oh boy

2025.01.31 04:09 Curious_Set_1639 oh boy

oh boy submitted by Curious_Set_1639 to femboymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 MemeLordXD836 upgrade bot please put me down

submitted by MemeLordXD836 to CloneDrone [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 radiorush Help identifying an old fiddleback phone

Help identifying an old fiddleback phone I picked up this old phone a few years ago on a whim and pulled it out yesterday as I was cleaning out my storage room. I can find no manufacturer labeling and my internet searches are coming up empty.
Can anyone help identify this old phone? Does it have any value in this condition?
Thanks for any info you can provide.
submitted by radiorush to TelephoneCollecting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 k42co Pouch/bag within a bag x100vi w/ square hood?

Does anyone have any recommendations
submitted by k42co to x100v [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 SoulsSurvivor Found this while scrolling

Found this while scrolling Man... they didn't even try to match artstyles huh?
submitted by SoulsSurvivor to shittymobilegameads [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 GunnerPup13 Anyone use this on a desktop?

Hi all, I am trying to use the AI to assist me in some creative writing, and I am currently unable to get to the page. It seems to want to try, but I only get a blank white page.

 Is anyone else having this issue? I am trying on Opera GX and Chrome. Is there a setting I am missing? If so, can someone help me? I can access the site from my phone, but I have everything for what I am writing on my desktop. 
Thank you all in advance!
submitted by GunnerPup13 to NovelAi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Extension_River_8670 Help! Red light on newly installed Asus RTX 4070 Super when PC is shut down and idle temps reaching 50 degrees

Hey guys, this is my first build and I’m already feeling frustrated with so many problems. I think I did something wrong with the build.
I just finished it by installing the GPU. Everything seemed to be running fine but as soon as I shut down there is this stagnant red light (not blinking) on my GPU.
I’m powering the GPU using a braided 12vhpwr which came with the GPU by connecting 2 separate PCIE cables that came with my corsair rm 750e PSU.
Also worried about how the gpu temp is reaching 50 degrees while idle. Did some research online and found out pretty much everyone’s 4070 super runs much cooler this during idle.
I’m also attaching the most recent stats of my GPU from HwInfo, please do let me know if all the numbers regarding GPU voltage, power etc is normal and safe. I’m scared that I’ll damage my system.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by Extension_River_8670 to GamingPCBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 ffilsai01 What is the thing people in sales do that makes you not want to follow through?

submitted by ffilsai01 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 WainoMellas Lillian

submitted by WainoMellas to Pitheeler [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Last-Reason3135 Great early roles for Tom Hanks & Jim Belushi.

Great early roles for Tom Hanks & Jim Belushi. submitted by Last-Reason3135 to 80smovies [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Nier_Ludens Help finding a graphic novel from when I was in Middle School

Not too sure if this is the right place to ask, but I've had a tough time finding old books I used to read back then from High School. This one has been on the tip of my mind for quite some time. All I can really remember from one of the series is one story. The story itself was a typical love letter mishap. A charater gave a confession letter to someone else (or misplaced it) and the whole story is mostly how other students are affected by this little mishap. If anyone has any idea of what it could be, do let me know
submitted by Nier_Ludens to graphicnovels [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 UncleSaucer Oh man what a dip!!!!

I didn’t expect I’d get lucky enough to avg down any more. Last call for the upswing!
submitted by UncleSaucer to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Ok-Neat837 Pay to play.

