20M Never had any luck dating, is it that bad?

2025.01.31 05:51 ElectrolyteLion 20M Never had any luck dating, is it that bad?

20M Never had any luck dating, is it that bad? submitted by ElectrolyteLion to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 lil_lychee Recommendation for someone who is sensitive to artificial scents?

Hi everyone. I used to be open to any sort of scents (aside from sickly sweet scents…never been a fan of gourmand). Now that I have long covid, a lot of artificial scents just don’t make me feel good. Headache, nausea, the works.
I’ve noticed a few high quality candles that are more natural smelling (MALIN+GOETZ’s Sage, Bergamot, and Tomato smelled good to me cold for instance, but I haven’t bought them yet). In general, natural scents like EOs actually make me feel better. I’m aware that not a lot of candies have EOs because of grow, but any suggestions for someone like me?
Likes: peaceful, earthy, clean, or nature inspired scents. I like natural smelling fruit but I typically prefer it to be mixed with one of the above categories if it’s in it because I like to experience a peaceful grounding environment.
Dislikes: Gourmand, overly sweet, coffee, vanilla
submitted by lil_lychee to luxurycandles [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 jenekaceleste_ Battery Replacement

Does anyone know if it is super difficult to change a battery on an MacBook Air 13in. 2020 model ? I really don’t want to pay for the labor 🥲
submitted by jenekaceleste_ to macbookair [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Camanokid SCBA cleaning

SCBA cleaning We do not have an SCBA cleaner on my department. We run the Scott X-3. I wanted to see what a soaking of the SCBA cloth parts would look like. First pic is clean bucket, followed by 3 submersions and fresh water each rotation. These packs are probably 8 years old. Mostly never cleaned.
Working on either a cleaner, or a way to rotate cleanings. If anyone runs the Scott x-3, and has a cleaner, please let me know. Reading the manual, due to the electronics, not recommend to have any of the electronics in a automatic cleaner or submersion.
submitted by Camanokid to Firefighting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Arthur1322 Early mid game asking for guidance (:

Early mid game asking for guidance (: Hey guys!
Needing som guidance here regarding UWs, Labs and strategy moving forward as an early mid game player. Would really appreciate your help (-;
Straight to it!
  1. Should i start saving up for 5th UW, CF, PS or ILM. Pretty certain CF is my best option?
Or just keep upgrading what i have, maybe lowering the cooldowns of GT, BH, DW? Got GB synced at 90s.
  1. How is my labs going, anything i’m missing that could be crucial as i move down the road?
  2. The wall got unlocked as of yesterday!! I think i know what’s important. Get wall thorns, wall regen to lvl 10 and push fortification and HP til i get bored. Health regeneration and HP in general until i feel the Wall is carrying me instead of my tower. Am i wrong?
After my wall reach a point where i feel i’m progressing i’ll switch some labs to econ and max out a few UWs, GT/BH/SL and DW. As well as some other fun stuff.
Just a early midgame player asking for some guidance (:
Gl fellas
submitted by Arthur1322 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 RepresentativeThin26 Living in West Sacramento

I'm thinking of getting an apartment in West Sacramento next year since prices are more affordable for what looks like better quality rooms. I can also drive but I don't know whether a daily commute would be worth the price. Can anyone tell me advice foagainst living there?
submitted by RepresentativeThin26 to UCDavis [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 AgainRaining Will we able to achieve English native speaker level in Singapore?

submitted by AgainRaining to SingaporeRaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Yatsi2 Elven ★ Celtic ★ Nordic ★ Fantasy Music | Mystic Lady Ambience

submitted by Yatsi2 to Music_Playlist_YT [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Suibianistic A league of nobleman - those thumb caresses are hotter with these subs

A league of nobleman - those thumb caresses are hotter with these subs Original conversation is a bit of a spoiler so I won't copy that but gosh you two just get a room already !
Boy oh boy they couldn't give me any less "I am still in love with my ex" vibes so I edited the subtitles.
#Do you guys see their chemistry and tension too or am I the only resident of this delululand??
submitted by Suibianistic to cdramasfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Furisky Come lavorare in banca

