显卡天梯图展示了不同显卡的性能排名,帮助用户选择合适的显卡。 Bonjour! Je reprends la conversation concernant l’accord de SUPER. Je viens de recevoir un email de SUPER U, avec ce slogan : DES SUPERS COURS A SUPERS PRIX (ils travaillent avec le site SUPERPROF). L’accord de SUPER me choque… Qu’en pensez-vous? Merci d’avance pour vos réponses. 与RTX 4070 Ti super相比,RTX 4080super的性能高15%; 与RX 7900 XT相比,RTX 4080super的性能高13%; 与RTX 3090 Ti相比,RTX 4080super的性能高12%; 与RTX 4080相比,RTX 4080super的性能高1%; 与RX 7900 XTX相比,RTX 4080super的性能低1%; 与RTX 4090相比,RTX 4080super的性能低24%。 SR:super rare——超级稀有. SSR:superior super rare——较高级的超级稀有(因为super没有比较级) UR&UTR:Ultra rare——极度稀有. 扩展资料: SSR是各种卡牌类游戏中,卡牌稀有度级别分类的一种。 稀有度级别一般为 UR>SSR>SR > R> N(部分游戏设定中最高级别为SSR)。 新的4070 Super使用了AD104核心,RTX 4070 Super提供了总共56个流处理单元,每个单元内有256个CUDA核心,总共7168个。此外,还提供了56个RT核心,224个张量核心,224个纹理单元和80个ROPs。 RTX 4070 Super的频率与4070大体相同,睿频频率为均为2475MHz。 从应用层面上讲,提升最大的是4070ti super,主要是加了4g显存,定位和用途与4080完全一致 从价格上讲,到手预算降价最大的是4080super,主要降低了超额的供电和散热,降低了成本 3、ai 和生产力用途也推荐上市4070ti super 4、如果你只是需要在4k下打游戏,并且不是那种很喜欢打那种3a游戏的话,我觉得上到4070s就足够了,除了3a游戏之外,显存占用其实也没有这么高,能超过10g 的显存占用的,其实就是那几个游戏,不要太过于焦虑 .ttc Super OTC 所有五种语言和所有七种粗细,以及常规和粗体的HW版 ,45合一字体。.ttc OTC 五种语言合一,相比Super OTC,按七种字重分成了7个字体文件,五种语言五合一字体.woff2 win10还无法安装woff rtx 4080 super在1080p、2k与4k分辨率下的游戏功耗分别为205w、240w、274w,大约是rtx 3090 ti的60%。 考虑到rtx 4080 super的性能要强了20%左右,换算下来它的能效比超过了rtx 3090 ti的2倍。 十一、总结:能效与散热表现优秀 8099元会是你的菜吗! 本次测试小结如下: 1、性能 首先,你可以打开设置应用并转到“通用”>“关于本机”>“屏幕信息”。在这里,你可以找到你的设备型号以及屏幕规格。如果你看到规格是“Super Retina XDR”,这意味着你的屏幕是由三星供应的,因为这是他们的品牌名称。
2025.01.31 03:22 Klutzy-Gene9358 super Charged Resultor GOJI
and yes i changed the head submitted by Klutzy-Gene9358 to HorrorMinecraft [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 TestyRodent Got these today. Never had the Black Cherry before.
submitted by TestyRodent to Soda [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 InconvenientGum I found this EXTREMELY helpful: https://www.jerrymarzinsky.com
Please take a look at his articles and also where he says basically intrusive thoughts/OCD will absolutely tell you to not listen to anything that comes against it.
submitted by InconvenientGum to OCDRecovery [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 Odd-Snowman Recently found out this sub existed it I love it
I don't have Chester but have been saving up my gems to get him 💪 howeverrrrrr I love him so much like his voice lines and random supers and I play him longingly in practice matches :') anyways so glad this sub exists
submitted by Odd-Snowman to ChesterArmy [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 CuriousWanderer567 anime_irl
submitted by CuriousWanderer567 to anime_irl [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 Iwanttothrift Where Nepali store owners import shoes from?
