2025.01.31 03:11 GeoGackoyt How we feeling about this season so far?
I finished episode 3 around an hour ago and, dear lord I forgot how good this show was!!!
I love that this season takes place seconds after season 1, it truly feels like we never left!!!
i'm loving that the story goes from "What happen to Maddie" to "Where is "Maddie"" this is how you write a mystery people!!!
submitted by GeoGackoyt to SchoolSpirits [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 Zestyclose-Guide7276 Can we find pre season photos somewhere?
you know how some people check Getty images to find USWNT photos of training and games...Is there an equivalent of that to see Thorns training photos?
submitted by Zestyclose-Guide7276 to Thorns [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 Icy-Success-69 i feel this slaps hard.
submitted by Icy-Success-69 to thefinals [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 Lustfulfan Mercedes Moné
submitted by Lustfulfan to WorldOfWrestlingWomen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 _W0RK M12 3/8 stubby impact On Clearance anywhere?
Anyone know where I can get this on clearance or on sale ? Is Walmart reliable to buy this set? submitted by _W0RK to MilwaukeeTool [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 ZombieLife2000 Vida, suicídio e outras coisas
Vida, suicídio e outras coisas [repost]
Tenho 15 anos, completei no final do ano passado. Sou diagnosticado com depressão desde os 12 e estou com uma suspeita de bipolaridade. Pelo que vi, não é permitido fechar um diagnóstico de bipolaridade antes dos 18. Enfim, atualmente não tenho nenhum amigo, nem nunca tive realmente. A maior parte da minha vida foi e continua sendo isolado no meu canto. Durante o ano passado e até esse momento, abuso de alguns remédios psiquiátricos para me entorpecer. O efeito, obviamente, não é grande, mas remédios assim, junto com álcool ou algo do tipo, bate relativamente rápido.
Estou de favor na casa da minha irmã, pois acabei sendo expulso de casa pelo meu pai. Minha relação, principalmente com ele, nunca foi muito boa, mas nunca foi nada de se odiar. Ele e minha mãe sempre trabalhavam muito, então eu ficava sozinho em casa desde os +/- 9 anos. Não julgo a escolha dele, ninguém quer um mlk usando dentro da sua casa. Eu estava tentando arrumar um emprego para não ser apenas mais um peso morto para minha irmã. Mas acaba que tudo foi em vão, o sistema de escolas integrais dificulta muito. Na região, apenas elas existem e, para mim, é inviável ficar o dia inteiro na escola e não trabalhar. Mas sei que não será bem aceito se eu largar a escola.
Tenho problemas com automutilação e etc., mas isso é um "padrão". As ultimas semanas, desde que saí de casa, têm sido relativamente conturbados, mas eu mal tenho tempo para realmente pensar. Enfim, aparentemente minha mãe queria que eu voltasse para casa, mas a situação está um pouco complicada por lá. Já cheguei a fazer tratamento psicológico adequado, porém nunca funcionou muito. Sempre foi algo bem fraco ou que mal funcionava, provavelmente por conta do ambiente caótico. Há alguns meses, eu costumava tocar guitarra e teclado, porém isso perdeu o brilho, se tornando um estresse constante, além de me sentir desmotivado a fazer isso. Tudo que algum dia eu quis viver ou que já coloquei como uma "meta" antes de morrer já foi cumprido. Nunca foram coisas grandes, apenas realmente sentir a sensação de viver, ou o que eu achava que seria isso quando eu era pequeno. Há uns 2 dias, tentei me suicidar com quetiapina (a forma mais burra possível). No fim, só acabei desmaiando e me fudendo depois. Enfim, não pretendo realmente continuar vivo até o fim do ano. Agradeço a quem leu até aqui
submitted by ZombieLife2000 to desabafosdavida [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 justb0 Need a CB! Any Thoughts on Marquez ? Or should I just go form shards ?
submitted by justb0 to EASportsFCMobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 NeelCauseWhyNot Gaseously Green
submitted by NeelCauseWhyNot to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 pinkninja0007 Why would a supposed friend start acting this way?