Buongiorno, qualcuno saprebbe dirmi come fare ad entrare a lavorare in banca? A breve mi diplomerò in agraria, che non c'entra nulla, ma sono appassionato di economia e ho studiato molto per conto mio... Mi accontenterei ovviamente di una posizione junior, ma quali accorgimenti devo prendere? Cosa richiedono? È fattibile? Si guadagna a sufficienza?
submitted by Furisky to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Madmax_R ITC shares Price should i a change it after demerger

I have 25 ITC shares after demerger i got 2 ITCHL shares
so now my query is
Bought ITC 25 sh @ 473.75
now after Demerger they shared apportionment of cost which is
|| || |1|ITC Limited|86.49 %| |2|ITC Hotels Limited|13.51 % |
so now should i change my price of exisiting
ITC 25 share @ 409.31
ITCHL 2 share @ 799.20 ( price listed @ 162.95 in the market )
is this correct ??
if not please share the exact calculation so accordingly i could decide to keep of sell.
thank you in advance.
submitted by Madmax_R to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Brothercford Insights & Analytics PMs?

I have been working in product for the last five years (PO/PM) where the products have been analytical dashboards, ml solutions, etc. and feel that when I’m looking for others doing similar work, I come up short.
Recently I have taken over all of I&A product leading a team of PMs with various domain areas they own. Looking for a mentor and a network of those doing similar work as myself.
submitted by Brothercford to ProductManagement [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Revolutionary_Code74 Distance to empty is significantly lower than fuel gauge

This always puts me in a flux because I’m not sure if I can last until payday or if I have to fill up now. Distance to empty is currently 32 miles but the gauge is exactly halfway…usually distance to empty would be around 100-130 but its very low and also when I will the tank up it doesn’t even go past 130 anymore. Usually it would be at 300+.
submitted by Revolutionary_Code74 to lincolnmotorco [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 sikeman_on_redit I haven't touched this account since 2019, rate the team

submitted by sikeman_on_redit to ProdigyGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 CollarElectrical2415 Respectfully, fuck you Link Click

Alright bro, just watched Ep 6 of the Bridon Arc and I am once again tweaking out of my fucking mind and losing my SHIT. Things I’ve noticed:
1) Cheng Xiaoshi definitely inherited his physical prowess from his mother lol.
2) Lu Guang shady as fuck with his abilities. Sir what did I just watch? Bro stood with a smile, confirmed he can’t stop stuff, then proceeded to do fuckass stuff.
3) So Cheng’s mother was possessing Wang Quing and fucking with time! Wonderful! This means there are multiple people fucking the timelines!
4) The notebook has an eye on it unless I’m blind and must be related to the OP in some way.
5) Still don’t know shit about Liu Xiao! Fuck him!
6) Xia Fein is somewhat suspicious…but he still seems sweet.
7) Is this the timeline that leads to S1/S2 arc?! I don’t UNDERSTAND
submitted by CollarElectrical2415 to LinkClick [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Happyfrog973 Iget bar hissing and lighting up after I hit it

I understand people like to ridicule anyone making a post in this subreddit for some reason but I just want help and if you don’t have anything to help don’t reply but my iget bar starts hissing and the light goes on for 5-10 seconds after I hit it. Will this make a difference on the battery and is there any way I can fix this thanks for any help.
submitted by Happyfrog973 to vapes [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Few_Seaworthiness_41 how much do the medians matter? + we all need a hug

In reality, is it rly an 80% chance you’ll get in if you’re above all medians? Just asking because I’m anxious and have a WL from WF (strange), Yale (just say no already tbh), and UT (out of state so expected) no A’s yet all WL’s. But at 2 of those schools (the ones that aren’t yale) I’m above their numbers :/ this process sucks can we fast forward to march pls :) sending virtual love b/c don’t know about yall but I’m unwell
submitted by Few_Seaworthiness_41 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 ananascuit How to i measure my waist and inner leg w no measuring instruments

