In Greg Doucette voice

Create an account or log in to Instagram – Share what you're into with the people who get you. Treichville is a locality in Abidjan Department, Côte d'Ivoire. Treichville is situated nearby to the city Marcory, as well as near the locality Blokosso. Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world. Find hotels in Treichville, Abidjan and explore top accommodation in the city. Check out star rating and review score before you book! Welcome to the Treichville google satellite map! This place is situated in Abidjan-Ville, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, its geographical coordinates are 5° 18' 12" North, 4° 0' 33" West and its original name (with diacritics) is Treichville. si vous allez à Abidjan, il faut absolument aller à Treichville. Ce marché très pittoresque regroupe tout : nourriture, artisanat, dames qui vous coiffent, guides , etc, etc ..... Treichville is a neighborhood in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. It is one of the 10 urban communes of the city. Treichville is one of four communes of Abidjan that are entirely south of Ébrié Lagoon, the others being Port-Bouët, Koumassi, and Marcory. Here are ten of the top things to do in Treichville, Abidjan, Ivory Coast. 1. Visit the Grand Mosque of Treichville: The Grand Mosque of Treichville is an impressive structure that stands out among the other buildings in the neighbourhood. The hub for nightlife in Abidjan, Treichville is home to many popular clubs and restaurants. Treichville is a neighborhood in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. It is one of the 10 urban communes of the city. Treichville is one of four communes of Abidjan that are entirely south of Ébrié Lagoon, the others being Port-Bouët, Koumassi, and Marcory.

2025.01.31 04:11 EternalSimpLord In Greg Doucette voice

In Greg Doucette voice submitted by EternalSimpLord to GregDoucette [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 spenttcasingg Stuttgart Konnexion

Stuttgart Konnexion submitted by spenttcasingg to The_Crew [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 IntelligentChest4280 Would really appreciate the advice [discussion]

So I don't know if I should spend my like 1200ish cf on the super fest or wait to get an 11 for a worse banner also I have no remotely good ubers besides hades(I js finished itf ch1)
submitted by IntelligentChest4280 to battlecats [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 ish8n Danielle ft. Minji

Danielle ft. Minji submitted by ish8n to mojihye [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 HashtagPFR to pin the root cause on DEI policy.

to pin the root cause on DEI policy. submitted by HashtagPFR to therewasanattempt [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 EducationCharming432 Best I got out of ten packs😔

Best I got out of ten packs😔 Pretty bad tbh, I saw my brother get the immersive dialga and the 2 gold star dialga
submitted by EducationCharming432 to PokeTCGPocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Bigbore_729 Major update, massive increase in part quality.

Major update, massive increase in part quality. submitted by Bigbore_729 to Replicant [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Automatic-Volume126 Pool O' Sweat

Pool O' Sweat submitted by Automatic-Volume126 to SlapBattles [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Critical-Tour-3095 Making new friends and connections as an older college student

Brief note I am M(25), after being absence of not attending college for couple years and hiding it from my family I felt to the depth of depression, but I am not back in community college hopefully to finish my pre requisite before returning to my university. But being away from talking to people for so long, it has made me lose the sense on how to approach and make new friends. What are some suggestions even though you want to get to know new people but a lot of times people don’t want to be approached. I am from WA , quick tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank You in advanced
submitted by Critical-Tour-3095 to confession [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Shantanu_live One Take | Electronic Jam with Polymeter and Analog synths.

One Take | Electronic Jam with Polymeter and Analog synths. (Jam 15)
what’s happening: the Arp on MF is running a 9-step cycle on an 8th note in 4/4, creating a 24-step cycle (polymeter). Meanwhile, the rest of the arrangement sticks to a straight 4/4.
Gear Arturia Micro Freak, Td 3, Volca Keys, Volca Sample 2, Novation Launchpad Mk 3, Zoom Multi stomp Ms 70 CDR Plus
submitted by Shantanu_live to MicroFreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 imnamedafteracar Difference between element dmg monus and atk percent

Me is confused
submitted by imnamedafteracar to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Algal-Uprising Partying in your 30s is wild

Partying in your 30s is wild submitted by Algal-Uprising to memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 cynicalkindness Do you unclip and what is your dominant hand? Do you look down at your domestiques when they clip back in from a stop?

submitted by cynicalkindness to BicyclingCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 AwkwardParsley5439 Byrna Less-lethal defense weapons