I wanna open my own online sneakers selling store but don't know from where to import high quality shoes if anyone knows where all these Nepali store owners are getting there shoes from please tell me🙏
submitted by Iwanttothrift to NepalFashion [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 Rockabore1 Gwen Stacy (Spider Gwen) Evolution in Cartoons, Games & Movies
submitted by Rockabore1 to GwenStacyCommunity [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 TheChosenSDCharger How Was Life Like In Azerbaijan During The Soviet Times? Was Life Easier or Harder?
I am 27 and I was born in the US my parents immigrated there from Poland and they told me because of the political system in Poland - my dad was forced to wait 15 years to own an apartment so thats why he left for the US. And I heard stories during the Peoples Republic of Poland of my mom waiting hours in line just to get food for the family and also you apparently couldn't own a passport from what I have been told. I have Polish-American citizenship, but I went to school in the US. I never went to school in Poland. Despite the rough history between Poland and the USSR, how was life like for Azeri people during the Soviet times? Was it easier or harder in terms of owning property or apartments? How was it like?
submitted by TheChosenSDCharger to azerbaijan [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 readwhateverything (Wtb) holosun 507c x2
Looking to buy a holosun 507c x2 in red. 150-180$ paypal g/s ready. DM is preferred.
submitted by readwhateverything to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 olivegardencinnabun Wrist pain?
Who else has reallllly really bad wrist pain out of the blue, or after barely even being active that day???
submitted by olivegardencinnabun to Hypermobility [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 Ordinary-Egg3939 Nome de usuario
E possivel eu alterar esse nome que tenho desde que criei a conta ??? esse nome "Ordinary-Egg3939" ??? eu n coloquei esse nome e gostaria de mudar ....
submitted by Ordinary-Egg3939 to help [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 Nerx Average Jumper testing out their bodymod
submitted by Nerx to JumpChain [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 UnlikelyPrepper13 Mail Call Jan. 30, 2025
Mail call today, 2024 and 2025 ASE’s and random silver bars. I started buying more 1 oz bars a few years ago and I just love the things. Rounds are great too, but something about the little bars. submitted by UnlikelyPrepper13 to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 Wildlyfree27 Disassociation?
I don't even really know how to begin, and this might be all over the place, I am sorry. Please don't DM me.
My story is long, my life is trauma filled.
I could tell you about being groomed as a child, by my mother, my aunt, to be SAed by my uncle. They knew, they did it on purpose, since I was 12. Alcohol has always been a big part of my life even since then. I bartended these parties. At the age of 12. Topless was their rule, for everyone.
I lost it a couple years ago... After my daughter(3f) was born... I messaged every single person on my aunt's FB friend list of what happened during that time. She has a restraining order on me. I still don't regret it, 2 years later. I hope those who STILL take their kids for her "Diddy parties" watch their children around my uncle. I hope even if they don't believe me, there's a thought in their head.
I could tell you about my children, I was a young mom. 17 for my first kid. My third when I was 21... My third was 2.5 yrs old when he got childhood cancer... He is now 13. Thriving. No cancer. ( I have 5 kids, 2 after cancer)
A year after my son got cancer, or was diagnosed at least, my mother had a stroke. Even typing out the things she said to me after, would make me sick. I was this awful daughter, I choose my son over her... Taking care of her, a woman who groomed me, she was so spiteful, and then a kiddo who went through 3.5 years of chemo. At the same TIME... Was a thing.
I was also in a relationship, not with my 3 children's father at the time. He was 17 years older than me... I was depressed, it was a moment. This "man" would put my antidepressants in my alcohol drinks, extra then my daily dose, I never knew how or why I ran out quicker than I should've. I can't remember those nights. But my friend/roommate has told me years later I would blackout and she could hear sex noises in my bedroom. I don't remember it.
Present day, I am happily married(6yrs), to my best friend of 10 years. We have two kiddos together, he's adopted my older 3. But I have put him through hell. I had an amazing career, and have now been a SAHM for 5 years.