How to i measure my waist and inner leg w no measuring instruments Im buying some pants and i want them to fit my wait perfectly and be kinda low waist like hers, but i dont even have a singular ruler in my house. I hsd one of the tissues measuring tapes but it vanished into thin air. The tutorials i saw require you to have a rule atleast
submitted by ananascuit to fashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Signal-Management-25 Need a Euros X32 on Benny’s “Gold Big Dogs”

Need a Euros X32 on Benny’s “Gold Big Dogs” submitted by Signal-Management-25 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 ElDiabloRamon You NEED To Become RICH The Bitcoin Wealth Transfer IS ABOUT TO CHANGE LIVES FOR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE

You NEED To Become RICH The Bitcoin Wealth Transfer IS ABOUT TO CHANGE LIVES FOR MILLIONS OF PEOPLE submitted by ElDiabloRamon to ShytoshiWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Dicecatt [FO] I'm a little cooler!

[FO] I'm a little cooler! Quick and fun pattern
submitted by Dicecatt to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Square_Food8537 First time foster / help needed

I am a first time foster - and I am fostering (2) 5-week old puppies. I also have my own (2) resident dogs. Today was my first day picking up the puppies. I confirmed with the rescue that puppies tested negative for parvo and have been dewormed - but they later advised that the tests are only a “snapshot” in time and things can show after they are in my home (ie. Kennel cough, parvo).
I am now extremely worried. I am confused why the puppies wouldn’t be tested for parvo twice, 24 hours apart proactively before placing them in a foster home with other dogs.
The puppies aren’t showing any symptoms of anything - they are energetic, eating, sleeping, playing. However, I have my own 2 dogs that I am now concerned for.
I am going to return tomorrow with a fecal sample from each puppy to see if they can run a second parvo test just to confirm.
Any advice? Not sure if I’m overthinking this as a first time foster. Thank you in advance !
submitted by Square_Food8537 to FosterAnimals [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Exastiken "Frame Arms Girl Genbu" deco master on display! Megami Device "PUNI ☆ Mofu Shao / Ran" and Megalomaria "Valiant" and "Necroface" are on display for the first time! Kotobukiya Collection New Item Announcements Report / New Plastic Model Products ② [Kotobukiya Collection 2025]

submitted by Exastiken to kotobukiya [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 G2idlock Help with low beam issues Macan 2017.

Hello everyone, I have a 2017 Macan that has just recently had it's low beams on one side go out.
I've been trying to find information on how to diy diagnose the issue, but seeing and there are many models of headlight assemblies out there, I can't seem to figure out which forum post to follow or even consult. If anyone has any idea what could be going on I'd very much appreciate any input. I know nothing of these types of headlight and am completely in the dark as to what the issue might be.
I attached an image to show which lights went out.
submitted by G2idlock to PorscheMacan [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 05:51 Hungry_Librarian_206 Dominant M4F looking for a submissive slave to own

Hi, 26 man from the south looking for some submissive girls to have a steamy Convo. Dominant so prefers submissive ladies.South girls preferred, although everyone is welcome
I'm about 6 feet, muscular, fair and has a tool that will satisfy you in every way.
I'm looking for something long term, maybe get into the next level if we click. I'm somewhat of a demanding man, so prepare for that. I also prefer a quick session, if that's what you desire, just keep a safe word ready.
Ideally, I’m searching for something that could grow into a long-term connection. If we vibe well and build trust, I’d love to see where things could go. I’ll be honest—I can be a bit demanding at times, but I always prioritize mutual respect and understanding. For me, communication and cooperation are essential to make any dynamic work.
If you’re more into shorter, casual interactions, that’s totally fine too—I’m open to quick sessions if that’s what you’re after. That said, for something deeper, I believe it’s important to have clear boundaries and set limits together. I’d like to take some level of control in your life, but only within the framework of what we both agree upon. We’d establish all this through open and honest discussions. Having a safe word is something I consider non-negotiable—it’s about making sure we both feel comfortable and secure.
If you’re curious about exploring this kind of relationship with someone who values trust, care, and understanding, I’d love to hear from you. Let’s chat and see if we’re a good match—it all starts with a conversation
submitted by Hungry_Librarian_206 to IndiaSexTalk [link] [comments]