I have an older male coworker and we’ve been friends for a few years, or so I thought but recently I just always feel bad around him. We have other mutual work friends too. I always felt he liked me as a person and was always happy to see me, and we have the same sense of humour. We used to really have fun together, like having your “person” at work. Another male coworker even told me once that I’m his favourite person and he talks very highly of me.
The past month or so I feel he’s been acting different but it’s not in an obvious way that I feel comfortable confronting him about. Whereas he used to be happy to see me, I feel like now he doesn’t even greet me with hi if I walk by. I arrived at work and he was standing talking to someone and didn’t look when I rounded the corner. The other person said hi to me and he only looked at me when I wasn’t looking at him. He does that all the time
If another coworker is at my desk he’ll come over and talk but not really include me in the conversation. He listens to everyone else but doesn’t show the same care for me. Today someone asked me about myself and he gets this weird look on his face when I start talking, like distant and assessing me. It makes me uneasy. But then the next second he turns to someone and says “and how are you doing”. He knew what he was doing because when the two of us were walking together after he begrudgingly asked me about my life. He never does that. I’m really at a loss. I used to feel like he really liked me. I didn’t do anything. A month ago we saw a movie together and we both had a good time. Since then it’s been downhill. I tried making conversation today and he just doesn’t care about what I say. Yet outside of work he texts me and things like that. I think I’m done with him. He makes a big show about caring about everyone else but I feel like he deliberately tries to make me seem like I’m not as important to him
Do you have any idea of what is going on?
submitted by pinkninja0007 to coworkerstories [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 pullinUpWithJenk Twana should've taken whole mil and then not trade with anyone in the final
Just go back home with a guaranteed mil lol
submitted by pullinUpWithJenk to BeastGames [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 Low_Ad_5163 Picture that...
I never knew what he was talking about until now. submitted by Low_Ad_5163 to NotoriousBIG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 Due_Performance8587 23F looking to talk
I honestly don't have much hope that I will find anyone who genuinely wants to chat. To be honest I'm feeling really self destructive right now. So I guess yolo right? Friend me at aries7275
submitted by Due_Performance8587 to discordfriends [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 beanbagchairtoss Just tested positive! Help, please!
The last few months have just been miserable for me! I've always had wonky digestion, but I developed insane reflux out of nowhere. No amount of bland chicken, broccoli, and quinoa, sleeping upright, changing meal times, not eating before bed, etc. would touch my pain. I would wake up 3-7 times a night with burning through my chest and arms, and I even had heart palpitations bad enough that I went to the ER several times. Doctors have been so unhelpful! I keep getting brushed off as having anxiety.
I finally got tested for h pylori after being put on PPIs (prolonged suffering waiting for the test), had an endoscopy, and after both came clear I heckled my PCP into the SIBO test thanks to this sub! I'm positive for hydrogen dominant, I went from 3ppm fasting to 66. I'm not sure where I land in terms of severity, but I already started low fodmap weeks ago while waiting for this test and the reflux improved after a while. I still have a sensation of fullness after eating anything, I'm down 20 pounds (I'm a young woman, already wasn't over weight), bloating like crazy all the time, joint inflammation, neuropathy in my hands/feet, tinnitus, headaches, fatigue, brain fog, weakness, etc.
I'm just so grateful to finally have an answer. I got COVID late last summer and was eating shit afterward since I couldn't stomach much, then I compressed a major nerve and became totally sedentary before all of this started, and I was pretty stressed out with work. I've started exercising again, I'm stimulating my vagus nerve and going to the chiropractor which seems like it's helping, and I've been meditating to keep the stress down. I'm already feeling better and have yet to talk to my doctor about my test results/treatments.
I'm honestly scared about starting antibiotics because of the recurrence risk/antibiotic resistance, so I want to be well researched before I see my PCP again and a GI doc. Is it always a motility issue for everyone? Did some of you find autoimmune issues to be the root cause? I'm really hoping I had the perfect storm of stress/COVID/being sedentary that led to this, but I want to rule other things out before trying to eradicate. Any advice you can give me?