During this time, our two kids together. I've really gotten to be a mom. There for my older 3 kids, but also getting to be apart of my two younger kid's toddleyoung childhood years. I've gotten to feel safe. But it has also fucked me up too..
(Random side note, my mom died a year ago)
Bring "free", no longer fight or flight mode, has crashed my brain. I should be enjoying these moments. .
Instead I live in pockets. Pockets of myself. When I got the restraining order two years ago, it wasn't me lashing out for something 20 years ago.. it was like it happened a week ago.
I live in moments of my life, timeline. I see myself through 12 year old me, 21 me, 24 me, whatever...
I am living in 35 year olds me body but my brain is sometimes in a pocket of time. It's me acting like I felt in those moments and then 35 year old me screaming at me from the outside to STFU and this isn't current.. this isn't the moment... And honestly, I am getting exhausted from it all. My head, in pockets of moments in time.
submitted by Wildlyfree27 to DiscussDID [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 ReleaseAdventurous49 36 [F4M] I'm pretty, can you be handsome and hot? #us #online
In all seriousness, looking for a long term relationship. I don't mind long distance. I'm down to earth, kind, honest, straightforward, probably a lil sassy. I like sports, reading and board games. I'm 5'4, curvy, size 12 and blonde.
You, taller than me, gets sold their handsome or get hit on a lot haha Really tho, hardworking, genuine, kind, thoughtful with a good sense of humor. I'll read while you game. Or while you do whatever else you like.
Please send a pic right off, sfw please! I'll send one back!
submitted by ReleaseAdventurous49 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 xXTwyLyteXx Attempting to do chun corner OD fireball loops, the last rep is consistently dropping and idk why. Do I not have 50f of back charge? And even more strange the second pic is a screenshot from when it worked, with 49f of charge.
submitted by xXTwyLyteXx to StreetFighter [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 Motor-Astronaut-4045 How is this possible? 6 mile run all in zone 5? Is the watch screwing with me?
submitted by Motor-Astronaut-4045 to AppleWatchFitness [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 Simjordan88 Official dish recommendations
Who knows what their national/dish is and more importantly, if you could recommend a different one to an outsider what would it be. If you have a recipe, even better!
submitted by Simjordan88 to Cooking [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 blobblob73 Nursing moms - when did your weight settle out after weaning
I’m on baby #2 with intolerances and got pregnant again within 2 months of weaning, so I’m not sure how much weight I’d gain after going back to eating an unrestricted diet, ie back to eating dairy, soy, and egg.
I’m hoping to finally buy new clothes and clean out my closet after I’m done breastfeeding but I fear that I’ll change sizes once I can eat whatever I want again. How long did it take your body to find a new norm after being done with breastfeeding and a restricted diet?
Side note, with my first baby with intolerances I went down a size. This baby I’m about the same was before kids. I don’t generally gain or lose weight very easily.
submitted by blobblob73 to MSPI [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 AccountAccounty Slept in my Death shirt and woke up Torn to Pieces
submitted by AccountAccounty to DeathBand [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 abjinternational Chiefs star Justin Reid reveals why he must win the Super Bowl 'to break even'
submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 ethicalhumanbeing Following the trend, here’s my local pool
submitted by ethicalhumanbeing to Swimming [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 03:22 apokaradokiacpa SLEC medical expiration
May nabigyan na ba dito ng 3 mos medical expiration? Or karaniwan talaga 5-6 mos? Pinipilit na kasi akong magpamedical kaso natatakot akong baka maexpire agad eh July pa naman ako magmigrate sa US thru petition
submitted by apokaradokiacpa to phmigrate [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 user-976445728 where to go?
i do have a fair share of peep songs; however i'm not far into his discography and need some help. i really fw california girls, gym class, and five degrees. what albums or songs should i check out? and don't say all of them i don't got the time for that. any suggestions would be appreciated.
submitted by user-976445728 to LilPeep [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 03:22 MrTIHI Where’s the discord link bruh
submitted by MrTIHI to friutsnackstiktok [link] [comments]