We Are Going To Have to Defend Some Very Basic Principles

2025.01.31 04:32 curraffairs We Are Going To Have to Defend Some Very Basic Principles

We Are Going To Have to Defend Some Very Basic Principles submitted by curraffairs to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 TheDestroyer1997 Tips or recommendations

Hello everyone As the title says. I would like to know your opinion of the ships, weapons and things to put on the ship. I waited for your comments
submitted by TheDestroyer1997 to AgeOfWater [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Quick-Rough698 Blackout Arm Sleeve w/white

Anyone have some unique designs ideas for a blackout arm sleeve with white designs? I’ve got some geometric designs in mind but open to ideas!
submitted by Quick-Rough698 to DrawMyTattoo [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 ApprehensiveTwist445 Any tea on Vidhyashree Ravi? I attended her RBE session but I feel it is not very elaborative. It is more like how it worked for her kids. Also, she shows managing tuitions, sessions and a badminton club. Wondering how one could manage so much without help

Any tea on Vidhyashree Ravi? I attended her RBE session but I feel it is not very elaborative. It is more like how it worked for her kids. Also, she shows managing tuitions, sessions and a badminton club. Wondering how one could manage so much without help submitted by ApprehensiveTwist445 to TamilInfluencer [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 unkn0wn_n Gap filler ideas?

Gap filler ideas? looking for ideas! my tattoos are american traditional
submitted by unkn0wn_n to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Yertle101 Dear IGA, enough with the rockmelon, you monsters!

Every time I purchase a fruit salad from any given IGA, it's loaded with fucking rockmelon. Sure, the bits that can be seen before undoing the packaging is always good shit, like strawberry and pineapple, but once that layer is gone it's 99% fucking rockmelon. I know that something needs to be done with the fruit that doesn't sell, which is inevitably rockmelon, but it's all going too far, and I feel like I'm being punished for not eating real fruit. So, please, all the IGAs out there; stop putting fucking rockmelon in the fruit salad. The fact that nobody in their right mind buys rockmelon should tell you something, and that is that it's gross. Either stop buying rockmelon from your suppliers, because that way you won't need to find a way to get rid of it, or just feed it to people who deserve to suffer, such as properly managers and the serial killers currently on death row at the East Perth lock up. Just don't inflict it on normal, law abiding citizens like me, who want their fruit salad made up of good shit, and not fucking rockmelon.
submitted by Yertle101 to perth [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 IllustratorCurious17 Are there any subreddits for dancer mental health?

Feeling really burnt out and would love some advice
submitted by IllustratorCurious17 to Dance [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Lonely_Collection630 Theresa dream's of bigger things 🩵

Theresa dream's of bigger things 🩵 submitted by Lonely_Collection630 to houkai3rd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 BikeHouston90 Boss wants me to make up reasons to require my employees come in on the weekend

My boss brought me into his office today and said others in the department have complained that my employees get two days off a week more regularly than others in our department. We work at a major US performing arts non-profit and night and weekend work is not unusual is some positions. I work 7 days a week for about half the year which is miserable but I don’t pass that misery down to my employees and honestly the work gets done because my office is staffed 7 days a week anyway, which is something unique to my team. So if something needs to be done on a weekend, there is someone already in the office on their work day who can do it.
Instead of thinking about how responsibilities could be shifted so others also more regularly get two days off a week, the conversation was how I was to arbitrarily make up reasons to have my employees come in on their weekends to make it more fair, even though the nature of their work and those who do have to come in more often are different.
Methinks… time to quit!
submitted by BikeHouston90 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Darkness0173 Bpc Tranferee

Hi pwede na ba ako mag patransfer to Bulsu Thank you po
submitted by Darkness0173 to bulsu [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Equivalent-Bar-6875 TE AMARE SIEMPRE

