered them as a "thing of the past", so something happening like in the US of all places is just??? So surreal? Like I genuinely cannot wrap my head around something like this happening in one of the safest countries (for air travel) in the year 2025, I'm just in shock. I've always seen the investigations as like "okay, so this happened, what can we do to prevent this", and yet this still happened
I usually feel much more sensitive around this time of year which of course has been amplified by current things happening in the US and my state (fires being much worse than usual). I keep wanting to find out more about what happened, but I just feel so awful for the victims and anyone grieving. And like, they were just about to land too, they were almost safe. I knew there wasn't much hope but I couldn't help but cry when I saw that there were no survivors.
Idk how to feel about my morbid interest now, I'm pretty much just screaming into the void and just.... letting myself cry ig
submitted by reesesmilkshake577 to evilautism [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 lemkowidmak Drexel Men's Basketball @DrexelMBB: Heading to double overtime in West Long Branch.#FearTheDragon🐉 https://t.co/R44Kd7uLo1

Drexel Men's Basketball @DrexelMBB: Heading to double overtime in West Long Branch.#FearTheDragon🐉 https://t.co/R44Kd7uLo1 submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 pixelary-game What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by pixelary-game to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Redeemed-Loser An extra toasty cat bun:

An extra toasty cat bun: I’m woke up from a nap after physical therapy and found my little buddy curled up in the tightest bun right above my head. I love this guy with all my heart and I think the feeling is mutual.
submitted by Redeemed-Loser to Catbun [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 ZaPzxHunter Man coverage keeps changing

Man coverage keeps changing Playing Launch party and every time I select a man coverage when I come out it has all man coverage switched to qb spy. Anyone having same issues?
submitted by ZaPzxHunter to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 HighlightSalt5249 Got a silence rejection

Did the interview last 3 weeks ago for junior engineering position. Was kinda chill and easy-going interview, except I couldn't answer 1 question because bit nervous but rest were fine. And haven't got respond back, overheard other candidate got hired. Man I hate my life, Never had a chance to get hired through interview beside this particular positions. I just don't fucking know what is wrong with me, I spent every damn 30 minutes min to fix BS job description keywords and cover letters.
This rejection really took me to downhill and kill myself as I've been unemployed for 1yr and half, and started to thinking company won't hire me because of gap as well too. I don't really know and lost at this point.
submitted by HighlightSalt5249 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 interestingfactoid Kash Patel turns tables on Dem senator with viral response: 'You've got two minutes'

Kash Patel turns tables on Dem senator with viral response: 'You've got two minutes' submitted by interestingfactoid to NewRepublicans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 wk_cns For those with grinding problems in their mokapots....

For those with grinding problems in their mokapots.... I've been noticing many have issues about the size of the grind. A really easy way to start if you're newbie, 300 - 600 microns as standard.
submitted by wk_cns to mokapot [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Otherwise-Resolve252 Unlock Your Business Potential with ChatSimple: AI Chatbot for Sales & Support

submitted by Otherwise-Resolve252 to YesIntelligent [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Rizyli The real Blue card

The real Blue card submitted by Rizyli to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 USANewsUnfiltered FBI faces backlash for social media honey pot traps

FBI faces backlash for social media honey pot traps submitted by USANewsUnfiltered to TexasPoliticsNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 jackattackdat Did I ovulate this early?

Did I ovulate this early? My hormones are never this low when I ovulate and this would be the earliest I ever ovulated. Did I really ovulate on day 9? (Currently day 11).
submitted by jackattackdat to Inito [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Plenty_Painter4063 Att. sagsbehanlere og kollegaer i samme branche.........hvor griber jeg det an.

