What birding and sports lens for under $1000 (used)

2025.01.31 04:21 prettyindianprincess What birding and sports lens for under $1000 (used)

What lens should i buy? the ef 100-400 ii is too expensive, and i don’t like the design of the original. and I like the versatility of a zoom because something like the 400mm 5.6 prime is too long for other applications like sports
I am currently considering the EF 300mm F4 and the RF 100-400, however, the 300 has worse IQ and the 400 is just too slow for football games.
submitted by prettyindianprincess to canon [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 BatNo8134 Notion Ticket

Anyone selling a sound notion ticket 2/1 ?
submitted by BatNo8134 to tech_house [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 BobbyABooey Swing Wide

Swing Wide submitted by BobbyABooey to TruckerCam [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 redditacc_idk Heavy lf this trade

Heavy lf this trade submitted by redditacc_idk to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 AdmiralAwesome19 Pitbull Frenchy Mix?

Pitbull Frenchy Mix? I found this dog tied up at the dog park last Monday and she was pretty severely malnourished. I’ve decided to keep her as she gets along wonderfully with my cattle dog puppy and she’s just the sweetest dog, even considering her circumstances.
I took her to the vet and they thought she was a French Bulldog and pitty mix, and I suppose I can see that. I was just wondering what everyone else thought? Last photo is her and her new sister for a bonus.
submitted by AdmiralAwesome19 to pitbulls [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 jakobb2000 Can DMV Print Copy of License Same Day?

Hey guys, I recently realized that I lost my wallet with my id and credit cards. I’m flying out of Madison on Saturday and going to Florida. I was going to go to the dmv tomorrow and see if they can but figured I’d ask here first before going. Or if anyone has gone through this before? Appreciate and help. Thanks!
submitted by jakobb2000 to madisonwi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 GuidanceMost6553 Pampers Referral Code: 16A8A3A

submitted by GuidanceMost6553 to PampersClubRewards [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Maybe_Skyler Protest at the Capitol on 2/5?

I’ve searched on this sub for more info, but I have been seeing talk of nationwide peaceful protests at every state’s respective capitol on this day. Does anyone have any additional information on more specific times and such? I really want to be a part of it, if i am able to.
Thanks in advance. :)
submitted by Maybe_Skyler to Nebraska [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Fabiolfp2024 Recibo verde

Olá bom dia 😃
Uma dúvida rápida sobre recibos verdes porque passei um recibo normal e a pessoa me questionou e não gostou muito mas sempre fiz assim desde que abri atividade
Quando faço uma semana de trabalho para uma entidade ao passar o recibo meto na data de transação o último dia da semana por exemplo trabalhei de dia 1 a 7 meto o dia 7 porque não dá para colocar o período certo? A pessoa diz que assim estou a passar errado e que basicamente está apenas a pagar um dia de trabalho
A pessoa está errada ou eu que estou a fazer as coisas mal? Até agora nunca ninguém me questionou disto
submitted by Fabiolfp2024 to literaciafinanceira [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 morning_thunder3 Neighbors car. Been wondering for years

Neighbors car. Been wondering for years Always assumed it was air force for something, but I haven’t been able to find anything on my own. The lady is a creep so I don’t want to ask her
submitted by morning_thunder3 to LICENSEPLATES [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 DreamPirates Kajal Aggarwal Indian Actress #KajalAggarwal

Kajal Aggarwal Indian Actress #KajalAggarwal submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 RumbleLeon Hi..

Hi.. submitted by RumbleLeon to sprunkisprunkiclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Fluffy-Peach-2142 Infection

Michone was shot in the leg, then covered in walker guts. If blood gets into an open wound it won’t infect? It’s just saliva? Why do scratches still infect then?
submitted by Fluffy-Peach-2142 to TWD [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Time_Bad_5665 Why do my bullets keep going to Narnia???

I am Iron 3 rn peak was b2, recently I have been getting pretty decent hitting a lot of headshots, but then after days of top fragging my 3 round burst doesn't do anything, I will fire 3 rounds standing perfectly still and the bullets just wont go straight, but then other times they go straight with zero issues. How can I fix this?
thxs in advance
submitted by Time_Bad_5665 to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Icy-Rule41 Bree was pretty dumb marrying Orson.