Hate everything since the season came out. Feel slow, not winning, more and more things not working . Can’t get into a party with friends.
Friend bought the. Battle pass and now he says it feels better than ever. More kills, easier targeting.
So dumb.
submitted by Ok-Neat837 to BO6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Flancito_27 No se como volver a comer :(

Hola gente desconocida, acudo a este foro porque actualmente me encuentro desesperada sobre cómo llevar mi problema con la comida , hace años desarrollé un miedo irracional con comer carne vacuna , por temor a atragantarme , lo mismo con el pollo , de un momento a otro me volví paranoica con la idea de ahogarme con la carne , me sentía más cómoda comiendo arroz y en general comidas que no me brindaran temor , hoy 2 años después , siento que no puedo comer nada más que agua y alimentos muy blandos como papillas o purés , aveces tengo el valor para poder comer arroz nuevamente pero solo si tengo mucha agua al lado mío , no sé cómo debo o se supone que deba superar esto , pensé que era un simple cuadro de temor pero actualmente siento que ya no puedo comer, me desespera porque antes disfrutaba mucho de comer y hoy día se me dificulta ; Cualquier consejo agradecería mucho :(
submitted by Flancito_27 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 JimCripe How Trump plans to block Democrats from voting in future elections.

How Trump plans to block Democrats from voting in future elections. Congress is preparing to act on legislation that could restrict the vote for millions of eligible American citizens. This would be the worst voting bill to be passed by Congress in memory, probably ever. It would restrict millions of eligible citizens from registering. And in the clamor of the moment, it could slip through. The SAVE Act would require all citizens to produce a document like a passport or birth certificate each time they register to vote — even when they re-register if they move. This new and unprecedented national requirement has the potential to block millions of eligible Americans from casting ballots. Anthony Davis reports.
submitted by JimCripe to MeidasTouch [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Expert-Two8524 Budget data for your reference

Budget data for your reference submitted by Expert-Two8524 to NSEBULLS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 M_i_c_K Trump Effect: California Democrats 'Delay' Passing $50 Million to Fight Administration

Trump Effect: California Democrats 'Delay' Passing $50 Million to Fight Administration submitted by M_i_c_K to NewRepublicans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | Comic Book Creator Make Your Own Comics (2005) PC Video Game

🏆 Game Professional | Comic Book Creator Make Your Own Comics (2005) PC Video Game submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Separate_Tie_6002 Recruiter dangling carrots

I recently had my 3rd and final interview with a director last week and was awaiting some follow up from my recruiter on outcome. He let me know Monday after 5pm that he was out of the office for being sick and apologizes for not getting back to me. I asked him about the status of the position since I seen the job had been reposted. I figured they made their decision or didn’t find a qualified candidate. He tells me Wednesday that the hiring team actually hired someone for the position I originally applied for and the newly posted position was between myself and another candidate. He told me their last interview was today so they should have a decision any day now. He let me know he would advise me of the outcome either way and if I am selected he will show me how to apply to the new position since I would need my application to match. I feel like this recruiter is just blowing smoke and dangling carrots. As well as the hiring managers. Why would they make me fish for a follow up after 3 rounds of interviews. I most likely feel like I didn’t get the newly posted position either, but why string me along and waste my time for so long! I absolutely hate these corporate games. Btw I received no follow up from the recruiter today on my status either. So annoying! Wondering if this recruiter is just stringing me along and they already selected someone. Should I even follow up again? Thoughts?
submitted by Separate_Tie_6002 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 Some_Currency_1931 King David’s Temptation

“One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof, he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful." – 2 Samuel 11:2
submitted by Some_Currency_1931 to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | Comic Book Creator Make Your Own Comics (2005) PC Video Game

🌐 24/7 Video Game | Comic Book Creator Make Your Own Comics (2005) PC Video Game submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 tomgreen99 I've had enough

I've had enough submitted by tomgreen99 to simpsonsshitposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 bot_neen El común denominador es el populismo

El común denominador es el populismo submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 JerroldNadlersToilet SHOCK: Democrats hired a bunch of blind midget retards with no hands or feet to run the FAA and now blame Drumpf

SHOCK: Democrats hired a bunch of blind midget retards with no hands or feet to run the FAA and now blame Drumpf submitted by JerroldNadlersToilet to libertarianmeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:09 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | Comic Book Creator Make Your Own Comics (2005) PC Video Game

🛍️ eBay Video Games | Comic Book Creator Make Your Own Comics (2005) PC Video Game submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]