So I've tagged this as TW to be on the safe side, but am looking for discussion around this...
So I'm 34, Transfemme/NB, live in a blue state, but in a deep red pocket of that blue state. I'm hoping to be able to start hormones in about a week. Thing is, I'm nervous and on guard because of the current government and political climate.
For the most part, I'm entirely "boymoding" still. I'm coming out publicly with my gender identity, and have lived my life this far as a gay man. I've never been particularly "effiminate" since I was raised to believe that meant I was weak and not a man (lmfao if only they knew)...but I am considered a cis passing feminine man where I live.
I'm used to dealing with ignorance, though not anything too dramatic or ridiculous usually. But a couple years ago when I started getting acrylic nails on a regular basis, the transphobes around me made themselves know. They are not shy about it. I know that any obvious changes will take time, and I don't care to immediately socially transition (I'm a bit of a tomboy anyway and don't mind the femme but kinda masc vibe.)
So...the point, it's taken me years to love myself for who I am. To even see myself for who I am. Even without starting hormones, just speaking up and saying it out loud had allowed me to fall in love with myself in a way I didn't think possible before. And I'm not giving that up. I don't care how much they fear us.
To be clear, I fully support the 2nd ammendment, no I don't believe it should have ever been interpreted as individual citizens rights to own fire arms or should ever be used to stop common sense gun regulations. I am also not a fire arm enthusiast...while I'm not a pacifist, I don't believe it's my right to take another's life. In fact I believe the constitution is meant to protect us from being gunned down in our homes or communities in any situation. We all deserve the right to due process....
We live on volatile times though. This government's goal is to suppress and allow for the proliferation of white supremacists ideologies. That's blatantly clear. People will become more emboldened to do stupid shit.
I don't want to take it lying down, and my opinion is that I'm not going to give this government my compliance by crawling back into the closet. I'm not scared, I'm angry.
We need to prepare to defend ourselves and those around us. Make your own choices on what that means to you.
Most of my family are gun owners, but it isn't for me. I have however been thinking about getting one of these Byrna less lethal defense weapons though. In fact, I've asked a family member to teach me how to shoot with one of their guns to help me decide if I want to purchase one.
These are co2 pistols and rifles that fire pellets; plain pellets and tear gas pellets. They also sell backpacks with armor, pepper spray and personal alarms.
Is there anyone in this group that is familiar with these weapons and the company and the people who founded it? My mind is made up about finding the means to protect myself, but i want to also make sure I'm not giving money to people who would the use it to fund attacks on marginalized communities
submitted by AwkwardParsley5439 to transguns [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Oil2267 My horse in sso lore 🤨

My horse in sso lore 🤨 I know there are many anatomical mistakes but i only noticed them after almost having the drawing done and i was lazy to fix them
submitted by Oil2267 to StarStable [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 north_canadian_ice Groups helping Americans find abortion pills report Instagram ‘shadow-banning’

Groups helping Americans find abortion pills report Instagram ‘shadow-banning’ submitted by north_canadian_ice to TheMajorityReport [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 b4masterb History says he couldnt do that if the ref in front of him had a Lions jersey on

submitted by b4masterb to NFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 greenbmx Ennion Glass Tools Bronze Blade Squarback Cup Jacks

Ennion Glass Tools Bronze Blade Squarback Cup Jacks Just got these new jack, and thought people might be interested in some detail shots or asking questions about them. I've only made one thing with them so far (and in boro, on the torch at that), but I'm happy to share my first impressions!
The bronze is SUPER smooth on the glass, it almost feels like using graphite parchoffis more than jacks, except without the abrasive gritty feeling graphite has. The waxed bronze slides super smoothly on the glass, I suspect it's lower friction than graphite or steel either one. Makes it so flares open super smooth and uniform.
They are thicker than normal jacks. The pics I posted here are next to my Jim Moore Cup Jacks. You can see the blade is much beefier, wider and thicker. But it's also much rounder and feels gentle on the glass, again reminding me of parchoffis as much as jacks.
That does make them a bit too wide for fine murese/avoglio work, so they won't ever be my only pair of jacks on my bench. However, definitely could see them pushing my graphite parchoffis into the bottom of my tool bag.
If you are tool junkie, or make lots of stuff where tool marks matter, I'd definitely say it's worth picking up a pair of them. He makes standard/workhorse jacks with the bronze blades as well as the cup jacks I got.
submitted by greenbmx to lampwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 Illustrious_Dare201 Why is everyone picking on D ?

Now really don't yall know your being to hard on her today !
submitted by Illustrious_Dare201 to DRAMATWINS31 [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 valentuss23 CHEAPEST FORTNITE CREW 1 MONTH = 5$USD

Hi ! I'm sellling really cheap fortnite crew i'll leave a price list down there and my contact. I do have LOTS of reviews from clients ! Just ask anything.
1 month → $5 3 months → $12 4 months → $16 5 months → $20 6 months → $25
My discord is valentuss or my server is
if you can't, just leave a comment or pm me !
submitted by valentuss23 to steamcheapestgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 donkey_brains69 Yellowstone (OC)

Yellowstone (OC) G
submitted by donkey_brains69 to NationalPark [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 julezlilly Why the drastic change in finishing?

So while I sit here and stitch my mind wonders on why her finishing work I have seen recently on tik tok is so drastically different than what we were seeing back in the early summer. It’s awful!! I know I saw somewhere that she had a helper that was helping with finishing is it crazy to think that she wasn’t actually the one finishing the really good ones. I know she showed videos of the work she supposedly finished but I never saw her actually finishing one herself just completed projects. So maybe after the helper left that’s when she realized she had no idea how to finish correctly and then just stopped doing them and just decided to pocket our money.
submitted by julezlilly to haleighhallknightscam [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 PomegranateNo216 Newbie here!

Newbie here!
Anyone wanna meet up? It's my first time trying the legit game itself and the multiplayer as well haha! I've been playing cracks up until now because I can't afford it HAHA! Anywayyy here is my mustang that is not yet upgraded to its full potential HAHA I hope I can find some friends here! If you do have discord links and you wanna let me in, you'll be in my graces HAHA Thank you!!!
submitted by PomegranateNo216 to NFSHeat [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:11 ZoltanVidak Finishing Ken Kaneki Combat Outfit Summons - Tokyo Ghoul Break The Chains

Finishing Ken Kaneki Combat Outfit Summons - Tokyo Ghoul Break The Chains submitted by ZoltanVidak to TokyoGhoulF2P [link] [comments]


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