Okay hear me out.
In season 2, while she was with George Williams and he had their engagement news printed in the newspaper without asking her, an ex-fiancee of his comes over to warn Bree about George. Bree obviously calls her a loon, but later discovers that George is psycho.
A season later, or in DH universe, less than a year later, in fact the very first episode of season 3, she has a party to announce her engagement to Orson, and even then Caroline Bigsby warns her about him.
This time however, instead of learning from her past mistakes and taking Caroline's warnings with a grain of salt, Bree again, like a daft divorcee, marries Orson, after which there's that whole charade where his mother tries to kill her.
Babe, when will you learn???? Are you really that stupid? Bree is supposed to be the cautious and smart one, but she just gets dense once she's in a relationship.
What do y'all think?
submitted by Icy-Rule41 to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 turtlenips69 Would you eat this sandwich

Would you eat this sandwich submitted by turtlenips69 to mapafanclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Desperate_Visit_8226 Good person, hated by fans? Fem ver.

Good person, hated by fans? Fem ver. submitted by Desperate_Visit_8226 to fuseboxgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 bedido Philippines Manufacturer Safari Jewelry

submitted by bedido to naturalfashionjewelry [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 BradOverwood When is enough enough with Humrichous.

The dude is awful. Like awful awful.It’s insulting to Morez and DGL that he’s still starting while DGL puts up 17 off the bench. Does he have dirt on Brad?
submitted by BradOverwood to fightingillini [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 M_i_c_K Another Democrat Applauds the Move to Revoke Student Visas for Pro-Hamas Foreigners

Another Democrat Applauds the Move to Revoke Student Visas for Pro-Hamas Foreigners submitted by M_i_c_K to LibTears [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 pluciorx Breitling service check.

Breitling service check. Hi I'm wondering if Breitling site for quoting the service has all of the serial numbers or only the newer ones? Would you go for the service with braitling or prefer to have a watch serviced at local reputable watchmaker?
submitted by pluciorx to breitling [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 RiNi_698 Which dog is scarier during a blackout? Pebble or Coal?

So I've been wondering.. who is scarier during a blackout?
On one hand, it could be Pebble, as he has a really long sight range, and he's a jumpscare during blackouts as usual. But on the other hand, it could be Coal, as she has no sound because she isn't a main. Also she camouflages in the dark, and has twice the attention span that pebble has (8 secs), so she is more of a jumpscare.
So really, who is it?
submitted by RiNi_698 to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Live_Acanthisitta786 Help me pick them

So basically I got a new HP Victus laptop It has ryzen 5 processor and it has a 4050 so I want to download a few games. But the thing is I'm limited to 100 GB. I'm thinking about downloading One piece bounty Rush but I don't know what else I want to download. I want something that I can play with my friends and something that I can play by myself. So about three to four games that's not going to surpass 100 GB. Please help me guys. Also free games are appreciated
submitted by Live_Acanthisitta786 to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 lemkowidmak Philly Sports Trips @SportsTripsPHL: Eagles legends Brandon Graham, Hollis Thomas, Irving Fryar, and SWOOP! We had an incredible night at Chickie’s & Pete’s for our Birds Give Back event. 🤩GO BIRDS! 💚💙 @eaglesautism @MakeAWishPHL https://t.co/jt2hlGsxna

Philly Sports Trips @SportsTripsPHL: Eagles legends Brandon Graham, Hollis Thomas, Irving Fryar, and SWOOP! We had an incredible night at Chickie’s & Pete’s for our Birds Give Back event. 🤩GO BIRDS! 💚💙 @eaglesautism @MakeAWishPHL https://t.co/jt2hlGsxna submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:21 Conscious-History-88 See You Again by Tyler, the Creator is literally Scott Pilgrim

See You Again by Tyler, the Creator is literally Scott Pilgrim In Tyler, the Creators hit 2017 song, See You Again, he describes seeing a woman in his dreams and falling in love with her. Tyler and Dream Woman (Kali Uchis) = Scott and Ramona. There is no mention of a party or chili dogs, but still...
submitted by Conscious-History-88 to ScottPilgrim [link] [comments]