Hmm, sidder midt i en sag... Kort fortalt: Arbejde... sygemelding... bistandshjÊlp... Jeg blev tilknyttet en mentor. FÞrste gang takkede jeg ja, men med forbehold. Jeg kunne se meningen med det, men jeg pleaser jo og tÊnkte, at de nok havde styr pÄ det.
Jeg bad ham om hjÊlp til en fortidspension... SÄ gik der to Är, frem og tilbage, dit og dat... Det endte med, at jeg tog et regulÊrt job. Men sÄ blev jeg sygemeldt, og nu er jeg tilbage i systemet igen.
Efter at have bedt min lĂŠge skrive et notat om traumer fra min preteen-alder, gav det pote, og nu er jeg i den afdeling, der har med folk i min kategori at gĂžre.
Men jeg overvejer at klage over mentorordningen. Ordret fortalte jeg min davÊrende sagsbehandler og mentor (der sad sammen), at jeg fÞlte det som et overgreb med referencer til tidligere seksuelle overgreb og diverse senfÞlger. De kiggede bare hinanden an og sagde: "Ja, men sÄ fortsÊtter vi forlÞbet med mentor." De talte lige hen over hovedet pÄ mig. Jeg tÊnkte: To professionelle, uddannede ansatte kan give sÄdan et svar? Totalt hen over hovedet pÄ mig...
Senere, i en aftrampningsstatusrapport, stod der, at jeg havde vÊret glad for mit job indtil sygemeldingen, at jeg havde vÊret kaffeopfylder for DÞrre DK Virksomhed, serviceret maskinerne og haft en lille hygge-snak med kunderne, nÄr kaffeautomaten ikke virkede... Hmm, jeg har aldrig arbejdet med det, men det lyder da hyggeligt. Kaffepause-snak er jo vigtigt i den danske arbejdskultur...
NÄ, men jeg gider ikke rigtig kaste folk under bussen. Men de bliver nÞdt til at blive bedre til deres arbejde, isÊr nÄr de har med mennesker at gÞre.
SÄ spÞrgsmÄlet er: Hvordan klager jeg pÄ en pÊn og sober mÄde?
Forslag til en pĂŠn og sober klage "KĂŠre [modtager, f.eks. sagsbehandler, afdelingsleder eller klageafdeling],
Jeg skriver for at udtrykke mine bekymringer over forlĂžbet med mentorordningen. Selvom jeg oprindeligt takkede ja til mentorstĂžtten med forbehold, har jeg oplevet situationer, hvor mine grĂŠnser og behov ikke blev respekteret.
Under et mĂžde med min davĂŠrende sagsbehandler og mentor udtrykte jeg tydeligt, at jeg Ăžnskede at aftrampe mentorforlĂžbet, da det triggerede ubehagelige minder og fĂžlelser relateret til tidligere seksuelle overgreb og senfĂžlger. Trods dette blev min henvendelse ignoreret, og det blev betrampet, at forlĂžbet skulle fortsĂŠtte uden yderligere dialog. Dette fik mig til at fĂžle mig overset og ikke taget alvorligt.
Jeg hÄber, at I vil tage min klage alvorligt og genoverveje, hvordan mentorordningen implementeres, sÄ andre ikke oplever det samme. Jeg Þnsker ogsÄ en undskyldning for den mÄde, min sag blev hÄndteret pÄ, og en garanti for, at mine grÊnser og behov vil blive respekteret i fremtiden.
Jeg sÊtter stor pris pÄ den hjÊlp og stÞtte, jeg har modtaget gennem systemet, og jeg hÄber, at vi sammen kan finde en lÞsning, der sikrer, at fremtidige forlÞb bliver mere hensigtsmÊssige og respektfulde over for deltagerne.....tak for lÊsning........ og nyd det begyndende forÄr...ps.overvejer privat sagkosulent.....men afprÞver en klage sag.... og cc er den hr, ledere m.m.... samt kantine....sÄ kan de fÄ alacarte severet....flÄet borgerplatte, med dÄrlig samvittighed.......og klappe hindenpÄ skuldrene.......god fornÄjelse og go arbejdslyst....velbekommen..........ps----har mÞdt masser goe menneskelige sag kumunaltansatte behandlere,,,,,,men osse en del der trÊnger til genskoling...... nÄ nok brok og brÊk herfra....... hÄber pÄ svar asap---- eller mÄjeg sÞge mÊlrettet rÄdgivning, jurist osv....maske some og folkedomstol.... vh ps jeg gladfor Dk,men der noget der halter lidt....... men deter vÊrdsat.
submitted by Plenty_Painter4063 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 MistakenArrest CxG ended in 2019. Death Let Me Do My Special was made in 2024. Rachel looks like she's aged 20 years even though it was only 5.

CxG ended in 2019. Death Let Me Do My Special was made in 2024. Rachel looks like she's aged 20 years even though it was only 5. Seriously. She looks like she's in her 50s. I guess becoming a mother and losing Adam aged her rapidly.
submitted by MistakenArrest to crazyexgirlfriend [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 flacidfeline MPD traffic control on Reserve Street

Cops are out heavy trying to make their end of month quotas. Pulling people over right and left. Primarily in the WinCo / Cabelas area.
submitted by flacidfeline to missoula [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Relative_Ad8430 How is Carnival for seniors?

submitted by Relative_Ad8430 to CarnivalCruiseFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 JPrycer Help with main team

Help with main team I don’t know too much about team building in this game; looking to make it better. I wanna swap vishuvac for sure out for a better melee but I don’t know who would work well. Suggestions for melees I could work on getting would be much appreciated along with any other advice.
submitted by JPrycer to GuardianTales [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Positive_Al022 250131 Jennie Instagram update

250131 Jennie Instagram update submitted by Positive_Al022 to jennie [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 khnhk Wow!

1 Stanwood Cres, North York, Ontario M9M1Z8 For Sale | HouseSigma https://housesigma.com/on/north-york-real-estate/1-stanwood-cres/home/0MWBVyZLPa43Kemj?id_listing=10Qqyp544qm7LGlV&utm_campaign=listing&utm_source=user-share&utm_medium=android&ign=
submitted by khnhk to HouseSigmaBlunders [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 danfenlon Intergalactic swingers

Intergalactic swingers Max tennyson (ben 10) Commander Sheppard (mass effect)
submitted by danfenlon to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Flateye Has anyone tried using AI voice callers in the operations?

It seems that AI callers and appointment setters are popping up all over the place. Has anyone actually implemetned these, or are they too good to be true?
submitted by Flateye to RealEstateAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 MoooMooooMooooo what about my hand??

submitted by MoooMooooMooooo to ismyhandgay [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 Even_Glass_3912 Dahlia Beauty 🌾💕

submitted by Even_Glass_3912 to flowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 02:31 DanielG165 Is anyone else having issues on Series X after the latest update?

Before tonight, I hadn’t personally ever experience any performance issues with Stalker 2 on console, even day 1, nor bugs. In fact, I actually praised the game for being in such a stable state on the Series X, despite it being this enormous UE5 open world game with nanite and lumen featured, and it running at an upscaled 4K resolution in Quality Mode. However, tonight, I booted the game up for the first time after the latest update, and my experience so far hasn’t been great.
What used to be pretty smooth and stable asset streaming when walking into another area, has turned into a hard freeze for 2-3 seconds before the game catches up and allows me to walk 10 feet, before the same thing happens. If I try to pause the game, it’ll merely hang there and allow me to move Skiv freely. Or, if I open my map, my gun will disappear, and I’ll be able to move freely, until the game catches up once more, several seconds later, and the action is registered.
I’m going to see if doing a hard close will fix things, but I just wanted to see if anyone else that is playing on console were experiencing their own issues.
submitted by DanielG165 to stalker [link] [comments]