hola, después de todo lo que me ha pasado quiero contar algo que no he contado . Crecí con unos padres demasiado estrictos, el bullying de mis compañeros y un intento de no estar aquí . lo que hace que que ahora siempre sonría aunque llore por dentro. Conocí a un chico que era algo serio conmigo pero cuando sonreía era hermoso , le gustaba hacer deporte, estudiar, leer y era un buen amigo , a el yo le gustaba un montón , aunque yo lo rechace una vez no se rindió y al poco tiempo empezamos a salir a escondidas de nuestro padres no empezamos a salir con una declaración solo con el tiempo nos fuimos acercando , no teníamos fecha para celebrar nuestro aniversario pero eso era lo mejor , casi nunca peleábamos , el le pedía a dios por nosotros, lo se eso era demasiado perfecto , pero el tenia problemas familiares traumáticos de los que me entere hacia el final de nuestra relacion y cuando el me besaba me dolía por mis traumas pero nunca le dije nada, el movía cielo ,mar y tierra para poder estar conmigo , hablaba con los profesores para tener permiso de estar conmigo , incluso le pidió a su mama que nos dejara andar, pero el gran problema eran mis padres nunca lo aceptaron y me insultaban tanto que lloraba todas las noches y no podía dormir , le prometía a mis padres que lo iba a terminar pero no lo hice , y eso se repetía muchas veces que todos nuestros compañeros creían que nunca íbamos a terminar, incluso hicimos una promesa de que nos íbamos a dejar de querer cuando hayan pasado 5 años, pero lo entendimos de diferentes maneras , el entendió no terminar nunca pero yo entendí nunca te voy a olvidar, los problemas empezaron a llegar, y yo lo intente terminar pero no pude, me empecé a negar a muestras de cariño aunque lo queria demasiado, eso lo ponia demasiado trite y verlo asi me hacia llorar me encantaba regalarle cosas y mandarle corazones por insta , pero el dia en que tome la desicion de terminarle sabia que no lo hiba a poder superar pero lo hize, mis padres me habian amenazado con hacerle algo y no lo hiba a permitir el me pregunto que hizo mal , sino se habia esforzado lo suficiente mientras yo solo lo queria abrazar con todas mis fuerzas, pero en fin lo termine , pero nos hicimos otra promesa no tener pareja hasta que mis padres acepten nuestra relacion en ese momento senti que no era suficiente para el , despues el fingio estar bien en su aula riendo con sus amigos incluso me saludo y rio .... gracias por enseñarme muchas cosas..lo siento...estavez si cumplire ...TE AMO .
submitted by Equivalent-Bar-6875 to espanol [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 hehehahavaga uhhhhhh

uhhhhhh help
submitted by hehehahavaga to teenarazzi [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 mmermel97 selling one ticket for BK show 2/22

hi y'all! unfortunately I can no longer go to finneas' show on the 22nd - I tried to do resale, but livenation isn't allowing it for this concert. got it for $65, happy to sell at same price! I just don't want the ticket to go to waste - please message me if you're interested!
submitted by mmermel97 to FINNEAS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 andystevenson910 Did they do the eel thing and I missed it?

I swear they never did the eel thing and I'm glad it's resurging but like did they talk about it on like members before I was a member and I missed it? Idk. I felt like it was Jimmy Kimmel putting off Matt damon style joke.
submitted by andystevenson910 to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Professional_Dark223 Help with my Link

Please~🥺This is the SUPER EASY MODE for both of us to win ₱13000 Credit & Coupon!
submitted by Professional_Dark223 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 SomewhatDamaged211 If the album doesn’t come tonight…

That’s okay. Peggy’s not the type of artist to back out of a release, and he did say “next week”, not Friday. I imagine mixing an album’s worth of songs isn’t easy while also touring, and I’m sure we all agree that we wouldn’t want an incomplete version released. It’ll come… and it’ll hit.
submitted by SomewhatDamaged211 to jpegmafiamusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 ChickenNoodle25 What is the max you would bid on this bag on eBay?

It's so cute and vintage!! What's the most you would spend on this? It would be my first 🙈
submitted by ChickenNoodle25 to chanel [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 51BoiledPotatos Memes Part 6:Cat edition

Memes Part 6:Cat edition submitted by 51BoiledPotatos to darussianbadger [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 ddarancou101 Trade?

Trade? Trades please
submitted by ddarancou101 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 jazzifide justice for mandi!!!

justice for mandi!!! hey y’all, im coming on here to spread the word on reddit for #justiceformandi. Mandi Murcielago, a beautiful soul was taken at a recent underwar3 event on 1/26. they are still trying to find the prosecutors. these videos i attached from @discountedsecuritycameras on instagram from 3 hours ago, they show the prosecuter (the man in the black jacket, blackshirt & adidas shoes) her sister & cousin made an instagram @justiceformandi . i never knew mandi personally, but this is such a sad situation for someone who was just trying to have a good time. ik know there’s a lot of cali ravers in here, so if anyone has any tips, or can identify who’s in this video contact ([email protected] & [email protected]) !! your help can bring justice for mandi and her family.😔🤍🕊️
submitted by jazzifide to aves [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 OrganizationSlow1246 LC pls

submitted by OrganizationSlow1246 to LegitCheck [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Saintgryphon1 Weather boosted dialga raid now add 7823 6072 3949

submitted by Saintgryphon1 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Sarcastic_Rocket Browns it's your time to shine

Browns it's your time to shine submitted by Sarcastic_Rocket to AFCNorthMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 Sirrvix Grateful for strangers

Grateful for strangers who build smoll mardi gras snowmen during sneaux day ☃️
submitted by Sirrvix to gratitude [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 04:32 500000ACOPY Wow! I’ve never seen this variant

Wow! I’ve never seen this variant I need this in my collection it’s my first time seeing it. I swear it was a bot I was playing against with it.
submitted by 500000ACOPY to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]