TLDR; Tested positive for hydrogen dominant, looking for direction on what could be the root cause of my SIBO
submitted by beanbagchairtoss to SIBO [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 mystfable How is this not the best hairstyle?
submitted by mystfable to YoTroublemakers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 perolikewhy714 I need fluff shows
Ive cut morning news from my life, need something to fill the gap. Looking for shows i can put on and leave on while running around the house getting ready without really missing much.
submitted by perolikewhy714 to televisionsuggestions [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 Competitive_Fee_5829 First haul of the comeback! Apple Music POBS...more sets to come! 💚
submitted by Competitive_Fee_5829 to Got7 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 ToAsTeD-Fr0sTeD Looking for 2 deleted rwby & naruto crossovers by fairytale dragon slayer
I'm looking for the fic's by the author fairytale dragon slayer on fanfiction.net called Naruto the New Moon Rabbit and Naruto the Moon Rabbit.
Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
submitted by ToAsTeD-Fr0sTeD to DeletedFanfiction [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 ZingierAlpaca96 can i have an iphone????
submitted by ZingierAlpaca96 to youngpeopleyoutube [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 Wonderful-Ground-510 Growing Pains
Here is a tremendous gram I snagged a few weeks ago. submitted by Wonderful-Ground-510 to Michigents [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 thelampman29 fuck the WHAT is his name aslume?
submitted by thelampman29 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 Iloveit1183 Be honest please …I’m in the fence
So I’m a 5’0 short white blonde chick from FL but I really love the tribal patterns and like the Celtic style. Would it be stupid for me to tattooed with them?
submitted by Iloveit1183 to tattoos [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 snuffles005 I live abroad but still use my US number. My family changed plans to Verizon and now my SIM won't work
I live abroad in Asia and I have two SIM cards, one for my local carrier and another for my American carrier. I would love to drop my American carrier but I need an American number to use my American bank accounts, so it's not an option for me.
I had basically no issues until my family changed all of the family plans to Verizon (we previously had Walmart Mobile). Whenever I needed to pay with my American card, I would simply turn on my US SIM card to receive the verification code, and I would just turn it off when I was finished.
I even changed my phone last year, I used to have a OnePlus but it got very old and was lagging so I bought a Samsung Galaxy A55, which I'm told is not sold in the US. But still, that presented no issues when we were under that other carrier from Walmart.
But ever since switching to Verizon, my US SIM says it's not provisioned and I cannot receive any messages, which means I cannot make any payments with my US bank accs if they require a verification code, which is Not Great because my credit card is American and I rely on it a lot. My mom was just at Verizon and they tried to activate it again. I'm not exactly sure what they were doing but they asked me for my IMEI, but then they said it was locked. I bought this phone directly from Samsung so it can't be that it's locked from a previous carrier.
I assumed the reason is because the A55 is not available in the US and so Verizon doesn't recognize/support it, so I considered buying a second phone, just a very cheap model that is available in the US. But then I read another comment elsewhere on this sub that Verizon won't work on phones bought abroad. So that's my questions, I guess. Will the issue be fixed if I buy a model that is available in the US? or will it still not work because I'd be buying abroad?
TL;DR: I live abroad but still use my US number. My family changed plans to Verizon and now my SIM won't work. I think it may be because my model (Samsung A55) is not available in the US, so I'm considering buying a second, cheap model that is available in the US. Will this fix the issue?
submitted by snuffles005 to verizon [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:11 mistervvasquez …in under twenty-four hours…
submitted by mistervvasquez to agedlikemilk [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 magface702 Haaannnngggguh
submitted by magface702 to scrungycats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:11 A_Very_Calm_Miata Is this real? I got an ad from thiswith an AI generated MSD voice.
There seems to be a school in Bangalore by the same name so I'm not sure. submitted by A_Very_Calm_Miata to Chennai [link] [comments] |